Streams in java - java

well, i am developing a single server multiple-client program in java. My problem is can i use single stream for all the clients or do i have to create a seperate stream for each client?
please help
thank you

Typically you'd need a stream per client. In some cases you can get away with UDP and multicasting, but it doesn't sound like a great idea for a chat server.
Usually it's easy to get a stream per client with no extra work, because each client will connect to the server anyway, and a stream can easily be set up over that connection.

Yes, you can but I think it would be harder.
If you're using then each client accepted through:
Socket client = server.accept();
Will have it's own stream so you don't have to do anything else.
Is there a real need for a single stream for all clients or is just something you think it would help.
For the later it could cause more problems than those is solve.

Can you do it?
Yes, as Jon Skeet said, you can use multicasting.
Should you do it?
That depends on what you are using the streams for.
For most client server applications, you will need a stream per client to maintain independent communications. Of course, there are applications where using multicasting is the right approach, such as live video streaming. In such a case, you would not want to overwhelm your network while streaming the same data to multiple clients. Of course, even in this case there will typically be a single control channel of some sort between each client and server.


Server-push or client-request? TCP or UDP?

I'd like to implement a function of realtime message such as chatting in facebook but several questions confuse me:
1. To reduce overhead of server and make it really 'realtime', I should use a full-duplex way of communication like socket instead of Ajax, is that right?
2. If I use socket, which protocol should I choose, TCP or UDP?
3. Assuming that I am using TCP, will server keep trying to resend the lost packages so that it would take much overhead?
4. What if the network failed in a communication between server and a client? Will the socket close it self or I should handle with several kinds of network conditions?
Can anyone help?
You can use WebSockets. XMLHttpRequest is probably obsolete now for anything real-time (because it's not real-time), though you could fall back to using it for people who use a browser that doesn't support WebSockets
Use UDP if the information you are sending is only valid for the time it is sent, for example in games that would be the position of the players (you don't care to receive the position they were in 5 seconds ago). Besides, you can't use UDP with WebSockets
For anything other than that, use TCP (unless you do hole punching to achieve p2p), because loss of data is probably bad for you, and TCP handles that.
You would have to check for and resend lost data manually with UDP anyway, unless failure in communication is acceptable by you
You will get an IOException. If the connection was closed improperly the exception will be thrown after a timeout of unresponsiveness that you are able to change according to your needs. This is assuming you use TCP, otherwise you should figure out yourself when you consider clients connected or disconnected according to the responses/data you receive (or not receive).

Streaming data in Java: RMI vs Socket

I have a server that needs to stream data to multiple clients as quickly as possible in the Observer pattern.
At least 200 messages need to be sent to each client per second until the client disconnects from the sever, and each message consists of 8 values of several primitive types. Because each message needs to be sent as soon as it is created, messages cannot be combined into one large message. Both the server and the clients reside on the same LAN.
Which technology is more suitable to implement streaming under this situation, RMI or socket?
The overhead of RMI is significant so it would not be suitable. It would be better to create a simple protocol and use sockets to send the data.
Depending on the latency that is acceptable you should configure socket buffer sizes and turn off Nagle algorithm.
I would not use RMI for this, RMI is just there for Remote Method Invocation, i.e. when the client wants to execute a method (i.e. some business logic) on the server side.
Sockets are OK for this, but you might want to consider JMS (Java Messaging Service) for this specific scenario. JMS supports something called a Topic, which is essentially a broadcast to all listeners interested in that topic. It is also generally optimised to be very fast.
You can use something like Apache ActiveMQ to achieve what you want. You also have lots of options such as persistence (in case the queue goes down messages remain in queue), message expiry (in case you want the messages to become outdated if a client does not pick them up) etc.
You can obviously implement all this using normal Sockets and take care of everything yourself, but JMS provides all this for you. You can send text or binary data, or even serialized object (I don't personally recommend the latter).
RMI is a request/response protocol, not a streaming protocol. Use TCP.

Java communication between 2 applications

Considering application_A on a machine_1 needs information about machine_2, provided by application_B (which is located on machine_2) and that both machines are in the same network, what would you guys suggest to be the easiest way of implementing the communication between the 2? (I was thinking simple socket connection).
Note: the information required is something in the lines of a few bytes, so nothing big.
You can either use socket based communication or Java RMI.
I would recommend Java RMI as its easier and saves you from handling raw socket communication.
If you are familiar with Spring framework, then writing RMI application in spring is very easy. Check Exposing services using RMI (Heading 17.2)
There are different ways to implement this but they all come down to one thing: communication over sockets.
If the information is only some bytes, implementing the sockets themselves is probably your best bet, if things start to get bigger, you might want to look into some middleware.
You can run a server program on Machine2 using ServerSocket and a client program in Machine1 can request for info.
You can try web services. JAX-RS would be the simplest.

netty sever-to-server data streams

I have two Java netty servers that need to pass lots of messages between themselves fairly frequently and I want it to happen fairly promptly.
I need a TCP socket between the two servers that I can send these messages over.
These messages are already-packed byte[] arrays and are self-contained.
The servers are currently both running HTTP interfaces.
What is the best way to do this?
For example, websockets might be a good fit yet I am unable to find any websocket client examples in netty..
I'm a netty newbie so would need some strong simple examples. It surely can't be so hard?!
Since you mentioned HTTP, you could look at the HttpStaticFileServer in the examples.
When established, a TCP connection is a Channel. To send your messages, you need to write them to a ChannelBuffer and call channel.write.
Of course, this does not cover message borders. The Telnet example shows a case, where the messages are delimited by the newline character.

java nio client side use multiplexing

My application instance has both client and server.
and now,there are 4 instances running.
Currently in each instance server uses nio multiplexing to accept and broadcast data.
When client writes to channel and if server reply with some data.Client wait for output from server.
Is it possible to use nio at client side ?
If yes can anybody give me some pointers regarding same ?
You can use NIO on client side. I recommend using JBoss Netty for NIO processing, you may see client example in it's docs.
It is possible of course to use NIO on the client side but there is rarely much point unless your client deals with hundreds of connections, which is pretty rare. It might have a point in a Web crawler for example.
