I am developing an iOS app using firebase, but I also want to create a java desktop application that accesses the same realtime database that the app uses. Is this possible to do? I feel as if this should be able to work because firebase works for Android apps which are written in Java. If this is possible, please give some details on how to go about doing this. Also, I am asking this in regards to the new and revamped firebase website that Google just recently announced.
Firebase has a server SDK for Java that should also work in a desktop Java application. The code is very similar to the Android Firebase code so you'll see familiar classes like DatabaseReference or ValueEventListener.
I'm using react-native to make an multiplatform VOIP Dialer, and i'm facing difficuties to integrate my app with the default contacts list of the o.s (Android on the below example)
I didn't tried anything already because i dont know Java (For android) neither objective-c (For IOS). So i was hoping there's a module for that
Thanks in advance!
You can check this anwser Integrate my app with Contact , it shows how to do it with Java at an Android App.
I have never made an app before but I’m currently relearning Java with hopes to make an Android app soon. However a key part of my app would rely on borrowing data from another app, namely the Digital Wellbeing app by Google. I essentially want to build an app that will take user’s phone usage data and do cool stuff with it. Is this possible?
In my app I have seen that users don't really bother to update the app so I want to encourage them through a dialog requesting them to update the app. The best way possible was to tell them about all the benefits of updating the app but I don't know how to retrieve this information from the Google Playstore.
Any help would be deeply appreciated!
It is best to use the Firebase Notification Center.Please follow the following Official documentation to implement in your app..
Firebase Messaging
There isn't an API to do this in Play at the moment. The way most app developers do this is have their own server where they have information about versions which they require to upgrade, and also can put notifications.
If you haven't done much server side work, maybe check out Firebase from Google. It integrates with the Google Play console, and it should be very quick to get something like this running.
I know for sure that Firebase can work offline and store locally any changes you made to the database and whenever he get connection again upload the changes, when you're coding on android. This can be used in any Java aplication, or is it only in android? I've searched but find nothing about this. Thanks in advance!
firebaser here
Disk persistence is only available on iOS and Android. It is not available in the Java Admin SDK.
is it only in android? -- No, as you know Firebase is a technology that permits you to make mobile and web applications with no server-side programming so that development turns out to be quicker and easier.
You can use Firebase with-
Web and more
Check this SO question.
Also, here is what I found.
I have an existing PHP MySQL web app that I want to make an android app for to look up account info, get status info for work orders, upload photos, etc.
I'm new to Android Dev and found a site phpforandroid.net that says I can use PHP to build android apps. 6 years ago I did a basic Java class n learned a little about Java, but not much.
I want to have a login to the app, then present a menu to drill further into heir account info.
My first choice would be PHP if the database interaction can happen, but I don't really know. Anyone else gone down the PHP db driven route, or is Java the way I should go? Any tutorials you would recommend?
What are the community thoughts? THanks.
Why don't you build a smartphone compatible website (i.e. with jQuery Mobile)? You could use your existing PHP knowledge and the app would run on any descent smartphone, not only Android.
How about a mobile version of your web app? You could make it work on other phone platforms, you'd have full control over the code, instant updates without bothering the end user.