How to add jar to java project under linux - java

i use this shell script to start the java project
cd target
echo "shell parameters: $*"
java -classpath . com.tencent.Example $*
But now I need to use the jdbc jar,How should I modify the shell script and in which path to put the jar?

If the jar is in the current directory,Change the shell to this.
cd target
echo "shell parameters: $*"
java -classpath .:./mysql-connector-java-8.0.27.jar com.tencent.Example $*


Start Java Program by Script in Linux

I want to start my java program by script. I also want to include .jar files by executing the script.
My script looks like this:
if [ -d ./bin ]; then
rm -fr ./bin
mkdir ./bin
javac -sourcepath ./src -d ./bin -cp ./../Jars/CFMgr.jar ./src/gui/
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "compile errors..."
exit -1
java -classpath ./bin:./../Jars/CFMgr.jar:./../Jars/ojdbc14.jar gui.App
Every time I execute it with this command ./ in the linux terminal, I get the following error:
java -cp "./bin/*:./lib/*" com.YourClass
You are compiling only , which need so compile all the classes in gui package at the same time.
One solution is to export your java program to an executable jar and then:
java -jar yourProgram.jar

Beginner: Need to Run a Makefile in Windows

I am currently trying to install a program from Sourceforge. The installation process requires that I change directory paths in the makefile and execute it. I have been researching how to run the makefile but I am still lost and was hoping to get some help or be pointed in the right direction. I am running Windows 8.1. I believe the program is going to execute a java class file. However, I am unfamiliar with the language and not sure how I should alter the makefile to run in windows 8.1. I tried to run "make" in the command prompt but that didn't work. I posted the makefile below. I understand I should change the directory for ImageJ (which I have installed). But I'm not sure how I should alter path for windows and how I can then execute it. The manual instructs me to change IMAGEJ_DIR to the installation place of the program ImageJ. Then execute "make" and "make install" will generate the jar file. "My imageJ folder is located at C:\Program Files. Do I need to change the directory to execute this makefile, and if so how can I do that in windows? The makefile itself is located in my downloads folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
JC=javac IMAGEJ_DIR=/home/wenja/ImageJ PLUGIN_DIR=$(IMAGEJ_DIR)/plugins/OpenBeamProfiler IJ_JAR=$(IMAGEJ_DIR)/ij.jar APACHEMATH_JAR=$(IMAGEJ_DIR)/plugins/commons-math3-3.2.jar LIBJAR=$(IJ_JAR):$(APACHEMATH_JAR) CLASSPATH=$(IMAGEJ_DIR):./:$(LIBJAR) CLASSDIR=./classes COMPILEFLAGS=
all: $(CLASSDIR)/BeamProfiler_Plugin.class $(CLASSDIR)/BeamProfilerFrame.class $(CLASSDIR)/BeamProfilerResultFrame.class $(CLASSDIR)/BeamViewWindow.class $(CLASSDIR)/BeamFunctionGauss.class $(CLASSDIR)/BeamFunctionSuperGauss.class
clean: rm -f $(CLASSDIR)/*.class rm -f *.jar
$(CLASSDIR)/BeamProfiler_Plugin.class: $(JC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) -cp $(CLASSPATH) -d $(CLASSDIR)
$(CLASSDIR)/BeamProfilerFrame.class: $(JC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) -cp $(CLASSPATH) -d $(CLASSDIR)
$(CLASSDIR)/BeamProfilerResultFrame.class: $(JC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) -cp $(CLASSPATH) -d $(CLASSDIR)
$(CLASSDIR)/BeamViewWindow.class: $(JC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) -cp $(CLASSPATH) -d $(CLASSDIR)
$(CLASSDIR)/BeamFunctionGauss.class: $(JC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) -cp $(CLASSPATH) -d $(CLASSDIR)
$(CLASSDIR)/BeamFunctionSuperGauss.class: $(JC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) -cp $(CLASSPATH) -d $(CLASSDIR)
Note: the "_" in the jar file name in important to be recognized by ImageJ
for including manifest use
jar cfm Beam_Profiler.jar Manifest.txt BeamProfiler_Plugin.class BeamProfilerFrame.class BeamProfilerResultFrame.class
it is important to jar *.class to also get ...$1.class etc.
jar: all cd $(CLASSDIR) &&\ jar cf Beam_Profiler.jar * &&\ mv Beam_Profiler.jar ../
install: jar #if test ! -d $(PLUGIN_DIR); then mkdir $(PLUGIN_DIR); fi
cp Beam_Profiler.jar $(PLUGIN_DIR)
uninstall: rm -f $(PLUGIN_DIR)/Beam_Profiler.jar
Try this,
Open command prompt => Go to windows start menu (run programs) -> type the command "cmd.exe"; this will list the command prompt program in the list. Open the command prompt. Probably it'll be defaulted to your home directory. So issue the command "cd Downloads\directory_of_the_program_to_install" to navigate to the program directory. Now go to the real program folder, then find that make file, open it in edit mode, and then change the entry
IMAGEJ_DIR=c:\program files\imagej_directory. Then go to the command prompt that we opened before, and issue the command make and then makeinstall. This would do the trick.

-I flag JAVA command # .bat CMAKE

I have to extract and generate some .h files from a jar and idl file.
Need to use a .bat from external developers:
#echo off
java -jar C:\WorkspaceSwim\trunk\iB\build\BlueGen\target\bluegen.jar -o C:\WorkspaceSwim\trunk\Example\Distribution\build\GeneratedDDSFiles C:\WorkspaceSwim\trunk\Example\Distribution\Flight.idl
set NDDSHOME=C:\WorkspaceSwim\trunk\iB\build\ToolBox\NDDS
set RPCDDSHOME=C:\WorkspaceSwim\trunk\iB\build\ToolBox\RPCDDS
set dir=%~dp0
set args=%1
if "%~1"=="" goto continue
set args=%args% %1
goto getarg
"%JREHOME%\bin\java" -DPATH="%PATH%" -DNDDSHOME="%NDDSHOME%" -DRPCDDSHOME="%RPCDDSHOME%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%RPCDDSHOME%\classes\" com.eprosima.rpcdds.idl.RPCDDSGEN %args% "-I%RPCDDSHOME% /idl"
I think there are some fail on the script , but i can't see it. Maybe a problem with quotes? i tryied this 3 posibilities :
"%JREHOME%\bin\java" -DPATH="%PATH%" -DNDDSHOME="%NDDSHOME%" -DRPCDDSHOME="%RPCDDSHOME%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%RPCDDSHOME%\classes\" com.eprosima.rpcdds.idl.RPCDDSGEN %args% "-I%RPCDDSHOME%\idl"
Error: principal class \idl doesn't found or load
"%JREHOME%\bin\java" -DPATH="%PATH%" -DNDDSHOME="%NDDSHOME%" -DRPCDDSHOME="%RPCDDSHOME%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%RPCDDSHOME%\classes" com.eprosima.rpcdds.idl.RPCDDSGEN %args% "-I%RPCDDSHOME%\idl"
Error: principal class com.eprosima.rpcdds.idl.RPCDDSGEN doesn't found or load
"%JREHOME%\bin\java" -DPATH="%PATH%" -DNDDSHOME="%NDDSHOME%" -DRPCDDSHOME="%RPCDDSHOME%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%RPCDDSHOME%\classes\ com.eprosima.rpcdds.idl.RPCDDSGEN %args%" -I "%RPCDDSHOME%\idl"
Unrecognized option: -I
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Previusly i use this .cmake to generate the code that will run this .bat
OUTPUT ${DDSGeneratedFiles}
COMMAND java -jar ${iB_BlueGen} -o ${GeneratedDDSDirName} ${LocatedFile}
COMMAND "set NDDSHOME=${iMASBlue_NDDS_DIR} &" "set RPCDDSHOME=${iB_RPCDDS_DIR} &" ${RPCDDSGenerator} -replace -d ${GeneratedDDSDirName} -I${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${LocatedFile}
DEPENDS ${IncludeDependencies}
COMMENT "Calling RPCDDS Generator '${RPCDDSGenerator}' on '${IdlFile}'"
Thnx for your answers.
To debug batch files, change line
#echo off
in your batch file to
#echo on
and run again

Specifying Play 2.0 port with "dist"

I'm creating a packaged project usingdist and am trying to modify the generated start script to run the app on port 9001.
Here is what is generated:
exec java $* -cp "`dirname $0`/lib/*" play.core.server.NettyServer `dirname $0`
Here is what I tried, which doesn't seem to work.
exec java $* -Dhttp.port=9001 -cp "`dirname $0`/lib/*" play.core.server.NettyServer `dirname $0`
Any ideas?
I've also tried specifying http.port=9001 in application.conf with no avail. It was very easy to do this in Play 1.2.X, seems a step backward.
After running play dist and then extracting the generated bundle, you can start Play 2 on a different port by running:
./start -Dhttp.port=5432
Or if you would rather edit the start script you can update it to be:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
exec java $* -Dhttp.port=5432 -cp "`dirname $0`/lib/*" play.core.server.NettyServer `dirname $0`
And then run:

how to launch java GUI test from linux

-java -classpath<> <classname> in the ".bat" file to launch java test from cmd windows
how to do that using perl to launch java test from linux ?
Don't use perl. For such a simple job, a simple shell script will do:
/path/to/java -classpath foo.jar:bar.jar:. classname
Make the file executable with chmod +x filename and execute it with ./filename
A similar approach using the -jar option is possible. Additionally, you can forward any command line parameters using the special parameter #.
/path/to/java -jar foo.jar "${#}"
