How i can add my content in body of request? Groovy - java

I have a json request (generated with Postman app). I'm pretty sure my API is working correctly. How can I send a POST request with my content in the body using Groovy?
I run this code, but I get a 500 error. This is due to incorrect parameters in my request.
Sorry, my code look bad, because I don’t know what other methods to use and I decided to slip the line on my forehead.
The code:
def rest = new RESTClient('')
def response =
path: 'alfresco/s/mog/outgoing/createOutgoing',
headers: [Authorization:"user1 user1"],
body: [fromSoo: 'true',
attachments: [],
signer: 'jfjf',
executor: 'kjdf',
isElectronicSign: 'true',
shortDescription : 'dskjh',
sheetsNumber : 3,
note: 'dshsd',
reviewList : [],
NodeRef: '',
apps : 5],
requestContentType: 'application/json' )
return response.contentType
JSON request (will be validated with Postman app):
"fromSoo": true,
"attachments": [
"attachmentNodeRef": "workspace://SpacesStore/2c300b5a-8646-45ea-afc4-c8a4a6a2db55",
"attachmentCategory": "1"
"attachmentNodeRef": "workspace://SpacesStore/d71d31f7-c1fe-434a-8774-6dbb77bd135b",
"attachmentCategory": "2"
"attachmentNodeRef": "workspace://SpacesStore/faf06ad7-6707-4926-8c45-0e4d1d9b482e",
"attachmentCategory": "3"
"signer": "qqqe",
"executor": "qqqw",
"isElectronicSign": true,
"shortDescription": "short",
"sheetsNumber": 3,
"copies": "4",
"responseTo": "workspace://SpacesStore/0fc89bec-7b62-4862-a90b-311bd2c0a447",
"note": "note",
"reviewList": [
"stageItemMember": "kol",
"decisionTime": "15:15:15",
"decisionDate": "11-12-2020"
"stageItemMember": "qqqq",
"decisionTime": "11",
"decisionDate": "13-12-2020"
"stageItemMember": "qqq7",
"decisionTime": "18",
"decisionDate": "14-12-2020"
"NodeRef": "workspace://SpacesStore/990c4554-5499-44fe-9783-e3fbdb458d31",
"apps": "5"

I managed to solve the problem with the code
def createUrl = new URL('')
def map = [:]
map["fromSoo"] = 'true'
map["attachments"] = attachments
map["signer"] = 'qqqe'
map["executor"] = 'qqqw'
map["isElectronicSign"] = 'true'
map["shortDescription"] = 'dskjh'
map["sheetsNumber"] = 3
map["note"] = 'dshsd'
map["reviewList"] = reviewList
map["NodeRef"] = ''
map["responseTo"] = 'workspace://SpacesStore/0fc89bec-7b62-4862-a90b-311bd2c0a447'
map["apps"] = 5
map["copies"] = 2
//create JSON
def jsonBody = new JsonBuilder(map).toString()
// build HTTP POST
def client = new RESTClient(createUrl)
client.auth.basic 'user1', 'user1' // auth
def resp = : jsonBody, contentType: JSON)


Parsing JSONObject to access ID when there are multiple ID values (Java)

I am obtaining a JSON response from an API that gives me a list of call records formatted as JSON. I want to parse through the data and find the record ID, my trouble is that each JSON record has multiple ID's and I am not sure how to access the correct one. Keep in mind, I do not know the value of the ID is "3461487000073355176" prior to running the request.
This is my code to receive the JSON, I created a JSONObject so I can hopefully store the value.
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
String responseBody = response.body().string();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement je = parser.parse(responseBody);
String prettyJsonString = gson.toJson(je);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(prettyJsonString);
System.out.println("Json = " + json);
The JSON the ID I need to access has a comment next to it:
"data": [
"Owner": {
"name": "My namen",
"id": "346148700000017",
"email": ""
"$state": "save",
"$process_flow": false,
"Street": "95## ### ######",
"id": "**3461487000073355176**", ----This is the ID I need -----
"Coverage_A_Dwelling": 100000,
"$approval": {
"delegate": false,
"approve": false,
"reject": false,
"resubmit": false
"Created_Time": "2020-12-10T09:05:17-05:00",
"Property_Details": "Primary Residence",
"Created_By": {
"name": "My name",
"id": "346148700000017",
"email": ""
"Description": "Created on Jangl:",
"$review_process": {
"approve": false,
"reject": false,
"resubmit": false
"Property_State": "FL",
"Property_Street": "95",
"Roof_Material": "Asphalt Shingle",
"Full_Name": "Clare Em",
"Property_City": "Land ",
"Email_Opt_Out": false,
"Lead_I_D": "4FFEC0C5-FBA1-2463-DB9B-C38",
"Insured_1_DOB": "1942-02-20",
"$orchestration": false,
"Tag": [],
"Email": "",
"$currency_symbol": "$",
"$converted": false,
"Zip_Code": "338",
"$approved": true,
"$editable": true,
"City": "Land O Lakes",
"State": "FL",
"Structure_Type": "Single Family",
"Prior_Carrier": {
"name": "Default Carrier (DO NOT DELETE OR CHANGE)",
"id": "3461487000000235093"
"Source": {
"name": "EverQ",
"id": "346148700006474"
"First_Name": "Clarence",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "My name",
"id": "3461487000000172021",
"email": ""
"Phone": "7036159075",
"Modified_Time": "2020-12-10T09:05:17-05:00",
"$converted_detail": {},
"Last_Name": "####",
"$in_merge": false,
"$approval_state": "approved",
"Property_Zip": "34638"
"info": {
"per_page": 200,
"count": 1,
"page": 1,
"more_records": false
If I understood it correctly, you can get the id like this:
Here, json has the following value.
"Owner": {
"name": "My namen",
"id": "346148700000017",
"email": ""
"id": "**3461487000073355176**"
Now I can iterate over JSONArray to get the id.
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(json);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i);
String id = (String) jsonObject.get("id");
It prints out **3461487000073355176**.
You can do jsonObject.getJSONArray("data"); in your example to obtain JSON array.
The posted JSON response is missing the initial "{".
Your JSON contains data, which is a JSONArray of Owner objects. To get the id field of the first owner (array element 0):
// existing code
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(prettyJsonString);
System.out.println("Json = " + json);
// get the id field
JSONArray dataArray = (JSONArray)json.get("data");
JSONObject data0 = (JSONObject) dataArray.get(0);
JSONObject owner = (JSONObject) data0.get("Owner");
String id = owner.getString("id");
Not sure if understood correctly but if you need to get all the IDs in that "level" why don't you try to model it as a class instead of using parser and let Gson do the parsing (this class might be useful later if you need to add more details)?
For example, defining something like this:
#Getter #Setter
// This models the response string from body
public class Response {
#Getter #Setter
// This models objects in the data list/array
public static class IdHolder {
// Only id because not interested of the rest
private String id;
// Only list of id holders because not interested of the rest
private List<IdHolder> data;
Then it would be as easy as:
Response res = gson.fromJson(responseBody, Response.class);
// Print out what you got

How to create elasticsearch aggregation using Java API on scala

I am new to programming and I want to get the sum of power used in a month from a data stored in elasticsearch, I've used sense and got the value but still finding it hard using Java API in scala. This is what I did
POST /myIndext/myType/_search?search_type=dfs_query_then_fetch
"aggs": {
"duration": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "Day",
"interval": "month",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd"},
"aggs": {
"Power_total": {
"sum": {
"field": "myField"
( "aggregations": {
"duration": {
"buckets": [
"key_as_string": "2017-01-01",
"key": 1480550400000,
"doc_count": 619,
"myField": {
"value": 5218.066633789334
Then scala code is this
val matchquery = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("ID", configurate)
val queryK = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("ID", configurate)
val filterA = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("Day").gte("2017-01-02T00:00:05.383+0100").lte("2017-01-13T00:00:05.383+0100")
val query = QueryBuilders.filteredQuery(queryK, filteAr)
val agg = AggregationBuilders.dateHistogram("duration")
.extendedBounds(new DateTime("2017-01-01T00:00:05.383+0100"), new DateTime("2017-01-13T00:00:05.383+0100"))
val result: SearchResponse = client
.addSort("Day", SortOrder.DESC)
val results = result.getHits.getHits
println("Current results: " + results.length)
for (hit <- results) {
val response = hit.getSource
current result = 0
Please let me know why am not getting value for "myField" like I got using sense.
I have tried doing it severally and still get same errors, could it be that I don't parse the query response the right way?
Everything was correct the only pitfall was that I was querying a date time not stored stored in my database. so instead of "2017-01-01", I was inserting this "2017-01-02"

How to set nested JSON data to datatables?

I have a (nested) data structure containing objects and arrays. And trying to sent datatables but only one value displaying.
JSON data:
"data": [{
"name": "name1",
"value": "value1",
"list": [{
"sname": "sname1",
"svalue": "svalue1"
}, {
"sname": "sname2",
"svalue": "svalue2"
JSON data getting through URL by using Java.
jQuery code:
var pk = $("#pk").val();
url = "/register/search?id=" + pk;
"ajax": url,
"bDestroy": true,
"columns": [{
"data": "name"
"data": "value"
"data": "list.1.sname"
"data": "list.1.svalue"
"data": null,
"defaultContent": editview
Here it is possible to display either first or second list values by using list.1 or list.0
But I want two values at a time.
If you used render or mRender you can do what you want with the object. For example you can traverse the array like in this example.
"columnDefs": [
{"targets": [0], "title":"name", "data":"name"},
{"targets": [1], "title":"value", "data":"value"},
{"targets": [2], "title":"list", "data":"list", "type":"html"
var listArray = data;
var listHtml = "";
for(var i=0;i<listArray.length;i++) {
listHtml += listArray[i].sname + " " + listArray[i].svalue + "<br>";
return listHtml;
"success":function(data,status) {
var jsonData = $.parseJSON(data);
Your list in json data structure is an array. So, you should use
list.forEach(function(element) {
You could create an object and build JSON dynamically and set it to "columns" array.
Here is an example:
// make an empty object
var myObject = {};
// set the "list1" property to an array of strings
myObject.list1 = ['1', '2'];
// you can also access properties by string
myObject['list2'] = [];
// accessing arrays is the same, but the keys are numbers
myObject.list2[0] = 'a';
myObject['list2'][1] = 'b';
myObject.list3 = [];
// instead of placing properties at specific indices, you
// can push them on to the end
// or unshift them on to the beginning
myObject.list3[0]['key1'] = 'value1';
myObject.list3[1]['key2'] = 'value2';
myObject.not_a_list = '11';

Issue In extracting desired data from the Json Response

My Json response looks like this:
"oAuthClientResponse": {
"grantTypes": [
"appId": "0e0da052-baab-4e86-a826-edfcaadbd93b",
"certAlias": "tenant_269869150664042.st2Oauth.st2Oauth_svc_269869150693042_st2_client_OAUTHCLIENT.cert",
"clientCertificate": "MIIC",
"paramList": null,
"audiences": [
"isDisabled": "false",
"clientMetadata": {
"isTenantManaged": "false",
"isTrusted": "true"
"activityData": {
"createdOn": "08/10/2015 02:15:55"
"tenant": "tenant_269869150664042",
"description": "st2Oauth_svc_269869150693042_st2_client_OAUTHCLIENT",
"name": "st2Oauth_svc_269869150693042_st2_client_OAUTHCLIENT",
"appSecret": "EghTRToAFJUWHrsnXlK5",
I want to read the value of audiences.
String value = jObject.getJSONObject("oAuthClientResponse").getString(
In value I am getting :
"audiences": [
Now I am not able to extract the value of the audiences.i.e. and
Kindly suggest.
Use getJSONArray() instead of getString()
JSONArray audiences = jObject.getJSONObject("oAuthClientResponse")
Then you can retrieve the individual values using indices
System.out.println(audiences.getString(0)); //
System.out.println(audiences.getString(1)); //
String value = jObject.getJSONObject("oAuthClientResponse").getString(
value = value.subString(value.indexOf('['))
value = value.replace("[","");
value = value.replace("]","");
value = value.replace("\"","");
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(
actualOutput, ",");
while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
String value = (String) lineTokenizer.nextElement();

rest assured check the name is exist in the json response

Am new to rest assured.Using rest assured am trying to verify data detail is found or not.Here two data details present.Some times it will be 2 or 3 or 5
Am getting response as follows and using java
"queryPath": "/api/",
"nId": "f084f5ad24fcfaa9e9faea0",
"statusCode": 707
"statusMessage": "Success",
"results": {
"data": [
"id": "10248522500798",
"capabilities": [
"name": "errt2"
"id": "418143778",
"capabilities": [
"name": "Livin"
code using
JsonPath jsonResponse = new JsonPath(response.asString());
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list = jsonResponse.get(""); //
if (list.size() < 1 ) {"data not found! " + list.size());
Rather than this i wwant to check the data name is null or not also.How can i do that rest assured.
Just so you know you are missing a comma after 707.
To verify that none of the names is null I would parse out the names as a list, then iterate over the names one by one and check that they aren't null.
List<String> names = from(response.asString()).getList("");
for(String name : names){
if(name == null){
// error handling code here
