How to add a APN policy into Android Applications in Android Studio? - java

I'm a beginner to Android developments. I want to support from an Android expert for this problem. I need to Create android APN controller mobile application by using Android Studio. This is an assignment in my university. But I have no idea about how to do this task. But they provide me several links of the android documentation. I read them but I cannot take any Idea about it. So what sould I do for that?
Is there any android expert, can give me support for that?


Integrate an react native app with the contacts

I'm using react-native to make an multiplatform VOIP Dialer, and i'm facing difficuties to integrate my app with the default contacts list of the o.s (Android on the below example)
I didn't tried anything already because i dont know Java (For android) neither objective-c (For IOS). So i was hoping there's a module for that
Thanks in advance!
You can check this anwser Integrate my app with Contact , it shows how to do it with Java at an Android App.

Emulated DJI Mobile SDK keeps

In the context of an university project, we want to develop an Android app (Java) using the DJI Mobile SDK (4.11) to control a DJI Mavic 2.
Our created/ downloaded apps like the DJI SDK samples can be run on mobile phones after building them as APKs but we didn´t accomplish to emulate them in Android Studio (3.5.1). Already read that it wouldn´t be possible but developing an app without testing it in the IDE won´t be practicable for us...
Is there any option?
Thanks in advance.
The best option, and one I tend to leverage is use the simulator. I almost bench fly more than I fly outside.
I cannot think of another option of hand.

How to make web service for insert image to server with Spring?

I want to learn about insert image to server with android studio and back-end using Spring, some tutorial on google its doesn't work. by the way i tried on android Nougat, Thanks.
What do you mean by Insert Image on Server? Android studio and Spring are two different things. Android Studio is an IDE used for developing android apps and Spring is a framework.
Be very clear with your questions first then only you will get useful contents, even on google too. I am hoping that you need a webservice which you will call from android app and upload an image on server?

Android Studio - Multiple Bluetooth Connection

I'm making a project where I need to connect via my Android Studio App two devices and continously send and recieve information.
How can I make this in terms of code in the Android Studio Java language?
You can find this library useful. Here is a tutorial on how to use it.

Can google's firebase work with a java desktop application?

I am developing an iOS app using firebase, but I also want to create a java desktop application that accesses the same realtime database that the app uses. Is this possible to do? I feel as if this should be able to work because firebase works for Android apps which are written in Java. If this is possible, please give some details on how to go about doing this. Also, I am asking this in regards to the new and revamped firebase website that Google just recently announced.
Firebase has a server SDK for Java that should also work in a desktop Java application. The code is very similar to the Android Firebase code so you'll see familiar classes like DatabaseReference or ValueEventListener.
