Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java - java

This is a problem I have been trying to track down for a couple months now. I have a java app running that processes xml feeds and stores the result in a database. There have been intermittent resource problems that are very difficult to track down.
On the production box (where the problem is most noticeable), i do not have particularly good access to the box, and have been unable to get Jprofiler running. That box is a 64bit quad-core, 8gb machine running centos 5.2, tomcat6, and java It starts with these java-opts
JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xmx5g -Xms4g -Xss256k -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+PrintGCDetails -
XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+UseParNewGC"
The technology stack is the following:
Centos 64-bit 5.2
Java 6u11
Tomcat 6
Spring/WebMVC 2.5
Hibernate 3
Quartz 1.6.1
DBCP 1.2.1
Mysql 5.0.45
Ehcache 1.5.0
(and of course a host of other dependencies, notably the jakarta-commons libraries)
The closest I can get to reproducing the problem is a 32-bit machine with lower memory requirements. That I do have control over. I have probed it to death with JProfiler and fixed many performance problems (synchronization issues, precompiling/caching xpath queries, reducing the threadpool, and removing unnecessary hibernate pre-fetching, and overzealous "cache-warming" during processing).
In each case, the profiler showed these as taking up huge amounts of resources for one reason or another, and that these were no longer primary resource hogs once the changes went in.
The Problem:
The JVM seems to completely ignore the memory usage settings, fills all memory and becomes unresponsive. This is an issue for the customer facing end, who expects a regular poll (5 minute basis and 1-minute retry), as well for our operations teams, who are constantly notified that a box has become unresponsive and have to restart it. There is nothing else significant running on this box.
The problem appears to be garbage collection. We are using the ConcurrentMarkSweep (as noted above) collector because the original STW collector was causing JDBC timeouts and became increasingly slow. The logs show that as the memory usage increases, that is begins to throw cms failures, and kicks back to the original stop-the-world collector, which then seems to not properly collect.
However, running with jprofiler, the "Run GC" button seems to clean up the memory nicely rather than showing an increasing footprint, but since I can not connect jprofiler directly to the production box, and resolving proven hotspots doesnt seem to be working I am left with the voodoo of tuning Garbage Collection blind.
What I have tried:
Profiling and fixing hotspots.
Using STW, Parallel and CMS garbage collectors.
Running with min/max heap sizes at 1/2,2/4,4/5,6/6 increments.
Running with permgen space in 256M increments up to 1Gb.
Many combinations of the above.
I have also consulted the JVM [tuning reference]( , but can't really find anything explaining this behavior or any examples of _which_ tuning parameters to use in a situation like this.
I have also (unsuccessfully) tried jprofiler in offline mode, connecting with jconsole, visualvm, but I can't seem to find anything that will interperet my gc log data.
Unfortunately, the problem also pops up sporadically, it seems to be unpredictable, it can run for days or even a week without having any problems, or it can fail 40 times in a day, and the only thing I can seem to catch consistently is that garbage collection is acting up.
Can anyone give any advice as to:
a) Why a JVM is using 8 physical gigs and 2 gb of swap space when it is configured to max out at less than 6.
b) A reference to GC tuning that actually explains or gives reasonable examples of when and what kind of setting to use the advanced collections with.
c) A reference to the most common java memory leaks (i understand unclaimed references, but I mean at the library/framework level, or something more inherenet in data structures, like hashmaps).
Thanks for any and all insight you can provide.
Emil H:
1) Yes, my development cluster is a mirror of production data, down to the media server. The primary difference is the 32/64bit and the amount of RAM available, which I can't replicate very easily, but the code and queries and settings are identical.
2) There is some legacy code that relies on JaxB, but in reordering the jobs to try to avoid scheduling conflicts, I have that execution generally eliminated since it runs once a day. The primary parser uses XPath queries which call down to the java.xml.xpath package. This was the source of a few hotspots, for one the queries were not being pre-compiled, and two the references to them were in hardcoded strings. I created a threadsafe cache (hashmap) and factored the references to the xpath queries to be final static Strings, which lowered resource consumption significantly. The querying still is a large part of the processing, but it should be because that is the main responsibility of the application.
3) An additional note, the other primary consumer is image operations from JAI (reprocessing images from a feed). I am unfamiliar with java's graphic libraries, but from what I have found they are not particularly leaky.
(thanks for the answers so far, folks!)
I was able to connect to the production instance with VisualVM, but it had disabled the GC visualization / run-GC option (though i could view it locally). The interesting thing: The heap allocation of the VM is obeying the JAVA_OPTS, and the actual allocated heap is sitting comfortably at 1-1.5 gigs, and doesnt seem to be leaking, but the box level monitoring still shows a leak pattern, but it is not reflected in the VM monitoring. There is nothing else running on this box, so I am stumped.

Well, I finally found the issue that was causing this, and I'm posting a detail answer in case someone else has these issues.
I tried jmap while the process was acting up, but this usually caused the jvm to hang further, and I would have to run it with --force. This resulted in heap dumps that seemed to be missing a lot of data, or at least missing the references between them. For analysis, I tried jhat, which presents a lot of data but not much in the way of how to interpret it. Secondly, I tried the eclipse-based memory analysis tool ( ), which showed that the heap was mostly classes related to tomcat.
The issue was that jmap was not reporting the actual state of the application, and was only catching the classes on shutdown, which was mostly tomcat classes.
I tried a few more times, and noticed that there were some very high counts of model objects (actually 2-3x more than were marked public in the database).
Using this I analyzed the slow query logs, and a few unrelated performance problems. I tried extra-lazy loading ( ), as well as replacing a few hibernate operations with direct jdbc queries (mostly where it was dealing with loading and operating on large collections -- the jdbc replacements just worked directly on the join tables), and replaced some other inefficient queries that mysql was logging.
These steps improved pieces of the frontend performance, but still did not address the issue of the leak, the app was still unstable and acting unpredictably.
Finally, I found the option: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError . This finally produced a very large (~6.5GB) hprof file that accurately showed the state of the application. Ironically, the file was so large that jhat could not anaylze it, even on a box with 16gb of ram. Fortunately, MAT was able to produce some nice looking graphs and showed some better data.
This time what stuck out was a single quartz thread was taking up 4.5GB of the 6GB of heap, and the majority of that was a hibernate StatefulPersistenceContext ( ). This class is used by hibernate internally as its primary cache (i had disabled the second-level and query-caches backed by EHCache).
This class is used to enable most of the features of hibernate, so it can't be directly disabled (you can work around it directly, but spring doesn't support stateless session) , and i would be very surprised if this had such a major memory leak in a mature product. So why was it leaking now?
Well, it was a combination of things:
The quartz thread pool instantiates with certain things being threadLocal, spring was injecting a session factory in, that was creating a session at the start of the quartz threads lifecycle, which was then being reused to run the various quartz jobs that used the hibernate session. Hibernate then was caching in the session, which is its expected behavior.
The problem then is that the thread pool was never releasing the session, so hibernate was staying resident and maintaining the cache for the lifecycle of the session. Since this was using springs hibernate template support, there was no explicit use of the sessions (we are using a dao -> manager -> driver -> quartz-job hierarchy, the dao is injected with hibernate configs through spring, so the operations are done directly on the templates).
So the session was never being closed, hibernate was maintaining references to the cache objects, so they were never being garbage collected, so each time a new job ran it would just keep filling up the cache local to the thread, so there was not even any sharing between the different jobs. Also since this is a write-intensive job (very little reading), the cache was mostly wasted, so the objects kept getting created.
The solution: create a dao method that explicitly calls session.flush() and session.clear(), and invoke that method at the beginning of each job.
The app has been running for a few days now with no monitoring issues, memory errors or restarts.
Thanks for everyone's help on this, it was a pretty tricky bug to track down, as everything was doing exactly what it was supposed to, but in the end a 3 line method managed to fix all the problems.

Can you run the production box with JMX enabled?<port>
Monitoring and Management Using JMX
And then attach with JConsole, VisualVM?
Is it ok to do a heap dump with jmap?
If yes you could then analyze the heap dump for leaks with JProfiler (you already have), jhat, VisualVM, Eclipse MAT. Also compare heap dumps that might help to find leaks/patterns.
And as you mentioned jakarta-commons. There is a problem when using the jakarta-commons-logging related to holding onto the classloader. For a good read on that check
A day in the life of a memory leak hunter (release(Classloader))

It seems like memory other than heap is leaking, you mention that heap is remaining stable. A classical candidate is permgen (permanent generation) which consists of 2 things: loaded class objects and interned strings. Since you report having connected with VisualVM you should be able to seem the amount of loaded classes, if there is a continues increase of the loaded classes (important, visualvm also shows the total amount of classes ever loaded, it's okay if this goes up but the amount of loaded classes should stabilize after a certain time).
If it does turn out to be a permgen leak then debugging gets trickier since tooling for permgen analysis is rather lacking in comparison to the heap. Your best bet is to start a small script on the server that repeatedly (every hour?) invokes:
jmap -permstat <pid> > somefile<timestamp>.txt
jmap with that parameter will generate an overview of loaded classes together with an estimate of their size in bytes, this report can help you identify if certain classes do not get unloaded. (note: with I mean the process id and should be some generated timestamp to distinguish the files)
Once you identified certain classes as being loaded and not unloaded you can figure out mentally where these might be generated, otherwise you can use jhat to analyze dumps generated with jmap -dump. I'll keep that for a future update should you need the info.

I would look for directly allocated ByteBuffer.
From the javadoc.
A direct byte buffer may be created by invoking the allocateDirect factory method of this class. The buffers returned by this method typically have somewhat higher allocation and deallocation costs than non-direct buffers. The contents of direct buffers may reside outside of the normal garbage-collected heap, and so their impact upon the memory footprint of an application might not be obvious. It is therefore recommended that direct buffers be allocated primarily for large, long-lived buffers that are subject to the underlying system's native I/O operations. In general it is best to allocate direct buffers only when they yield a measureable gain in program performance.
Perhaps the Tomcat code uses this do to I/O; configure Tomcat to use a different connector.
Failing that you could have a thread that periodically executes System.gc(). "-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent" might be an interesting option to try.

Any JAXB? I find that JAXB is a perm space stuffer.
Also, I find that visualgc, now shipped with JDK 6, is a great way to see what's going on in memory. It shows the eden, generational, and perm spaces and the transient behavior of the GC beautifully. All you need is the PID of the process. Maybe that will help while you work on JProfile.
And what about the Spring tracing/logging aspects? Maybe you can write a simple aspect, apply it declaratively, and do a poor man's profiler that way.

"Unfortunately, the problem also pops up sporadically, it seems to be unpredictable, it can run for days or even a week without having any problems, or it can fail 40 times in a day, and the only thing I can seem to catch consistently is that garbage collection is acting up."
Sounds like, this is bound to a use case which is executed up to 40 times a day and then not anymore for days. I hope, you do not just track only the symptoms. This must be something, that you can narrow down by tracing the actions of the application's actors (users, jobs, services).
If this happens by XML imports, you should compare the XML data of the 40 crashes day with data, that is imported on a zero crash day. Maybe it's some sort of logical problem, that you do not find inside your code, only.

I had the same problem, with couple of differences..
My technology is the following:
grails 2.2.4
quartz-plugin 1.0
I use two datasources on my application. That is a
particularity determinant to bug causes..
Another thing to consider is that quartz-plugin, inject hibernate session in quartz threads, just like #liam says, and quartz threads still alive, untill I finish application.
My problem was a bug on grails ORM combined with the way the plugin handle session and my two datasources.
Quartz plugin had a listener to init and destroy hibernate sessions
public class SessionBinderJobListener extends JobListenerSupport {
public static final String NAME = "sessionBinderListener";
private PersistenceContextInterceptor persistenceInterceptor;
public String getName() {
return NAME;
public PersistenceContextInterceptor getPersistenceInterceptor() {
return persistenceInterceptor;
public void setPersistenceInterceptor(PersistenceContextInterceptor persistenceInterceptor) {
this.persistenceInterceptor = persistenceInterceptor;
public void jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext context) {
if (persistenceInterceptor != null) {
public void jobWasExecuted(JobExecutionContext context, JobExecutionException exception) {
if (persistenceInterceptor != null) {
In my case, persistenceInterceptor instances AggregatePersistenceContextInterceptor, and it had a List of HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor. One for each datasource.
Every opertion do with AggregatePersistenceContextInterceptor its passed to HibernatePersistence, without any modification or treatments.
When we calls init() on HibernatePersistenceContextInterceptor he increment the static variable below
private static ThreadLocal<Integer> nestingCount = new ThreadLocal<Integer>();
I don't know the pourpose of that static count. I just know he it's incremented two times, one per datasource, because of the AggregatePersistence implementation.
Until here I just explain the cenario.
The problem comes now...
When my quartz job finish, the plugin calls the listener to flush and destroy hibernate sessions, like you can see in source code of SessionBinderJobListener.
The flush occurs perfectly, but the destroy not, because HibernatePersistence, do one validation before close hibernate session... It examines nestingCount to see if the value is grather than 1. If the answer is yes, he not close the session.
Simplifying what was did by Hibernate:
if(--nestingCount.getValue() > 0)
do nothing;
close the session;
That's the base of my memory leak..
Quartz threads still alive with all objects used in session, because grails ORM not close session, because of a bug caused because I have two datasources.
To solve that, I customize the listener, to call clear before destroy, and call destroy two times, (one for each datasource). Ensuring my session was clear and destroyed, and if the destroy fails, he was clear at least.


Build jar with unlimited RAM usage on running

I am building a very complex software that will be used for production and will run on a server as a service.
I need to make this jar have set max RAM usage when running with some calculations made by my program, i have seen that there are ways for setting the memory before running the built program, but i would like to set how much memory the jar is going to use when i am running it, is this possible?
There are two issues here. As mentioned above, you can only request up to a specific amount of memory. Efficient garbage collection can help you reclaim memory that is no longer needed.
The second, and probably real, issue here is metering how much memory is actually used by the application. There are many frameworks (e.g., JMeter) for measuring how much memory is used - and this can be done with respect to the amount of data used. When doing NP-complete (or even just more than O(n) problems) this can be very useful from the users perspective ("This works well with up to 2 ||| objects")

Why do heap memory usage and number of loaded classes keep increasing?

I am using JVM Explorer - link to JVM Explorer , to profile my Spring application. I have following questions about it.
Why 'Used Heap Memory' keeps increasing even after the application
has started up and have not received any requests yet? (Image 1)
Why even after garbage collection and before receiving any requests
'Used Heap Memory' keeps increasing? (Image2)
Why after garbage collection, by sending some requests to the application number of loaded classes is increasing? Is not the application supposed to use previous classes? why is it just increasing almost everything (heap, number of loaded classes)? (Image3)
After application starts up - enlarge image
After clicking on 'Run Garbage Collector' button. - enlarge image
After sending some requests to the application following completion of Garbage Collection Procedure - enlarge image
Why 'Used Heap Memory' keeps increasing even after the application has started up and have not received any requests yet? (Image 1)
Something in your JVM is creating objects. You would need a memory profiler to see what is doing this. It could be part of Swing, or yoru application or another library.
BTW Most profiling tools use JMX which processes a lot of garbage. e.g. when I run FlightRecorder or VisualVM on some of my applications it shows the JMX monitoring is creating most of the garbage.
Why even after garbage collection and before receiving any requests 'Used Heap Memory' keeps increasing? (Image2)
Whatever was creating objects is still creating objects.
Why after garbage collection, by sending some requests to the application number of loaded classes is increasing?
Classes are lazily loaded. Some classes are not needed until you do something.
Is not the application supposed to use previous classes?
Yes, but this doesn't mean it won't need more classes.
why is it just increasing almost everything (heap, number of loaded classes)? (Image3)
Your application is doing more work.
If you wan't to know what work the application is doing, I suggest using a memory profiler like VisualVM or Flight Recorder. I use YourKit for these sort of questions.
Note: it takes hard work to tune a Java program so that it doesn't produce garbage and I would say most libraries only try to reduce garbage if it causes a known performance problem.
I like #PeterLawrey's good answer, however this is missing there:
The memory is primarily meant to be used, not to be spared. It may easily be the case that your application is just well written: it can work with a small memory and it can re-create all it needs, but it can also efficiently exploit the fact that your system has a lot of memory and the application uses all the possible memory to work much more efficiently.
I can easily imagine that the thing which keeps taking up the memory is for instance a cache. If the cache contains a lot of data, the application works faster.
If you do not have issues like OutOfMemoryError you do not have to worry necessarily. You should still be vigilant and inspect it further, but your described situation does not automatically mean that something is wrong.
It is analogous to the constant lamentation of Windows users that "I have bought more memory but my Windows uses it all up" - it is good when the memory is being used! That's what we buy it for!

Unfinalized objects exhausting memory

We're running a Jersey (1.x) based service in Tomcat on AWS in an array of ~20 instances Periodically an instance "goes bad": over the course of about 4 hours its heap and CPU usage increase until the heap is exhausted and the CPU is pinned. At that point it gets automatically removed from the load balancer and eventually killed.
Examining heap dumps from these instances, ~95% of the memory has been used up by an instance of java.lang.ref.Finalizer which is holding onto all sorts of stuff, but most or all of it is related to HTTPS connections,, various crypto objects). These are connections that we're making to an external webservice using Jersey's client library. A heap dump from a "healthy" instance doesn't indicate any sort of issue.
Under relatively low load instances run for days or weeks without issue. As load increases, so does the frequency of instance failure (several per day by the time average CPU gets to ~40%).
Our JVM args are:
-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m
I'm in the process of adding JMX logging for garbage collection metrics, but I'm not entirely clear what I should be looking for. At this point I'm primarily looking for ideas of what could kick off this sort of failure or additional targets for investigation.
Is it possibly a connection leak? I'm assuming you have checked for that?
I've had similar issues with GC bugs. Depending on your JVM version is looks like you are using an experimental (and potentially buggy) feature. You can try disabling G1 and use the default garbage collector. Also depending on your version, you might be running into a garbage collection overhead where it bails and doesn't properly GC stuff because it is taking too long to calculate what can and can't be trashed. The -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit might help if available in your JVM.
Java uses a single finalizer thread to clean up dead objects. Your machine's symptoms are consistent with a pileup of backlogged finalizations. If the finalizer thread slows down too much (because some object takes a long time to finalize), the resulting accumulation of finalizer queue entries could cause the finalizer thread to fall further and further behind the incoming objects until everything grinds to a halt.
You may find profiling useful in determining what objects are slowing the finalizer thread.
This ultimately turned out to be caused by a JVM bug (unfortunately I've lost the link to the specific one we tracked it down to). Upgrading to a newer version of OpenJDK (we ended up with OpenJDK 1.7.0_50) solved the issue without us making any changes to our code.

What could cause global Tomcat/JVM slowdown?

I'm experiencing a strange but severe problem running several (about 15) instances of a Java EE-ish web applications (Hibernate 4+Spring+Quartz+JSF+Facelets+Richfaces) on Tomcat 7/Java 7.
The system runs just fine, but after a greatly variyng amount of time all instances of the application at the same time suddenly suffer from rising response times. Basically the application still works, but the response times are about three times higher.
This are two diagrams displaying the response time of two certain short workflows/actions (log in, access list of seminars, ajax-refresh this list, log out; the lower line is just the request time for the ajax refresh) of two example instances of the application:
As you can see both instances of the application "explode" at the exact same time and stay slow. After restarting the server everything's back to normal. All the instances of the application "explode" simultaneously.
We're storing the session data to a database and use this for clustering. We checked session size and number and both are rather low (meaning that on other servers with other applications we sometimes have larger and more sessions). The other Tomcat in the cluster usually stays fast for some more hours and after this random-ish amount of time it also "dies". We checked the heap sizes with jconsole and the main heap stays between 2.5 and 1 GB size, db connection pool is basically full of free connections, as well as the thread pools. Max heap size is 5 GB, there's also plenty of perm gen space available. The load is not especially high; there's just about 5% load on the main CPU. The server does not swap. It's also no hardware issue as we additionally deployed the applications to a VM where the problems remain the same.
I don't know where to look anymore, I am out of ideas. Has someone an idea where to look?
2013-02-21 Update: New Data!
I added two more timing traces to the application. As for the measurement: the monitoring system calls a servlet that performs two tasks, measures execution time for each on the server and writes the time taken as response. These values are logged by the monitoring system.
I have several interesting new facts: a hot redeployment of the application causes this single instance on the current Tomcat to go nuts. This also seems to affect raw CPU calculation performance (see below). This individual-context-explosion is different from the overall-context-explosion that occurs randomly.
Now for some data:
First the individual lines:
Light blue is total execution time of a small workflow (details see above), measured on the client
Red is "part" of light blue and is the time taken to perform a special step of that workflow, measured on the client
Dark blue is measured in the application and consists of reading a list of entities from the DB through Hibernate and iterating over that list, fetching lazy collections and lazy entities.
Green is a small CPU benchmark using floating point and integer operations. As far as I see no object allocation, so no garbage.
Now for the individual stages of explosion: I marked each image with three black dots. The first one is a "small" explostion in more or less only one application instance - in Inst1 it jumps (especially visible in the red line), while Inst2 below more or less stays calm.
After this small explosion the "big bang" occurs and all application instances on that Tomcat explode (2nd dot). Note that this explosion affects all high level operations (request processing, DB access), but not the CPU benchmark. It stays low in both systems.
After that I hot-redeployed Inst1 by touching the context.xml file. As I said earlier this instance goes from exploded to completely devestated now (the light blue line is out of the chart - it is at about 18 secs). Note how a) this redeployment does not affect Inst2 at all and b) how the raw DB access of Inst1 is also not affected - but how the CPU suddenly seems to have become slower!. This is crazy, I say.
Update of update
The leak prevention listener of Tomcat does not whine about stale ThreadLocals or Threads when the application is undeployed. There obviously seems to be some cleanup problem (which is I assume not directly related to the Big Bang), but Tomcat doesn't have a hint for me.
2013-02-25 Update: Application Environment and Quartz Schedule
The application environment is not very sophisticated. Network components aside (I don't know enough about those) there's basically one application server (Linux) and two database servers (MySQL 5 and MSSQL 2008). The main load is on the MSSQL server, the other one merely serves as a place to store the sessions.
The application server runs an Apache as a load balancer between two Tomcats. So we have two JVMs running on the same hardware (two Tomcat instances). We use this configuration not to actually balance load as the application server is capable of running the application just fine (which it did for years now) but to enable small application updates without downtime. The web application in question is deployed as separate contexts for different customers, about 15 contexts per Tomcat. (I seemm to have mixed up "instances" and "contexts" in my posting - here in the office they're often used synonymously and we usually magically know what the colleague is talking about. My bad, I'm really sorry.)
To clarify the situation with better wording: the diagrams I posted show response times of two different contexts of the same application on the same JVM. The Big Bang affects all contexts on one JVM but doesn't happen on the other one (the order in which the Tomcats explode is random btw). After hot-redeployment one context on one Tomcat instance goes nuts (with all the funny side effects, like seemingly slower CPU for that context).
The overall load on the system is rather low. It's an internal core business related software with about 30 active users simultaneously. Application specific requests (server touches) are currently at about 130 per minute. The number of single requests are low but the requests itself often require several hundred selects to the database, so they're rather expensive. But usually everything's perfectly acceptable. The application also does not create large infinite caches - some lookup data is cached, but only for a short amount of time.
Above I wrote that the servers where capable of running the application just fine for several years. I know that the best way to find the problem would be to find out exactly when things went wrong for the first time and see what has been changed in this timeframe (in the application itself, the associated libraries or infrastructure), however the problem is that we don't know when the problems first occured. Just let's call that suboptimal (in the sense of absent) application monitoring... :-/
We ruled out some aspects, but the application has been updated several times during the last months and thus we e.g. cannot simply deploy an older version. The largest update that wasn't feature change was a switch from JSP to Facelets. But still, "something" must be the cause of all the problems, yet I have no idea why Facelets for instance should influence pure DB query times.
As for the Quartz schedule: there's a total of 8 jobs. Most of them run only once per day and have to do with large volume data synchronization (absolutely not "large" as in "big data large"; it's just more than the averate user sees through his usual daily work). However, those jobs of course run at night and the problems occur during daytime. I omit a detailled job listing here (if beneficial I can provide more details of course). The jobs' source code has not been altered during the last months. I already checked whether the explosions align with the jobs - yet the results are inconclusive at best. I'd actually say that they don't align, but as there are several jobs that run every minute I can't rule it out just yet. The acutal jobs that run every minute are pretty low-weight in my opinion, they usually check if data is available (in different sources, DB, external systems, email account) and if so write it to the DB or push it to another system.
However I'm currently enabling logging of indivdual job execution so that I can exactly see start and end timestamp of each single job execution. Perhaps this provides more insight.
2013-02-28 Update: JSF Phases and Timing
I manually added a JSF phae listener to the application. I executed a sample call (the ajax refresh) and this is what I've got (left: normal running Tomcat instance, right: Tomcat instance after Big Bang - the numbers have been taken almost simultaneously from both Tomcats and are in milliseconds):
RESTORE_VIEW: 17 vs 46
RENDER_RESPONSE: 1059 vs 4162
The ajax refresh itself belongs to a search form and its search result. There's also another delay between the application's outmost request filter and web flow starts its work: there's a FlowExecutionListenerAdapter that measures time taken in certain phases of web flow. This listener reports 1405 ms for "Request submitted" (which is as far as I know the first web flow event) out of a total of 1632 ms for the complete request on an un-exploded Tomcat, thus I estimate about 200ms overhead.
But on the exploded Tomcat it reports 5332 ms for request submitted (meaning all JSF phases happen in those 5 seconds) out of a total request duration of 7105ms, thus we're up to almost 2 seconds overhead for everything outside of web flow's request submitted.
Below my measurement filter the filter chain contains a org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseFilter, then the Spring servlet is called.
2013-06-05 Update: All the stuff going on in the last weeks
A small and rather late update... the application performance still sucks after some time and the behaviour remains erratic. Profiling did not help much yet, it just generated an enormous amount of data that's hard to dissect. (Try poking around in performance data on or profile a production system... sigh) We conducted several tests (ripping out certain parts of the software, undeploying other applications etc.) and actually had some improvements that affect the whole application. The default flush mode of our EntityManager is AUTO and during view rendering lots of fetches and selects are issued, always including the check whether flushing is neccesary.
So we built a JSF phase listener that sets the flush mode to COMMIT during RENDER_RESPONSE. This improved overall performance a lot and seems to have mitigated the problems somewhat.
Yet, our application monitoring keeps yielding completely insane results and performance on some contexts on some tomcat instances. Like an action that should finish in under a second (and that actually does it after deployment) and that now takes more than four seconds. (These numbers are supported by manual timing in the browsers, so it's not the monitoring that causes the problems).
See the following picture for example:
This diagram shows two tomcat instances running the same context (meaning same db, same configuration, same jar). Again the blue line is the amount of time taken by pure DB read operations (fetch a list of entities, iterate over them, lazily fetch collections and associated data). The turquoise-ish and red line are measured by rendering several views and doing an ajax refresh, respectively. The data rendered by two of the requests in turquoise-ish and red is mostly the same as is queried for the blue line.
Now around 0700 on instance 1 (right) there's this huge increase in pure DB time which seems to affect actual render response times as well, but only on tomcat 1. Tomcat 0 is largely unaffected by this, so it cannot be caused by the DB server or network with both tomcats running on the same physical hardware. It has to be a software problem in the Java domain.
During my last tests I found out something interesting: All responses contain the header "X-Powered-By: JSF/1.2, JSF/1.2". Some (the redirect responses produced by WebFlow) even have "JSF/1.2" three times in there.
I traced down the code parts that set those headers and the first time this header is set it's caused by this stack:
... at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.FilterServletResponseWrapper.addHeader(
at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.<init>(
at com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl.getFacesContext(
at org.springframework.faces.webflow.FlowFacesContext.newInstance(
at org.springframework.faces.webflow.FlowFacesContextLifecycleListener.requestSubmitted(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionListeners.fireRequestSubmitted(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionImpl.resume(
at org.springframework.webflow.executor.FlowExecutorImpl.resumeExecution(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerAdapter.handle(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowController.handleRequest(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
... several thousands ;) more
The second time this header is set by
at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.FilterServletResponseWrapper.addHeader(
at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.<init>(
at com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl.getFacesContext(
at org.springframework.faces.webflow.FacesContextHelper.getFacesContext(
at org.springframework.faces.richfaces.RichFacesAjaxHandler.isAjaxRequestInternal(
at org.springframework.js.ajax.AbstractAjaxHandler.isAjaxRequest(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerAdapter.createServletExternalContext(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerAdapter.handle(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowController.handleRequest(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
I have no idea if this could indicate a problem, but I did not notice this with other applications that are running on any of our servers, so this might as well provide some hints. I really have no idea what that framework code is doing (admittedly I did not dive into it yet)... perhaps someone has an idea? Or am I running into a dead end?
My CPU benchmark code consists of a loop that calculates Math.tan and uses the result value to modify some fields on the servlet instance (no volatile/synchronized there), and secondly performs several raw integer calcualations. This is not severly sophisticated, I know, but well... it seems to show something in the charts, however I am not sure what it shows. I do the field updates to prevent HotSpot from optimizing away all my precious code ;)
long time2 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++) {
double tan = Math.tan(i);
if (tan < 0) {
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < 7500; i++) {
int n = i;
while (n != 1) {
if (n % 2 == 0) {
n /= 2;
} else {
n = n * 3 + 1;
// This execution time is written to the client.
time2 = System.nanoTime() - time2;
Increase the maximum size of the Code Cache:
We are using ColdFusion 10 which runs on Tomcat 7 and Java 1.7.0_15. Our symptoms were similar to yours. Occasionally the response times and the CPU usage on the server would go up by a lot for no apparent reason. It seemed as if the CPU got slower. The only solution was to restart ColdFusion (and Tomcat).
Initial analysis
I started by looking at the memory usage and the garbage collector log. There was nothing there that could explain our problems.
My next step was to schedule a heap dump every hour and to regularly perform sampling using VisualVM. The goal was to get data from before and after a slowdown so that it could be compared. I managed to get accomplish that.
There was one function in the sampling that stood out: get() in coldfusion.runtime.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap. A lot of time was spent in it after the slowdown compared to very little before. I spent some time on understanding how the function worked and developed a theory that maybe there was a problem with the hash function resulting in some huge buckets. Using the heap dumps I was able to see that the largest buckets only contained 6 elements so I discarded that theory.
Code Cache
I finally got on the right track when I read "Java Performance: The Definitive Guide". It has a chapter on the JIT Compiler which talks about the Code Cache which I had not heard of before.
Compiler disabled
When monitoring the number of compilations performed (monitored with jstat) and the size of the Code Cache (monitored with Memory Pools plugin of VisualVM) I saw that the size increased up to the maximum size (which is 48 MB by default in our environment -- the default varies depending on Java version and Java compiler). When the Code Cache became full the JIT Compiler was turned off. I have read that "CodeCache is full. Compiler has been disabled." should be printed when that happens but I did not see that message; maybe the version we are using does not have that message. I know that the compiler was turned off because the number of compilations performed stopped increasing.
Deoptimization continues
The JIT Compiler can deoptimize previously compiled functions which will caues the function to be executed by the interpreter again (unless the function is replaced by an improved compilation). The deoptimized function can be garbage collected to free up space in the Code Cache.
For some reason functions continued to be deoptimized even though nothing was compiled to replace them. More and more memory would become available in the Code Cache but the JIT Compiler was not restarted.
I never had -XX:+PrintCompilation enabled when we experience a slowdown but I am quite sure that I would have seen either ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.get(), or a function that it depends on, be deoptimized at that time.
We have not seen any slowdowns since we increased the maximum size of the Code Cache to 256 MB and we have also seen a general performance improvement. There is currently 110 MB in our Code Cache.
First, let me say that you have done an excellent job grabbing detailed facts about the problem; I really like how you make it clear what you know and what you are speculating - it really helps.
EDIT 1 Massive edit after the update on context vs. instance
We can rule out:
GCs (that would affect the CPU benchmark service thread and spike the main CPU)
Quartz jobs (that would either affect both Tomcats or the CPU benchmark)
The database (that would affect both Tomcats)
Network packet storms and similar (that would affect both Tomcats)
I believe that you are suffering from is an increase in latency somewhere in your JVM. Latency is where a thread is waiting (synchronously) for a response from somewhere - it's increased your servlet response time but at no cost to the CPU. Typical latencies are caused by:
Network calls, including
File shares
Disk reading and writing
Reading from (and sometimes writing to) queues
synchronized method or block
Confirming that the problem is latency
I suggest using a commercial profiling tool. I like [JProfiler](, 15 day trial version available) but YourKit is also recommended by the StackOverflow community. In this discussion I will use JProfiler terminology.
Attach to the Tomcat process while it is performing fine and get a feel for how it looks under normal conditions. In particular, use the high-level JDBC, JPA, JNDI, JMS, servlet, socket and file probes to see how long the JDBC, JMS, etc operations take (screencast. Run this again when the server is exhibiting problems and compare. Hopefully you will see what precisely has been slowed down. In the product screenshot below, you can see the SQL timings using the JPA Probe:
However it's possible that the probes did not isolate the issue - for example it might be some threading issue. Go to the Threads view for the application; this displays a running chart of the states of each thread, and whether it is executing on the CPU, in an Object.wait(), is waiting to enter a synchronized block or is waiting on network I/O . When you know which thread or threads is exhibiting the issue, go to the CPU views, select the thread and use the thread states selector to immediately drill down to the expensive methods and their call stacks. [Screencast]((screencast). You will be able to drill up into your application code.
This is a call stack for runnable time:
And this is the same one, but showing network latency:
When you know what is blocking, hopefully the path to resolution will be clearer.
We had the same problem, running on Java 1.7.0_u101 (one of Oracle's supported versions, since the latest public JDK/JRE 7 is 1.7.0_u79), running on G1 garbage collector. I cannot tell if the problem appears in other Java 7 versions or with other GCs.
Our process was Tomcat running Liferay Portal (I believe the exact version of Liferay is of no interest here).
This is the behavior we observed: using a -Xmx of 5GB, the inital Code Cache pool size right after startup ranged at about 40MB. After a while, it dropped to about 30MB (which is kind of normal, since there is a lot of code running during startup which will be never executed again, so it is expected to be evicted from the cache after some time). We observed that there was some JIT activity, so the JIT actually populated the cache (comparing to the sizes I am mentioning later, it seems that the small cache size relative to the overall heap size places stringent requirements on the JIT, and this makes the latter evict the cache rather nervously). However, after a while, no more compilations ever took place, and the JVM got painfully slow. We had to kill our Tomcats every now and then to get back adequate performance, and as we added more code to our portal, the problem got worse and worse (since the Code Cache got saturated more quickly, I guess).
It seems that there are several bugs in JDK 7 JVM that cause it to not restart the JIT (look at this blog post:, even in JDK 7, after an emergency flush (the blog mentions Java bugs 8006952, 8012547, 8020151 and 8029091).
This is why increasing manually the Code Cache to a level where an emergency flush is unlikely to ever occur "fixes" the issue (I guess this is the case with JDK 7).
In our case, instead of trying to adjust the Code Cache pool size, we chose to upgrade to Java 8. This seems to have fixed the issue. Also, the Code Cache now seems to be quite larger (startup size gets about 200MB, and cruising size gets to about 160MB). As it is expected, after some idling time, the cache pool size drops, to get up again if some user (or robot, or whatever) browses our site, causing more code to be executed.
I hope you find the above data helpful.
Forgot to say: I found the exposition, the supporting data, the infering logic and the conclusion of this post very, very helpful. Thank you, really!
Has someone an idea where to look?
Issue could be out of Tomcat/JVM- do you have some batch job which kicks in and stress the shared resource(s) like a common database?
Take a thread dump and see what the java processes are doing when application response time explodes?
If you are using Linux, use a tool like strace and check what is java process doing.
Have you checked JVM GC times? Some GC algorithms might 'pause' the application threads and increase the response time.
You can use jstat utility to monitor garbage collection statistics:
jstat -gcutil <pid of tomcat> 1000 100
Above command would print GC statistics on every 1 second for 100 times. Look at the FGC/YGC columns, if the number keeps raising, there is something wrong with your GC options.
You might want to switch to CMS GC if you want to keep response time low:
You can check more GC options here.
What happens after your app is performing slow for a while, does it get back to performing well?
If so then I would check if there is any activity that is not related to your app taking place at this time.
Something like an antivirus scan or a system/db backup.
If not then I would suggest running it with a profiler (JProfiler, yourkit, etc.) this tools can point you to your hotspots very easily.
You are using Quartz, which manages timed processes, and this seems to take place at particular times.
Post your Quartz schedule and let us know if that aligns, and if so, you can determine which internal application process may be kicking off to consume your resources.
Alternately, it is possible a portion of your application code has finally been activated and decides to load data to the memory cache. You're using Hibernate; check the calls to your database and see if anything coincides.

How to free up memory?

We have been facing Out of Memory errors in our App server for sometime. We see the used heap size increasing gradually until finally it reaches the available heap in size. This happens every 3 weeks after which a server restart is needed to fix this.
Upon analysis of the heap dumps we find the problem to be objects used in JSPs.
Can JSP objects be the real cause of Appserver memory issues? How do we free up JSP objects (Objects which are being instantiated using usebean or other tags)?
We have a clustered Websphere appserver with 2 nodes and an IHS.
EDIT: The findings above are based on the heap-dump and nativestderr log analysis given below using the IBM support assistant
nativestd err log analysis:
alt text
Heap dump analysis:
![alt text][2]
Heap dump analysis showing the immediate dominators (2 levels up of hastable entry in the image above)
![alt text][3]
The last image shows that the immediate dominators are in fact objects being used in JSPs.
EDIT2: More info available at
I'd first attach a profile tool to tell you what these "Objects" are that are taking up all the memory.
Eclipse has TPTP,
or there is JProfiler
or JProbe.
Any of these should show the object heap creaping up and allow you to inspect it to see what is on the heap.
Then search the code base to find who is creating these.
Maybe you have a cache or tree/map object with elements in and you have only implemented the "equals()" method on these objects, and you need to implement "hashcode()".
This would then result in the map/cache/tree getting bigger and bigger till it falls over.
This is only a guess though.
JProfiler would be my first call
Javaworld has example screen shot of what is in memory...
And a screen shot of object heap building up and being cleaned up (hence the saw edge)
UPDATE *************************************************
Ok, I'd look at...
Heap usage increases over time which leads to an OutOfMemory
condition. Analysis of a heapdump shows that the following
objects are taking up an increasing amount of space:
40,543,128 [304] 47 class
40,539,056 [56] 2 java/util/Hashtable 0xa8089170
40,539,000 [2,064] 511 array of java/util/Hashtable$Entry
6,300,888 [40] 3 java/util/Hashtable$HashtableCacheHashEntry
Triggering the garbage collection manually doesn't solve your problem - it won't free resources that are still in use.
You should use a profiling tool (like jProfiler) to find your leaks. You problably use code that stores references in lists or maps that are not released during runtime - propably static references.
If you run under the Sun 6 JVM strongly consider to use the jvisualvm program in the JDK to get an inital overview of what actually goes on inside the program. The snapshot comparison is really good to help you get further in which objects sneak in.
If Sun 6 JVM is not an option, then investigate which profiling tools you have. Trials can get you really far.
It can be something as simple as gigantic character arrays underlying a substring you are collecting in a list, for e.g. housekeeping.
I suggest reading Effective Java, chapter 2. Following it, together with a profiler, will help you identify the places where your application produces memory leaks.
Freeing up memory isn't the way to solve extensive memory consumption. The extensive memory consumption may be a result of two things:
not properly written code - the solution is to write it properly, so that it does not consume more than is needed - Effective Java will help here.
the application simply needs this much memory. Then you should increase the VM memory using Xmx, Xms, XX:MaxHeapSize,...
There is no specific to free up objects allocated in JSPs, at least as far as I know. Rather than investigationg such options, I'd rather focus on finding the actual problem in your application codes and fix it.
Some hints that might help:
Check the scope of your beans. Aren't
you e.g. storing something user or
request specific into "application"
scope (by mistake)?
Check settings of web session timeout in your web application and
appserver settings.
You mentioned the heap consumption grows gradually. If it's indeed so,
try to see by how much the heap size
grows with various user scenarios:
Grab a heapdump, run a test, let the
session data timeout, grab another
dump, compare the two. That might
give you some idea where do the objects on heap come from
Check your beans for any obvious memory leaks, for sure :)
EDIT: Checking for unreleased static resources that Daniel mentions is another worthwhile thing :)
As I understand those top-level memory-eaters are cache storage and objects stored in it. Probably you should make sure that your cache is going to free objects when it takes too much memory. You may want to use weak-ref if you need cache for live objects only.
