I am trying to build jahia from source for a project at school. From the instructions online, all I seem to find to run is
maven install
which fails... any help would be much appreciated.
Jahia is a Maven 2 project, the command you posted, "maven install", is the command for building with Maven 1.
To use Maven 2, you need to run the "mvn install" command. For details on installing Maven 2 check out the installation section of the Maven book.
The Jahia pom defines a repositories section, so should be able to access all the required dependencies.
If you have problems running the mvn command, please update your question with the build trace.
I have a Maven error like the following in Eclipse for a Maven project.:
Project 'project1' is missing required library: '.../.m2/repository/.../project2/0.37.0-SNAPSHOT/project2-0.37.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved
The error is wrong, because in the parent pom.xml version 0.38.0-SNAPSHOT is defined, which also lies in the .m2 repository as project2-0.38.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
I tried: "Right click" -> "Maven" -> "Update Project...", but it does now solve the problem.
Then I tried: mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse, which solved the problem. But, then the problem is, that it converts the Eclipse Maven project to an Eclipse project. So I have to manually convert it back to an Eclipse Maven project. I also wonder because Apache Maven Eclipse Plugin is RETIRED.
Is there another solution to the above Problem?
Your error messages sais something about 0.37.0-SNAPSHOT but in your text you refere to 0.38.0-SNAPSHOT. Is it a mistake or maybe the version in your dependency is wrong?
First your are right not to mix mvn eclipse:eclipse and eclipse-m2e plug-in. Second the Maven->Update Project should fix any misconfiguration.
I would suggest to call mvn clean install in your console to verify that there are no real dependency problems. Eclipse sometimes does not update its index correctly.
Second if the error still appears try to restart your eclipse. I often saw that eclipse-m2e does cache some stra
On my windows machine: I have setup jenkins CI to automatically create build.
But every time build is failing because of the third party ojdbc7.jar file.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project abc-cc-onboarding-repository: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.abc.cc:abc-cc-onboarding-repository:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.oracle:ojdbc7:jar: in central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
When I manually build using: mvn -U clean build, everything works fine.
because I have manually installed ojdbc7.jar in the local repository (.m2)
Something is wrong with the Jenkins integration with maven.
Can anybody suggest on this?
Something is wrong with the Jenkins integration with maven.
No. That's not the problem. Jenkins integration with Maven works just fine.
The problem is that ojdbc7.jar is not in the Maven Central repo ... which is the default place that Maven looks. (Or at least, it is not in Maven Central not with those artifact "coordinates". There are some ojdbc artifacts with different coordinates. YMMV.)
The real problem is that Oracle don't want you to download Oracle JARs from Maven Central. Oracle want you to download from their Maven repo instead.
One solution is to do what you have been doing. Simply add the artifact to your local repo (or Jenkins' local repo for the project). But you are not happy with that.
The other solution is to configure the remote repos that Maven uses.
Here is a page that explains how to configure (stand alone) Maven to include the Oracle repo:
Get Oracle JDBC drivers from the Oracle Maven Repository - NetBeans, Eclipse & Intellij
For the Jenkins case, you need to configure the settings that the Jenkins server uses:
How to manage maven settings.xml on a shared jenkins server?
This lists various ways of doing this.
What i found after the analysis and it resolved my problem, hope it will help somebody like me.
Actually jenkins creates a separate repository for separate projects.
like if i have 10 project in my jenkins workspace then it creates 10 repository one for each project (inside the project on top level we can see that).
so now i installed manually ojdbc7.jar inside my jenkins project repo and it solved my problem.
The above error occurs mostly when Jenkins is unable to download the oracle jar.
To sort the above issue
Create the settings.xml and settings-security.xml files in Jenkins through the "Managed files" in the administration home. To do that follow this link - https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Config+File+Provider+Plugin#ConfigFileProviderPlugin-Howitworks
NB: Ensure to put in your Oracle credentials in these two files. To do that follow this link - https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/core/MAVEN/config_maven_repo.htm#MAVEN9017
In your jenkins project under configurations in Build Environments include this files under the option Provide Configuration files. As shown below:
Once done build it and it should work.
I have a multi module maven project which is taking a little too much time. Can some one let me know if there is a way it is possible for me to see which step in maven compilation is taking how much time. Also is it possible to see which steps are getting executed in parallel relative to which step?
I am executing maven like below:-
mvn clean install -T 4
Maven Version 3.5.0
I followed Storm Starter instructions and imported Twitter Storm in IntelliJ. For sake of testing I edited ExclaimationToplogy a bit and used following Maven command to build and run it:
mvn -f m2-pom.xml compile exec:java -Dstorm.topology=storm.starter.ExclamationTopology
But I am more interested to build and run within IDE rather than from command line. What actions do I need to perform?
Follow the steps in storm-starter's: Using storm-starter with IntelliJ IDEA
Open Maven's pom.xml file and remove <scope>provided</scope> line from storm dependency. This enables IntelliJ to compile storm dependency on build.
Go to /src/jvm/storm/starter/, right click on ExclamationTopology file and Run 'ExclamationTop....main()'
From within IntelliJ, if you get Clojure related compiler errors involving LocalCluster then .... do a mvn clean install -DskipTests from the command line on the same project first. Then do a 'Rebuild Project' from within IntelliJ. Life is full of mysteries :-).
You need to also ensure that the storm-core is not in provided scope for storm-starter.
I'm experiencing various compile/run errors when I try the Sauce Labs Java tutorial. These errors are different when I run Maven in the command line and in Eclipse (Juno)
The java tutorial for Sauce Labs shows the Maven command to generate a JUnit based project
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository=http://repository-saucelabs.forge.cloudbees.com/release -DarchetypeGroupId=com.saucelabs -DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart-webdriver-junit -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.17 -DsauceUserName=username -DsauceAccessKey=access_key
The folder structure, maven pom file, and the code is generated by this command and the tutorial instructs the user to change to the newly created project folder and run the following command
mvn test
At this point I am getting a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException error. The org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener is apparently not found, even though I can see it in the Maven dependencies for the project (in Eclipse)
I am also getting an error saying that Maven cannot find the following library sauce_junit1.0.17.jar
I have found a fix to issue running mvn test from the command line. Change the DarchetypeVersion from 1.0.17 to 1.0.18 when generating the project
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository=http://repository-saucelabs.forge.cloudbees.com/release -DarchetypeGroupId=com.saucelabs -DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart-webdriver-junit -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.18 -DsauceUserName=username -DsauceAccessKey=access_key
I can see that the sauce_junit jar file is in my local repo for 1.0.18 but not 1.0.17