I have been studying Netty and Mina but am confused as to the best way to rewrite binary streams. For example, I would like to create a proxy that will allow for replacement of XML and forward along.
Examples appreciated.
I think you're thinking at too low of a level. XML is not so much "binary" as it is an abstraction on top of binary. If you want to replace snippets of XML as they come across your line, you'll have to poke into the payload portion of the packets and look for patterns of XML.. a simple way is to use a regular expression after rebuilding the bytes into content temporarily.
Once you have this search and you have matched what you want, you can replace what you want to replace and re-send.
The hard part of this is that you will likely need to cache some input before it leaves your machine so that you are able to find the beginning and end of what it is you are searching for. What makes this difficult is that often times, you don't know what constitutes the "beginning" and the "end" of a data payload.
I've read several questions and tutorials over the internet such as
Best XML parser for Java [closed]
JAVA XML - How do I get specific elements in an XML Node?
What is the best way to create XML files in Java?
how to modify xml tag specific value in java?
Using StAX - From Oracle Tutorials
Apache Xerces Docs
Introduction to XML and XML With Java
Java DOM Parser - Modify XML Document
But since this is the very first time I have to manipulate XML documents in Java I'm still a little bit confused. The XML content is written with String concatenation and that seems to me wrong. It is the same to concatenate Strings to produce a JSON object instead of using a JSONObject class. That's the way the code is written right now:
"<msg:restenv xmlns:msg=\"http://www.b2wdigital.com/umb/NEXM_processa_nf_xml_req\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.b2wdigital.com/umb/NEXM_processa_nf_xml_req req.xsd\"><autenticacao><usuario>"
+ usuario + "</usuario><senha>" + StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(UmbrellaRestClient.PARAMETROS_INFRA_UMBRELLA.get("SENHA_UMBRELLA"), "WS.INTEGRADOR")
+ "</senha></autenticacao><parametros><parametro><p_vl_gnre>" + valorGNRE + "</p_vl_gnre><p_cnpj_destinatario>" + cnpjFilial + "</p_cnpj_destinatario><p_num_ped_compra>" + idPedido
+ "</p_num_ped_compra><p_xml_sefaz><![CDATA[" + arquivoNfe + "]]></p_xml_sefaz></parametro></parametros></msg:restenv>"
In my research I think that almost everything I've read pointed to SAX as the best solution but I never really found something really useful to read about it, almost everything states that we have to create a handler and override startElement, endElement and characters methods.
I don't have to serialize the XML file in hard disk or database or anything else, I just need to pass its content to a webservice.
So my question really is, which is the right way to do it?
Concatenate Strings the way things are done right now?
Write the XML file using a Java API like Xerces? I have no clue on how that can be done.
Read the XML file with streams and just change node texts? My XML without the files would be like that:
<msg:restenv xmlns:msg="{url}"
I've also read something about using Apache Velocity as a template Engine since I don't actually have to serialize the XML and that's a approach that I really like because I've already worked with this framework and it's a really simple framework.
Again, I'm not looking for the best way, but the right one with tutorials and examples, if possible, on how to get things done.
It all depends on context. There is no single "right way".
The biggest issues with concatenation is the combination of escaping the XML in to a String constant (which is fiddly), but also escaping the values that you can using so that they're correct for an XML document.
For small XMLs, that's fine.
But for larger ones, it can be a pain.
If most of your XML is boilerplate with just a few values inserted, you may find that templates using something like Velocity or any of the other several libraries may be quite effective. It helps keep the template "native" (you don't have to wrap it in "'s and escape it), plus it keeps the XML out of your code, but easily lets you stamp in the parts that you need to do.
I agree that there's not just one way to do it, but I would advise you to take a look at JAXB. You can easily consume and produce XML without any of that pesky String manipulation. Look here for a simple intro: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jaxb/index.html
The Answer by Will Hartung is correct. There is not one right way as it depends on your situation.
For a beginner programmer, I suggest writing the strings manually so you get to understand XML in general and your content in particular. As for the mechanics of String concatenation, you would generally be using StringBuilder rather than String for better performance. Where thread-safety is needed, use StringBuffer.
The major issue is memory.
Abundant MemoryIf you have lots of memory and small XML documents, you can load the entire document into memory. This way you can traverse a document forwards, backwards, and jump around arbitrarily. This approach is know as Document Object Model (DOM). One better-known implementation of this approach is Apache Xerces. There are other good implementations as well.
Scarce MemoryIf you have little memory and large XML documents, then you need to plow through the document from start to finish, biting off small chunks at a time for lower memory usage. This approach is known as SAX. You can find multiple good implementations.
Another issue is validation. Do you want to validate the XML documents against a DTD or Schema? Some tools do this and some do not.
When all you need is to serialize the content of a Java object and read it back, I recommend the Simple XML Serialization library. Much simpler with a quicker learning-curve than the other tools.
I am stuck on a project at work that I do not think is really possible and I am wondering if someone can confirm my belief that it isn't possible or at least give me new options to look at.
We are doing a project for a client that involved a mass download of files from a server (easily did with ftp4j and document name list), but now we need to sort through the data from the server. The client is doing work in Contracts and wants us to pull out relevant information such as: Licensor, Licensee, Product, Agreement date, termination date, royalties, restrictions.
Since the documents are completely unstandardized, is that even possible to do? I can imagine loading in the files and searching it but I would have no idea how to pull out information from a paragraph such as the licensor and restrictions on the agreement. These are not hashes but instead are just long contracts. Even if I were to search for 'Licensor' it will come up in the document multiple times. The documents aren't even in a consistent file format. Some are PDF, some are text, some are html, and I've even seen some that were as bad as being a scanned image in a pdf.
My boss keeps pushing for me to work on this project but I feel as if I am out of options. I primarily do web and mobile so big data is really not my strong area. Does this sound possible to do in a reasonable amount of time? (We're talking about at the very minimum 1000 documents). I have been working on this in Java.
I'll do my best to give you some information, as this is not my area of expertise. I would highly consider writing a script that identifies the type of file you are dealing with, and then calls the appropriate parsing methods to handle what you are looking for.
Since you are dealing with big data, python could be pretty useful. Javascript would be my next choice.
If your overall code is written in Java, it should be very portable and flexible no matter which one you choose. Using a regex or a specific string search would be a good way to approach this;
If you are concerned only with Licensor followed by a name, you could identify the format of that particular instance and search for something similar using the regex you create. This can be extrapolated to other instances of searching.
For getting text from an image, try using the API's on this page:
How to read images using Java API?
Scanned Image to Readable Text
For text from a PDF:
Also, PDF is just text, so you should be able to search through it using a regex most likely. That would be my method of attack, or possibly using string.split() and make a string buffer that you can append to.
For text from HTML doc:
Here is a cool HTML parser library: http://jericho.htmlparser.net/docs/index.html
A resource that teaches how to remove HTML tags and get the good stuff: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0424.html
If you need anything else, let me know. I'll do my best to find it!
Apache tika can extract plain text from almost any commonly used file format.
But with the situation you describe, you would still need to analyze the text as in "natural language recognition". Thats a field where; despite some advances have been made (by dedicated research teams, spending many person years!); computers still fail pretty bad (heck even humans fail at it, sometimes).
With the number of documents you mentioned (1000's), hire a temp worker and have them sorted/tagged by human brain power. It will be cheaper and you will have less misclassifications.
You can use tika for text extraction. If there is a fixed pattern, you can extract information using regex or xpath queries. Other solution is to use Solr as shown in this video.You don't need solr but watch the video to get idea.
The specification requires to validate a simplified xml syntax, primarily the order of tags with a stack. While the use of standard classes is allowed, I don't think xml-specific tools would be. Should I use string.split or tokenizer or something else? The goal is to extract text within <>, push if no leading /, else try to pop.
Yes you have the right idea, use the stack.
You can write a simple parser using a stack to keep track of tags. Worst case you can use regular expressions.
The basic idea behind parsing simple, well-formed tags is pretty straight-forward. You have a stack, you split the text (tokenizer sounds good), compare each token to a list of tags, and every time you encounter a tag, you push it. Keep reading until you get to another tag, make sure it's the same one on the top of the stack, pop it, and do whatever you want to do with the content.
Seems to be a fairly hit issue, but I've not yet been able to find a solution; perhaps because it comes in so many flavors. Here it is though. I'm trying to read some comma delimited files (occasionally the delimiters can be a little bit more unique than commas, but commas will suffice for now).
The files are supposed to be standardized across the industry, but lately we've seen many different types of character set files coming in. I'd like to be able to set up a BufferedReader to compensate for this.
What is a pretty standard way of doing this and detecting whether it was successful or not?
My first thoughts on this approach are to loop through character sets simple->complex until I can read the file without an exception. Not exactly ideal though...
Thanks for your attention.
The Mozilla's universalchardet is supposed to be the efficient detector out there. juniversalchardet is the java port of it. There is one more port. Read this SO for more information Character Encoding Detection Algorithm
What would be the correct way to find a string like this in a large xml:
<ord1:label>Start Type</ord1:label>
1st in this xml there will be a lot of repeats of the element above with different values (Loop, etc.) and other xml elements in this document. Mainly what I am concerned with is if there is a serviceItemValues that does not have 'Loop' as it's value. I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work:
private static Pattern LOOP_REGEX =
Pattern.compile("[\\p{Print}]*?<ord1:label>Start Type</ord1:label>[\\p{Print}]+[^(Loop)][\\p{Print}]+</ser:serviceItemValues>[\\p{Print}]*?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE|Pattern.MULTILINE);
Regular expressions are not the best option when parsing large amounts of HTML or XML.
There are a number of ways you could handle this without relying on Regular Expressions. Depending on the libraries you have at your disposal you may be able to find the elements you're looking for by using XPaths.
Heres a helpful tutorial that may help you on your way: http://www.totheriver.com/learn/xml/xmltutorial.html
Look up XPath, which is kinda like regex for XML. Sort of.
With XPath you write expressions that extract information from XML documents, so extracting the nodes which don't have Loop as a sub-node is exactly the sort of thing it's cut out for.
I haven't tried this, but as a first stab, I'd guess the XPath expression would look something like:
Regular expression is not the right tool for this job. You should be using an XML parser. It's pretty simple to setup and use, and will probably take you less time to code. It then will come up with this regular expression.
I recommend using JDOM. It has an easy syntax. An example can be found here:
If the documents that you will be parsing are large, you should use a SAX parser, I recommend Xerces.
When dealing with XML, you should probably not use regular expressions to check the content. Instead, use either a SAX parsing based routine to check relevant contents or a DOM-like model (preferably pull-based if you're dealing with large documents).
Of course, if you're trying to validate the document's contents somehow, you should probably use some schema tool (I'd go with RELAX NG or Schematron, but I guess you could use XML Schema).
As mentioned by the other answers, regular expressions are not the tool for the job. You need a XPath engine. If you want to these things from the command line though, I recommend to install XMLStar. I have very good experience with this tool and solving various XML related tasks. Depending on your OS you might be able to just install the xmlstarlet RPM or deb package. Mac OS X ports includes the package as well I think.