ExifTool: Removing all metadata of an image except one in java application - java

I want to remove all the metadata of an image except "Copyright".I am using exiftool of this .The command for this is "exiftool -all= -tagsFromFile # -copyright Tunis_Bab_Souika_1899.jpg".But when I do this in java application .It somehow deletes all the tags.
here is the code snippet -
val outputConsumer = ArrayListOutputConsumer()
val exiftoolCmd = ExiftoolCmd()
val operation = ETOperation()
println("File name" + sourceImage.toFile().absolutePath)
// exiftool -all= -tagsFromFile # -copyright Tunis_Bab_Souika_1899.jpg
operation.addRawArgs("-tagsFromFile #")
println("About to execute")
try {exiftoolCmd.run(operation)
println("Inside try")
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
throw RuntimeException(e)
val output = outputConsumer.output
.map { obj: String -> obj.trim { it <= ' ' } }

Answering my question - This worked for me-


java.lang.NullPointerException: lock == null from InputStreamReader

So I'm trying to parse an .obj wavefront file to be displayed with OpenGL ES, thing is, I'm getting the Nullpointer as if the file did not exist or was empty (?).
I tried two different ways of getting to parse the file, also made sure there were no empty lines on it, put it in different folders (assets, src root, res, etc...) but the result is the same. Maybe the error I'm getting is more to do with the OpenGL part of the code? But I'm kinda lost, because apparently it should work...
Also tried buffering the file outside the function, same happened. From another question here, the problem the person had, had to do with " trying to update UI from worker Thread ". Async did not help me here.
I got the code idea form this blog: http://etcodehome.blogspot.com/2011/07/android-rendering-3d-blender-models.html
And the file to base my work on from here: https://github.com/MartianIsMe/earth-live-wallpaper/blob/d71902aa642bad0c10fc46d6839ced6e15995f7b/%20earth-live-wallpaper/SLWP/src/com/seb/SLWP/DeathStar.java
fun loadObjFile() {
try {
var str: String
var tmp: Array<String>
var ftmp: Array<String>
var v: Float
val vlist = ArrayList<Float>()
val nlist = ArrayList<Float>()
val fplist = ArrayList<Fp>()
val mContext: Context? = null
//val inb: BufferedReader = File("androidmodel.obj").bufferedReader()
//val inputString = inb.use { it.readText() }
val inb = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(mContext?.getAssets()?.open
("src/main/res/androidmodel.obj")), 1024) //Error is here at com.example.xxx.MyGLRenderer.loadObjFile
while (inb.readLine().also { str = it } != null) {
tmp = str.split(" ".toRegex()).toTypedArray()
//Parse the vertices
if (tmp[0].equals("v", ignoreCase = true)) {
for (i in 1..3) {
v = tmp[i].toFloat()
//Parse the vertex normals
if (tmp[0].equals("vn", ignoreCase = true)) {
for (i in 1..3) {
v = tmp[i].toFloat()
//Parse the faces/indices
if (tmp[0].equals("f", ignoreCase = true)) {
for (i in 1..3) {
ftmp = tmp[i].split("/".toRegex()).toTypedArray()
val chi = ftmp[0].toInt() - 1.toLong()
var cht = 0
if (ftmp[1] != "") cht = ftmp[1].toInt() - 1
val chn = ftmp[2].toInt() - 1
fplist.add(Fp(chi, cht, chn))
val vbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(fplist.size * 4 * 3)
mVertexBuffer = vbb.asFloatBuffer()
val nbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(fplist.size * 4 * 3)
mNormBuffer = nbb.asFloatBuffer()
for (j in fplist.indices) {
mVertexBuffer?.put(vlist[(fplist[j].Vi * 3).toInt()])
mVertexBuffer?.put(vlist[(fplist[j].Vi * 3 + 1).toInt()])
mVertexBuffer?.put(vlist[(fplist[j].Vi * 3 + 2).toInt()])
mNormBuffer?.put(nlist[fplist[j].Ni * 3])
mNormBuffer?.put(nlist[fplist[j].Ni * 3 + 1])
mNormBuffer?.put(nlist[fplist[j].Ni * 3 + 2])
mIndexBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(fplist.size)
for (j in fplist.indices) {
} catch (e: IOException) {
private class Fp
(var Vi: Long, var Ti: Int, var Ni: Int)
The problem is that you pass null into InputStreamReader. The path to the asset is wrong.
First of all the file should be located under assets directory that is positioned on the same level in directory hierarchy as the java and res folder.
Second, you should pass path relative to the assets directory. So if your file is located directly under assets then the relative path is "androidmodel.obj". Thus, creating input stream will look like this:
But I strongly recommend you to check for non-null because if mContext is null - the issue will return.
mContext?.getAssets()?.open("androidmodel.obj")?.let { nonNullAsset ->
This part is crucial ?.let { as it runs the let function only if the object is not null.
If there is no assets directory, just create it as a simple directory and it will be picked up by IDE automatically:
As the NPE still occurs the only reason left is the null value in mContext variable. Make sure it is initialized.
And after a little bit more digging, I can say that this was the issue from the beginning. Any attempt to pass the wrong path of a file to the assets.open(fileName) function will result in FileNotFoundException. Thus, even though the path you use is wrong you did not even reach the point of opening a file as the context is null.

Is that possible to get yarn application status from AWS EMR Java SDK?

I run spark applications on an Amazon EMR cluster.
These applications are orchestrated by Yarn.
From AWS Console, I am able to get YARN application status using the Application History tab of the cluster's detail page. (cf. View Application History)
Expectation / Question
I would like to get the same information (application status) but from a java or scala program.
So, is it possible to get yarn application status from AWS EMR Java SDK ?
In my application, I manage some EMR object instance like:
Thanks in advance.
I came upon this because i was looking for a way to get the job status via EMRs "steps" api...but if you're looking to get it via yarn directly here is some sample code:
object DataLoad {
private def getJsonField(json: JValue, key: String): Option[String] = {
val value = (json \ key)
value match {
case jval: JValue => Some(jval.values.toString)
case _ => None
def load(logger: Logger, hiveDatabase: String, hiveTable: String, dw_table_name: String): Unit = {
val conf = ConfigFactory.load
val yarnResourceManager = conf.getString("app.yarnResourceManager")
val sparkExecutors = conf.getString("app.sparkExecutors")
val sparkHome = conf.getString("app.sparkHome")
val sparkAppJar = conf.getString("app.sparkAppJar")
val sparkMainClass = conf.getString("app.sparkMainClass")
val sparkMaster = conf.getString("app.sparkMaster")
val sparkDriverMemory = conf.getString("app.sparkDriverMemory")
val sparkExecutorMemory = conf.getString("app.sparkExecutorMemory")
var destination = ""
destination = "s3"
destination = "sql"
val spark = new SparkLauncher()
.setConf("spark.driver.memory", sparkDriverMemory)
.setConf("spark.executor.memory", sparkExecutorMemory)
.setConf("spark.executor.cores", sparkExecutors)
.setConf("spark.executor.instances", sparkExecutors)
.setConf("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "5g")
.setConf("spark.sql.broadcastTimeout", "144000")
.setConf("spark.network.timeout", "144000")
var unknownCounter = 0
while(!spark.getState.isFinal) {
if(unknownCounter > 3000){
throw new IllegalStateException("Spark Job Failed, timeout expired 8 hours")
unknownCounter += 1
val appId: String = spark.getAppId
println(s"appId: $appId")
var finalState = ""
var i = 0
while(i < 5){
val response = Http(s"http://$yarnResourceManager/ws/v1/cluster/apps/$appId/").asString
val json = parse(response.body)
finalState = getJsonField(json \ "app","finalStatus").getOrElse("")
i = 55
else {
i = i+1
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Spark Job Failed")

Delete directory recursively in Scala

I am writing the following (with Scala 2.10 and Java 6):
import java.io._
def delete(file: File) {
if (file.isDirectory)
How would you improve it ? The code seems working but it ignores the return value of java.io.File.delete. Can it be done easier with scala.io instead of java.io ?
With pure scala + java way
import scala.reflect.io.Directory
import java.io.File
val directory = new Directory(new File("/sampleDirectory"))
deleteRecursively() Returns false on failure
Try this code that throws an exception if it fails:
def deleteRecursively(file: File): Unit = {
if (file.isDirectory) {
if (file.exists && !file.delete) {
throw new Exception(s"Unable to delete ${file.getAbsolutePath}")
You could also fold or map over the delete if you want to return a value for all the deletes.
Using scala IO
import scalax.file.Path
val path = Path.fromString("/tmp/testfile")
try {
path.deleteRecursively(continueOnFailure = false)
} catch {
case e: IOException => // some file could not be deleted
or better, you could use a Try
val path: Path = Path ("/tmp/file")
Try(path.deleteRecursively(continueOnFailure = false))
which will either result in a Success[Int] containing the number of files deleted, or a Failure[IOException].
Using Apache Common IO
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.WildcardFileFilter;
public void deleteDirectory(String directoryName)
throws IOException
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(directoryName));
catch (IOException ioe)
// log the exception here
throw ioe;
The Scala one can just do this...
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.WildcardFileFilter
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(outputFile))
Maven Repo Imports
Using the Java NIO.2 API:
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, Path, SimpleFileVisitor, FileVisitResult}
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
def remove(root: Path): Unit = {
Files.walkFileTree(root, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = {
override def postVisitDirectory(dir: Path, exc: IOException): FileVisitResult = {
Really, it's a pity that the NIO.2 API is with us for so many years and yet few people are using it, even though it is really superior to the old File API.
Expanding on Vladimir Matveev's NIO2 solution:
object Util {
import java.io.IOException
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, Path, SimpleFileVisitor, FileVisitResult}
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
def remove(root: Path, deleteRoot: Boolean = true): Unit =
Files.walkFileTree(root, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
override def visitFile(file: Path, attributes: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = {
override def postVisitDirectory(dir: Path, exception: IOException): FileVisitResult = {
if (deleteRoot) Files.delete(dir)
def removeUnder(string: String): Unit = remove(Paths.get(string), deleteRoot=false)
def removeAll(string: String): Unit = remove(Paths.get(string))
def removeUnder(file: java.io.File): Unit = remove(file.toPath, deleteRoot=false)
def removeAll(file: java.io.File): Unit = remove(file.toPath)
Using java 6 without using dependencies this is pretty much the only way to do so.
The problem with your function is that it return Unit (which I btw would explicit note it using def delete(file: File): Unit = {
I took your code and modify it to return map from file name to the deleting status.
def delete(file: File): Array[(String, Boolean)] = {
Option(file.listFiles).map(_.flatMap(f => delete(f))).getOrElse(Array()) :+ (file.getPath -> file.delete)
To add to Slavik Muz's answer:
def deleteFile(file: File): Boolean = {
def childrenOf(file: File): List[File] = Option(file.listFiles()).getOrElse(Array.empty).toList
def loop(files: List[File]): Boolean = files match {
case Nil ⇒ true
case child :: parents if child.isDirectory && child.listFiles().nonEmpty ⇒
loop((childrenOf(child) :+ child) ++ parents)
case fileOrEmptyDir :: rest ⇒
println(s"deleting $fileOrEmptyDir")
if (!file.exists()) false
else loop(childrenOf(file) :+ file)
This one uses java.io but one can delete directories matching it with wildcard string which may or may not contain any content within it.
for (file <- new File("<path as String>").listFiles;
if( file.getName() matches("[1-9]*"))) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(file)
Directory structure e.g.
* A/1/, A/2/, A/300/ ... thats why the regex String: [1-9]*, couldn't find a File API in scala which supports regex(may be i missed something).
Getting little lengthy, but here's one that combines the recursivity of Garrette's solution with the npe-safety of the original question.
def deleteFile(path: String) = {
val penultimateFile = new File(path.split('/').take(2).mkString("/"))
def getFiles(f: File): Set[File] = {
.map(a => a.toSet)
def getRecursively(f: File): Set[File] = {
val files = getFiles(f)
val subDirectories = files.filter(path => path.isDirectory)
subDirectories.flatMap(getRecursively) ++ files + penultimateFile
getRecursively(penultimateFile).foreach(file => {
if (getFiles(file).isEmpty && file.getAbsoluteFile().exists) file.delete
This is recursive method that clean all in directory, and return count of deleted files
def cleanDir(dir: File): Int = {
def loop(list: Array[File], deletedFiles: Int): Int = {
if (list.isEmpty) deletedFiles
else {
if (list.head.isDirectory && !list.head.listFiles().isEmpty) {
loop(list.head.listFiles() ++ list.tail ++ Array(list.head), deletedFiles)
} else {
val isDeleted = list.head.delete()
if (isDeleted) loop(list.tail, deletedFiles + 1)
else loop(list.tail, deletedFiles)
loop(dir.listFiles(), 0)
What I ended up with
def deleteRecursively(f: File): Boolean = {
if (f.isDirectory) f.listFiles match {
case files: Array[File] => files.foreach(deleteRecursively)
case null =>
os-lib makes it easy to delete recursively with a one-liner:
os-lib uses java.nio under the hood, just doesn't expose all the Java ugliness. See here for more info on how to use the library.
You can do this by excute external system commands.
import sys.process._
def delete(path: String) = {
s"""rm -rf ${path}""".!!

How to link classes from JDK into scaladoc-generated doc?

I'm trying to link classes from the JDK into the scaladoc-generated doc.
I've used the -doc-external-doc option of scaladoc 2.10.1 but without success.
I'm using -doc-external-doc:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar#http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/, but I get links such as index.html#java.io.File instead of index.html?java/io/File.html.
Seems like this option only works for scaladoc-generated doc.
Did I miss an option in scaladoc or should I fill a feature request?
I've configured sbt as follows:
scalacOptions in (Compile,doc) += "-doc-external-doc:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar#http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api"
Note: I've seen the Opts.doc.externalAPI util in the upcoming sbt 0.13. I think a nice addition (not sure if it's possible) would be to pass a ModuleID instead of a File. The util would figure out which file corresponds to the ModuleID.
I use sbt 0.13.5.
There's no out-of-the-box way to have the feature of having Javadoc links inside scaladoc. And as my understanding goes, it's not sbt's fault, but the way scaladoc works. As Josh pointed out in his comment You should report to scaladoc.
There's however a workaround I came up with - postprocess the doc-generated scaladoc so the Java URLs get replaced to form proper Javadoc links.
The file scaladoc.sbt should be placed inside a sbt project and whenever doc task gets executed, the postprocessing via fixJavaLinksTask task kicks in.
NOTE There are lots of hardcoded paths so use it with caution (aka do the polishing however you see fit).
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
autoAPIMappings := true
// builds -doc-external-doc
apiMappings += (
file("/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar") ->
lazy val fixJavaLinksTask = taskKey[Unit](
"Fix Java links - replace #java.io.File with ?java/io/File.html"
fixJavaLinksTask := {
println("Fixing Java links")
val t = (target in (Compile, doc)).value
(t ** "*.html").get.filter(hasJavadocApiLink).foreach { f =>
println("fixing " + f)
val newContent = javadocApiLink.replaceAllIn(IO.read(f), fixJavaLinks)
IO.write(f, newContent)
val fixJavaLinks: Match => String = m =>
m.group(1) + "?" + m.group(2).replace(".", "/") + ".html"
val javadocApiLink = """\"(http://docs\.oracle\.com/javase/8/docs/api/index\.html)#([^"]*)\"""".r
def hasJavadocApiLink(f: File): Boolean = (javadocApiLink findFirstIn IO.read(f)).nonEmpty
fixJavaLinksTask <<= fixJavaLinksTask triggeredBy (doc in Compile)
I took the answer by #jacek-laskowski and modified it so that it avoid hard-coded strings and could be used for any number of Java libraries, not just the standard one.
Edit: the location of rt.jar is now determined from the runtime using sun.boot.class.path and does not have to be hard coded.
The only thing you need to modify is the map, which I have called externalJavadocMap in the following:
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
val externalJavadocMap = Map(
"owlapi" -> "http://owlcs.github.io/owlapi/apidocs_4_0_2/index.html"
* The rt.jar file is located in the path stored in the sun.boot.class.path system property.
* See the Oracle documentation at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/findingclasses.html.
val rtJar: String = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path").split(java.io.File.pathSeparator).collectFirst {
case str: String if str.endsWith(java.io.File.separator + "rt.jar") => str
}.get // fail hard if not found
val javaApiUrl: String = "http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/index.html"
val allExternalJavadocLinks: Seq[String] = javaApiUrl +: externalJavadocMap.values.toSeq
def javadocLinkRegex(javadocURL: String): Regex = ("""\"(\Q""" + javadocURL + """\E)#([^"]*)\"""").r
def hasJavadocLink(f: File): Boolean = allExternalJavadocLinks exists {
javadocURL: String =>
(javadocLinkRegex(javadocURL) findFirstIn IO.read(f)).nonEmpty
val fixJavaLinks: Match => String = m =>
m.group(1) + "?" + m.group(2).replace(".", "/") + ".html"
/* You can print the classpath with `show compile:fullClasspath` in the SBT REPL.
* From that list you can find the name of the jar for the managed dependency.
lazy val documentationSettings = Seq(
apiMappings ++= {
// Lookup the path to jar from the classpath
val classpath = (fullClasspath in Compile).value
def findJar(nameBeginsWith: String): File = {
classpath.find { attributed: Attributed[File] => (attributed.data ** s"$nameBeginsWith*.jar").get.nonEmpty }.get.data // fail hard if not found
// Define external documentation paths
(externalJavadocMap map {
case (name, javadocURL) => findJar(name) -> url(javadocURL)
}) + (file(rtJar) -> url(javaApiUrl))
// Override the task to fix the links to JavaDoc
doc in Compile <<= (doc in Compile) map {
target: File =>
(target ** "*.html").get.filter(hasJavadocLink).foreach { f =>
//println(s"Fixing $f.")
val newContent: String = allExternalJavadocLinks.foldLeft(IO.read(f)) {
case (oldContent: String, javadocURL: String) =>
javadocLinkRegex(javadocURL).replaceAllIn(oldContent, fixJavaLinks)
IO.write(f, newContent)
I am using SBT 0.13.8.

Is there a good library to embed a command prompt in a scala (or java) application

I have an application that I'd like to have a prompt in. If it helps, this is a graph database implementation and I need a prompt just like any other database client (MySQL, Postgresql, etc.).
So far I have my own REPL like so:
object App extends Application {
REPL ! Read
object REPL extends Actor {
def act() {
loop {
react {
case Read => {
print("prompt> ")
var message = Console.readLine
this ! Eval(message)
case More(sofar) => {
//Eval didn't see a semicolon
print(" --> ")
var message = Console.readLine
this ! Eval(sofar + " " + message)
case Eval(message) => {
Evaluator ! Eval(message)
case Print(message) => {
//And here's the loop
this ! Read
case Exit => {
case _ => {
println("App: How did we get here")
It works, but I would really like to have something with history. Tab completion is not necessary.
Any suggestions on a good library? Scala or Java works.
Just to be clear I don't need an REPL to evaluate my code (I get that with scala!), nor am I looking to call or use something from the command line. I'm looking for a prompt that is my user experience when my client app starts up.
Scala itself, and lots of programs out there, uses a readline-like library for its REPL. Specifically, JLine.
I found another question about this, for which the answers don't seem promising.
BeanShell does some of what you want: http://www.beanshell.org/
I got it. these two blogs really helped.
def interprete(code: String) : Future[String] = {
val p = Promise[String]()
Future {
var result = reader.readLine()
writer.write(code + "\n")
for (ln <- io.Source.stdin.getLines){
val f = interprete(ln)
f.onComplete {
case Success(s) =>
println("future returned: " + s)
case Failure(ex) =>
println(s"interpreter failed due to ${ex.getMessage}")
