String format - java - java

What is the best way to replace 'gift' and 'price' from below string using java-
We’ve added {gift} coupon worth {price}. Enjoy!
Also can i use MessageFormat in any way to solve above problem.

Something like the below works:
String str = "We’ve added {gift} coupon worth {price}. Enjoy!";
str = str.replace("{gift}", "unicorns");
str = str.replace("{price}", "$399");
You can't use a MessageFormat to replace text in the input String you've provided, but if you save your String as a format to use it MessageFormat, it makes it a lot easier to read:
String defaultFormat = "We’ve added {0} coupon worth {1}. Enjoy!";
String defaultOutput = MessageFormat.format(defaultFormat, "unicorns", "$399");
defaultOutput = MessageFormat.format(defaultFormat, "leprechaun", "$199");
String yodaOutput = MessageFormat.format("coupon worth {1} we have added for {0}. Enjoy!", "unicorns", "$399");


URLEncoder - what character set to use for empty space instead of %20 or +

I am trying to open new email from my Java app:
String str=String.valueOf(email);
String body="This is body";
String subject="Hello worlds";
String newStr="mailto:"+str.trim()+"?subject="+URLEncoder.encode(subject,"UTF-8")+"&body="+URLEncoder.encode(body, "UTF-8")+"";
Desktop.getDesktop().mail(new URI(newStr));
Here it is my URLEncoding. As I cannot use body or subject string in URL without encoding them, my output here is with "+" instead of whitespace. Which is normal, I understand that. I was thinking if there is a way to visualize subject and body normally in my message? I tried with .replace("+"," ") but it is not working as it is giving an error. This is how it is now:
I think there might be different character set but I am not sure.
That's the way URLEncoder works.
One possible approach would be to replace all + with %20 after URLEncoder.enocde(...)
Or you could rely on URI constructor to encode your parameters correctly:
String scheme = "mailto";
String recipient = "";
String subject = "The Meaning of Life";
String content = "..., the universe and all the rest is 42.\n Rly? Just kidding. Special characters: äöü";
String path = "";
String query = "subject=" + subject + "&body=" + content;
Desktop.getDesktop().mail(new URI(scheme, recipient, path, query, null));
Both solutions have issues:
In the first approach, you might replace actual + signs, with the second, you'll have issues with & character.

Java regex for google maps url?

I want to parse all google map links inside a String. The format is as follows :
1st example,-77.0387185,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7b7bcdecbb1df:0x715969d86d0b76bf!8m2!3d38.8976763!4d-77.0365298,-77.0387185,17z,-77.0387185,17z,-77.0387185,17z,-77.0387185,17z,-77.0387185,17z,-77.0387185,17z,-77.0387185,17z
These are all valid google map URLs (linking to White House)
Here is what I tried
String gmapLinkRegex = "(http|https)://(www\\.)?google\\.com(\\.\\w*)?/maps/(place/.*)?#(.*z)[^ ]*";
Pattern patternGmapLink = Pattern.compile(gmapLinkRegex , Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = patternGmapLink.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {"group0 = {}" ,;
String place =;
place = StringUtils.stripEnd(place , "/"); // remove tailing '/'
place = StringUtils.stripStart(place , "place/"); // remove header 'place/'"place = '{}'" , place);
String latLngZ =;"latLngZ = '{}'" , latLngZ);
It works in simple situation , but still buggy ...
for example
It need post-process to grab optional place information
And it cannot extract one line with two urls such as :
s = ",-77.0387185,17z " +
" and,-77.0387185,17z";
It should be two urls , but the regex matches the whole line ...
The points :
The whole URL should be matched in group(0) (including the tailing data part in 1st example),
in the 1st example , if the zoom level : 17z is removed , it is still a valid gmap URL , but my regex cannot match it.
Easier to extract optional place info
Lat / Lng extraction is must , zoom level is optional.
Able to parse multiple urls in one line
Able to process , I tried (www|maps\.)? but seems still buggy
Any suggestion to improve this regex ? Thanks a lot !
The dot-asterisk
will always allow anything to the end of the last url.
You need "tighter" regexes, which match a single URL but not several with anything in between.
The "[^ ]*" might include the next URL if it is separated by something other than " ", which includes line break, tab, shift-space...
I propose (sorry, not tested on java), to use "anything but #" and "digit, minus, comma or dot" and "optional special string followed by tailored charset, many times".
I tested the one above on a perl-regex compatible engine (np++).
Please adapt yourself, if I guessed anything wrong. The explicit list of digits can probably be replaced by "\d", I tried to minimise assumptions on regex flavor.
In order to match "URL" or "URL and URL", please use a variable storing the regex, then do "(URL and )*URL", replacing "URL" with regex var. (Asuming this is possible in java.) If the question is how to then retrieve the multiple matches: That is java, I cannot help. Let me know and I delete this answer, not to provoke deserved downvotes ;-)
(Edited to catch the data part in, previously not seen, first example, first line; and the multi URLs in one line.)
I wrote this regex to validate google maps links:
I tested with the following list of google maps links:
String location1 = ",105.86306012";
String location2 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location3 = ",105.86306012";
String location4 = ",-77.0387185,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7b7bcdecbb1df:0x715969d86d0b76bf!8m2!3d38.8976763!4d-77.0365298";
String location5 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location6 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location7 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location8 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location9 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location10 = ",-77.0387185,17z";
String location11 = "!4m2!3m1!1s0x3135abf74b040853:0x6ff9dfeb960ec979";
String location12 = ",+NY,+USA&hl=no&sll=19.808054,-63.720703&sspn=54.337928,93.076172&oq=n&hnear=New+York&t=m&z=10";
String location13 = "";
String location14 = "";
String location15 = "";
String location16 = "";
String location17 = "";
String location18 = ",-95.677068&spn=45.197878,93.076172&t=h&z=4";
String location19 = ",-95.677068&spn=45.197878,93.076172&t=h&z=4";
String location20 = ",-95.677068&spn=45.197878,93.076172&t=h&z=4&layer=t&lci=com.panoramio.all,,weather";
String location21 = ",0.615234&spn=45.047033,93.076172&t=m&z=4&layer=t";
String location22 = ",-95.677068&spn=45.197878,93.076172&t=h&z=4";
String location23 = ",-95.677068&spn=45.197878,93.076172&t=h&z=4";
String location24 = ",-95.677068&spn=45.197878,93.076172&t=h&z=4&layer=t&lci=com.panoramio.all,,weather";
String location25 = ",0.615234&spn=45.047033,93.076172&t=m&z=4&layer=t";
String location26 = ",105.86306012";
String location27 = "";
String location28 = ",+354A+%C4%90%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng+L%C3%AA+Du%E1%BA%A9n,+L%C3%AA+%C4%90%E1%BA%A1i+H%C3%A0nh,+%C4%90%E1%BB%91ng+%C4%90a,+H%C3%A0+N%E1%BB%99i+100000,+Vi%E1%BB%87t+Nam/#21.0121535,105.8443773,13z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x3135ab8ee6df247f:0xe6183d662696d2e9";

string interpolation java 1.3 and below(if possible)?

I have a simple string, where I need to insert a few numbers and strings.
Say String a = "My name is %s. I am %d years old".
I also need to insert same number or string at several of these holes.
I need a solution which works for ancient versions of java atleast upto 1.3
I know about String.format (JDK 5+). I read about formatter, my head hurts!!
please help.
Your only option is to use MessageFormat here.
You'd type:
String s = "My name is {0}. I am {1} years old";
and use the appropriate method to render this to a string. For instance:
String ret = MessageFormat.format(s, "John", 32);
I'd like to put a link to the javadoc, but... I don't know how much has changed since 1.3! (well, link added, it can't hurt)
(it should be noted that even in 2013, Java's ResourceBundles still use MessageFormat and read property files in ISO-8859-1, not UTF-8)
What about this one
String text = "The user {0} has email address {1}."
String msg = MessageFormat.format(text, params);
And this other
String text = "The user {name} has email address {email}.";
Object[] params = { "nameRobert", "" };
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "Robert");
map.put("email", "");
System.out.println("1st : " + MapFormat.format(text, map));

dynamically read/add value to the parameter of conf file with Properties

I have a message like below in my conf file.
text.message = Richard has to go to School in 01/06/2012 / 1days.
All highlighted field will be variable.
I want to read this string and insert the value from my java using Properties.
I know how to read the whole string using Prop, but don't know how to read like above String which will be like.
text.message = #name# has to go to #place# in #date# / #days#.
how can I read the above string from the conf using Properties and insert data dynamically?
It can be either date or days in the string. How I can turn on and off between those parameters?
Thanks ahead.
You can use the MessageFormat API for this.
Kickoff example:
text.message = {0} has to go to {1} in {2,date,dd/MM/yyyy} / {3}
String message = properties.getProperty("text.message");
String formattedMessage = MessageFormat.format(message, "Richard", "School", new Date(), "1days");
System.out.println(formattedMessage); // Richard has to go to School in 31/05/2012 / 1days
You can use the MessageFormat class, which replaces dynamic placeholders in a string with the desired values.
For example, the following code...
String pattern = "{0} has to go to {1} in {2,date} / {3,number,integer} days.";
String result = MessageFormat.format(pattern, "Richard", "school", new Date(), 5);
...will produce the following output:
Richard has to go to school in 31-May-2012 / 5 days.
You can simply get the pattern from your Properties object, then apply the MessageFormat translation.

Java : replacing text URL with clickable HTML link

I am trying to do some stuff with replacing String containing some URL to a browser compatible linked URL.
My initial String looks like this :
"hello, i'm some text with an url like and I need to have an hypertext link !"
What I want to get is a String looking like :
"hello, i'm some text with an url like and I need to have an hypertext link !"
I can catch URL with this code line :
String withUrlString = myString.replaceAll(".*://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]", "HereWasAnURL");
Maybe the regexp expression needs some correction, but it's working fine, need to test in further time.
So the question is how to keep the expression catched by the regexp and just add a what's needed to create the link : catched string
Thanks in advance for your interest and responses !
Try to use:
myString.replaceAll("(.*://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/])", "HereWasAnURL");
I didn't check your regex.
By using () you can create groups. The $1 indicates the group index.
$1 will replace the url.
I asked a simalir question: my question
Some exemples: Capturing Text in a Group in a regular expression
public static String textToHtmlConvertingURLsToLinks(String text) {
if (text == null) {
return text;
String escapedText = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(text);
return escapedText.replaceAll("(\\A|\\s)((http|https|ftp|mailto):\\S+)(\\s|\\z)",
There may be better REGEXs out there, but this does the trick as long as there is white space after the end of the URL or the URL is at the end of the text. This particular implementation also uses org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils to escape any other HTML that may have been entered.
For anybody who is searching a more robust solution I can suggest the Twitter Text Libraries.
Replacing the URLs with this library works like this:
new Autolink().autolink(plainText)
Belows code replaces links starting with "http" or "https", links starting just with "www." and finally replaces also email links.
Pattern httpLinkPattern = Pattern.compile("(http[s]?)://(www\\.)?([\\S&&[^.#]]+)(\\.[\\S&&[^#]]+)");
Pattern wwwLinkPattern = Pattern.compile("(?<!http[s]?://)(www\\.+)([\\S&&[^.#]]+)(\\.[\\S&&[^#]]+)");
Pattern mailAddressPattern = Pattern.compile("[\\S&&[^#]]+#([\\S&&[^.#]]+)(\\.[\\S&&[^#]]+)");
String textWithHttpLinksEnabled =
"ajdhkas klajdld httpsda https://www.onsdas.plad/dasda";
if (Objects.nonNull(textWithHttpLinksEnabled)) {
Matcher httpLinksMatcher = httpLinkPattern.matcher(textWithHttpLinksEnabled);
textWithHttpLinksEnabled = httpLinksMatcher.replaceAll("$0");
final Matcher wwwLinksMatcher = wwwLinkPattern.matcher(textWithHttpLinksEnabled);
textWithHttpLinksEnabled = wwwLinksMatcher.replaceAll("$0");
final Matcher mailLinksMatcher = mailAddressPattern.matcher(textWithHttpLinksEnabled);
textWithHttpLinksEnabled = mailLinksMatcher.replaceAll("$0");
ajdhkas klajdld httpsda https://www.onsdas.plad/dasda
Assuming your regex works to capture the correct info, you can use backreferences in your substitution. See the Java regexp tutorial.
In that case, you'd do
myString.replaceAll(....., "\1")
In case of multiline text you can use this:
"$1<a href='$2'>$2</a>$4");
And here is full example of my code where I need to show user's posts with urls in it:
private static final Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile(
String userText = ""; // user content from db
String replacedValue = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(userText);
replacedValue = urlPattern.matcher(replacedValue).replaceAll("$1$2$4");
replacedValue = StringUtils.replace(replacedValue, "\n", "<br>");
