How to get Values from the JFX Table - java

I need to get all values from JFX Table View. Tell me to way for that. it's very important to me. below has that table.

If you want to get all items in the TableView you can use the getItems method. Otherwise if you want only the selected data, you can use a SelectionModel to get the selected item.


How to hide the Jtable column data?

I want to hide data of a column of Jtable, but not hide the column view,just its data.
The column contain data about profit and the customer doesn't want to show the profit but in my code I use the values of this column and get it when the user select specified row.
How do I achieve the customer need and still be able to get the values of this column when selecting it after hiding its data(displaying column as empty but still has its values)?
You need to remove the TableColumn from the TableColumnModel of the JTable. For example:
table.removeColumn( table.getColumn(...) );
Now the column will not display in the table, but the data is still available in the TableModel. to access the data you use:
You could try a subclassing DefaultTableCellRenderer, and call setCellRenderer. When the relevant column number is passed to getTableCellRendererComponent, return a blank JLabel, otherwise call the default super.getTableCellRendererComponent.
This should mean the column is still visible, but each cell will be blank.
If you want to display the data when a row is selected, you will need add a listener to the selection model (from getSelectionModel) to store the selected row in a variable, and call a repaint. You can then use this value in your CellRenderer.
Why don't you just let the dataModel control what is shown? I'm assuming you are using a tableModel.
All you have to do is change the getValueAt(..) method so that it does not return a value for the column you do not want to show. Make sure that getColumnCount() method is reduced by one as well.

When to use convertRowIndexToModel

I have some JDialogs displaying JTables.
When the header columns are clicked a sort occurs on that column.
My question is : how can I know when a column header has been clicked and thus made a sort active.
When the sort is active, I know I should user the .convertRowIndexToModel method.
But how do I detect that a column is sorting in order not to mess the correct index if no sort is active?
Generally speaking, you should ALWAYS uses the convertRowIndexToModel when you take an index value from the view (JTable) and try and look up some value within the model. The JTable does this automatically when you use it's methods, but incase you're not, you need to take care of it yourself.
There's no need to know if the view is sorted or not...
If you "really" want to know when a table is sorted, you could attach a RowSorterListener to the TableRowSorter used by the table.
You could also use the TableRowSorter#getSortKeys to see which columns are included in the sort...
I have used it for my selection table. When the auto order is activated (setAutoCreateRowSorter(true))
the indices of the model table and the visual change, so you have to tell it to look for it within the model with respect to the one you are seeing.

JTables with Buttons to delete things

i have several Tables which display things like products which are saved in a database. So to get this products displayed i get a list from the database and give the list to the tablemodel.
Now i want a delete button in every row with which i can delete the product from the database.
Are there some good ways to do this? Right now i have implemented something that feels wrong. I have custom button which saves its row when its initialized and that makes a callback from the table (custom class extending jtable) to the view which then calls the controller to delete the entry from DB.
Check out Table Button Column by #camickr.

JFace TableViewer - Format cells depending on other cells

I have a JFace TableViewer. The values in one column should normally be unique, but there are cases where it makes sense that they are not (e.g. when a row was copied and not yet changed). However I want to alert the user of the duplicate values by highlighting the rows which contain duplicate values in that column. What's the best way to do this? The LabelProvider seems to only give me access to the current cell or at most the current row.
To detect duplicate across the whole table, I guess you got to have some kind of map or set containing all the cell's data. The way I did was to put such map in the view (TableViewer container) and then have label provider holding a link to that view (hence the map). So from within label provider, it is able to detect duplicate and respond accordingly.

How to change data in JTable cells?

I can set data in JTable constructor, and then user can change this data when program is running manually(typing from keyboard).
But what method should I use in case I want to change data in some column? To change column header I use TableColumn method setHeaderValue. What should I use to set value in JTable cell?
If you want to allow users to edit the data, then you need to set a TableCellEditor on the cells that you want people to edit. You probably also want to start using a TableModel instead of hard coding the data in the JTable itself.
While creating the JTable you first need to specify that the values of particular column are editable. You can obviously also provide the row basis edit functionality. but all these things you should define while ccreating the table itself. Please reply if you need any help on this.
