I am trying to create a gradient fill for a series in an area chart that I am building through the BIRT chart API, but the book "Integrating and Extending BIRT" and the Interwebs seem curiously silent about how to get it to work. It seems no matter what I do, I always get a flat color from the default palette. I've tried using SeriesDefinition.getSeriesPalette().update(Gradient) and even creating my own Palette with the gradient fill in it and setting that on the SeriesDefinition, but to no avail. I've also noticed that if I do not perform a shift() on the Palette, even if it's shift(0), which the Javadocs claim will do nothing, I get NullPointerException when I try to generate the chart:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.render.Area.renderDataPoints(Area.java:521)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.render.Line.renderSeries(Line.java:570)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.render.AxesRenderer.renderPlot(AxesRenderer.java:2181)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.render.AxesRenderer.render(AxesRenderer.java:314)
at org.eclipse.birt.chart.factory.Generator.render(Generator.java:1368)
... 108 more
Here's the latest (non-working) code that I've tried:
Gradient gradient = FillUtil.createDefaultGradient(BirtReportBuilder.COLOR_WHITE);
gradient.setEndColor(ColorDefinitionImpl.create(76, 116, 131));
SeriesDefinition sdY = SeriesDefinitionImpl.create();
Palette pal = PaletteImpl.create(gradient);
So what's the magic incantation to get the BIRT charting API to use my Gradient as the area fill?
This code works for me, I get a ugly coloured serie...
sdY.getSeriesPalette().update(GradientImpl.create(ColorDefinitionImpl.create(255,255,255), ColorDefinitionImpl.create(200,0,0,150), 90, false));
Hope it will help you ;p
How does one programmatically render image files from JFreeChart . I have code for ChartPanel: is it possible to render directly to an image - without creating AWT/GUI components?
val chart = .. // Imagine code to generate chart data here..
val panel = new ChartPanel(chart)
panel.renderToImage() // replace this with logic to save image file
Use one of the ChartUtilities methods, such as writeChartAsJPEG() or writeChartAsPNG(), that can write to a java.io.OutputStream; or saveChartAsJPEG() or saveChartAsPNG(), that can write to a java.io.File. Some examples are seen here and here. For example,
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("chart.png"), chart, width, height);
You'll also want to look into headless mode, mentioned here.
How does one programmatically render image files from JFreeChart . I have code for ChartPanel: is it possible to render directly to an image - without creating AWT/GUI components?
val chart = .. // Imagine code to generate chart data here..
val panel = new ChartPanel(chart)
panel.renderToImage() // replace this with logic to save image file
Use one of the ChartUtilities methods, such as writeChartAsJPEG() or writeChartAsPNG(), that can write to a java.io.OutputStream; or saveChartAsJPEG() or saveChartAsPNG(), that can write to a java.io.File. Some examples are seen here and here. For example,
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("chart.png"), chart, width, height);
You'll also want to look into headless mode, mentioned here.
This has reference to JFreeChart rendering of candlestick charts. Below is the code fragment that generates a candle stick chart with JFreeChart.
This code has been tested and has been working for a long time. However, the version of JFreeChart was changed from 1.0.17 to 1.0.19 and the candlestick chart generated with 1.0.19 is showing smudging of the candle objects/lines. When I changed the library back to 1.0.17, the candlestick objects/lines once again becomes clear.
The images with both the libraries are provided below.
I have tried to find the cause of this and have been unsuccessful as yet. Now, the question is, since the code is tested and possibly does not have any error (at least what I can figure or am I missing something?), is the issue with the library? Have anyone faced this problem and has an work around
I shall be rather grateful, if someone has found the reason/solution to this and shared the same.
Please use MS Paint to view the images.
chart=ChartFactory.createCandlestickChart("Candlestick Chart", "Date", "EOD Closing Price", (OHLCDataset)dataset, true);
CandlestickRenderer renderer=new Chart_CandlestickRenderer();//(CandlestickRenderer)plot.getRenderer();
renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.BLACK);
//HighLowItemLabelGenerator candleTooltipGenerator=new HighLowItemLabelGenerator(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"), new DecimalFormat());
XYToolTipGenerator candleTooltipGenerator=Chart_TooltipProvider.getOHLCTooltipGenerator();
//Organize the data to draw Fibbonacci retracements with highs and lows
DefaultOHLCDataset ohlcDataset=(DefaultOHLCDataset)dataset;
int dataCount=ohlcDataset.getItemCount(0);
data=new double[dataCount*2];//for each data item we shall get 2 values, high and low
for(int i=0;i<dataCount;i++){
//for each i 2 data values need to be put into the array and adjust the index accordingly
data[i*2]=ohlcDataset.getHighValue(0, i);
data[i*2+1]=ohlcDataset.getLowValue(0, i);
}//for closing
//If there is only the candlestick to be drawn, return, as the job has been done, draw the Fibonnaci and return
this.drawFibonnaciRetracement(data, plot);
return retVal;
}//if closing
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();return retVal;}
Try setting setAntiAlias of the JFreeChart to false.
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createCandlestickChart(...);
I'm getting mixed results trying to render a basic alien that was done in Blender:
I export in to Ogre 3D and load it in Eclipse:
Then when I load it in my code and try to render it the material won't render:
Could you tell me what I must do to achieve the full alien in my scene? The code I use in Jmonkeyengine is
Spatial model3 = assetManager
model3.scale(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
model3.setLocalTranslation(-40.0f, 3.5f, -20.0f);
I've got material files like these from the export:
dev#dev-OptiPlex-745:~$ ls workspace/DungeonWorld2/assets/objects/creatures/alien/
alien.mesh Material.002.material Material.005.material
alien.mesh.xml Material.003.material
alien.skeleton.xml Material.004.material
This material code actually produces a material in the scene but it's not the one from blender:
model3.setMaterial( new Material(assetManager,
"Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md") );
However, loading a 3D model of an alephant without defining the material does work:
Spatial elephant = (Spatial) assetManager.loadModel("Models/Elephant/Elephant.mesh.xml");
float scale = 0.05f;
elephant.setLocalTranslation(-50.0f, 3.5f, -20.0f);
control = elephant.getControl(AnimControl.class);
channel = control.createChannel();
for (String anim : control.getAnimationNames())
System.out.println("elephant can:"+anim);
The above code correctly renders the elephant so why can't I export a mesh like that for the alien? I tried to explcitly load the material but it's not working for me:
Spatial model3 = assetManager
model3.scale(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
model3.setLocalTranslation(-40.0f, 3.5f, -20.0f);
model3.setMaterial( new Material(assetManager,
"objects/creatures/alien/alien.material") );
The above generates an exception and I don't really know what material file it is that I'm loading and what do to with the two or three other material files that the export generated:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.jme3.material.MaterialList cannot be cast to com.jme3.material.MaterialDef
at com.jme3.material.Material.<init>(Material.java:116)
at adventure.Main.simpleInitApp(Main.java:309)
at com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication.initialize(SimpleApplication.java:225)
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.initInThread(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:129)
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.run(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:205)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
Loading other models this way is working:
BlenderKey blenderKey = new BlenderKey(
Spatial troll = (Spatial) assetManager.loadModel(blenderKey);
troll.setLocalTranslation(new Vector3f(-145, 15, -10));
BlenderKey blenderKey2 = new BlenderKey(
Spatial man = (Spatial) assetManager.loadModel(blenderKey2);
man.setLocalTranslation(new Vector3f(-140, 15, -10));
I get the models inside my game and they look alreight, both the troll and the spaceman that both originally were .blend files.
Now it's much better when I did it over and it is loading the material. The only problem with the alien left now is the holes in the head that was also answered here.
BlenderKey blenderKey = new BlenderKey(
Spatial alien = (Spatial) assetManager.loadModel(blenderKey);
alien.setLocalTranslation(new Vector3f(-145, 15, -10));
You didn't write anything about your material - did you write one and used it correctly? The problem you get seems to be the lack of material to me.
In general you'll need some *.material file and probably some textures (if you used them in Blender). For the beginning you can use one of the materials that come with Ogre, you'll just need to add:
model3.setMaterialName( "Examples/Rockwall" );
Then look if it changes anything. If you still get the problem you can look into 'Ogre.log' file - it's always worth checking because all the errors goes there.
I also see the second problem here - you render the object as 'one sided' while blender probably render is as two-sided mesh, so you get the holes on the head. You can select in the material to be two sided, but it's better (and faster during rendering) to just create your models without the holes :).
So I am trying to draw a font using Slick2D's UnicodeFont. The code that loads the font:
Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 20);
UnicodeFont uFont = new UnicodeFont(font);
uFont.getEffects().add(new ColorEffect(java.awt.Color.BLACK));
It's more or less copied and pasted from the wiki. Next, during a frame I use gluOrtho2d() and reset the projection and modelview matrices. Then I call
this.font.drawString(100, 50, "some text goes here");
to actually draw the text. But all I get is an empty screen, an no errors of any kind.
Considering that UnicodeFonts are depreciated in the current version of slick 2d, I recomend you folow my steps for using AngelCodeFonts on this related question: Slick2D Fonts don't work