Generate password hash in java like openssl passwd -1 - java

Is there an easy way in Java to generate password hashes in same form as generated by "openssl passwd -1".
# openssl passwd -1 test
I'm looking for a pure java solution that does not call openssl or any other external program.

The openssl docs describe the -1 option as: "Use the MD5 based BSD password algorithm 1."
Jasypt is a java cryptogrqphy library, as is jBCrypt. Jasypt is slightly more complicated, but more configurable.
I don't know that much about crypto, but my guess is that the password generated by openssl breaks down as:
$1$ - specifies that this was generated using the MD5 scheme
Gt24/BL6 - 8 byte salt
$ - delimiter
E4ZsrluohHFxtcdqCH7jo. - hash
so it looks like Jasypt's BasicPasswordEncryptor might be what you want-

Perhaps something like this?
MessageDigest md = null;
md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
byte raw[] = md.digest();
String hash = BASE64Encoder.encodeBuffer(raw);
The Java BASE64Encoder source can be found on the net.

You can find source code for the C language version here. It should be straightforward to convert it to pure Java.


OpenSSL command equivalent using JAVA

So I have a very basic openssl command that was provided to me openssl smime -encrypt -binary -aes-256-cbc -in $inPath -out $encryptedPath -outform DER $pubCert, this command also works correctly and outputs an encrypted file. I need to use the equivalent of this command in a java application, preferably without invoking process and using openssl itself (only because I feel like that is probably bad practice).
I have researched quite a lot and there does not seem to be any equivalent out there that I can find.. I have tried several things and most of them do not seem to work. The weird thing is... I am able to get a simple "Hello World" string to encrypt using the code I wrote (although I don't believe it was encrypting it correctly because I had the cipher set to "RSA" not "AES") but when the byte array was coming from a file, it silently failed and just wrote 0 bytes. Right now this is what my code looks like.
Cipher aes = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
CertificateFactory certF = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
File public_cert = new File( getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("public.crt").getFile());
FileInputStream certIS = new FileInputStream(public_cert);
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certF.generateCertificate(certIS);
aes.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cert);
File tarGz = new File("C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tarGz);
byte[] tarGzBytes = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(tarGz);
tarGzBytes = "Hello World".getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream("Hello World".getBytes());
File encFile = new File("C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz.enc");
FileOutputStream enc = new FileOutputStream(encFile);
CipherOutputStream cos = new CipherOutputStream(enc, aes);
//IOUtils.copy(fis, cos);
//IOUtils.copy(bais, cos);
So this works, and encrypts a little file with Hello World encrypted in it. I don't believe this is AES-256-CBC though, and it does not work when I use the FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(tarGz), although the resulting byte array in a debugger is correctly sized at about 94MB. Which seems really odd to me, that it works with "Hello World".toByteArray() and not FileUtils.readAllBytes(tarGz). Also as a side note, the ByteArrayInputStream using IOUtils.copy works, whereas the FileInputStream version writes 0 bytes as well.
Also, when I set the cipher mode to AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding (because I found something online suggesting to set it to that and it looks more like what I want) I get the following error message: No installed provider supports this key:
at javax.crypto.Cipher.chooseProvider(
at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(
If anyone has any suggestions, or if I need to provide more information please let me know. I am fairly stuck right now and I am at this point debating writing a script to simply run the openssl command and run that script from java...
After reading through #dave-thompson-085's answer I realized that there was a really good reason why I could not find what I was wanting to do. So therefore I decided to go ahead and just call the openssl process from java using a process builder. I was able to recreate the openssl command from above as a Process in java, start it and run it with the following code:
File cert = new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("public.crt").getFile());
ProcessBuilder openSslBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("openssl", "smime", "-encrypt", "-binary",
"-aes-256-cbc", "-in", "C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz", "-out",
"C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz.enc", "-outform", "DER", cert.getPath());
Process openssl = openSslBuilder.start();
Hopefully this helps someone else who is looking to attempt this as well and maybe save someone a bunch of time!
First, to be clear: the openssl smime command actually handles both S/MIME and CMS (aka PKCS7) formats; these are related but different standards that basically use different file formats for essentially the same cryptographic operations. With -outform DER you are actually doing CMS/PKCS7.
Second and more fundamental: CMS/PKCS7, and S/MIME, and most other common cryptographic schemes like PGP, actually does hybrid encryption. Your data is not actually encrypted with RSA; instead your data is encrypted with a symmetric algorithm (here AES-256-CBC, since you selected that) using a randomly generated key called the DEK (data encryption key) and the DEK is encrypted with RSA using the recipient's publickey (obtained from their certificate), and both of those results plus a good deal of metadata is arranged into a fairly complicated data structure. The recipient can parse the message to extract these pieces, then use RSA with their privatekey to decrypt the DEK, then AES-decrypt the data with the DEK. Note you always use RSA keys for RSA, and AES keys for AES; symmetric keys are pretty much all just bits and only vary in size, but public-key cryptographic keys including RSA (also DH, DSA, ECC and more) are much more complicated and cannot be intermixed.
Trying to encrypt data directly with RSA as you did, in addition to being wrong, won't work in general because RSA can only encrypt limited amounts of data, depending on the key size used, typically about 100-200 bytes. Symmetric encryption also has some limits, but they are generally much larger; AES-CBC is good for about 250,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.
If you want to implement this yourself, you need to read the standard for CMS particularly the section on EnvelopedData using KeyTransRecipientInfo (for RSA), combined with the rules for ASN.1 BER/DER encoding. This is not a simple job, although it can be done if you want to put the effort in.
If you can use a third-party library in Java, the 'bcpkix' jar from has routines that support CMS, among several other things. This is usually easy if you are writing a program to run yourself, or in your department. If this is to be delivered to outside users or customers who may not like having to manage a dependency, maybe not.
That said, running another program to do something isn't necessarily bad practice in my book, and can be done directly from java (no script). Unless you (need to) do it very often, such as 100 times a second.

Java Sha-512 Message Digest with salting not matching linux shadow file hashed passwords

I'm trying to produce the same hashes found in the linux shadow file using the MessageDigest, given the password, salt value and hashing algorithm, although the results do not match with what I get from the function below.
Hash Algorithm = 6
Password = mandar
Salt Value = 5H0QpwprRiJQR19Y
Expected Output = $6$5H0QpwprRiJQR19Y$bXGOh7dIfOWpUb/Tuqr7yQVCqL3UkrJns9.7msfvMg4ZOPsFC5Tbt32PXAw9qRFEBs1254aLimFeNM8YsYOv.
Actual Output = ca0d04319f273d36f246975a4f9c71d0184c4ca7f3ba54bc0b3e0b4106f0eefca1e9a122a536fb17273b1077367bf68365c10fa8a2b18285a6825628f3614194
I have this function for generating the hash value
public String getSha512Hash(String password, String saltValue) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException{
String text = saltValue + password ;
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
byte[] bytes = messageDigest.digest( text.getBytes() );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
sb.append(Integer.toHexString((bytes[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1,3));
return sb.toString();
I'm referring to this website.
The passwords in /etc/shadow are hashed using the crypt(3) system call (man crypt).
You can use the Apache Commons implementation which should mimic the same behavior.
The fundamental problem is that the site you are referring to uses Perl's crypt() which seems a direct call to libc crypt(). In the manual of crypt is not specified how the SHA-512 hash is actually computed, but I searched GitHub and found this ~400 LOC source file sha512-crypt.c.
I read throught it and can't tell if it refers to some standard or if it's the only program using that algorithm. Since the SHA-512 thing also seems a proprietary extension to the POSIX standard, it's absolutely not unlikely.
You could ask the maintainer or the mailing list and report your findings back, otherwise if you absolutely need that functionality, you could write a native extension (don't know if there are Java libraries already available).

how to SHA512-CRYPT for Dovecot in JAVA?

I have a Dovecot server with MySQL database for storing usernames and passwords. The passwords in the database are in SHA512-CRYPT scheme.
I am inserting the hashed passwords in the database using a script.
doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT -p password -r 500000
I want to hash the passwords using a JAVA application. I found this questions and I tried to create the same resulting hash using same password firstpassword and salt FooBarBaz. For some reason the resulting hash I get is different, although I am using the same hashing algorithm, salt and password.
Here is my Java code:
byte[] password = "firstpassword".getBytes();
byte[] salt = "FooBarBaz".getBytes();
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
byte[] hashed = digest.digest(password);
String encodedHash = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hashed);
System.out.printf("{SHA512-CRYPT}$6$%s$%s", "FooBarBaz",encodedHash);
This outputs the hash:
I also tried swapping the order of salt + password to make it:
byte[] hashed = digest.digest(salt);
this gives me:
Does anyone have any idea how can I accomplish the same hash results in Java if I use the same password and salt?
The hash I am looking for is:
doveadm uses the Unix crypt family of functions to generate the hash and outputs the hash as a Base64 encoded string. The alphabet used for the encoding (by crypt) is [a-zA-Z0-9./] (as mentioned on the man page for the functions). However, the alphabet used by the java.util.Base64 class is [A-Za-z0-9+/] (compliant with RFC 4648, as mentioned on the JavaDoc page for the Base64 class). Therefore, even if the hashed values are the same, they will get encoded differently.
A reliable option is to use the Crypt class from Apache Commons Codec as Crypt.crypt("firstpassword", "$6$FooBarBaz") (The prefix $6$ is mandatory to instruct Crypt that the SHA512-CRYPT algorithm needs to be used). This will generate your expected hash value.

perl CBC DES equivalent in java

We are migrating some code from perl to java/scala and we hit a roadblock.
We're trying to figure out how to do this in Java/scala:
use Crypt::CBC;
$aesKey = "some key"
$cipher = new Crypt::CBC($aesKey, "DES");
$encrypted = $cipher->encrypt("hello world");
print $encrypted // prints: Salted__�,%�8XL�/1�&�n;����쀍c
$decrypted = $cipher->decrypt($encrypted);
print $decrypted // prints: hello world
I tried a few things in scala but didn't really get it right, for example something like this:
val secretKey = new SecretKeySpec("some key".getBytes("UTF-8"), "DES")
val encipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
encipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey)
val encrypted = encipher.doFinal(bytes)
println("BYTES:" + bytes)
println("ENCRYPTED!!!!!!: " + encrypted)
Any help or direction in Java/scala would very much be appreciated
Assuming that Crypt module is the one I find at it is documented as by default doing (the same as) openssl, apparently meaning commandline 'enc' (openssl library has MANY other options). That is not encryption
with the specified key (and IV) directly, but instead 'password-based' encryption (PBE) with a key and IV derived from the specified 'key' (really passphrase) plus (transmitted) salt, using a twist on the original (now unrecommended) PKCS#5 v1.5 algorithm, retronymed PBKDF1. See (or the man page on a Unix system with openssl installed) and rfc2898 (or the original RSA Labs PKCS documents now somewhere at EMC).
You say you cannot change the perl sender. I hope the users/owners/whoever realize that original DES,
retronymed single-DES for clarity, has been practically brute-forceable for well over a decade, and
PBE-1DES may be even weaker; the openssl twist doesn't iterate as PKCS#5 (both KDF1 and KDF2) should.
Java (with the Suncle providers) does implement PBEWithMD5AndDES, which initted with PBEParameterSpec (salt, 1)
does successfully decrypt data from 'openssl enc -des-cbc', and thus I expect also your perl sender (not tested).
FWIW if you could change to triple-DES, Java implements PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES using an apparently nonstandard
extension of PBKDF1 (beyond hash size) that is quite unlike openssl's nonstandard extension, and thus incompatible if the perl module is in fact following openssl.
You would have to do the key-derivation yourself and then direct 3DES-CBC-pad, which isn't very hard.
Also note encrypted data from any modern computer algorithm is binary. "Printing" it as if it were text
in perl, or Java or nearly anything else, is likely to cause data corruption if you try to use it again.
If you are only looking to see 'is there any output at all, and is it visibly not the plaintext' you're okay.

How to decrypt a Jasypt-encrypted string in PHP?

This may be an impossible question, but I am migrating a legacy system from Java over to PHP, and I need to be able to decrypt strings encrypted with Jasypt in PHP.
According to the documentation, Jasypt uses the following algorithm:
Append a random salt (I think that is the same as an initialization vector for the cipher) to the data to be encrypted
Encrypt repeatedly 1000 times
Prepend the unencrypted salt/IV to the encrypted string
Base64 encode the entire string
The legacy application uses the PBEWithMD5AndDES Jasypt algorithm. I am fully aware that MD5 isn't designed to be decrypted, and that's not what I'm trying to do.
I simply want to DES-decrypt the string so that all I'm left with is the MD5 hash. I can't seem to get anything but binary garbage out of PHP. What am I missing?
$secret = 'secret-password';
$encrypted = 'xh/roK2diJPDfZGlT9DlwuG2TsS7t7F+';
$cipher = MCRYPT_DES;
$modes = array(
foreach($modes as $mode => $mc) {
$iv_len = 0; //mcrypt_get_iv_size($cipher, $mode);
$password = base64_decode($encrypted);
$salt = substr($password, 0, $iv_len);
$data = substr($password, $iv_len);
for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$data = #mcrypt_decrypt($cipher, $secret, $data, $mode, $salt);
var_dump("$mode: $i: $data");
You are not understanding the "PBEWithMD5AndDES" meaning.
PBEWithMD5AndDES means that the encryption password (a String) is hashed with MD5 in order to obtain an array of bytes used as encryption key input to the DES algorithm along with the text to be encrypted.
So, there is no way to unencrypt with DES in order to get a MD5 hash. That makes no sense. You simply need to decrypt that encrypted data using exactly that same algorithm, but in a PHP implementation.
And by the way, "PBEWithMD5AndDES" is not a "jasypt algorithm". It is a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) algorithm. Jasypt does not implement any algorithms itself.
Hope this helps.
Php for Java simplified encryption here:
You're missing generating the key.
I had to do the same thing for a customer of mine and wrote a few lines of code to help with issue:
