Distributing a Java console program - java

I have created a Java console application using Netbeans. In the Netbeans dist directory I have the class file of the project. Now I need to give the executable files to someone else
who will run them on another PC.
Which file I should send? How can he run them on his PC? Is there any way to create an exe type file?
Both PCs have the JDK installed.

Build a jar file with a main class specified in it.
If he has Java installed and .jar is associated with that, he should be able to just double-click on it.
Alternatively from a command line he'd be able to run:
java -jar program.jar
There are programs around to create executable wrappers around this, but a jar file is a simpler solution in terms of packaging - it's worth trying that to start with.

In additon to Jons answer:
If you have a runnable jar to start with, it is frequently much easier to package it up in an EXE file. If you have the need search Stackoverflow for JSmooth and one-jar.

NetBeans actually answers your question. If I do a Clean/Build, the output says:
To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:
java -jar "insert_your_project_name_here.jar"

theres a handy page about this here:
java tools tutorial
It describes creating jar files a little further down the page

You can go to run menu and select clean and build project or shift+f11 after this go to dist folder in project folder and use .jar file and run that by hint say in over .


How do you export a Java project to an EXE without needing Java to run the EXE?

The Title is probably worded weirdly.
I've been using Jarsplice to convert my Jar files into Exes and they're able to run properly. But when I try to run the exes on different computers it would say that Java is required to run the program. So I just wanted to know if anyone knows how to and what can convert jar files into exes without java being necessary to install on other devices.
You can also use GraalVM. This brings an app called native-image, which you can run like this:
"D:\apps\graalvm\graalvm-ce-java11-\bin\native-image" -cp "D:\workspace\HelloWold\bin2" Main "D:\workspace\HelloWold\release\HelloWold"
And which will output a standalone .exe file.

Building Java Project can't access external jar referenced libraries?

My program runs exactly as it should when I run it out of eclipse, but when I try to build it into a runnable jar I get problems.
When I set Library Handling to Extract required libraries into generated JAR, or Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR, the program runs but doesn't do anything that involves the external libraries. When I set it to Package required libraries into generated JAR, absolutely nothing happens when I try to run the JAR.
At this point I have no idea what to do after spending the past hour looking online for solutions, library handling seems to work fine for everyone else?
I'm using eclipse 4.4.1 if it makes a difference
First check to make sure you have the libraries. To do so open up the jar file with win rar or something similar. If the libraries are missing you can just copy and paste them into the jar file.
If they are there then you can create a batch file (If using windows) to run your jar file with the java command. Doing this will give you a console in command prompt to view output and stack-traces. This can help you find where the problem is.
Command for .bat file:
java -jar jarfile.jar
If you don't want to create a batch file and run it from command prompt, remember to make the cmd path the same as the jar file location.

How to copy my Java Eclipse project to desktop, and then run with the command line?

I have built a java program using Eclipse. Now my teacher wants all separate java files in one folder, and then the teacher will run my program through command line. I've tried copying the java files over to my desktop and running through command line, I get errors.
My program also has two packages as well in it. Anyone know how to fix this? without using any plugins or something, as my teacher will not have them.
Edit: I managed to fix it, it was because of my classpath had wrong directory
Just export your project in an runnable jar file, then go in cmd and execute:
java -jar .jar

How to run a java executable file on other computer

I made a small application using Java Swings and then created a jar file of the project using 'clean and build' option in Netbeans. Then, I converted that .jar file in a .exe file using the software 'Launch4j' and it was perfectly running on my laptop. However when I tried running that exe file on other laptop. It displayed the error: Class NewJframe.firstfile couldnot be found.
( I made the database on the other laptop also with MySql Connection).
Please help me clarify why I am getting this error.
Also, I would like to know what all are the requirements to run an .exe file on other computer which I made from a .jar file?
I would pretty much expect something like Launch4j to take care of all your packaging requirements; did it give you options to "include all dependencies" that you didn't click "YES" to...?
It sounds like it's packaged your app, but possibly not the Java runtime envt it needs to run your app.
Try giving him the JAR file and see if he can run that. If he can, It's a problem with Launch4j, if he can't it's a problem with Java.
Alternatively try something like Excelsior JET instead.
Class NewJframe.firstfile couldnot be found
Launch4J only bundles your application's main JAR file inside the .exe (or not even that if you select "don't wrap JAR") - any other JARs that the main one depends on must be present in the same relative locations, you can't necessarily copy just the .exe.

Taking an eclipse java project and packing it into a jar?

Right now i've written a simple SWT application using eclipse, and I want to pack it into an executable .jar file so I can give it out to friends and such. But I have the following problems:
-Right now i'm reading files by using their filename in the program, and putting them in the root folder of the eclipse project. That works fine for running in eclipse, but when I export to jar they're not in the jar. Is there a way to put them in the jar and access them in the code?
-I also need the SWT .jar dependencies or whatever its called(the files you need for SWT).
Does anyone know how to do this?
Take a look at ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() API.
All you need to do is include these files in the with the source code of your project, then to have access to then have a look at this link
