Java: Really simple scatter plot utility - java

I know there are many comparisons of java plotting libraries out there, but I'm not finding what I need. I just want a mind-numbingly simple toolkit that creates images of scatterplots from a set of coordinates. No GUI, no interaction, no fancy display, just a basic XY coordinate system with points.
It wouldn't be the end of the world to use something that offers a lot more functionality than I need, but I'd rather not. Do you know of anything like what I'm looking for?

Have you looked at JFreeChart? While it can do some very advanced things, it also does the simple as well. Shown below is a screenshot of its scatter plot capability.

I looked around at what existed, and realized that jcckit is technically pretty good, but just lacks a simple wrapper around it to make it easy to use.
So I forked it and made a really simple wrapper. Here's how to use:
import static easyjcckit.QuickPlot.*;
double[] xaxis = new double[]{0,1,2,3,4,5};
double[] yvalues = new double[]{0,1,4,9,16,25};
scatter( xaxis, yvalues ); // create a plot using xaxis and yvalues
double[] yvalues2 = new double[]{0,1,2,3,4,5};
addScatter( xaxis, yvalues2 ); // create a second plot on top of first
System.out.println("Press enter to exit");;
As well as scatter plots, you can freely add lines to the same axes if you wish using 'addPlot' and 'plot'.
Here is the code:

You an use a custom JPanel to draw your data(not tested, but you get the idea...)
private List<Point2D> data=(...);
JPanel pane=new JPanel()
protected paintComponent(Graphics2D g)
int minx=(...),miny=(...),maxx=(...),maxy=(...);
for(Point2D p: data)
int x=((p.getX()-minx)/(maxx-minx))*this.getWidth();
int y=((p.getY()-miny)/(maxy-miny))*this.getHeight();

Also you could check Simple Java Plot. Minimal example (no options):
Plot plot = Plot.plot(null).
// setting data
xy(1, 2).
xy(3, 4), null);
// saving sample_minimal.png"sample_minimal", "png");


Forcing a specific number and set of domain axis labels in Java JFreeChart

I'm trying to write a method to create a simple graph of a normal distribution in JFreeChart and save it as a file. Here's an example of an output image that's pretty much exactly what I want
Notice that there are exactly 9 tick marks on the x axis. The center one is the mean of the distribution, and the rest of the ticks indicate standard deviations. There is one tick for each standard deviation from the mean.
Here's an example of another chart showing a normal distribution with a mean of 7 and a standard deviation of 5 and no other code changes.
This is not what I want. Suddenly there are only 8 tick marks, and there is no tick in the center to mark the mean. It appears that JFreeChart wants to only use nice round numbers instead of the odd 7 as the center tick.
I've tried reading other StackOverflow questions on forcing axis labels, but it appears everyone else wants to do this with some form of dates. It would help if I could simply specify 9 exactly values to put on the axis instead of them being autogenerated, but I don't know how to do that.
There's also one other problem. If you look at the curve near the sides of the graph, it is clipping below the frame of the plot and running into the tick marks. I want to add padding between the curve and the tick marks. I tried using something like plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(-0.01, 0.09); but I ran into a bizarre problem where it appears that the height of the normal distribution is impacted by its width. Large means and standard deviations cause this to break miserably. (That makes zero sense from a statistics standpoint and I'm starting to question this normal distribution method.)
Anyway I basically need a way to force the chart to (a) add padding around the curve and (b) use exactly nine tick marks corresponding to the mean and four standard deviations out.
Here's my current code, which was mostly stolen online and trimmed to what appeared to be actually necessary:
static double mean = 7.0, sd = 5.0;
static Color line = new Color(0x6AA2A3);
static Color grey = new Color(0x555555);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// Create the normal distribution
double minX = mean - (4 * sd), maxX = mean + (4 * sd);
Function2D normal = new NormalDistributionFunction2D(mean, sd);
XYDataset dataset = DatasetUtils.sampleFunction2D(normal, minX, maxX, 100, "Normal");
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(null, null, null, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false);
// Create and format the Plot
XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
// Format the X axis to look pretty
NumberAxis domain = (NumberAxis) plot.getDomainAxis();
domain.setRange(minX, maxX);
domain.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(sd));
domain.setTickLabelFont(new Font("Roboto", Font.PLAIN, 20));
domain.setTickMarkStroke(new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND));
// Create a renderer to turn the chart into an image
XYLineAndShapeRenderer render = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(0);
render.setSeriesStroke(0, new BasicStroke(4));
render.setSeriesPaint(0, line);
// Output the final image
chart.setPadding(new RectangleInsets(5, 20, 20, 20));
BufferedImage image = chart.createBufferedImage(600,400);
File outFile = new File("graph.png");
ImageIO.write(image, "png", outFile);
for request a),
plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(5,5,5,5));
should do the trick.
For request b), the general recommendation is to override
refreshTicks(Graphics2D g2, AxisState state,Rectangle2D dataArea,RectangleEdge edge)
of the
class and return a suitable List of ticks. Though doing so may look a bit intimidating, it is not if your logic is simple. You could try to simply add a NumberTick for the mean to the auto-generated tick list.

java jpanel synchronization with repaint() or: Is a Listener addable to swing's repaint?

I'm writing a plugin for a miscropy program and have problems with the repaint() method.
short question:
Is there any way to get informed as soon as the repaint of a JPanel was done or synchronize the code with it?
detailed version:
My program can plot a set of data in a xy-chart to a JPanel and show it using jfree.chart; In another part of the programm I have many datasets (~100) that I want to plot and save as images. I've also found a solution, but I really don't like it. The Problem can be reduced to a notification about the paint status of a JPanel.
In the part that shall save all images I have this solution:
PlotSpectrum spectrumWindow = getTheWindow(); //pseudo code...
// some stuff
ti = storage.getImage(channel, slice, frame, position);
spectrumWindow.plotData(false, andor.captureSpectrum(ti.pix), wave,
centerWave, fineGrating, exposureTime,
slitWidth, substractBackground);
spectrumWindow.repaint(); // probably not necessary
sleep(100); // this annoys me...
spectrumWindow.savePlot(path, true, config, null);
spectrumWindow is a JPanel that is also displayed in another window and it all works fine.
BUT I really don't like that sleep(100) in there... without it I'm asking for a repaint but it isn't done till I try to save a "snapshot" of (thats what savePlot is doing...). I know, other Thread and these damn synchronization problems...
With the sleeping I'm just making it unnecessary slow and if I wait not long enough the images are not completly drawn (eg lower half missing)
Is there any way to get informed as soon as the repaint was done? I probably would be also fine with a Listener, better would be a solution with a monitor or sth comparable or a method that is repainting NOW (doesn't exists as far I know?)
The main GUI (include the JPanel spectrumWindow) and the earlier pasted code are running in different Threads.
The probably also important parts of my code are following here. Please excuse if some brackets aren't matching or some variables aren't declared, I removed very much code.
class PlotSpectrum extends ApplicationFrame // that extends JFrame
public void plotData(boolean backgroundGiven, int[] spect, double[] wave_,
double centerWave, boolean fineGrating_, double exposureTime,
double slitWidth, boolean substractBackground)
//process data and store internally
private void replot()
XYSeries series = new XYSeries("Spectrum");
//add data to series
XYSeriesCollection collection = new XYSeriesCollection(series);
//setting up some labels and such stuff...
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(
"Wavelength [nm]",
dataPanel.add(new ChartPanel(chart)); // this is contained in a Frame
public void savePlot(String path, boolean overWriteAll, HashMap<String,String> config, int[][] addData)
File output = new File(path);
//some more stuff, ask overwrite etc
BufferedImage im = createImage();
String extension = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".")+1, path.length());
ImageIO.write(im, extension, output);
} else {
//that is an textexport, works fine
public BufferedImage createImage()
JPanel panel = (JPanel) flipChart.getSelectedComponent();
int w = panel.getWidth();
int h = panel.getHeight();
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
return bi;
that I want to plot and save as images.
add the data to a non visible panel.
create a BufferedImage of the panel
create an ImageIcon using the Image from above
update a JLabel (that has already been added to the frame) using the setIcon(...) method
the above step should generate a PropertyChange event when the Icon changes. You can use a ProperChangeListener to listen for this event. When you receive the event you can repeat steps 1 - 4.
Check out Screen Image. It will help you create an image of a non-visible component.
Note, you don't really need steps 4-5. I just added them so you have a visual of the plots as they are being processed. If you don't want the visual then maybe you just display text on a JLabel indicating which plot is currently being converted.

Texturing an Imported Triangle Mesh Javafx

I created a design in blender exported to STL and used the StlModelImporterJFX to import it into my JavaFX program and run it. Everything runs fine, the application works, there is just one thing missing...texture, so basically, I want to take my imported mesh and create an image as seen below for a smaller design.
Is there any program or algorithm that I can use to create an image such as that below that I can later edit manually and use as a texture for the entire Triangle Mesh? Also on a side note is it possible to edit this image live in the program and swap out colours while running? Sorry if this is poorly worded, if you want any clarification, I can provide it.
When you import a 3D model with a third-party 3D importer you have less control of the resulting TriangleMesh. If you want to provide texture features to your model you'll have to edit the exported file and add the texture coordinates, which is not the best approach.
But if you could generate the mesh from scratch, you could easily apply textures over it.
This question shows how you can define the texture coordinates and uses the same net image you have to provide the texture of an icosahedron.
Based on the answer on that question, the texture can be defined without an actual image, just with a palette of colors.
And you can easily change those on runtime, i.e. when you click on one face you can change the color on that face.
The Fxyz library makes use of a TexturedMesh, designed to easily apply textures to 3D shapes.
You can find many primitives there, like the icosahedron.
This question shows the result of different texture modes over an icosahedron.
This short snippet shows how you can apply a texture over faces, and change it on runtime:
private int numColors = 10;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
PerspectiveCamera camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
IcosahedronMesh icoFaces = new IcosahedronMesh(100, 0);
icoFaces.getTransforms().addAll(new Rotate(20, Rotate.X_AXIS), new Rotate(-10, Rotate.Y_AXIS));
final Group group = new Group(icoFaces);
Scene scene = new Scene(group, 600, 400, true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
primaryStage.setTitle(("Icosahedron - FXyz3D"));;
icoFaces.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
ObservableFaceArray faces = ((TriangleMesh) icoFaces.getMesh()).getFaces();
int selectedFace = e.getPickResult().getIntersectedFace();
int colorId = faces.get(6 * selectedFace + 1);
int newColorId = colorId + 1 >= numColors ? 0 : colorId + 1;
faces.set(6 * selectedFace + 1, newColorId);
faces.set(6 * selectedFace + 3, newColorId);
faces.set(6 * selectedFace + 5, newColorId);
Running the application:
And after clicking in the frontal green face:

How to draw square pixel with different colors using SWT application

I am working on a fluid simulation application using SWT and want to draw the final calculated density of fluid back to UI. Now I am thinking about using SWT canvas and GC, but GC seems only for drawing shapes and lines, without the ability to draw colored pixels
There are many simulation app in the website but none is implemented by SWT. Below is the expected result for this application:
Use GC.drawPoint to draw a single pixel, the colour will be that set with GC.setForeground.
Jonah's answer is the way to do it if you want to draw everything yourself.
I'm just posting this as an alternative:
There's a library called "JHC (Java Heat Map Control)" that you could use to draw your data.
It would look something like this:
The data is provided in the form of an int[][].
// Define scales
JHCScale<String> xScale = new JHCScale.String(new String[] { "X1", "X2", "X3" });
JHCScale<String> yScale = new JHCScale.String(new String[] { "Y1", "Y2", "Y3" });
// Configure
JHCLayout layout = new JHCLayout(false, 20, true, 20);
JHCConfiguration config = new JHCConfiguration("x-label", "y-label",
JHCGradient.GRADIENT_HEAT, layout);
// Create array
int[][] array = {{0,1,0}, {1,2,1}, {0,1,0}};
// Create data object
JHCData data = JHCData.create(array, Orientation.ROW, xScale, yScale);
// Create JHC widget
JHC jhc = new JHC(shell, SWT.NONE);
jhc.setData(data, config);

Has anyone done crosshairs that follow the mouse in JFreeChart?

We are using JFreeChart to make XY plots and we have a feature request to do a crosshair that moves along with the mouse and highlights the data point that most closely maps to the x-value of the mouse. You can see a similar example at Google Finance -,INDEXSP:.INX,INDEXNASDAQ:.IXIC.
Those Google charts only highlight the current value (we want to do that and also show crosshairs), but they show the live mouse interaction we are looking for.
Anyone have any elegant suggestions?
I got this working using a mouse listener and the CrosshairOverlay class. After I get back from holiday travel, I will post my code. It ended up being not too difficult.
Sorry, I forgot about this!
First, you want to calculate the x, y values for where you want your crosshair. For me, I wanted it to move along the points of our line, so I calculated the closest x value and used that data pair for x, y.
Then I call this method:
protected void setCrosshairLocation(double x, Double y) {
Crosshair domainCrosshair;
List domainCrosshairs = crosshairOverlay.getDomainCrosshairs();
if (domainCrosshairs.isEmpty()) {
domainCrosshair = new Crosshair();
else {
// We only have one at a time
domainCrosshair = (Crosshair) domainCrosshairs.get(0);
if (y != null) {
Crosshair rangeCrosshair;
List rangeCrosshairs = crosshairOverlay.getRangeCrosshairs();
if (rangeCrosshairs.isEmpty()) {
rangeCrosshair = new Crosshair();
else {
// We only have one at a time
rangeCrosshair = (Crosshair) rangeCrosshairs.get(0);
Note that crosshairOverlay is an instance of CrosshairOverlay.
JFreeChart can't render a sub-section of a chart, so you'll want to do something that doesn't require repainting the chart. You could write your chart to a BufferedImage and store that in memory, then have a custom component which uses the buffered chart as the background image, and draws crosshairs and other popup windows over it.
There are methods in JFreeChart to get the data point for a given coordinate on a rendered chart. Don't recall what these are off the top of my head. Depending on your needs, you might consider rendering your own chart data, it's not as hard as you'd think.
The first thing that comes to my mind would be to write a custom Cursor and set it on your chart. It can have a reference to the chart and highlight the x value that's consistent with the Cursor's x/y location.
This worked for me. I set the
chartPanel.addChartMouseListener(new ChartMouseListener() {
public void chartMouseMoved(ChartMouseEvent event)
double[] values = getCrossHairValue(event);
Marker yMarker = new ValueMarker(values[1]);
Marker xMarker = new ValueMarker(values[0]);
} catch (Exception e)
