I'm developing a web app (in Spring Boot) that would need to simplify the user interaction with other websites (third party, not developed by me). The idea is that my app pre-fill a form so the user won't have to do it.
As I began to read about this I stumble upon HtmlUnit and then Selenium... I tried Selenium and I was very happy while I was developing because I manage to open a browser window and fill it as I want it.
Then I thought it would be a good idea to test it from another computer in the same LAN. So open up a browser, navigate to my ip:port and when I hit the button that should perform the automation described, the browser open up on my "server" machine where the app is running and not on the client.
It was very frustrating. Keep reading and I found something about Selenium Hub and Grid. I've read several articles about it but it confuses me because they are all oriented at performing tests and I don't even understand where should I start or if it even possible.
What I want is to have my web-app installed in a Ubuntu Server and any client could access it and when hitting a button open a web page in a specific URL and pre-fill the form data.
Can you guide me? I'm in the correct path with Selenium Grid and Hub or there's any other technology I should be using?
Is there a way to authenticate a java desktop application with Slack using OAuth2? I am trying to follow Slack's guide.
I am getting stuck because it says you get the access token inside of the redirect uri of your application. But since the app I am making does not exist inside of the web browser, is there anyway I can do this?
Can my java application launch a localhost site that it can communicate with to use as the redirect uri? If so, how?
Desktop app as internal integration
Before we get into more details please note that there is an easy solution if you plan to use your desktop app for your own Slack workspace ONLY. In that case your app does not need to support the full Oauth work flow and you have two options:
Install your app as internal integration via the management page
of your Slack app and then copy & paste the token to your desktop app
Create a legacy token for your Slack workspace and then copy & paste to your desk (not recommended)
I also like to clarify upfront that your app only needs to run the Oauth process ONCE for installing it into a new Slack workspace. The resulting token has no expiration date and has not to be refrehed.
Desktop app for multiple Slack workspaces
If you plan to distribute your desktop app to multiple Slack workspaces you will need to support the full Oauth installation process.
Slack is using Oauth 2.0, so in principle all the standard answers from this older Oauth wiki article should work for Slack too.
However, since you can not assume that the local machines of your users are reachable from the Internet (e.g. redirecting back to a local web server will not work, since Slack will most likely not be able to reach it), you will need a web helper app that runs on a web server and is reachable from the Internet.
This web helper app is basically a small web site, which performs the complete Oauth dance for the installation process into a new Slack workspace. You app can open a browser window and redirect to the web helper app to start the login process. You then have two basic approaches how to handle the connect back to your desktop app:
Show the resulting token to the user and ask him to copy & paste it
to your desktop app (simple approach)
Store the resulting token in your web helper app and provide an API to your desktop app to fetch it automatically. (user-friendly approach)
If you are looking for a starting point for such a web helper app, take a look at this example PHP script for installing Slack apps.
I want to simulate opening a web page in java, I know I can do this to actually open the page in my browser on my computer,
String htmlFilePath = "path/to/html/file.html"; // path to your new file
File htmlFile = new File(htmlFilePath);
// open the default web browser for the HTML page
// if a web browser is the default HTML handler, this might work too
But is there a way to simulate it so I don't actually see it open on my computer, but it still evaluates like someone did open the web page.
Or if that is not possible what would be the easiest way to physically open it on my computer and then have a way of getting a callback so that I know when the page has been loaded?
There are several ways to emulate an HTTP client (such as a web browser):
Jersey (Java) - https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/client.html
Apache HTTPClient (Java) - https://hc.apache.org/
JMeter (Java) - Use JMeter to record an HTTP request and replay it as a test - https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/jmeter_proxy_step_by_step.pdf
Selenium (browser plugin) - http://www.seleniumhq.org/
CURL (command line tool) - http://curl.haxx.se/
I do recommend Jersey in your case. It is a tool especially designed for REST. So it may even help server-side development.
I know you specifically asked for a Java solution, but the last two options are really popular.
I have a sample program here that uses the Selenium library.
Launch Firefox and Wait until it is Closed
The program has a code that launches a browser and opens a website. It can detect if the browser has done loading the website. It can also detect if the browser was closed.
I have a simple cloud IDE,I want to make it able to build and run applications remotely, the target application's source files will be in a remote server in isolated virtual machine (e.g Windows 8.1,or Ubuntu 14.04). It's not difficult to build that application but how to run it and view its output to users ?
What if it's a desktop application (suppose it's written in C# or Java or Python)?
Note: users access there applications only using browsers (e.g Firefox,Chrome,...)
Edit: desktop application may contains GUI stuff not only console ;)
You need a web application.Now this web application when loads send request to backend code that backend code will do SSH to remote machine and read the file from specific location.Now that read stream will be send back in response and displayed on web based UI. In these type of application few thinks matters.
1) Like if you whole file at once then it will take time to display that content to user.Better idea will be read around 100 lines at once and when user scroll down then again send request to web server to read next 100 lines in this way you can decrease response time and better user experience.
Each of the languages you mentioned offers a Web Services framework of some kind. Pick one, and implement something that a) starts your app, b) shows the output. Depending on the processing time (how long it takes to complete) you might even get away with just one.
You can go for a self-contained, standalone service:
C#: Is it possible to create a standalone, C# web service deployed as an EXE or Windows service?
Best way to create a simple python web service
Alternatively, you might use a container (server) for your app, like Apache with mod_mono or IIS for C#, Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss for Java, Apache with mod_wsgi for Python (just examples).
The web service would probably sit on the remote machine, so it could use system calls ('command line') to run your core app, and then it would send the results over http. Since you mention GUI, there could be more layers to the solution:
The GUI - static HTML, desktop app, sending requests to the 2nd layer, say displaying dropdowns for parameter1 and -2
The Web Service - takes the params from the request, say http://remote.machine.land/start/app?parameter1=X¶meter2=Y, runs a local command like /home/users/myapp.sh -parameter1=X -parameter2=Y
The application itself - not necessarily aware of any internet out there.
This way you stay free to change/enhance any part at a time, call the 2. layer programmatically, introduce load-balancing, etc.
I have installed IE8 on my system. I usually test my application on this browser, but the problem arises when i got to know that the client is using IE5. Now how can i test my application on IE5?
I think you can use IEtester application for testing with IE5.5 and above. Just follow this image link to see the screen shot of this application.
I'm remote controlling a Java application on a PC through an Android phone, and I needed my application to open a browser at the phones command, chrome in this case. I created a "Process" for chrome, opening a certain address. However, I need to be able to give tools on the Android phone for controlling the web page, such as scrolling. Can I programmatically send a command for chrome to scroll from my PC application containing the Process?
Sorry, it may have been unclear, but the only connection the android phone has to the program is through a socket. It is only used as a remote control for another Java application on a PC, which has its own screen.
I do not think that clean solution exists.
But I can suggest the following directions:
(1) try to investigate the native chrome API. If it has such ability call it with JNI.
(2) Try to use class java.awt.Robot. It allows to simulate user's activity, e.g. mouse clicks. Unfortunately it does not allow you to find any window outside your application, so it is a problem to decide where to perform the click.
(3) You can create proxy server and make browser you open to go to the target URL through the proxy. The proxy server will insert into the page your javascript that will communicate with server. The application that opens browser will send commands to server. The javascript that you inserted will receive these commands using AJAX and perform them. JavaScript can scroll browser window, so theoretically you can implement this.
If you can target the tab you want to control and edit the address bar you could send the command 'javascript:scrollTo(x, y)'. I just tested it on this page and it seems to work fine, replacing what I typed with the original address of the page.
Can I programmatically send a command for chrome to scroll from my PC
application containing the Process?
Not directly. What you could do is make some sort of web service that sits between the Android client and page that the Android client can send commands to and the page can periodically poll via AJAX calls to see what the client wants. That would be a clean DIY way that would work on other browsers besides Chrome.
You can use vnc viewer applications for that.