how can I write criteria query for below PL/Sql code?
SELECT a.eqis_type, a.eqis_des, a.eqis_rate
FROM eqis a
WHERE a.eqis_date IN (SELECT MAX (b.eqis_date)
FROM eqis b
WHERE b.eqis_type = a.eqis_type)
ORDER BY eqis_type;
Help me to convert the below mentioned query to Hibernate JPA.
Query query= entityManager.createQuery("Select a,b,c,d from table1 where d IN (Select d from table1 where a=1 and b=2");
Just giving an alias should work
entityManager.createQuery("Select a,b,c,d from table1 t
where t.d IN (Select r.d from table1 r where r.a=1 and r.b=2");
I have a query sql:
select distinct a.* from (select * from product_sku) a, (select #rowno:= 0) t;
Now, I want to perfrom my sql in query dsl:
jpaQuery.selectDistinct(qProductSku).from(query,, "#rowno:=0")));
I have already named a with query. Its type is JPAQuery<ProductSkuEntity>. The type of jpaQuery is JPAQueryFactory.
But it is incorrect, because from method only accpt type EntityPath.
How could I transfrom it to query dsl correctly?
(Don't ask me why this SQL is so strange, it just a part of complete expression)
SQLQuery sqlQuery = new SQLQuery(connection, PostgresTemplates.builder().quote().newLineToSingleSpace()
ListSubQuery<Tuple> listSubQuery = new SQLSubQuery().from(QUsersPasswords.usersPasswords).orderBy(QUsersPasswords.usersPasswords.usuNummat.desc()).list(QUsersPasswords.usersPasswords.all());
QUsersPasswords qSubquery = new QUsersPasswords("subquery");
I've written this in sql server:
select max(processed_trans_id) from EQUITY_TRANSACTION where transaction_date <= '2016-06-22' and company_id=75 group by comp_acct_id
But when I try to write the same in Hibernate Criteria, like this:
DetachedCriteria dCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(EquityTransaction.class)
.add(Restrictions.eq("", sb.getClientCompany().getId()))
.add(Restrictions.le("transactionDate", sb.getQualifyDate()))
.add(Projections.max(""), "")
I get this as the sql query from hibernate:
select max(processed_trans_id), comp_acct_id from EQUITY_TRANSACTION where transaction_date <= '2016-06-22' and company_id=75 group by comp_acct_id
How do I replicate the original SQL query in Hibernate criteria?
I was able to resolve this using the following query. Worked like a charm!
DetachedCriteria dCriteriaEt1 = DetachedCriteria.forClass(EquityTransaction.class, "et1")
.add(Restrictions.eq("", decldDvd.getClientCompany().getId()))
.add(Restrictions.le("transactionDate", decldDvd.getQualifyDate()))
.add(Projections.max(""), ""))
.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("", ""));"Retrieving all qualified company account balances...");
Criteria getQualifiedBalances = dao.getSession().createCriteria(EquityTransaction.class, "et2")
.add(Subqueries.propertyIn("", dCriteriaEt1))
.add("balance", 0l))
.add("balance"), "balance"))
.setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanNestedResultTransformer(EquityTransaction.class));
How can I execute this SQL query using the Hibernate Criteria API?
SELECT c.*, count( FROM COURSE c left join REFERRAL r on = r.course_id group by
Something like this seems close enough:
Criteria criteria = currentSession().createCriteria(Referral.class, "r");
criteria.createAlias("r.course", "course");
ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList();
return list(criteria
How do i acheive the following SQL Query using Hibernate Criteria Query:
select * from Table1 where (A,B) in (select A,B from Table2)
Assuming we have Criteria for Table 1 and Detached Criteria for Table 2. This below code work flawlessly:
Criteria criteria = new Criteria(Table1.class);
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Table2.class);
ProjectionList projList = Projections.projectionList();
criteria.add(Subqueries.propertiesIn(new String[]{"column1","column2"}, dc));