I am currently working on some older java code that was developed without App Servers in mind. It is basically a bunch of "black box code" with an input interface, and an output interface. Everything in the "black box" classes are static Data Structures that contain state, which are put through algorithms at timed intervals (every 10 seconds). The black box is started from a main method.
To keep this easy for myself, I am thinking of making the "black box" a Singleton. Basically, anyone who wants to access the logic inside of the black box will get the same instance. This will allow me to use Message Driven beans as input to the black box, and a JMS Publisher of some sort as the output of the black box.
How bad of an idea is this? Any tips?
One of the main concerns I have though, is there may be Threads in the "black box" code that I am unaware of.
Is there such thing as "application scoped objects" in EJB?
Note: I am using Glassfish
If you use a simple singelton, you will be facing problems once you enter a clustered environment.
In such scenario, you have multiple classloaders on multiple JVMs, and your sinlgeton pattern will break as you will have several instances of that class.
The only acceptable use for a singleton in an app server (potentially in a clustered environment) is when you the singleton is totally state-less, and is only used as a convenience to access global data/functions.
I suggest checking your application server vendor's solution for this issue. Most, if not all vendors, supply some solution for requirements of your sort.
Specifically for Glassfish, which you say you are using, check out Singleton EJB support for Glassfish. It might be as simple as adding a single annotation.
I would say that creating a singleton is actually the only viable idea. Assuming that code inside this "black box" is known to use static fields, it is absolutely unsafe to create two instances of this facade. Results are unpredictable otherwise.
Far from being a bad idea, it actually sounds to me like potentially quite a good idea.
Just from a program design point of view: if your black box is conceptually an "object" with properties and methods that work on them, then make it into an object, even if there'll only ever be one of them instantiated.
It should work, but there are some issues you may have to deal with.
Threading, as you have mentioned. An MDB is run in the EJB container where you cannot create your own threads, so you have a potential problem there. If you have access to the actual code (which it sounds like you do), you may want to do some refactoring to either eliminate the threads or use an "approved" threading method. The CommonJ TimerManager will probably work in your stated case since it is performing some task on an interval. There are implementations available for most app servers (WAS and Weblogic have it included).
Classloading - This is dependent on you configuration. If the singleton is created and manipulated from MDB's within the same EAR, you will be fine. Separate EAR's will mean different classloaders and multiple instance of you Singleton. Can't comment on whether this would be a problem in your case or not without more information.
I'm missing a point? You mentioned that the 'black box code' contains state. MDBs may be limited to 1 instance per destination but without proper configuration you will end up with a few MDBs. All of them working with your single instance of 'black box code'. For me it seems this is not a good idea, because one bean will override the 'black box code' state a other bean has created a few ticks before.
It seems to me that the artifact that better fits to your requirement is a JBoss MBean. (If you are thinking on JBoss as AS candidate).
Standard MBean Example
MBeans can also be deployed as Singletons, in case of JBoss clustering.
Clustering with JBoss
I hope that this is useful for you.
Fix the code to get rid of the statics as soon as possible. Singletons are not a step in the right direction - they just add extra misdirection.
Don't use Singletons where state may change.
Exposing the global instance of your black-box class doesn't seem like the way to go. Often times, singletons will seem like they will make things easier on you, and in a way they can, but it often comes back to bite you and you end up having to restructure a large chunk of your code.
In the webserver world, an object can be scoped to the request, the session, or the application. Perhaps what you need is a application-scope object.
Search the docs for "application scope object" or "application lifetime object".
Why not create a rest interface for the blank box thingy and let clients make http calls ?
IMO, it's a good idea to have an EJB container of your Singleton needs. In Java EE 6 placing a #Singleton annotation in your session bean gives you a named singleton.
As I read, singletons are bad and one should avoid using them.
But I develop an App where most Activities and Fragments need to have access to the same dataset. The datas are stored in a an ArrayList and accessible through a singleton class.
What is bad about that? I can't create a new data-class object for each activity because the ArrayLists will be different. What is the alternative?
singletons are bad and one should avoid using them
In Android app development, we use singletons much more than in traditional Java development.
IMHO, the keys are:
Use them carefully, making sure that you do not introduce memory leaks, race conditions, etc.
Use them for specific roles, such as following the repository pattern, rather than just slapping static on everything because you want to make the compiler stop saying mean things to you
Use them reactively (LiveData, RxJava, Kotlin coroutines, etc.), assuming that the data managed by the singleton is coming from something involving I/O (network, database, file, etc.)
What is bad about that?
Possibly nothing. There may be issues with your specific implementation, but we have few details about that.
Singletons aren't bad per se, the problem with them is when you start trying to test your code.
When you have a class/module/component/view that depends on one or more singletons, you have no way to control that dependency, so in a test environment you cant "mock" that singleton dependency or control whats data is in them (you can, but is really annoying having to clean all singletons before each tests, and even though that is error prone).
This can be easily solved using dependency injection. In Android the best framework for that is Dagger: https://google.github.io/dagger/
You can always use dependency injection by hand too, but having a framework that does the hard work for you is nice.
Then, with this approach, you kinda keep having singletons, but they are not really singletons in the way that they are in charge of only creating a single instance, but you (or the framework) are. Those classes are created only once (at the beginning or lazily) and then are injected in the components/clases that depends on them.
This way, you keep having all its features (sharing data between activities, fragments, etc), but, as you are injecting them, you can mock them an inject mocks for testing purposes.
I have some Classes like Clipboard or ProcessRegister that I only want to run once in my Project, so only one instance.
My Question in now: How do I distribute those instances best in my Project.
ATM both are singleton and object they use the get an instance over the getInstance().
Another Idea of mine is to create a class Project, that has some static methods like getProjectClipboard()or getProcessRegister()that return the instances.
What is the best way to distribute them? Are there any patterns for that?
Greetings Dennis
There are mainly two patterns that can be used: the service locator, and dependency injection. The service locator pattern is probably the one you are referring to, where everywhere you look for a reference for these objects you explicitly retrieve it from a central location, which for simple java applications is usually a bunch of static methods. this is OK, and I don't think there is an overall better approach here, just make sure that you have only one static method for each singleton, and that you call it always.
Then a few years ago, a shift of mentality became mainstream, dependency injection, and its more popular framework... Spring, with this paradigm, in each place you need to access this singletons, you don't specify where they are, but your object get the correct references injected...
I would recommend you to look into dependency injection... and probably Spring, as it is the mainstream solution for it... I think that giving you more insgight into Spring is out of the scope of the question, but there is A LOT of documentation in Internet if you search for Spring tutorials or something similar...
Basically what you would do is create as spring beans each of your singletons, and then have spring injecting them into your objects... The caveat to this approach is that all of your objects have to be built by Spring, but in practice it doesn't suppose any disadvantage, it will actually make your life easier in terms of testings, maintenance...
Singletons, when done at language level, are global objects. This may work for small projects but is not the best idea when the project grows. There may evolve a situation where suddenly a singleton is only a singleton relative to a certain scope. Then you have to touch the object and every access to it.
That said if you have a Project object or an Application object these are good places to have accessors to Project-relative singletons. If Project is just a class that provides a lot of static accessors it is like a namespace. It is a win in clarity and will make refactoring easier but it doesn't change much in terms of architecture.
Best way to do singletons is not on language level but on application level. Very helpful are application and dependency frameworks like Spring (where the standard scope for beans is in fact singleton). If you later on see that the object isn't singleton you just change the configuration - but not the object itself.
As someone who is usually against the usage of stateful singletons (except for caching purposes), I would say: have one instance of these classes per running application and inject them where you need them (see Dependency Injection). That will also allow you to run the same application multiple times with different configuration in the same JVM.
How can I write singleton to work through several processes? Is it possible?
For example I have code that works with Remote Service in Android. How can I write singleton for this purpose?
This thread is old, but the current accepted answer is wrong and misleading some people, so here we go.
Services in Android may run on the same process as your app, or a different process altogether.
If this is an Service defined by your own app for its internal use, it is probably running on the same process. Just don't set any of the process attributes on the Manifest. In that case, your service will run its tasks on either the main thread, or some background threads, and will share the same singleton instance with the rest of your app.
If this is a true remote Service running on a separate process, or a separate app, then what you are trying to achieve is much, much more difficult. Each process will have its own instance of the singleton, and they are in no way related to each other. This makes perfect sense, once you realise the different processes may not even be running the same version of the code.
If you really want to have a common object across processes (hint: you almost certainly don't), you'll need to create a shared memory space for its data, and implement some means of synchronisation. I'm sure there are full college lectures on that subject.
Remote Service you Create will always be singleton. You need to have an Interface to communicate between process using Android Interface Definition Language.
Android Interface Definition Language
See this Example
public enum MySingleton {
//all class stuff
This one is singleton that is simply written, lazy and thread safe. You can use MySingleton.SOLE directly or put it to other variables, but they all will be only references to one only instance. You can use it in as many processes as you wish, it shall weather them all. (processes in Android are threads really)
It is not my idea, it is from Effective Java, Second Edition
As for global data using (put that requirement into the question, please), you could reach MySingleton.SOLE from everywhere. Static constants are global. Of course, names would be yours.
Of course any thing has its workaround. You can fool this singleton by classloading.
If you really want to have one instance for several different tasks, not threads, then the easy solution will be singleton build as Hybernate or other ORM object. All processes will see the same row in the same table with the same data. But I think it is the overkill for your task.
I'm currently working on a Java application which should have the capability to use different versions of a class at the same time (because of multi tenancy support). I was wondering, is there any good approach to manage this? My basic approach is to have an interface, lets say Car, and implement the different versions as CarV1, CarV2, and so on. Every version gets its own class.
My approach is kind of wiered, I think. But I didn't found any literature regarding to this topic, but I actually don't know what I should search for.
The interface idea is prudent. Combine it with a factory that can produce the required implementation instance depending on some external input, e. g. the tenant-id. If you don't need to support multiple tenants in the same running instance of the application, you could also use something like the ServiceLocator from the JDK which allows to use a file-based configuration approach.
If you are running in an application server, consider just firing up multiple instances, each configured for a different client. The server will then take care of the separation of instances, just fine.
Otherwise, if you really think you need multiple implementations at the same time (at runtime) in a non-Java EE application, this is a tricky problem. Maybe you want to consider a look at OSGi containers, which provide features for having multiple versions of a class. However, an approach like this add significant complexity, if you are not already familiar with it.
In theory you can handle this using multiple class loaders like JBoss for example does.
BUT: I would strongly advise against implementing this yourself. This is a rather complicated matter and easily gotten wrong. If you are talking about a web application, you can instead create one web app instance per tenant. If you are working on a stand-alone app, you should check, if running one instance per tenant might be feasible.
I'm going to write my first Java based web app, and I'm sort of lost how to begin.
Firstly, I would like a web app and a desktop app that do pretty much the same thing, without the hackish idea of embedding a web browser into the desktop app because that doesn't allow to easily make changes to the desktop without affecting the web app and vice versa.
Now, here my questions.
Right now, I have a bunch of POJOs and they communicate with a single class that, right now, uses a flat file as a "database", of course, in production, I would use a legitimate database and just change that single class. Is this a good idea? Will I be able to go from POJOs to a web app?
Should I use a framework? I would like to have this app written pretty soon, seeing that all the buisness logic is there, I just need to wrap it so its usable, so, I don't want to spend an extreme amount of time learning, say, Spring (which AFAIK is huge), but, I don't want to keep reinventing the wheel throughout my app either. I can always just use JSP and scriptlets...
If you said yes to the above, what framework(s) do you suggest? Please note that I would like a framework that I can start using in maybe 3-4 weeks of learning.
Will I have to start from scratch with the POJOs that I have written? They're well over 30k LOC, so, if it is like that, I'll be hesitant.
You will need:
a web framework. Since you have Swing background, JSF 2 will be your best bet (everything will be painful, of course, but JSF will get you up and going quickly and will help you avoid the most tragic mistakes). Also, wrapping business pojos into web guis is the main use-case for JSF and it's biggest focus.
a "glue framework". One thing that is much different with web applications as opposed to desktop ones is that you cannot create view components by yourself - they must be created when browser requests a page. So you have to find a way to create the view objects and deliver all the references to the pojos that represent logic, some of which may have very different lifecycles (this is not a problem on desktop, but on web you have to distinguish between pojos that live along with the whole application, along with a single user session, along with a single request, and so on).
The "glue framework" could also provide the additional benefit of managing transactions. You have three choices:
Spring. It's not half as complex as you thing; you only need to learn some basic stuff.
EJB. You would need a real application server, like Glassfish or JBoss
bare JSF has good support for dependency injection, the only drawback is the lack of automatic transaction management.
If I were in your position, I would go with bare JSF 2.0 - this way you only need to learn one new technology. At first, try to avoid libraries like PrimeFaces - they usually work worse than advertised.
edit - and addendum
or - what is "dependency injection"(abridged and simplified)
When request comes to a web application, a new task starts in a new thread (well, the thread is probably recycled, but that's not important).
The application has already been running for some time and most of the objects you are going to need are already built and should not get created again: you have your database connection pool, maybe some parts of business layer; it is also possible that the request is just one of many request made during one session, and you already have a bunch of POJOs that the user is working on. The question is - how to get references to those objects?
You could arrange your application so that resources are available through some static fields. They may be singletons themselves, or they could be acquired through a singleton locator. This tends to work, but is out of fashion (hard to test, hard to refactor, hard to reuse, lifecycles are hard coded in application). The real code could look like this:
public void doSomething() {
Customer Service cs = AppManager.getInstance().getCustomerService();
if you need clustering and session management, you could build a special kind of broker that would know and provide to anyone all kinds of needed objects. Each type of object would be registered as a factory under a different name. This also works and is implemented in Java as JNDI. The actual client code would look like this:
public void doSomething() throws Exception {
CustomerService cs = (CustomerService)new InitialContext().lookup("some_fancy_looking_name_in_reality_just_string");
The last way is the nicest. Since your initial object is not created by you but by the server just after http request arrives (details depend on the technology you choose, but your entry point might be a JSF managed bean or some kind of action controller), you can just advertise which references you need and let the server take care of finding them for you. This is called "Dependency Injection". Your acts as if everything is taken care of before your code is ever launched. Spring or EJB container, or CDI, or JSF take care of the rest. The code would look like this (just an example):
CustomerService cs;
public void doSomething() {
when you use DI, it really uses one of the two former methods under the hood. The good thing is: you do not have to know which one and in some cases you can even switch them without altering your code;
the exact means of registering components for injection differs from framework to framework. It might be a piece of Java code (like in Guice), an XML file (classic Spring) or an annotation (classic EJB 3). Most of the mentioned technologies support different kinds of configuration.
You should definitely use a framework as otherwise sooner or later you'll end up writing your own.
If you use maven then simply typing mvn archetype:generate will give you a huge list of frameworks to choose from and it'll set up all of the scaffolding for you so you can just play with a few frameworks until you find the one that works for you.
Spring has good documentation and is surprisingly easy to get started with. Don't be put off by the pages of documentation! You could use JPA to store stuff in the database. You should (in theory) just be able to annotate your existing POJO's to denote primary keys and so on and it should just work. You can also use JSP's within Spring if that makes life easier.
... I a bunch of POJOs and they communicate with a single class that, right now, uses a flat file as a "database", of course, in production, I would use a legitimate database and just change that single class. Is this a good idea? Will I be able to go from POJOs to a web app?
qualified yes. if the pojo's are sane you should not have many problems. many people use hiberbate.
Should I use a framework? I would like to have this app written pretty soon, seeing that all the buisness logic is there, I just need to wrap it so its usable, so, I don't want to spend an extreme amount of time learning, say, Spring (which AFAIK is huge), but, I don't want to keep reinventing the wheel throughout my app either. I can always just use JSP and scriptlets...
probably. spring is huge, but things like grails or roo can help.
if you want to have a responsive web app, you will need to do some kind of rich client (AJAX). this may require a lot of your code to run on the client. this means writing a lot of javascript or using gwt. this will be a pain. it probably will not be so easy to just "wrap it". if you have written a swing app, then basically that code will need to run on the client.
If you said yes to the above, what framework(s) do you suggest? Please note that I would like a framework that I can start using in maybe 3-4 weeks of learning.
i like groovy and grails - grails uses spring-mvc, spring, hibernate. but there is roo, play and others.
Will I have to start from scratch with the POJOs that I have written? They're well over 30k LOC, so, if it is like that, I'll be hesitant.
the code that will run on the server can probably be mostly left alone. the code that has to run on the client needs to be rewritten in javascript or maybe you can get some reuse out of that code by using gwt,
The Play Framework is doing great things. I would recommend it highly. Having worked with EJB apps and Tomcat/Servlet/Spring apps it's a breath of fresh air. After framework installation you get a working app in a few seconds. Reminds me of Ruby on Rails or Node.js with the type-safety of Java.
Much quicker turnaround on getting started, faster development cycles, and a clearer configuration model than previous Java web app frameworks.