Implementation of SQL Iterators - java

Does anyone know good source where I can find about implementation of SQL iterator/Operator in java and any other languages?

I'm going to go with Elijah's interpretation, that Nimesh actually meant, "Is it possible to make a wrapper Iterable for a ResultSet. Here's something I whipped up. It's obviously not yet production-ready, but it definitely gives the idea. Since there is no standard (as far as I know) ResultSetRow, it returns an Object[] for each row.
There are some significant issues with this concept, not least that Iterator is not allowed to throw, so SQLExceptions are handled as best possible "on-site". Also, ResultSet is a very complex and featureful beast (see for instance the overloaded methods for every type). This complexity could be partially taken advantage of but isn't. For instance, there could be methods like getIntIterable(ResultSet rs) which returns a Iterable<int[]>. The method could check the getColumnTypes of the ResultSetMetadata object. That way, it could throw (if for instance not all columns are ints) before creating the Iterable, the methods of which can not throw.
public static class ResultSetIterable implements Iterable<Object[]>
private ResultSet rs;
private int columnCount;
public ResultSetIterable(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
{ = rs;
columnCount = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
public Iterator<Object[]> iterator()
return new Iterator<Object[]>()
private boolean moreRows;
moreRows = rs.first();
catch(SQLException e)
moreRows = false;
public boolean hasNext()
boolean knownClosed = false;
knownClosed = rs.isClosed();
catch(Throwable e)
// Ignore possible SQLException or AbstractMethodError or...
return !knownClosed && moreRows;
public Object[] next()
Object[] curRow = new Object[columnCount];
for(int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++)
curRow[i - 1] = rs.getObject(i);
catch(SQLException e)
curRow[i - 1] = null;
moreRows =;
catch(SQLException e)
moreRows = false;
return curRow;
public void remove()
catch(SQLException e)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ResultSetIterable does not support remove for this ResultSet type.");


SortedSet not adding new constructed objects from certain sql queried results data

The answer to the following described issue may be as simple as that I am not using SortedSet correctly, but I wouldn't know if that is the case.
void SQLRankGuildsByPoints(final CallbackReturnIntegerStringSortedSet callback)
java.sql.Connection cn = null;
try {
cn = DataSource.getConnection();
if(cn != null)
PreparedStatement query = cn.prepareStatement("SELECT GuildName, TotalActivityPoints FROM Guilds");
ResultSet result = query.executeQuery();
SortedSet<Pair_IntString> GuildsRanking = new TreeSet(new ComparatorGuildsRanking());
int resultInt = result.getInt("TotalActivityPoints");
String resultString = result.getString("GuildName");
GuildsRanking.add(new Pair_IntString(resultInt, resultString));
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(MainClassAccess, new Runnable() { //Callback to main thread
public void run() {
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
All 8 results from the Guilds table are present in "result" ResultSet.
GuildsRanking.add() isn't adding the new custom Pair_IntString object constructed with the query results, specifically for guilds "test" and "lilo" in Guilds table.
SQLRankGuildsByPoints method finishes it's execution, calling back the GuildsRanking SortedSet without 2 of the iterated results.
This behaviour is unintended and I can't find an explanation for it.
The comparator used for TreeSet:
public class ComparatorGuildsRanking implements Comparator<Pair_IntString> {
public int compare(Pair_IntString intStr1, Pair_IntString intStr2) {
return intStr2.integer.compareTo(intStr1.integer);
Custom Pair_IntString class:
public class Pair_IntString {
public Integer integer;
public String string;
Pair_IntString(Integer i, String s)
integer = i;
string = s;
No error messages with the skipped add iterations.

If I started transaction but because of the condition, I shouldn't do this, should I use commit or can I call rollback right away?

I have Dao Service that make order and If I don't found a car I don't need to commit
public String makeOrder(String[] stingNumbers, String[] categories, String userAddress, String userDestination, String login) {
int[] numbers = Stream.of(stingNumbers).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();
Car[] foundCars = new Car[categories.length];
String messageTakenTime = null;
User foundUser = userDao.findUser(login);
for (int i = 0; i < foundCars.length; i++) {
foundCars[i] = carDao.findCar(numbers[i], categories[i]);
if (foundCars[i] == null) {
return String.format("false %s %d", categories[i], numbers[i]);
carDao.updateCar(foundCars[i].getCarId(), "on Order");
double distance = DistanceUtil.getDistance(userAddress, userDestination);
CarCategory foundCarCategory = categoryDao.findCarCategory(categories[i]);
double discount = foundCarCategory.getDiscount();
double costPerKilo = foundCarCategory.getCostPerOneKilometer();
int scale = (int) Math.pow(10, 1);
double orderCost = (double) Math.round((distance * costPerKilo) - ((distance * costPerKilo) * discount) * scale) / scale;
Order order = new Order();
if (messageTakenTime == null) {
messageTakenTime = DistanceUtil.takenTime(distance);
return messageTakenTime;
I have methods in DaoFactory that working with connection(open connection, start transaction,close connection,close transaction and make rollback)
public static void createTransaction() {
isTransaction = true;
try {
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
public static void endTransaction() {
try {
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
public static void abortTransaction() {
try {
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
public static void createConnectionScope() {
isConnectionScope = true;
try {
connection = DATA_SOURCE.getConnection();
} catch (SQLException e) {
public static void endConnectionScope() {
isConnectionScope = false;
try {
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
In my example If i dont want to commit my transaction what should I do?Call rollback?Or call commit and after that rollback? Also, if you could tell me how to catch exceptions in these methods, or let the method throw them and catch them directly in the service layer, because I don't quite understand how it is done. Thanks for reply.
If you don't want to commit a transaction you need use ROLLBACK.
If you COMMIT the transaction there is nothing left to ROLLBACK, these operations are mutually exclusive.
These operations that happens should be catch wherever are the logic of your application. Some times after a exception happen you need to do more things than a ROLLBACK. If you capture the exception in your DAO class you can't tell exactly what was happening and generate better messages or specific logic.

requested operation is not supported in result sets

I need to display the data returned from a SQL SERVER stored procedure in a Jtable, and yet I have not been able to do it because it gives me the following error: the requested operation is not supported on forwarding-only result sets.
this is the code that I implemented:
CallableStatement mostararPacientesAusentes = conexionBBDD.getConexionBBDD()
.prepareCall("{call mostararPacientesAusentes()}");
ResultSet tabla = mostararPacientesAusentes.executeQuery();
AbstractTableModel mTN=new ModeloTabla(tabla);
} catch (SQLException e1) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1.getMessage(), "BBDD", 2, null);
and this is the class that inherits AbstractTableModel
public class ModeloTabla extends AbstractTableModel {
private ResultSet tabla;
private ResultSetMetaData datosBBDD;
public ModeloTabla(ResultSet unResulset)
catch (SQLException e)
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return tabla.getObject(columnIndex+1);
catch (SQLException e)
return null;
public String getColumnName(int c)
return datosBBDD.getColumnName(c+1);
catch (SQLException e) {
return null;
public int getRowCount() {
try {
return tabla.getRow();
catch (SQLException e) {
return 0;
public int getColumnCount()
return datosBBDD.getColumnCount();
catch (SQLException e)
return 0;
The titles of the columns of the table show it in the JTable, but the data does not.
I have already searched unsuccessfully for information to solve the problem.
Thank you very much.
Documentation of ResultSet:
... A default ResultSet object is not updatable and has a cursor that moves forward only. Thus, you can iterate through it only once and only from the first row to the last row. It is possible to produce ResultSet objects that are scrollable and/or updatable. ...
There is a version of prepareCall() that accepts additional arguments to do that, like in:
...prepareCall("{call mostararPacientesAusentes()}",
Please check the documentation for other constants/types.
I am not sure if using a ResultSet to maintain the data is such a good idea - it is probably holding a lot of resources (connection, statement, ...) - IMHO better read the data once and save it in a list or similar structure; releasing the database resources ASAP.

Java - Design Pattern for repeating sql tasks

I have different methods, which queries different data from a database, but the main structure of every method is the same. To reduce the code, I want to shrink that but I don't know how. I have tried interfaces but the return statement cannot called from an inner class. (It should be typesafe!)
public <special type> getXYdata(some parameters) {
try (Connection connection = mDataSource.getConnection();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(... special query ...)
) {
// Handle ResultsSet and return object of a special type.
} catch (SQLTimeoutException e) {
throw new ContentManagerException("Query took to long or connection timed out", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ContentManagerException("Query or parsing its results failed", e);
private interface QHandler<T> {
String getQuery();
T handleResultSet(ResultSet set) throws SQLException;
And then:
private void executeQuery(QHandler handler) throws ContentManagerException {
try (Connection connection = mDataSource.getConnection();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(handler.getQuery())
) {
} catch (SQLTimeoutException e) {
throw new ContentManagerException("Query took to long or connection timed out", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ContentManagerException("Query or parsing its results failed", e);
But if I call this private method in one of my data mathods, I cannot return an object from the handleResultSet() methods, because the return statement will affect this interface method. Is there an option, to tell the execiteQuery() method which return type the handler has?
Attention: It has to be type safe, no casting if possible!
Your method should not use a raw QHandler type, and should be generic:
private <T> T executeQuery(QHandler<T> handler) throws ContentManagerException {
try (Connection connection = mDataSource.getConnection();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(handler.getQuery())
) {
return handler.handleResultSet(results);
} catch (SQLTimeoutException e) {
throw new ContentManagerException("Query took to long or connection timed out", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ContentManagerException("Query or parsing its results failed", e);
Note that you're trying to reinvent Spring's JdbcTemplate. You might consider using it instead of reinventing it.
Maybe you are open for alternative solutions. If you are using Java 8, you can do somehting like this:
Interface MyHandler {
<T> T handle(Connection c);
class MyHelperClass {
public <T> T withConnection(MyHandler handler) {
try {
Connection connection = mDataSource.getConnection();
return handler.handle(connection);
} catch (...) {
} finally {
Result r = myHelperObject.withConnection(con -> {
ResultSet results = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(query)
return new Result(..)
This way you can use lambda expressions so you do not need to implement various new classes for your handler interface.

How do you implement a re-try-catch?

Try-catch is meant to help in the exception handling. This means somehow that it will help our system to be more robust: try to recover from an unexpected event.
We suspect something might happen when executing and instruction (sending a message), so it gets enclosed in the try. If that something nearly unexpected happens, we can do something: we write the catch. I don't think we called to just log the exception. I thing the catch block is meant to give us the opportunity of recovering from the error.
Now, let's say we recover from the error because we could fix what was wrong. It could be super nice to do a re-try:
try{ some_instruction(); }
catch (NearlyUnexpectedException e){
This would quickly fall in the eternal loop, but let's say that the fix_the_problem returns true, then we retry. Given that there is no such thing in Java, how would YOU solve this problem? What would be your best design code for solving this?
This is like a philosophical question, given that I already know what I'm asking for is not directly supported by Java.
You need to enclose your try-catch inside a while loop like this: -
int count = 0;
int maxTries = 3;
while(true) {
try {
// Some Code
// break out of loop, or return, on success
} catch (SomeException e) {
// handle exception
if (++count == maxTries) throw e;
I have taken count and maxTries to avoid running into an infinite loop, in case the exception keeps on occurring in your try block.
Obligatory "enterprisy" solution:
public abstract class Operation {
abstract public void doIt();
public void handleException(Exception cause) {
//default impl: do nothing, log the exception, etc.
public class OperationHelper {
public static void doWithRetry(int maxAttempts, Operation operation) {
for (int count = 0; count < maxAttempts; count++) {
try {
count = maxAttempts; //don't retry
} catch (Exception e) {
And to call:
OperationHelper.doWithRetry(5, new Operation() {
#Override public void doIt() {
//do some stuff
#Override public void handleException(Exception cause) {
//recover from the Exception
As usual, the best design depends on the particular circumstances. Usually though, I write something like:
for (int retries = 0;; retries++) {
try {
return doSomething();
} catch (SomeException e) {
if (retries < 6) {
} else {
throw e;
You can use AOP and Java annotations from jcabi-aspects (I'm a developer):
#RetryOnFailure(attempts = 3, delay = 5)
public String load(URL url) {
return url.openConnection().getContent();
You could also use #Loggable and #LogException annotations.
Although try/catch into while is well-known and good strategy I want to suggest you recursive call:
void retry(int i, int limit) {
try {
} catch (SomeException e) {
// handle exception
if (i >= limit) {
throw e; // variant: wrap the exception, e.g. throw new RuntimeException(e);
retry(i++, limit);
Spring AOP and annotation based solution:
Usage (#RetryOperation is our custom annotation for the job):
#RetryOperation(retryCount = 1, waitSeconds = 10)
boolean someMethod() throws Exception {
We'll need two things to accomplish this: 1. an annotation interface, and 2. a spring aspect. Here's one way to implement these:
The Annotation Interface:
import java.lang.annotation.*;
public #interface RetryOperation {
int retryCount();
int waitSeconds();
The Spring Aspect:
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
#Aspect #Component
public class RetryAspect {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RetryAspect.class);
#Around(value = "#annotation(RetryOperation)")
public Object retryOperation(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Object response = null;
Method method = ((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod();
RetryOperation annotation = method.getAnnotation(RetryOperation.class);
int retryCount = annotation.retryCount();
int waitSeconds = annotation.waitSeconds();
boolean successful = false;
do {
try {
response = joinPoint.proceed();
successful = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {"Operation failed, retries remaining: {}", retryCount);
if (retryCount < 0) {
throw ex;
if (waitSeconds > 0) {"Waiting for {} second(s) before next retry", waitSeconds);
Thread.sleep(waitSeconds * 1000l);
} while (!successful);
return response;
Most of these answers are essentially the same. Mine is also, but this is the form I like
boolean completed = false;
Throwable lastException = null;
for (int tryCount=0; tryCount < config.MAX_SOME_OPERATION_RETRIES; tryCount++)
try {
completed = some_operation();
catch (UnlikelyException e) {
lastException = e;
if (!completed) {
Use a while loop with local status flag. Initialize the flag as false and set it to true when operation is successful e.g. below:
boolean success = false;
success = true;
} catch (NearlyUnexpectedException e){
This will keep retrying until its successful.
If you want to retry only certain number of times then use a counter as well:
boolean success = false;
int count = 0, MAX_TRIES = 10;
while(!success && count++ < MAX_TRIES){
success = true;
} catch (NearlyUnexpectedException e){
//It wasn't successful after 10 retries
This will try max 10 times if not successful until then an will exit if its successful before hand.
This is an old question but a solution is still relevant. Here is my generic solution in Java 8 without using any third party library:
public interface RetryConsumer<T> {
T evaluate() throws Throwable;
public interface RetryPredicate<T> {
boolean shouldRetry(T t);
public class RetryOperation<T> {
private RetryConsumer<T> retryConsumer;
private int noOfRetry;
private int delayInterval;
private TimeUnit timeUnit;
private RetryPredicate<T> retryPredicate;
private List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptionList;
public static class OperationBuilder<T> {
private RetryConsumer<T> iRetryConsumer;
private int iNoOfRetry;
private int iDelayInterval;
private TimeUnit iTimeUnit;
private RetryPredicate<T> iRetryPredicate;
private Class<? extends Throwable>[] exceptionClasses;
private OperationBuilder() {
public OperationBuilder<T> retryConsumer(final RetryConsumer<T> retryConsumer) {
this.iRetryConsumer = retryConsumer;
return this;
public OperationBuilder<T> noOfRetry(final int noOfRetry) {
this.iNoOfRetry = noOfRetry;
return this;
public OperationBuilder<T> delayInterval(final int delayInterval, final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.iDelayInterval = delayInterval;
this.iTimeUnit = timeUnit;
return this;
public OperationBuilder<T> retryPredicate(final RetryPredicate<T> retryPredicate) {
this.iRetryPredicate = retryPredicate;
return this;
public final OperationBuilder<T> retryOn(final Class<? extends Throwable>... exceptionClasses) {
this.exceptionClasses = exceptionClasses;
return this;
public RetryOperation<T> build() {
if (Objects.isNull(iRetryConsumer)) {
throw new RuntimeException("'#retryConsumer:RetryConsumer<T>' not set");
List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptionList = new ArrayList<>();
if (Objects.nonNull(exceptionClasses) && exceptionClasses.length > 0) {
exceptionList = Arrays.asList(exceptionClasses);
iNoOfRetry = iNoOfRetry == 0 ? 1 : 0;
iTimeUnit = Objects.isNull(iTimeUnit) ? TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS : iTimeUnit;
return new RetryOperation<>(iRetryConsumer, iNoOfRetry, iDelayInterval, iTimeUnit, iRetryPredicate, exceptionList);
public static <T> OperationBuilder<T> newBuilder() {
return new OperationBuilder<>();
private RetryOperation(RetryConsumer<T> retryConsumer, int noOfRetry, int delayInterval, TimeUnit timeUnit,
RetryPredicate<T> retryPredicate, List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptionList) {
this.retryConsumer = retryConsumer;
this.noOfRetry = noOfRetry;
this.delayInterval = delayInterval;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
this.retryPredicate = retryPredicate;
this.exceptionList = exceptionList;
public T retry() throws Throwable {
T result = null;
int retries = 0;
while (retries < noOfRetry) {
try {
result = retryConsumer.evaluate();
if (Objects.nonNull(retryPredicate)) {
boolean shouldItRetry = retryPredicate.shouldRetry(result);
if (shouldItRetry) {
retries = increaseRetryCountAndSleep(retries);
} else {
return result;
} else {
// no retry condition defined, no exception thrown. This is the desired result.
return result;
} catch (Throwable e) {
retries = handleException(retries, e);
return result;
private int handleException(int retries, Throwable e) throws Throwable {
if (exceptionList.contains(e.getClass()) || (exceptionList.isEmpty())) {
// exception is excepted, continue retry.
retries = increaseRetryCountAndSleep(retries);
if (retries == noOfRetry) {
// evaluation is throwing exception, no more retry left. Throw it.
throw e;
} else {
// unexpected exception, no retry required. Throw it.
throw e;
return retries;
private int increaseRetryCountAndSleep(int retries) {
if (retries < noOfRetry && delayInterval > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
return retries;
Let's have a test case like:
public void withPredicateAndException() {
AtomicInteger integer = new AtomicInteger();
try {
Integer result = RetryOperation.<Integer>newBuilder()
.retryConsumer(() -> {
int i = integer.incrementAndGet();
if (i % 2 == 1) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Very odd exception");
} else {
return i;
.delayInterval(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.retryPredicate(value -> value <= 6)
.retryOn(NumberFormatException.class, EOFException.class)
Assert.assertEquals(8, result.intValue());
} catch (Throwable throwable) {;
A simple way to solve the issue would be to wrap the try/catch in a while loop and maintain a count. This way you could prevent an infinite loop by checking a count against some other variable while maintaining a log of your failures. It isn't the most exquisite solution, but it would work.
In case it's useful, a couple more options to consider, all thrown together (stopfile instead of retries, sleep, continue larger loop) all possibly helpful.
while(!stopFileExists()) {
try {
// do work
catch (ExpectedExceptionType e) {
// could sleep in here, too.
// another option would be to "restart" some bigger loop, like
continue bigLoop;
// ... more work
If not all exceptions warrant a retry, only some. And if at least one try has to be made, Here is an alternative utility method:
void runWithRetry(Runnable runnable, Class<Exception> exClass, int maxRetries) {
Exception err = null;
do {
try {;
err = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
err = e;
}else {
throw e;
} while (err != null && maxRetries > 0);
if (err != null) {
throw err;
runWithRetry(() -> {
// do something
}, TimeoutException.class, 5)
All a Try-Catch does is allow your program to fail gracefully. In a catch statement, you generally try to log the error, and maybe roll back changes if you need to.
bool finished = false;
while(finished == false)
//your code here
finished = true
catch(exception ex)
log.error("there was an error, ex");
Use a do-while to design re-try block.
boolean successful = false;
int maxTries = 3;
try {
success = true;
} catch(Me ifUCan) {
} while (!successful || maxTries > 0)
Here a reusable and more generic approach for Java 8+ that does not require external libraries:
public interface IUnreliable<T extends Exception>
void tryRun ( ) throws T;
public static <T extends Exception> void retry (int retryCount, IUnreliable<T> runnable) throws T {
for (int retries = 0;; retries++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (retries < retryCount) {
} else {
throw e;
public void demo() throws IOException {
retry(3, () -> {
new File("/tmp/test.txt").createNewFile();
You can use
RetryCatch retryCatchSyncRunnable = new RetryCatch();
// For infinite retry times, just remove this row
// For retrying on all exceptions, just remove this row
.retryOn(ArithmeticException.class, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
.onSuccess(() -> System.out.println("Success, There is no result because this is a runnable."))
.onRetry((retryCount, e) -> System.out.println("Retry count: " + retryCount + ", Exception message: " + e.getMessage()))
.onFailure(e -> System.out.println("Failure: Exception message: " + e.getMessage()))
.run(new ExampleRunnable());
Instead of new ExampleRunnable() you can pass your own anonymous function.
Simplifying #ach's previous solution into one file and using functional interfaces.
public class OperationHelper {
public static void doWithRetry(int maxAttempts, Runnable operation, Consumer<Exception> handle) {
for (int count = 0; count < maxAttempts; count++) {
try {;
count = maxAttempts; //don't retry
} catch (Exception e) {
int MAX = 3;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (count++ < MAX) {
public void doSomething() throws Exception{
final int MAX_TRIES = 10;
int count = 0;
while(count++ < MAX_TRIES){
causeIssue(count); // throws error/exception till count 2
System.out.println("trying successful");
break; // break on success
} catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("caught, logging Exception:" + count);
} catch (Error e){
System.out.println("caught, logging Error:" + count);
caught, logging Error:1
caught, logging Error:2
trying successful
I know there are already many similar answers here, and mine is not much different, but I will post it anyway because it deals with a specific case/issue.
When dealing with the facebook Graph API in PHP you sometimes get an error, but immediately re-trying the same thing will give a positive result (for various magical Internet reasons that are beyond the scope of this question). In this case there is no need to fix any error, but to simply try again because there was some kind of "facebook error".
This code is used immediately after creating a facebook session:
//try more than once because sometimes "facebook error"
$attempt = 3;
while($attempt-- > 0)
// To validate the session:
$attempt = 0;
catch (Facebook\FacebookRequestException $ex)
// Session not valid, Graph API returned an exception with the reason.
if($attempt <= 0){ echo $ex->getMessage(); }
catch (\Exception $ex)
// Graph API returned info, but it may mismatch the current app or have expired.
if($attempt <= 0){ echo $ex->getMessage(); }
Also, by having the for loop count down to zero ($attempt--) it makes it pretty easy to change the number of attempts in the future.
following is my solution with very simple approach!
while (true) {
try {
/// Statement what may cause an error;
} catch (Exception e) {
Im not sure if this is the "Professional" way to do it and i'm not entirely sure if it works for everything.
boolean gotError = false;
do {
try {
// Code You're Trying
} catch ( FileNotFoundException ex ) {
// Exception
gotError = true;
} while ( gotError = true );
int MAX_RETRY = 3;
RetryUtil.<Boolean>retry(MAX_RETRY,() -> {
//Function to retry
return true;
The issue with the remaining solutions is that, the correspondent function tries continuously without a time interval in-between, thus over flooding the stack.
Why not just trying only every second and ad eternum?
Here a solution using setTimeout and a recursive function:
Run(); //tries for the 1st time, but Run() as function is not yet defined
(function retry(){
retry(); //calls recursively
}, 1000); //tries every second
//after 5 seconds, defines Run as a global function
var Run;
Run = function(){};
}, 5000);
Replace the function Run() by the function or code that you'd like to retry every second.
Give it a try using springs #Retryable annotation , the below method will retry for 3 attempts when RuntimeException occurs
#Retryable(maxAttempts=3,value= {RuntimeException.class},backoff = #Backoff(delay = 500))
public void checkSpringRetry(String str) {
if(StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(str, "R")) {"Inside retry.....!!");
throw new RuntimeException();
Below snippet execute some code snippet. If you got any error while executing the code snippet, sleep for M milliseconds and retry. Reference link.
public void retryAndExecuteErrorProneCode(int noOfTimesToRetry, CodeSnippet codeSnippet, int sleepTimeInMillis)
throws InterruptedException {
int currentExecutionCount = 0;
boolean codeExecuted = false;
while (currentExecutionCount < noOfTimesToRetry) {
try {
System.out.println("Code executed successfully!!!!");
codeExecuted = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Retry after 100 milliseconds
} finally {
if (!codeExecuted)
throw new RuntimeException("Can't execute the code within given retries : " + noOfTimesToRetry);
Here is my solution similar to some others can wrap a function, but allows you to get the functions return value, if it suceeds.
* Wraps a function with retry logic allowing exceptions to be caught and retires made.
* #param function the function to retry
* #param maxRetries maximum number of retires before failing
* #param delay time to wait between each retry
* #param allowedExceptionTypes exception types where if caught a retry will be performed
* #param <V> return type of the function
* #return the value returned by the function if successful
* #throws Exception Either an unexpected exception from the function or a {#link RuntimeException} if maxRetries is exceeded
public static <V> V runWithRetriesAndDelay(Callable<V> function, int maxRetries, Duration delay, Class<? extends Exception>... allowedExceptionTypes) throws Exception {
final Set<Class<? extends Exception>> exceptions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(allowedExceptionTypes));
for(int i = 1; i <= maxRetries; i++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// An exception of an expected type
System.out.println("Attempt [" + i + "/" + maxRetries + "] Caught exception [" + e.getClass() + "]");
// Pause for the delay time
}else {
// An unexpected exception type
throw e;
throw new RuntimeException(maxRetries + " retries exceeded");
This Solution allows you to configure a reusable functionality for retrying based on certain exception without using any external libraries
// Create a Function that suits your need .
public interface ThrowableBiFunction<U,T,R> {
R apply(U u ,T t) throws Exception;
//Here's the crux of the solution
public interface ExceptionRetryable<T, U, R> {
int getRetries();
List<Class<? extends Exception>> getRetryableExceptions();
default R execute(ThrowableBiFunction<T, U, R> function, T t, U u) throws Exception {
int numberOfRetries = getRetries();
return execute(function, t, u, numberOfRetries);
default R execute(ThrowableBiFunction<T, U, R> function, T t, U u, int retryCount) throws Exception {
try {" Attempting to execute ExceptionRetryable#execute ,Number of remaining retries {} ",retryCount);
return function.apply(t, u);
} catch (Exception e) {" error occurred in ExceptionRetryable#execute",e);
if (retryCount == 0)
throw e;
for (Class exp : getRetryableExceptions()) {
if (e.getClass() == exp) {
return execute(function, t, u, retryCount - 1);
throw e;
// create an implementation for exception retryable
public class TestRetryable implements ExceptionRetryable<String, String, List<String>> {
public int getRetries() {
return 10;
public List<Class<? extends Exception>> getRetryableExceptions() {
return Arrays.asList(new Exception1().getClass(), new Exception2().getClass());
// Finally create a ThrowableBiFunction that encapsulates that piece of code that needs to be retried on exception and an instance of ExceptionRetryable
TestRetryable retryable = new TestRetryable();
ThrowableBiFunction<Integer,Long, String> testRetrablefcn = { i, l ->
// your code goes here
Integer i = 0;
Long l = 1l;
String output = testRetrablefcn.execute(testRetrablefcn,i,l);
Production ready code:
public interface Operation {
void doCall() throws IOException;
default void handleException(Exception e) {
//Your custom default implementation
public class OperationHelper {
public static void doWithRetry(int maxAttempts, Operation operation) {
for (int count = 0; count <= maxAttempts; count++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (count == maxAttempts) {
} else {
Usage with default implementation in code:
() -> //do your job );
Usage when custom exception handle is needed:
OperationHelper.doWithRetry(10, new Operation() {
#Override public void doIt() {
//do some stuff
#Override public void handleException(Exception cause) {
//recover from the Exception
