Sharing ivy configurations - java

I'm maintaining multiple projects backed by ivy configurations. Many configurations overlap, such as:
common build configurations ( pmd, findbugs );
dependency groups ( spring );
Is there a way to import these dependencies by referencing a shared configuration?
N.B. Please don't suggest Maven, as I know about it, but it is not (yet) an option for these particular projects.

Does include do what you need, or is the problem more complicated?
From the documentation:
<ivy-module version="1.0">
<info organisation="myorg"
<include file="path/to/included-configurations.xml"/>
<conf name="conf3"/>
<dependency name="mymodule1" rev="1.0"/>
<dependency name="mymodule2" rev="2.0" conf="conf2,conf3->*"/>
with included-configurations.xml like this:
<configurations defaultconfmapping="*->#">
<conf name="conf1" visibility="public"/>
<conf name="conf2" visibility="private"/>
Update: For dependencies, I'm not sure it is possible. I found a discussion on importing dependencies that indicates this is by design to avoid circular dependencies.
Perhaps you could write a script to process a referenced ivy file and inline the dependencies into your project?

Reading your question, I would solve the problem by using svn:externals (if you're using Subversion) and not Ivy.
You place all your common configurations into a config Subversion project and simply use svn:externals to import it into other projects.
As example, you can take a look at my config project on Google Code:


How to setup a java project with default, compile and test configurations using Ivy?

I am working on IBM RAD 8.5 and trying to configure Apache Ivy framework for my java project. As I am about to add Ivy managed library I do not see the compile and test configurations being listed. Is there a way I can add these configurations now?
Configurations are listed in your ivy file.
How to use ivy configurations
Ivy configurations can be used to emulate Maven scopes, but in fact an ivy configuration can represent any logical grouping of dependencies.
Here are the 3 standard classpaths required in any Java build:
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Additional run-time dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" description="Required for test only" extends="runtime"/>
Note the "extends" syntax that enables you to create larger sets. For example, the runtime set of jars also includes anything needed to compile the code your code.
Ivy configurations are difficult to understand until you realise that they can be used to selectively populate an ANT path:
<ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile"/>
<javac ..... classpathref="compile.path"/>
Or used to selectively populate a directory
<ivy:retrieve pattern="build/WEB-INF/lib/[artifact].[ext]" conf="runtime"/>
Configuration mappings
Mappings are used to decide how groups of jars in your project relate to groups of jars in other projects.
This normally happens as follows:
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.6.4" conf="compile->default"/>
Here our compile configuration is populate by the remote default configuration (normally the other modules compile dependencies)

how to define ivy config for jar to be included only for compile not runtime

i'm facing an issue while deploying my app on tomcat container which already contains servlet-api and my app also depends on servlet-api due to different they clash.
Is it possible define ivy for my app to include servlet-api only during compilation not for runtime.
How to do that.
dependency org="java" name="servlet-api" rev="default" conf="compile"
passing conf as compile fails ivy validation.
Sounds like a dependency functionally similar to the Maven "provided" scope.
My advice is to create an extra confguration and mapping for example:
<conf name="compile" description="Compile dependencies"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Runtime dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="provided" description="Provided dependencies"/>
<dependency .. conf="compile->default"/>
<dependency .. conf="runtime->default"/>
<dependency .. conf="provided->default"/>
Within your build file the classpath used for compilation can include the extra depenencies as follows:
<ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile,provided"/>

Ivy Dependency (pull in directory of files)

Extreme edit to question to have it make more sense:
Let's assume that I need to use a local version of httpclient rather than one that I can just pull from an online repo (due to signing reasons). The way that I want to handle this is like so...
...Other dependencies here
<dependency org="com.apache" name="httpclient" rev="4.2.2" conf="compile->default" ext="jar" />
<settings defaultResolver="central"/>
<url name="repo">
<ivy pattern="http://myServer:8080/Repo/[organisation]/[artifact]/[revision]/ivy.xml" />
<artifact pattern="http://myServer:8080/Repo/[organisation]/[artifact]/[revision]/[artifact].[ext]"/>
<url name="httpclient">
<artifact pattern="http://myServer:8080/Repo/com.apache/httpclient/4.2.2/[artifact].[ext]"/>
<module organisation="com.apache" resolver="repo" />
<module organisation="com.httpclient" resolver="httpclient" />
Now what I'm hoping for here (and haven't been having much luck with) is the com.apache resolver looking for myServer:8080/Repo/com.apache/httpclient/4.2.2/ivy.xml and reading that, here's the contents of that file:
ivy.xml (in myServer:8080/repo/... directory)
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="commons-codec" rev="1.6" />
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="commons-logging" rev="1.1.1" />
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="fluent-hc" rev="4.2.2" />
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="httpclient" rev="4.2.2" />
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="httpclient-cache" rev="4.2.2" />
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="httpcore" rev="4.2.2" />
<dependency org="com.httpclient" name="httpmime" rev="4.2.2"/>
The reasoning behind wanting to read the second xml file rather than including the markup in my first file is pretty obvious when you consider how many LOC that would add to something that we include frequently. It also makes all future includes easier as well.
Right now the error that I'm getting is:
Some projects fail to be resolved
Impossible to resolve dependencies of com.myCompany#myProgramt;working#CompName
unresolved dependency: com.apache#httpclient;4.2.2: not found
Thanks for your help on this matter.
Ivy expects to find all the dependencies of a given artifact in the same resolver. So, it finds the artifacts for com.apache in your repo resolver, and expects to find com.httpclient in there as well.
Ivy also will roll through your <ivy pattern.../> and <artifact pattern.../> statements in order within the same resolver declaration. You can use this to your advantage to create a single resolver which hits both repositories in the order you want:
<url name="amalgamation">
<ivy pattern="http://myServer:8080/Repo/[organisation]/[artifact]/[revision]/ivy.xml" />
<artifact pattern="http://myServer:8080/Repo/[organisation]/[artifact]/[revision]/[artifact].[ext]"/>
<artifact pattern="http://myServer:8080/Repo/com.apache/httpclient/4.2.2/[artifact].[ext]"/>
When you configure your build to use the following resolver
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
You are telling ivy to download its dependencis from Maven Central
What is your objective here? To create a local ivy repo that functionally works like Maven Central? In that case the simplest solution would be to setup a Maven repository manager like: Nexus, Artifactory or Archiva. A maven repository manager can act like a smart cache and "proxy" jars stored in the Central Maven repo.
Configuring your build to use a local Maven Repository is easy:
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true" root="http://hostname:portnum/MavenRepo/>
What server are you using for your remote JAR repository?
Both Nexus and Artifactory can be setup to pull jars stored locally on themselves before puling ones from the remote repository. This way, you don't have to munge your ivysettings.xml. Instead, you simply download your preferred versions of the jars on Artifactory/Nexus. And, both are free, open source, downloads. It's way easier to do what you want with Artifactory/Nexus than futzing with your Ivy settings.
By the way, I have a Ivy project in Github you might want to look at. You simply attach this project to your Ant project, and it has everything automatically configured for Ivy. This way, an entire site can use Ivy for all of their projects, and everything is centrally controlled.

How do I include an Ivy Dependency in subversion repo

So, since I've been unable to find a way to resolve our dependency issues by including everything from external sources I've turned to Eclipse / IvyDE for ant / Ivy integration.
With that said, I normally include a lib like this:
<dependency org="org.jsoup" name="jsoup" rev="1.6.3"/>
However what if I want to look at something in our own intranet?
Example, if the folder holding the jar is somewhere like this:
and I want to include lib.jar into my folder.
I've been relatively unable to find ivysettings.xml in this implementation of eclipse, nor am I confident that I'd be able to get it right if I could.
Could someone help me with this?
The following ivy settings file:
<settings defaultResolver="central"/>
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
<url name="my-repo">
<artifact pattern="http://myserver/myrepo/[organisation]/[artifact]/[revision]/[artifact].[ext]"/>
<module organisation="org.mycompany" resolver="my-repo"/>
Is configured to retrieve artifacts from Maven Central by default, and local artifacts from a HTTP server.
Nothing special in the ivy file. Just declare the dependencies and which configuration to associate them with:
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<!-- compile dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.6.4" conf="compile->default"/>
<dependency org="org.mycompany" name="my-module" rev="1.0" conf="compile->default"/>
It's ivy best practice to use configurations.
<target name="resolve" dependencies="Resolve build dependencies">
<ivy:report todir='build/reports' graph='false' xml='false'/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile"/>
The ivycachepath task transforms an ivy configuration into a populated ANT classpath. Very useful.
The ivy report task tells you the jars on the classpath(s)
Ivy resolve build output
All the magic is in the settings file. Running the build produces the following:
[ivy:resolve] found org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.6.4 in central
[ivy:resolve] found org.mycompany#my-module;1.0 in my-repo
[ivy:resolve] downloading ...
[ivy:resolve] downloading http://myserver/myrepo/org.mycompany/my-module/1.0/my-module.jar ...
The my-repo resolver is used for modules with a "org.mycompany" groupId.
Everything else comes from the default resolver, Maven Central.

Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml

I have a ivy.xml -
I also have the jar file related to this ivy.xml.
What i need is a mechanism to import this project to my maven repo and use it in my maven project.
SO basically if i am able to convert the ivy.xml to pom.xml , i might be able to get it work.
Is there some mechanism through which i can achieve this.
I am looking for something like a maven plugin to accomplish this task.
I know that there are ways we can edit the ivy.xml and build.xml to achieve this but then i dont want to do it , as the project is in a private repo.
What you really need to do is publish the jars built by ANT project into your Maven repository.
ant -Dproject.version=0.9.0-local-20120211095554 clean publish
I know you don't want to change the ANT build, but creating an extra "publish" target will properly integrate your ANT and Maven projects.
The two jar artifacts, published by your modified ANT build, could be consumed normally as follows:
Modifications to your ANT build
Main changes are to your publications section:
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="">
<info organisation="com.opengamma" module="og-analytics"/>
<artifact name="og-analytics" type="jar"/>
<artifact name="og-analytics" type="pom"/>
<artifact name="og-analytics" type="jar" e:classifier="sources"/>
<dependency name="og-util" rev="0.9.0-local-20120211095525" revConstraint="latest.integration"/>
<dependency org="org.jfree" name="jfreechart" rev="1.0.13"/>
<dependency org="cern" name="colt" rev="1.2.0"/>
<dependency org="cern" name="parallelcolt" rev="0.9.1"/>
<dependency org="latexlet" name="latexlet" rev="1.11"/>
<dependency org="org.apache.commons" name="commons-math" rev="2.1"/>
<dependency org="it.dexy" name="json-doclet" rev="0.3.1"/>
<dependency org="org.json" name="simple" rev="1.1"/>
<exclude org="org.junit"/>
The ANT project will now publish 3 files, jar, sources jar and the Maven POM
In Maven source jars have a "classifier" attributes that is set to "sources" (Not source). To facilitate this we're adding an ivy extra attribute.
No need for version and status information in the info tag header. This will be added by the publication step.
<target name="prepare" description="Generate POM">
<fail message="Unset property: project.version" unless="project.version"/>
<ivy:deliver deliverpattern="${build.dir}/ivy.xml" pubrevision="${project.version}" status="release"/>
<ivy:makepom ivyfile="${build.dir}/ivy.xml" pomfile="${build.dir}/${ivy.module}.pom"/>
<target name="publish" depends="build,prepare" description="Upload to Nexus">
<ivy:publish resolver="nexus-deploy" pubrevision="${project.version}" overwrite="true" publishivy="false" >
<artifacts pattern="${build.dir}/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
The deliver task is optional, but recommended in case your ivy file contains dynamic revisions, such as "latest.release" or "latest.integration".
The makepoms task has powerful support for convert ivy configurations into Maven scopes. Does not apply in your case, but an incentive to learn more about ivy :-)
The publish task uses a specified pattern to find files specified in ivy's publications section.
This is where you configure the location of the repositories and credentials to be used by publish build target.
<settings defaultResolver="nexus-central"/>
<credentials host="somehost" realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" username="????" passwd="????"/>
<ibiblio name="nexus-central" root="http://somehost/nexus/content/repositories/central/" m2compatible="true"/>
<ibiblio name="nexus-deploy" root="http://somehost/nexus/content/repositories/repo" m2compatible="true"/>
Ivy downloads use the configured default resolver nexus-central.
The ivy publish task pushes to the Nexus repository called nexus-deploy
The security realm in this example matches Nexus Maven. Would be different for other repo managers.
Apache Ant itself provides a task to do this - makepom. Always helps to consult the documentation!
