What's the best library for manipulating JPEG metadata? [closed] - java

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm after a library that can read and write JPEG image metadata. For example if I wanted to embed and read back a short description or story relating to the jpeg image, in the image file itself, what development library/s would you recommend?
I'm not too fussed about what language (it's a new project), though I've tagged this question for languages I'm familiar with (I'd also consider other languages however). Preferably something that's relatively cross-platform (mac/linux/win), such as Java, FreePascal/Lazarus, C++, Objective-C, etc (to be honest I'm not that familiar with cross-platform, so no idea whether C# is a possibility) - aside from more popular ones such as Java or .NET, it would be preferable for there be no requirement to have any particular framework installed.

try here http://www.drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
Looks easy to use

Exif does it all but it is written in Perl.

Perl is cross-platform.

libjpeg is an excellent library written in C. It can be used to do just about any type of jpeg manipulation. I have successfully compiled it in windows, unix and linux.


Is There A Portable Java [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i was just wondering if anyone knew of a portable java IDE/Compiler? Something like an iPod but not so advanced, that let's you work with and compile java?
Just thought it would be a cool idea :P
This serves the purpose. We can compile the programs without requiring Java compiler on our machine.
There is an IDE for Android which supports this, see AIDE
Search for drJava. Is a pretty complex editor and includes a(n Eclipse) compiler.
Unfortunatelly, the project seems to be dead.
If you have an iOS device (iPhone, iPod touch or iPad) at hand, you can jailbreak it and install Java from Cydia. This gives you the compiler and the VM. However, it's old and limited to command line functionality.
You can use http://ideone.com/. This is a website for compiling and running java applications Here you can create an account and save all your example programs, which you can later refer from different location or even share it with others.
You can also practice other computer languages in it. It supports more than 40 programming languages.
Have you given any thought about using codenameone platform? http://www.codenameone.com/

Is there a library that mimics all the functionality of Matlab in Java? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there an Open Source library that has all the functionality of Matlab, with advance high level functions, but purely done in java?
Edit: Some people are misunderstanding what Im getting at.
I'm looking for a LIBRARY of functions that will mimic matlab, so no matlab syntax. (maybe there is an object that will take care of all the duck typing) Java language with matlab power/functionality.
All the functionality of MATLAB? No, there isn't.
There are some numerical libraries for Java. However, the coverage isn't anywhere near as extensive as MATLAB's. Also, arguably, the language itself isn't terribly well-suited for things like computational linear algebra (for example, lack of operator overloading makes any matrix manipulation code pretty hard to read).
For some pointers, see Java Numerics.
Try Mathworks - http://www.mathworks.in/help/techdoc/matlab_external/f44062.html
or jMatlab. link - http://www.jmathlib.de
I think not;
Octave is a MatLab look-a-like (not really a library) but is written in C++ (http://www.gnu.org/software/octave)
For some numerical libraries see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_numerical_libraries#Java

EDIFACT grammar, parsers and libraries (Java) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am wondering if we can define EDIFACT grammar in ANTLR/xText and then generate parser.
If so, are these grammars defined already that we can leverage (open source preferably)?
Are there any open source libraries that can read and write EDIFACT other than Smooks?
From a handy book on the subject... (http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rDbRS6vEG0MC&pg=PA222&lpg=PA222&dq=EDIFACT+bnf&source=bl&ots=pfFYf4nsVv&sig=JXY5HPo7Ka02ji35fjW8R8wFBX8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=05ozT6K5NMO80QWa-ZSLAg&ved=0CGEQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=EDIFACT%20bnf&f=false) we have the following section...
, which appears to suggest that it's not a good idea - although depending on what you require you can certainly write one, I would personally find Antlr an easier tool to use (I'm currently writing a lab for Xtext and it's a less forgiving learning curve), but your milage may vary...
I tried this approach (using ANTLR) when I developed bots open source edi translator (http://bots.sourceforge.net).
This looked like a good approach, but I did not succeed.
My conclusion was that 'parsing' by ANTLR is something very different than 'parsing' an edi-file; the words/concepts sound the same but these are really different worlds.
If you are looking for 'grammars'(that is: descriptions of edifact and x12 messages) these can be found in the downloads of the sourceforge page.

Open source OCR [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for an open source OCR library that runs on Linux. I need this to work for PNGs and PDFs. Mostly I would like to interface this library from java or ruby. Any idea if there is anything available?
Tesseract is a very good OCR engine: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract
The project has been launched by HP Labs and is now continued and sponsored by Google (for Google Books !). It is released under the Apache license, and it runs on Linux. It uses Tiff or PNGs files ; for PDFs, you will need to convert to one of these formats. I suppose that there is no binding so you should invoke this software as a subprogram...
Cuneiform is free and does a decent job. You could invoke it as a subprogram but there's no language binding that I know of. It won't read PDFs directly but you can easily take apart PDFs that are sequences of scanned images to feed them to Cuneiform. There are also scripts to reassemble the images and text back into a searchable PDF.
Try tesjeract, which uses JNI to call Tesseract OCR API.
For PDF, you'll need to convert them to image first, using GhostScript, for instance.

Open source CMS in stripes? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any existing open source CMS in stripes?
I'm especially looking for a very tiny and lightweight one that I can take a look at and learn from.
Unfortunately, I've been unable to find a lightweight CMS in any language.
Java has the JSR 170 Java Content Repository specification, with Jackrabbit being the reference impelementation. Unfortunately, my experience has been that it is neither lightweight nor easy to learn from.
You might try looking at some of the version control systems and filesystems though: their functionality is overlapping and may resemble yours.
Have a look to http://wiki.opensymphony.com/display/ABLE/Home, it use Stripes and other tools.
Is not a pure CMS but a framework for building CRUD applications and auto-generating controllers and scaffolding.
Unless you really have to learn something a little more modern. Stripes is just a better Struts which isnt much. Both are dated and do next to nothing in terms of building something snazzy.
