Does the latest version of apache jackrabbit support Java 11? [closed] - java

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Since upgrading from Java 8 to Java 11, the Jackrabbit JCR setup in my project has stopped working; it's either not saving or loading the data correctly (haven't quite figured that out yet).
I just wanted to double check that Jackrabbit JCR does support Java 11?

Yes, it does, as it's easily discoverable on and
What version do you use?


New Podio Java API release on Maven [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When is the new code on the Podio Java API released on Maven?
On the official API's github there is new code that hasn't already been released on Maven. It has been like this for almost one year and a half.
I wish I had a better answer for you, but we aren't actively updating or supporting our Java API at the moment. We are still discussing internally what this means for questions on this going forward.

How to edit word document template using Java [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to edit a word(.docx) template using Java, I am making an android application that uses this feature, please help as i am new to java?
Have a look at this:
How can you edit a word document with Java
Of course when you choose a framework here you have see that you are using a pure java version which run not only on ms windows operating system.
E.g. you could give the openOffice Java API a try.
I recommend you to use Apache POI library for parsing office documents
and here is good tutorial to start with Apache POI Word

what are the new features in the red5 1.0.2?what are the pros and cons of using red5 1.0.1 instead? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am just starting learning red5 server and I am confused what version of red5 should I use?
I want to use the android app as a client for red 5.I have the following queries.
Is it supported in red5 version 1.0.1.
What the the benefits/new features of using red5 version 1.0.2?Is it stable?
Are there any cons of using red5 version 1.0.1.(If the answer to my first question is yes)?
As a general rule, minor releases contain bug fixes and improvements that do not break any API published in a major release.
I do not know about the exact details of Red5, but my advice is to read the Red5 Changelog. Additionally, you can use the link in the changelog to the issue management system to get more detailed information.

Simple webservice example for JDK 1.4 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Can anyone help me to learn developing webservices with jdk 1.4?
I'm restricted to JDK 1.4, so I can't use web services which use annotation.
The first version of Axis required JDK Version - 1.3.1+

what is the best way to learn new Java features since java 1.4.2 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I recently started to use Java for work, but I am mostly doing it using my early knowledge about java 1.4. I am aware that there are a great number of new Java features (which I know some, but not thorough enough).
What is the most effective way to learn those new features, instead of reading those fundamental books with a lot of content I already know.
Check what's new in Java 1.5, Java 1.6 and Java 1.7
