When is a Swing component 'displayable'? - java

Is there a way (e.g., via an event?) to determine when a Swing component becomes 'displayable' -- as per the Javadocs for Component.getGraphics?
The reason I'm trying to do this is so that I can then call getGraphics(), and pass that to my 'rendering strategy' for the component.
I've tried adding a ComponentListener, but componentShown doesn't seem to get called. Is there anything else I can try?
And additionally, is it OK to keep hold of the Graphics object I receive? Or is there potential for a new one to be created later in the lifetime of the Component? (e.g., after it is resized/hidden?)

Add a HierarchyListener
public class MyShowingListener {
private JComponent component;
public MyShowingListener(JComponent jc) { component=jc; }
public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent e) {
if((e.getChangeFlags() & HierarchyEvent.SHOWING_CHANGED)>0 && component.isShowing()) {
JTable t = new JTable(...);
t.addHierarchyListener(new MyShowingListener(t));

You can listen for a resize event. When a component is first displayed, it is resized from 0,0 to whatever the layout manager determines (if it has one).

You need to check up the component hierarchy. Check after AncestorListener.ancestorAdded is called.

I've always used Coomponent.addNotify to know when the component is ready to be rendered.Not sure if is the the best way, but it works for me. Of course you must subclass the component.
Component.isDisplayable should be the right answer but I know it didn't worked for me as I thought it will(I don't remember why, but there was something and I switched to addNotify).
Looking in the SUN's source code, I can see addNotify fires a HierarchyEvent.SHOWING_CHANGED so this is the best way to be notified.


Best way to use additional components in wicket behaviors

I've create a new subclass of a wicket behavior which can be attached to form components. If a validation error occurs for such a component, the behaviors shows/hides a specific error label. My code looks similar to this:
public MyErrorBehavior(Component errorComponent) {
// show/hide errorComponent within onUpdate() or
// onError() based on getComponent().isValid()
My questions is: Is it ok to pass a component to a behaviors constructor?
Yes, a behavior is allowed to keep references to components, please see EqualInputValidator as an example.
Take care if you remove these components from your component tree: you should remove the behavior too, otherwise you'll have dangling references of components which are no longer detached.
There is no need to keep a reference to the component because Wicket will pass the component in the callback method, e.g.
public void onComponentTag(Component component, ComponentTag tag)
// cast component to FormComponent and make the check here
This way there is no need to clean up and you can add the same Behavior instance to more than one (Form)Component.

Extending Swing's ToolTipManager to change behaviour on hover?

I'd like to implement a ToolTip in Swing that has customised behaviour: the longer the user hovers over the component, the more detail should be shown in the tooltip (i.e., a few new lines are added after a few seconds of the user hovering over the component). I just need to check whether this is really doable with Swing without things getting too messy. My idea at the moment would probably be:
Extend ToolTipManager
Override mouseEntered to start a timer (maybe use javax.swing.Timer?). Call setToolTipText and createToolTip to refresh the tooltip and add new information at regular intervals
Override mouseExited to reset the timer
Probably use setDismissDelay to set the dismiss delay to something a lot longer (or Integer.MAX_VALUE)
Is such a thing feasible or is this not a good way to work with Swing (sorry, I'm pretty new to it)? Is there a better way of doing this?
[edit] Hmm, just remembered that ToolTipManager is a singleton with a constructor that only has package visibility, so it can't be extended.
[edit 2] I'm trying out a few solutions at the moment. One thing that I forgot to add is that I do need to know which component is being hovered over - which I guess means I'll need to be working with some sort of listener with a mouseEntered() method (or be able to access this information). And no other interactivity with the popup/tooltip is needed - it just needs to display information.
(This may seem a bit confusing so let me know if you need me to clarify let me know and I'll try to show you how I picture the code) I think your idea might work like if you extend it, and also make a private class that extends Threadand then in the run() method you do something like
And in your class that extends ToolTipManager, create a field for that class that extends Thread and in the mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) instantiate the thing like:
extendsThreadClass = new ExtendsThreadClass();
and then in the mouseExited(MouseEvent e) method do
extendsThreadClass = null;
Then in that mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) method after starting the Thread then you can do what you want to do after the time thing like
if(timeElapsed > 3000)
//what you want to do here
Sorry it may be confusing, let me know if i can clear it up for you
I thought I should update this with the approach I took before I saw l1zZY's answer (which I think is the better way of doing things - I still had bugs in my code before I moved onto something else, but this might still be helpful to someone). This is what I did:
Extend JToolTip
Use a Swing Timer for timing
Add a MouseMotion listener to the JTree (in my case I wanted the popup to show when a node was hovered over)
Somewhat inelegantly, detect when the mouse moved over a tree node like this:
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
int x = (int) e.getX();
int y = (int) e.getY();
TreePath path = getPathForLocation(x, y);
if (path == null) {
} else {
TreeNode node = (TreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent();
if (!tooltip.isVisible) {
int absX = e.getXOnScreen();
int absY = e.getYOnScreen();
final Popup tooltipContainer = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance().getPopup(PDTreeView.this,
tooltip, absX, absY);
tooltip.show() refers to how the tooltip was contained in a Popup
in order to show or hide it programmatically. show() shows the
Popup (and therefore tooltip) and also starts the Swing timer.
Timer has a method called actionPerformed() which is called at whatever interval you set. I just had that method call the code that adds new information to the tooltip. in hide(), I reset the tooltip and the timer.
I had issues with the popup or tooltip not resizing to fit the content, but otherwise this seemed ok.

Reason for calling setEnabled(false) in JPanel

I am working on Swing for a while now but never had a situation in practice when I had to call setEnabled(false) in JPanel.
Still, I see such code sometimes in some sophisticated gui. But I really don't undarstand why someone wants to use it?
So, please give me some examples of real life common situations when you need to use setEnabled(false) on JPanel.
Also in javadoc it says:
Disabling a component does not disable its children.
actually I had a bug because table inside disabled JPanel didn't show mouse resize cursor when resizing columns. I suspect there are other unpleasant surprises here.
One reason is so that getEnabled() will reflect the correct state.
Consider a case where some event handler wants to flag the panel
as no longer enabled and it is not prudent at the time of the event
to iterate over and disable all child components. Other parts of the
app might need to test the state of the panel via getEnabled() to
determine what to do at different points in the app.
I personally never had to do this but now that you asked and got me
thinking I might use this sometime. Thanks. &&+=1 to the question.
Starter code to enable/disable all components in a container.
JPanel p = new JPanel();
setEnabledAll(p, state);
public void setEnabledAll(Object object, boolean state) {
if (object instanceof Container) {
Container c = (Container)object;
Component[] components = c.getComponents();
for (Component component : components) {
setEnabledAll(component, state);
else {
if (object instanceof Component) {
Component component = (Component)object;

Java Swing: Do something when a component has *finished* resizing

Apologies for the somewhat unclear question - couldn't think of a better way of putting it.
I use a JXTaskPane (from the Swing labs extension API) to display some information.
The user can "click" the title to expand the panel. The JXTaskPane is in a container JPanel, which is then added to a JFrame, my main application window.
I want my application window to resize to the size of the expanded task pane. To achieve this, I added a component listener to my container JPanel which would set size to the now expanded panel.
panel.addComponentListener(new ComponentListener()
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e)
Dimension newSize = ((JXTaskPane)e.getSource()).getSize();
private void reSizeFrame(Dimension newSize)
if ((newSize.height < maxSize.height) && (newSize.width < maxSize.width))
The problem is that the componentResized method is called as the task pane expands, as a result the resizeFrame method is called lots of times, and looks really awful on the screen.
How can I detect when the JXTaskpane has finished resizing? I thought of two approaches:
Put the resizeFrame() method in a SwingUtilities.invokeLate(..) call.
Put in a timer resizeFrame call, so any subsequent calls do not do anything until the timer fires. This should give enough time for the panel to resize.
What is the best way forward?
Also - This is my first serious Java GUI app after years of server side program. StackOverflow has been very helpful. So thanks!
I know you've already selected an answer, but overriding the paint method is definitely not correct, and while you may be able to hack something in place, it won't be ideal.
Looking at the source for JXTaskPane and specifically looking in setExpanded() (line 387), you can see it calls JXCollapsiblePane.setCollapsed(...) and then fires a property change event for expanded. A listener on that property won't be correct, because it'll fire before the animation is complete. So, if you go into JXCollapsiblePane and look at setCollapsed(...) (line 470) you'll see that if it's animated, it sets the paramaters and starts a timer. We want to know when the animation ends, so in that file, look at the animator (line 620, and specifically 652-667), which shows that when the animation ends, it fires a property change for ANIMATION_STATE_KEY with a value of "collapsed" or "expanded". This is the event you actually want. However, you don't have access to JXCollapsiblePane, so go back to JXTaskPane and search for ANIMATION_STATE_KEY, and you find line 208, which shows that JXTaskPane creates a listener on JXCollapsiblePane.ANIMATION_STATE_KEY and refires it as it's own event.
Since you do have access to JXTaskPane, you can listen for that event, so doing ...
taskPane.addPropertyChangeListener(JXCollapsiblePane.ANIMATION_STATE_KEY, new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
if(e.getNewValue().equals("expanded") {
else if(e.getNewValue().equals("collapsed") {
should get your event exactly when you want it.
The correct way to listen for events in Swing is through property listeners. Unfortunately, the only way to find out what the correct properties and values are is by digging through source code.
As a suggestion, have you tried overriding the paint method, first calling super and then putting your resize code at the end of that if (and only if) the size has changed significantly.
I'm not familiar with JXTaskPane, but my first reaction is that maybe you're handling the wrong event. You want the frame to resize when the user clicks on the header - so why not handle that event (perhaps using EventQueue.invokeLater() to resize the frame after the task pane has been resized)?
But if that doesn't work and you need to use the approach you've outlined above, using a javax.swing.Timer is probably best. Set it for 200 milliseconds or so and just restart() it every time componentResized() fires.

Reset/remove a border in Swing

Here's a very specific coding question:
I've recently been asked to maintain some old-ish Java Swing GUI code at work and ran into this problem:
I've attached my own subclass of InputVerifier called MyFilenameVerifier to a JTextField (but it may as well be any JComponent for these purposes). I've overridden the verify() method such that it calls super.verify(input) (where input is the JComponent parameter to verify()). If super.verify(input) comes back false, I do:
This is a convention used throughout the UI of this application that started long before me, so I don't have a lot of choice as far as using other ways to get the users attention (wish I did). This is just the way it works.
Problem is, once the user goes back and types something valid into the text field, I need a way to set it back to default border (instead of just saying set it to Color.GRAY or whatever, which is a different color from its original border). I need a way to say, "remove the extra decoration and go back to normal" or just set the border to its default, in other words.
Couldn't you just call input.getBorder() and cache it somewhere before setting the border to red?
Or without caching anything, you could tell the JComponent to update its UI back to the look and feel's defaults via component.updateUI. That should make the component reset its colors, borders, fonts, etc to match the original settings.
Wouldn't it be awesome if no one ever saw this and I got away free without the ass-beating I deserve for asking this question?
Not sure how your system is build, but I think you can store the original border before changing it. So you can change it back later
// assuming the Border was not null before
if (!super.verify(input)) {
original = input.getBorder();
} else {
if (original != null) {
original = null; // not needed
You need to preserve the existing border when you change it.
One way to do this is to use the methods putClientProperty() and getClientProperty(), which you'll find documented in the API.
Another possibility, if there are only a few input widgets you need this for is to subclass, e.g. JTextField, add setBorderOverride() and modify getBorder() to return "overriddingBorder" if it is not null.
Then you just use setBorderOverride(redBorder) to make it red and setBorderOverride(null) to clear it.
This of course depends on the painting to use getBorder(), which it may or may not do, and which may be implementation specific.
Incidentally, you only need a single static reference to the border-- it's the selfsame border instance used by all JTextFields.
