How to link classes from JDK into scaladoc-generated doc? - java

I'm trying to link classes from the JDK into the scaladoc-generated doc.
I've used the -doc-external-doc option of scaladoc 2.10.1 but without success.
I'm using -doc-external-doc:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar#, but I get links such as instead of index.html?java/io/File.html.
Seems like this option only works for scaladoc-generated doc.
Did I miss an option in scaladoc or should I fill a feature request?
I've configured sbt as follows:
scalacOptions in (Compile,doc) += "-doc-external-doc:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar#"
Note: I've seen the Opts.doc.externalAPI util in the upcoming sbt 0.13. I think a nice addition (not sure if it's possible) would be to pass a ModuleID instead of a File. The util would figure out which file corresponds to the ModuleID.

I use sbt 0.13.5.
There's no out-of-the-box way to have the feature of having Javadoc links inside scaladoc. And as my understanding goes, it's not sbt's fault, but the way scaladoc works. As Josh pointed out in his comment You should report to scaladoc.
There's however a workaround I came up with - postprocess the doc-generated scaladoc so the Java URLs get replaced to form proper Javadoc links.
The file scaladoc.sbt should be placed inside a sbt project and whenever doc task gets executed, the postprocessing via fixJavaLinksTask task kicks in.
NOTE There are lots of hardcoded paths so use it with caution (aka do the polishing however you see fit).
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
autoAPIMappings := true
// builds -doc-external-doc
apiMappings += (
file("/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar") ->
lazy val fixJavaLinksTask = taskKey[Unit](
"Fix Java links - replace with ?java/io/File.html"
fixJavaLinksTask := {
println("Fixing Java links")
val t = (target in (Compile, doc)).value
(t ** "*.html").get.filter(hasJavadocApiLink).foreach { f =>
println("fixing " + f)
val newContent = javadocApiLink.replaceAllIn(, fixJavaLinks)
IO.write(f, newContent)
val fixJavaLinks: Match => String = m => + "?" +".", "/") + ".html"
val javadocApiLink = """\"(http://docs\.oracle\.com/javase/8/docs/api/index\.html)#([^"]*)\"""".r
def hasJavadocApiLink(f: File): Boolean = (javadocApiLink findFirstIn
fixJavaLinksTask <<= fixJavaLinksTask triggeredBy (doc in Compile)

I took the answer by #jacek-laskowski and modified it so that it avoid hard-coded strings and could be used for any number of Java libraries, not just the standard one.
Edit: the location of rt.jar is now determined from the runtime using sun.boot.class.path and does not have to be hard coded.
The only thing you need to modify is the map, which I have called externalJavadocMap in the following:
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
val externalJavadocMap = Map(
"owlapi" -> ""
* The rt.jar file is located in the path stored in the sun.boot.class.path system property.
* See the Oracle documentation at
val rtJar: String = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path").split( {
case str: String if str.endsWith( + "rt.jar") => str
}.get // fail hard if not found
val javaApiUrl: String = ""
val allExternalJavadocLinks: Seq[String] = javaApiUrl +: externalJavadocMap.values.toSeq
def javadocLinkRegex(javadocURL: String): Regex = ("""\"(\Q""" + javadocURL + """\E)#([^"]*)\"""").r
def hasJavadocLink(f: File): Boolean = allExternalJavadocLinks exists {
javadocURL: String =>
(javadocLinkRegex(javadocURL) findFirstIn
val fixJavaLinks: Match => String = m => + "?" +".", "/") + ".html"
/* You can print the classpath with `show compile:fullClasspath` in the SBT REPL.
* From that list you can find the name of the jar for the managed dependency.
lazy val documentationSettings = Seq(
apiMappings ++= {
// Lookup the path to jar from the classpath
val classpath = (fullClasspath in Compile).value
def findJar(nameBeginsWith: String): File = {
classpath.find { attributed: Attributed[File] => ( ** s"$nameBeginsWith*.jar").get.nonEmpty } // fail hard if not found
// Define external documentation paths
(externalJavadocMap map {
case (name, javadocURL) => findJar(name) -> url(javadocURL)
}) + (file(rtJar) -> url(javaApiUrl))
// Override the task to fix the links to JavaDoc
doc in Compile <<= (doc in Compile) map {
target: File =>
(target ** "*.html").get.filter(hasJavadocLink).foreach { f =>
//println(s"Fixing $f.")
val newContent: String = allExternalJavadocLinks.foldLeft( {
case (oldContent: String, javadocURL: String) =>
javadocLinkRegex(javadocURL).replaceAllIn(oldContent, fixJavaLinks)
IO.write(f, newContent)
I am using SBT 0.13.8.


Cannot resolve symbol union

I am using below function to list the directories. It works in Azure databricks but when I am adding in IntelliJ project code, it is not able to resolve "union" keyword. Do I need import anything here?
def listLeafDirectories(path: String): Array[String] = => {
// Work around double encoding bug
val path = file.path.replace("%25", "%").replace("%25", "%")
if (file.isDir) listLeafDirectories(path)
else Array[String](path.substring(0,path.lastIndexOf("/")+1))
}).reduceOption(_ union _).getOrElse(Array()).distinct
ADB Notebook successful execution:
Sorry, my mistake.
In the screenshot provided highlighting error, I have recurse flag which I was not passing to the function (in same function).
So below one worked:
def listDirectories(dir: String, recurse: Boolean): Array[String] = { => {
val path = file.path.replace("%25", "%").replace("%25", "%")
if (file.isDir) listDirectories(path,recurse)
else Array[String](path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")+1))
}).reduceOption(_ union _).getOrElse(Array()).distinct

UltiSnips expand java package

I want to be able to write a vim snippet that automatically turns into the required package.
E.g. expanding pkg while inside of .../com/theonlygust/project/ would become
package com.theonlygusti.project;
I think the ways to do this are to either: read up the directory tree until seeing a TLD directory name (com, io, net, etc.) and then use the encountered directory names to build the package string, or to look up the directory tree for the pom.xml and find the package from there.
I learned about python interpolation.
I'm now trying this:
snippet pkg "Create package" b
package `!p
import os
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def get_package_name(pom_file_path):
namespaces = {'xmlns' : ''}
tree = ElementTree.parse(pom_file_path)
root = tree.getroot()
groupId = root.find(".//xmlns:groupId", namespaces=namespaces)
artifactId = root.find(".//xmlns:artifactId", namespaces=namespaces)
return groupId.text + '.' + artifactId.text
def find_nearest_pom():
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname('__file__')).split("/")
pom_dir_index = -1
# Find index of 'base_dir_name' element
while not os.path.isfile('/'.join(absolute_path[:pom_dir_index]) + '/pom.xml'):
pom_dir_index -= 1
return '/'.join(absolute_path[:pom_dir_index]) + '/pom.xml'
snip.rv = get_package_name(find_nearest_pom())`;
But I get the error
Name __file__ does not exist
And os.getcwd() doesn't work because that returns the directory from which vim was opened, not the directory that contains the current buffer.
I had a look at the snip object because I know it provides snip.fn to get the filename, but I couldn't find out if it provides the current file's directory.
Nevermind, finally learned that UltiSnips sets a global variable "path"
UltiSnips stores Java snippets in java.snippets, which on my machine is ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets (I am usinghonza/vim-snippets` as well).
Snippets for Java are implemented using Python, so I have implemented the snippet below using Python as well (you can do it using multiple languages in UltiSnips).
There is already a snippet for package, which adds simply "package" word followed with a placeholder:
snippet pa "package" b
package $0
Let's create a pad snippet that will automatically insert package name, based on the directory chain, instead of the $0 placeholder:
snippet pad "package" b
package `!p
def get_package_string(base_dir_name):
import os
# Get absolute path of the package (without filename)
absolute_path = os.getcwd().split("/")
src_dir_index = 0
# Find index of 'base_dir_name' element
while absolute_path[src_dir_index] != base_dir_name:
# Create a 'package ' string, joining with dots
package_string = ".".join(absolute_path[src_dir_index+1:])
return package_string
# snip.rv is UltiSnips' return value we want to paste between ``
snip.rv = get_package_string("java")`
Note that this solution is based on the fact that in many Java projects, there is an src directory with main/java and test/java directories in it and you are editing one of the files in java directory (e.g. for src/main/com/google/common it will return You may need to modify this to be more flexible.
You can find more information about creating snippets in screencasts linked in its README.
I use a combination of the file path and the groupId and the artifactId from the nearest pom.xml (upwards)
global !p
import os
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def get_package_name(pom_file_path):
namespaces = {'xmlns' : ''}
tree = ElementTree.parse(pom_file_path)
root = tree.getroot()
groupId = root.find(".//xmlns:groupId", namespaces=namespaces)
artifactId = root.find(".//xmlns:artifactId", namespaces=namespaces)
return groupId.text + '.' + artifactId.text
def find_nearest_pom():
current_file_dir = '/'.join((os.getcwd() + ('/' if os.getcwd()[-1] != '/' else '') + path).split('/')[:-1])
absolute_path = current_file_dir.split("/")
pom_dir_index = -1
if os.path.isfile('/'.join(absolute_path) + '/pom.xml'):
return '/'.join(absolute_path) + '/pom.xml'
# Find index of 'base_dir_name' element
while not os.path.isfile('/'.join(absolute_path[:pom_dir_index]) + '/pom.xml'):
pom_dir_index -= 1
return '/'.join(absolute_path[:pom_dir_index]) + '/pom.xml'
def get_file_package():
current_file_location = '.'.join((os.getcwd() + ('/' if os.getcwd()[-1] != '/' else '') + path).split('/')[:-1])
package = get_package_name(find_nearest_pom())
return package + current_file_location.split(package)[1]
snippet pkg "package" b
package `!p snip.rv = get_file_package()`;

scala matchers works from jar not from sbt

I have a code blurb thats doing some reflection on scala class files and looking for annotations,something like
// Create a new class loader with the directory
val cl = new URLClassLoader(allpaths.toArray)
getTypeNamesFromPath(sourceDir).map(s => {
val cls = cl.loadClass(s) =>
an match {
case q: => println("found annotation")
case _ =>
This code prints "found annotation" when assembling this in a jar and running using java -jar, but doesn't print anything when running from sbt run.
sbt version is 13.8,
scala version 2.11.7
for completeness
private def getTypeNamesFromPath(file: File, currentPath: mutable.Stack[String] = new mutable.Stack[String]()): List[String] = {
if (file.isDirectory) {
var list = List[String]()
for (f <- file.listFiles()) {
list = list ++ getTypeNamesFromPath(f, currentPath)
return list
if (currentPath.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(file.getAbsolutePath)
if (file.getName.endsWith(".class")) {
return List(currentPath.foldRight("")((s, b) => if (b.isEmpty) s else b + "." + s) + "." + file.getName.stripSuffix(".class"))
return List()
so it turns out i need two things...
use URLClassLoader from, this will solve loading the right classes.
set the fork := true in build.sbt, because once you do step #1, you will run into issues with class name clashes because sbt runs with own class paths and own version of class loader, more on it here

How to trigger source generation with sbt

I have an sbt sub-project which compiles messages.json files into new java sources. I've set the task up to run before running tests and before compiling the primary project, or run manually via a new command "gen-messages".
The problem is the message generation takes some time, it always generates all sources, and it is running too often. Some tasks like running tests with coverage end up generating and compiling the messages twice!
How can I monitor the sources to the generator, and only run the source generation if something has changed/or the expected output java files are missing?
Secondly how would I go about running the generator only on changed messages.json files?
Currently the sbt commands I'm using are:
lazy val settingsForMessageGeneration =
((test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn(messageGenerationCommand)) ++
((compile in Compile) <<= (compile in Compile) dependsOn(messageGenerationCommand)) ++
(messageGenerationCommand <<= messageGenerationTask) ++
(sourceGenerators in Compile += messageGenerationTask.taskValue)
lazy val messageGenerationCommand = TaskKey[scala.collection.Seq[File]]("gen-messages")
lazy val messageGenerationTask = (
fullClasspath in Compile in messageGenerator,
runner in Compile in messageGenerator,
) map { (dir, cp, r, s) =>
lazy val f = getFileTree(new File("./subProjectWithMsgSources/src/")).filter(_.getName.endsWith("messages.json"))
f.foreach({ te =>
val messagePackagePath = te.getAbsolutePath().replace("messages.json", "msg").replace("./", "")
val messagePath = te.getAbsolutePath().replace("./", "")
val fi = new File(messagePackagePath)
if (!fi.exists()) {
val ar = List("-d", messagePackagePath, messagePath)
toError("", cp.files, ar, s.log))
getFileTree(new File("./subProjectWithMsgSources/src/"))
The message generator creates a directory with the newly created java files - no other content will be in that directory.
Related Questions
sbt generate using project generator
You can use sbt.FileFunction.cached to run your source generator only when your input files or output files have been changed.
The idea is to factor your actual source generation to a function Set[File] => Set[File], and call it via FileFunction.cached.
lazy val settingsForMessageGeneration =
((test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn(messageGenerationCommand)) ++
((compile in Compile) <<= (compile in Compile) dependsOn(messageGenerationCommand)) ++
(messageGenerationCommand <<= messageGenerationTask) ++
(sourceGenerators in Compile += messageGenerationTask.taskValue)
lazy val messageGenerationCommand = TaskKey[scala.collection.Seq[File]]("gen-messages")
lazy val messageGenerationTask = (
fullClasspath in Compile in messageGenerator,
runner in Compile in messageGenerator,
) map { (dir, cp, r, s) =>
lazy val f = getFileTree(new File("./subProjectWithMsgSources/src/")).filter(_.getName.endsWith("messages.json"))
def gen(sources: Set[File]): Set[File] = {
sources.foreach({ te =>
val messagePackagePath = te.getAbsolutePath().replace("messages.json", "msg").replace("./", "")
val messagePath = te.getAbsolutePath().replace("./", "")
val fi = new File(messagePackagePath)
if (!fi.exists()) {
val ar = List("-d", messagePackagePath, messagePath)
toError("", cp.files, ar, s.log))
getFileTree(new File("./subProjectWithMsgSources/src/"))
val func = FileFunction.cached(s.cacheDirectory / "gen-messages", FilesInfo.hash) { gen }

JSON4s can't find constructor w/spark

I've run into an issue with attempting to parse json in my spark job. I'm using spark 1.1.0, json4s, and the Cassandra Spark Connector, with DSE 4.6. The exception thrown is:
org.json4s.package$MappingException: Can't find constructor for BrowserData org.json4s.reflect.ScalaSigReader$.readConstructor(ScalaSigReader.scala:27)
My code looks like this:
case class BrowserData(navigatorObjectData: Option[NavigatorObjectData],
flash_version: Option[FlashVersion],
viewport: Option[Viewport],
performanceData: Option[PerformanceData])
.... other case classes
def parseJson(b: Option[String]): Option[String] = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
for {
browserDataStr <- b
browserData = parse(browserDataStr).extract[BrowserData]
navObject <- browserData.navigatorObjectData
userAgent <- navObject.userAgent
} yield (userAgent)
def getJavascriptUa(rows: Iterable[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow]): Option[String] = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
rows.collectFirst { case r if r.getStringOption("browser_data").isDefined =>
def getRequestUa(rows: Iterable[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow]): Option[String] = {
rows.collectFirst { case r if r.getStringOption("ua").isDefined =>
def checkUa(rows: Iterable[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow], sessionId: String): Option[Boolean] = {
for {
jsUa <- getJavascriptUa(rows)
reqUa <- getRequestUa(rows)
} yield (jsUa == reqUa)
def run(name: String) = {
val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("beehive", name).groupBy(r => r.getString("session_id"))
val counts = => (checkUa(r._2, r._1)))
I use :load to load the file into the REPL, and then call the run function. The failure is happening in the parseJson function, as far as I can tell. I've tried a variety of things to try to get this to work. From similar posts, I've made sure my case classes are in the top level in the file. I've tried compiling just the case class definitions into a jar, and including the jar in like this: /usr/bin/dse spark --jars case_classes.jar
I've tried adding them to the conf like this: sc.getConf.setJars(Seq("/home/ubuntu/case_classes.jar"))
And still the same error. Should I compile all of my code into a jar? Is this a spark issue or a JSON4s issue? Any help at all appreciated.
