Pre-populate local Maven cache with specific dependencies - java

It looks like mvn install:install-file is for downloading a jar to a specific location.
I just want to manually download some publicly accessible dependencies to my local Maven cache (specifically the help and versions plugin). It doesn't have to be specific versions, just the latest versions is fine
I want Maven to install them just like it would with the install goal but just execute this from command line without a pom. Is this possible?

If you don't want create a pom.xml then you can use download-maven-plugin's artifact goal as shown in the below example.
You need pass groupId, artifactId and version. It
can't download the file if any one of these 3 are missing or not
matching with central repo. If you don't want to download pom file, you can ignore the second line.
mvn com.googlecode.maven-download-plugin:download-maven-plugin:1.4.2:artifact -DgroupId=log4j -DartifactId=log4j -Dversion=1.2.4 -Dtype=jar -DoutputDirectory=C:\Temp
mvn com.googlecode.maven-download-plugin:download-maven-plugin:1.4.2:artifact -DgroupId=log4j -DartifactId=log4j -Dversion=1.2.4 -Dtype=pom -DoutputDirectory=C:\Temp
This will download both JAR and POM files for log4j:log4j:1.2.4 from central repository to your local repository and also copies the files to C:\Temp folder. Once you are done downloading all the files, you can delete the Temp folder.


What does it mean in Maven when it says the following artifacts could not be resolved although they are in Maven cache?

I get the following error:
The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1, com.sun.jmx:jmxri:jar:1.2.1: Failure to find com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of artifactory-snapshot
However, both jars are in the Maven cache (.m2 folder) on my machine. I mean files named: jmxri-1.2.1.jar and jmxtools-1.2.1.jar. They are respectively in the folders com/sun/jmdk/jmxtools/1.2.1/ and com/sun/jmx/jmxri/1.2.1
EDIT: When I try the -o switch on Maven to force it to use the local jars, it says the artifact has not been downloaded before. Which is probably true since indeed the artifact is not in the repo but was copied from some other place to my Maven cache -- is it possible to force Maven to use the jars? The -o switch does not seem to force this and Maven seems to be able to detect that the artifact was not downloaded.
Try to delete corresponding artifact folders in maven local repo and rerun or just rerun using -U flag.
Which is probably true since indeed the artifact is not in the repo but was copied from some other place to my Maven cache
Manually copying jars is not the correct way to put artifacts into maven local repo. You should use mvn install:install-file instead. More details here: Guide to installing 3rd party JARs
The dependency on those jars is usually a consequence of a bug in the pom.xml for log4j 1.2.15.
Update to 1.2.16 or 1.2.17 and you will not need these jars any longer.
These particular artefacts date back to a time when Sun licensing did not permit the hosting of the actual jars in a public maven repository.
You were required to accept licence conditions, download them yourself and then manually install either into your local repo (using mvn install:install-file) or into your corporate repository manager (typically using a UI that it provides or mvn deploy:deploy-file).

Uploading sources to nexus makes snapshot dependencies unavailable to maven

When we do mvn install deploy to a repository ${repository-jars} these dependencies can be used by others as intended.
When we afterwards upload sources to another repository ${repository-sources} the dependencies are no longer resolved correctly.
mvn deploy:deploy-file
Everything looks correct in nexus and both repositories are available in a regular Repository Group.
The hypothesis is that maven tries to use the latest uploaded artifact and ends up downloading the sources jar instead somehow ignoring the classes modifier. This is verified by first uploading sources and then do a maven deploy where it works as intended.
What is the correct way that allows us to upload sources in a separate job that runs after a deploy?
In examination, Maven is creating two different snapshots, and when you attempt to get latest, it's getting the newest one (which is sources) from the Group you've setup.
What you might actually try is putting them in the same repo, and separate them using Content Selectors. This is our newer version of Repo Targets from Nexus Repository 2.

Add artifact to local repository from project

Is there a way add artifact to local maven repository from my eclipse project?
currently i have a project that contain many jars, and i have started using maven. what i need is to add all these jars to the local repository in an automated way without redownload them or adding them one by one and specifying their coordinates.
Make a new Maven project in Eclipse, and add all your code to the src/main directory. Now you will have lots of compile errors, because of missing dependencies.
Now start auto adding the dependencies. In Intellj you can add something using alt-enter, which also has the option to "add maven dependency". This adds that dependency from the maven repository to the pom. I do not know eclipse well enough, but it probably also has this feature.
Now, in a normal project, you will find most of your required dependencies somewhere in Maven Central. If you miss any, you can add them using manual installation to your local repository, as suggested by Manas Mukherjee
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={jar_file_name_path}.jar -DgroupId={groupId}
-DartifactId={artifactId} -Dversion={version} -Dpackaging=jar
you can write a script using mvn install command.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={jar_file_name_path}.jar -DgroupId={groupId}
-DartifactId={artifactId} -Dversion={version} -Dpackaging=jar
You can add all dependencies in pom file as well

Embed local jar files in maven project

I have some local jar files from a non-maven project which I wish to include in my maven-based eclipse project.
These jar files are undergoing a lot of change as me and my project buddy attempt to 'fix' them, so I'd prefer not to upload them to a repository to avoid making a maven version of this non-maven project if this is possible.
Of course, the jar files need to be embedded in the resulting deployment jar. We did this before using Ant which let us specify that those jar files should be included.
How do you do the same thing in maven? Take into consideration that we do have maven dependencies too which all work fine and aren't required in the deployment. Some answers I've seen don't allow for this requirement.
Here's one of my attempts - the problem is that the jar does not get embedded:
System paths are a very bad idea. When anybody else checks out your projects, he cannot build it anymore. (I always see such crap in many companies). The right solution would be to install the jar into the local repository:
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=[JAR NAME] -DgroupId=[GROUPID OF
JAR] -DartifactId=[ARTIFACT OF JAR] -Dversion=[VERSION OF JAR]
In your project, you just add the dependency as usual after you installed the jar into the local repository.
<groupId>[GROUPID OF JAR]</groupId>
<artifactId>[ARTIFACT OF JAR]</artifactId>
<version>[VERSION OF JAR]</version>
You can use maven-install-plugin to install kahlua-5.1_2.1.0-core.jar into the local repository then this dependency will behave as any other, see Or make a remote repository in a location shared with your buddy and let him upload his jar there with maven-deploy-plugin:deploy-file ( each time he changes it and add this repository to your pom. You can use SNAPSHOT version if this jar changes often

Maven: How to include jars in Eclipse, which are not available in repository?

I have copied the JARs into src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\lib.
I use eclipse. If I add the jars one-by-one to Project-> Java Build Path-> Add jars, then I do Project-> Maven-> Update Project Configuration, they are removed by Maven. And Eclipse shows errors, which contain " xxx cannot be resolved".
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Indigo Service Release 1
Build id: 20110916-0149
m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
Note: I don't want to create my own Maven repository. It will be just used once.
How should I proceed ?
Not all libraries can be found in a public Maven repository, for example your own libraries or proprietary libraries. Anyway first you can search the Maven Repository, maybe some of them are there.
In case they are really not there, and you don't want to install Nexus or Artifactory, you can choose one of these two approaches:
install the jars in your local repository cache, no need to create a special repository. See the instructions on mkyong.
another approach is using system dependencies, you just put a path to reach the Jar in the filesystem. It's a less recommended approach, but if you really want it will work. Here is the official documentation.
Add this an a Systems Dependency.
In case you want to add this (this uses jquantlib as example) to the maven local repo use:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jquantlib-0.2.4.jar -DgroupId=org.jquantlib -DartifactId=jquantlib -Dversion=0.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar
In order to do this I use a batch file
#echo off
cd lib
CMD /C "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jquantlib-0.2.4.jar -DgroupId=org.jquantlib -DartifactId=jquantlib -Dversion=0.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar"
CMD /C "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jquantlib-helpers-0.2.4.jar -DgroupId=org.jquantlib -DartifactId=jquantlib-helpers -Dversion=0.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar"
CMD /C "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jquantlib-samples-0.2.4-ubber.jar -DgroupId=org.jquantlib -DartifactId=jquantlib-ubber -Dversion=0.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar"
CMD /C "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jquantlib-samples-0.2.4.jar -DgroupId=org.jquantlib -DartifactId=jquantlib-samples -Dversion=0.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar"
CMD /C "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./ta-lib-0.4.0.jar -DgroupId=com.tictactec -DartifactId=ta-lib -Dversion=0.4.0 -Dpackaging=jar"
You can use a similar script file on other systems.
I believe the system dependency approach shouldn't be used unless you don't have any other choice, and that's because you're loosing the whole 'build portability thing' here.
Of course you can store your jars in your source control system together with your project's source files, but I don't think its a good approach neither...
Using only install:install-file is not good enough - this would indeed deploy the jars in the proper format into your local repository, but what happens when you'll move to another computer and start to build your project there?
You will need to make this once more.
So, If you don't want to install nexus/artifactory (which is the best solution, I believe), you probably should create an another repository (just in a file system on some of your servers), and deploy the jars there (you can use mvn install:install-file as was suggested here, and then just copy the whole tree). Now you can configure apache web server and access the directory with all your jars via http. I don't believe its better then nexus/artifactory approach, but it can be a little be easier to do if you're familiar with apache web server.
In order to get your maven aware about this new repository you'll need to edit the %MAVEN_HOME%\conf\settings.xml file
There are atleast three approaches in which 3rd party JARs can be added to Maven projects.
Install manually using mvn install command
Adding the location of jar file in pom dependency with the the following tag system
Creating a 'dummy' maven repository pointing to jar location.
While approach 1 and 2 has been suggested above, I will focus on third approach which I find more cleaner and does not require any mvn command and works out of box from any IDE.
Step 1: Add the location of local 'dummy' repository in pom.xml
Here the 'dummy' repository location is the 'lib' folder of my project directory
Step 2 : Add the jar dependency into your pom.xml
choose any groupId but make sure that artifactId and version is of the format <artifactId>-<version>.jar ( Name of 3rd party jar)
Step 3 : Create the folder structure as per the groupId,artifactId and version mentioned in the Step 2 in your local 'dummy' repository. So in this case the folder struction would be /src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/
Place your jar in the version folder and build your project.
You will get the following output which treats your 'dummy' repository to be the provider of your 3rd party jar.
[INFO] Downloading from repo: file:C:\Users\skumar\eclipse-workspace\chdQueryBuilder/src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
[INFO] Downloading from repo: file:C:\Users\skumar\eclipse-workspace\chdQueryBuilder/src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/impala-frontend-0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[WARNING] The POM for com.cloudera.impala:impala-frontend:jar:0.1-SNAPSHOT is missing, no dependency information available
[INFO] Downloading from repo: file:C:\Users\skumar\eclipse-workspace\chdQueryBuilder/src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/impala-frontend-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[WARNING] Could not validate integrity of download from file:C:\Users\skumar\eclipse-workspace\chdQueryBuilder/src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/impala-frontend-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar: Checksum validation failed, no checksums available
[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, no checksums available from repo for file:C:\Users\skumar\eclipse-workspace\chdQueryBuilder/src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/impala-frontend-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Downloaded from repo: file:C:\Users\skumar\eclipse-workspace\chdQueryBuilder/src/main/resources/lib/com/cloudera/impala/impala-frontend/0.1-SNAPSHOT/impala-frontend-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (7.0 MB at 79 MB/s)
To add external JAR files not in the local repository simply right click on your main source folder and from the build path menu select: "configure build path", then navigate to the libraries tab and click "add external JAR files". next, locate the JAR (or zip) file you would like to add as a library and click ok.
Congratulations, you have now successfully added an external JAR (or zip) to your build path and you can now import any classes from that JAR file in your project without throwing an errorPicture How-To :)
