java drivers for data acquisition hardware? [closed] - java

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to do some data acquisition & would like to use Java to program my data acquisition application. Right now I am using a LabJack which has a Java wrapper for its driver & it's working ok for simple stuff but I need to upgrade to something real.
anyone aware of a data acquisition platform (NI or Measurement Computing or one of the others) that has Java device drivers available?

I've used the Phidget hardware before, but it's really hobby level. Worked a treat though.

I am currently developing for National Instruments hardware under Java, with the obvious drawback that NI doesn't support Java.
Also I'm taking advantage of an existing framework called JAW
With some reading, controlling the cards is a breeze. Note: It only works under Windows.

You might also want to check out this wikibook. I knew about Javaconn, but didn't know it had been withdrawn. I believe most of this hardware comes with serial interfaces.


iPhone Development, either Java with LibGDX on Eclipse OR Swift on Xcode? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to develop for iPhone. I have only a little experience with programming in general. I am tossing up between Java on Eclipse with LibGDX OR Swift on Xcode. I have developer accounts so don't worry about that. Any suggestions?
If you want to develop only for iPhone/Mac, use Swift (or/and Objective-C) and Xcode. Everything will be smoother and Apps will be native. Keep in mind, though, that Swift/Xcode 6 are still in Beta, so you may encounter some difficulties if you want to ship your apps immediately. Apple should release the first stable version of Xcode with Swift before the end of the year, though, so you will need only a little bit of patience.
If you want your applications to be available in non-Apple platforms, then maybe go with Java, etc.
Side note: There is the chance that Apple makes Swift open, so developing with Swift for non-Apple platforms would be potentially possible... But I wouldn't count on it, though, at least for the near future.

Cross platform tool_native android app written in Java [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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if I have a native android app (written in Java of course), what cross platform tool would you recommend to make it usable on iOS as well? I have been reading quite a lot about it, but most toold require code being written in html,css,js (phonegap, appcelerator etc), or for instance c# (xamarin), but which one would wrap my java code?
There is no solution that will work out of the box. You'll likely have to rewrite at least the UI whatever way you choose.
If you want the code to run on any mobile platform, you'll have to rewrite your code in html/css/js.
If you just want it to run on iOS, you have these options:
If you actually want to use the very same code, use RoboVM. This will allow you to parts of the original Java code on iOS in a JVM.
Another approach would be to automatically generate Objective C code from your Java code. This can be done using J2ObjC.

Cloud IDE for java? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I’m currently developing code meant to interact with the API of the Bitcoin exchange with an algorithm deciding whether to buy or sell and all. However, I can’t have my laptop running 24/7, so I was wondering, if there exist another option, like some sort of online/cloud IDE for java, which had a workspace to handle files, and could run my program for me - possibly for a small fee? Thank you :)
What you are looking for is How to Deploy a Java Applet. Here is a nice tutorial.
If you want your applet to be available from anywhere, you will have to embed it on a page that is hosted on the Internet. Getting a page hosted costs money, especially if you don't host it yourself, but there are thousands of well-known companies that provide this service. I can't provide any advice on which one is best, for fear of being swallowed alive by StackOverflow.
Once you have a page hosted, you can embed your Java Applet by following this tutorial.

which library should I use for big data project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The project aims to analyzing the patients’ illness cells using Big Data technology to indicate which treatments could have the best outcomes and fewest side effects.
But I think using python or java library. I can't decide which language's library is more useful for my project. if you have any experience , could you help me. I do not know about anything about big data.
Check out Anaconda. It's got just about every library you'll need for big data analysis bundled into one installer.
The Anaconda distro also includes Disco MapReduce, so you have all the tools you need to set up a distributed file system MapReduce farm for really large analysis jobs.

Good tools/frameworks to develop a game server in Java? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am making a game server for a turn based game. Not a web based server, but a process-based one. I want it to be scalable and I want the development process to go as smoothly as possible. I haven't used Java in forever and I need to brush up on my skills, so I really have no idea what is out there framework or tool-wise. Right now it looks like I am going to use Terracotta due to its clustering capabilities. I was just wondering if anything besides this that would make developing a TCP based game server easier?
You might want to take a look at Project Darkstar.
Have a look at Marauroa. It is a client server framework for turn based games. There is even a MORPG based on it, with the turn time set down to only 300ms.
But it is not designed for cluster support.
Have you looked at SmartFoxServer? It's Java and already supports Terracotta.
Shameless plug: Here is a java game server written by me. Has UDP and TCP support. jetserver also has a java client as well as flash action script client already developed. Clustering is not yet implemented.
