I would like to cache some IO with the help of ConcurrentHashMap. The modification on the binary file should be reflected in cache as well. Since the cache is going to be used by multiple threads all IO operations are synchronized. Modifications of map go inside the same synchronized block. Which roughly looks like:
synchronized (file) {
synchronized(file) {
file.writeRecord(index, record);
map.put(index, record);
Both map and file are private and are not seen from outside the cache-class.
Is thread-safety preserved if cache reads, namely map.get(index), go without the synchronized block?
As I mentioned earlier, ConcurrentHashMap is used as map implementation.
Yup. This is basically the point of ConcurrentHashMap. From the documentation:
Retrieval operations (including get)
generally do not block, so may overlap
with update operations (including put
and remove). Retrievals reflect the
results of the most recently completed
update operations holding upon their
and from the package documentation:
A concurrent collection is
thread-safe, but not governed by a
single exclusion lock. In the
particular case of ConcurrentHashMap,
it safely permits any number of
concurrent reads as well as a tunable
number of concurrent writes.
(Both of those documentation pages have much more detail, of course. They're worth reading carefully.)
Yes, thread safety is preserved down to the map references, thanks to the ConcurrentHashMap implementation.
The objects you store in the map are another story.
Yes, ConcurrentHashMap is thread safe, so reading (or writing) does not require any locking on your part.
However, in your example, you might end up with the following sequence of events:
map.get(index) // returns the mapping for index even though it has been deleted from file
(the same for writeRecord/put). This might or might not be a problem in your case.
Well, as everyone here says, this is thread-safe in that you have a happens-before relationship between the write to the cache and the read from the cache, but that may be meaningless depending on what other guarantees you are hoping for.
For instance, unless you fsync the file there's no guarantee the record will be written to disk, so you may not read the record from disk (depending on the file-system and a few other factors). There is also no happens-before relationship between the writeRecord/deleteRecord and map write and the read from the map, so the JMM doesn't guarantee that you read something from the map that has definitely been written to the file.
You do get a guarantee that the state of the index and record objects as written will be what will be read, although if either of these are mutable then that may be a fairly useless guarantee.
I read in a book that read in ConcurrentHashmap does not guarantee the most recently updated state and it can sometimes gives the closer value. Is this correct?
I have read its javadocs and many blogs which seems to say otherwise (i.e. it is accurate).
Which one is true?
From ConcurrentHashMap javadoc:
Retrieval operations (including get) generally do not block, so may overlap with update operations (including put and remove). Retrievals reflect the results of the most recently completed update operations holding upon their onset. For aggregate operations such as putAll and clear, concurrent retrievals may reflect insertion or removal of only some entries. Similarly, Iterators and Enumerations return elements reflecting the state of the hash table at some point at or since the creation of the iterator/enumeration. They do not throw ConcurrentModificationException. However, iterators are designed to be used by only one thread at a time.
One point to highlight is that an Iterator is not going to reflect changes that are made after the Iterator is created. So if you need to iterate over the values of the map, while other threads are adding to the map, and you care about the most current state of the map, then using a ConcurrentHashMap may not be the implementation of map that you need.
Intuitively, a ConcurrentHashMap should behave like a set of volatile variables; map keys being the variable addresses. get(key) and put(key, value) should behave like volatile read and write.
That is not explicitly stated in the document. However, I would strongly believe that it is the case. Otherwise there will be a lot of unexpected, surprising behaviors that undermine application logic.
I don't think Doug Lea would do that to us. To be sure, someone please ask him on concurrency-interest mailing list.
Suppose it does obey the volatile semantics, we can reason based on Java Memory Model -
All volatile reads and writes form a single total order. This can be considered a pseudo time line, where reads/writes are points on it.
A volatile read sees the immediate preceding volatile write, and sees only that write. "Preceding" here is according to the pseudo time line.
The pseudo time line can differ from "real" time line. However, in theory, a volatile write cannot be infinitely postponed on the pseudo time line. And, in pracitce, two time lines are pretty close.
Therefore, we can be pretty sure that, a volatile write should become visible "very quickly" to reads.
That is the nature of concurrency. Any concurrent collection may give you the old value in a field if a currently pending write operation is not safely finished. That is in all cases what you have to expect. The collections made for concurrency will not give you corrupted values or break if you access them from multiple threads, but they may give you old values, if writing is not done.
Following are some lines from the java docs of ConcurrentHashMap
This class obeys the same functional specification as Hashtable, and
includes versions of methods corresponding to each method of
Hashtable. However, even though all operations are thread-safe,
retrieval operations do not entail locking, and there is not any
support for locking the entire table in a way that prevents all
What is the meaning of the statement
though all operations are thread-safe
from above paragraph?
Can anyone explain with any example of put() or get() methods?
The ConcurrentHashMap allows concurrent modification of the Map from several threads without the need to block them. Collections.synchronizedMap(map) creates a blocking Map which will degrade performance, albeit ensure consistency (if used properly).
Use the second option if you need to ensure data consistency, and each thread needs to have an up-to-date view of the map. Use the first if performance is critical, and each thread only inserts data to the map, with reads happening less frequently.
Your question is odd. If you understand what "thread safety" means then you would be able to understand how it applies to get() and put() on your own. If you don't understand thread safety then there is no point to explain it specifically in relation to get() and put(). Are you sure this isn't a homework question?
However, answering your question anyway, the fact that ConcurrentHashMap is thread safe means that if you have several threads executing put()s on the same map at the same time, then: a) no damage will occur to the internal data structures of the map and: b) some other thread doing a get() will see all of the values put in by the other threads. With a non-thread safe Map such as HashMap neither of those are guaranteed.
I am considering using EnumMap in a concurrent environment. However, the environment is atypical, here's why:
EnumMap is always full: there are no unmapped keys when the map is exposed to the concurrent environment
Only put() and get() operations will be used (no iterating over, no remove(), etc.)
It is completely acceptable if a call to get() does not reflect a call to put() immediately or orderly.
From what I could gather, including relevant method source code, this seems to be a safe scenario (unlike if iterations were allowed). Is there anything I might have overlooked?
In general, using non-thread-safe classes across threads is fraught with many problems. In your particular case, assuming safe publication after all keys have had values assigned (such that map.size() == TheEnum.values().length), the only problem I can see from a quickish glance of EnumMap's code in Java 1.6 is that a put may not ever get reflected in another thread. But that's only true because of the internals of EnumMap's implementation, which could change in the future. In other words, future changes could break the use case in more dangerous, subtle ways.
It's possible to write correct code that still contains data races -- but it's tricky. Why not just wrap the instance in a Collections.synchronizedMap?
Straight from the JavaDoc:
Like most collection implementations EnumMap is not synchronized. If multiple threads access an enum map concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the map, it should be synchronized externally. This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the enum map. If no such object exists, the map should be "wrapped" using the Collections.synchronizedMap(java.util.Map<K, V>) method. This is best done at creation time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access:
Map<EnumKey, V> m = Collections.synchronizedMap(new EnumMap<EnumKey, V>(...));
The problem you have is that threads may not ever see the change made by another thread or they may see partially made changes. It's the same reason double-check-locking was broken before java 5 introduced volatile.
It might work if you made the EnumMap reference volatile but I'm not 100% sure even then, you might need the internal references inside the EnumMap to be volatile and obviously you can't do that without doing your own version of EnumMap.
this is a passage from JavaDoc regarding ConcurrentHashMap. It says retrieval operations generally do not block, so may overlap with update operations. Does this mean the get() method is not thread safe?
"However, even though all operations are thread-safe, retrieval
operations do not entail locking, and there is not any support for
locking the entire table in a way that prevents all access. This class
is fully interoperable with Hashtable in programs that rely on its
thread safety but not on its synchronization details.
Retrieval operations (including get) generally do not block, so may
overlap with update operations (including put and remove). Retrievals
reflect the results of the most recently completed update operations
holding upon their onset."
The get() method is thread-safe, and the other users gave you useful answers regarding this particular issue.
However, although ConcurrentHashMap is a thread-safe drop-in replacement for HashMap, it is important to realize that if you are doing multiple operations you may have to change your code significantly. For example, take this code:
if (!map.containsKey(key))
return map.put(key, value);
return map.get(key);
In a multi-thread environment, this is a race condition. You have to use the ConcurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent(K key, V value) and pay attention to the return value, which tells you if the put operation was successful or not. Read the docs for more details.
Answering to a comment that asks for clarification on why this is a race condition.
Imagine there are two threads A, B that are going to put two different values in the map, v1 and v2 respectively, having the same key. The key is initially not present in the map. They interleave in this way:
Thread A calls containsKey and finds out that the key is not present, but is immediately suspended.
Thread B calls containsKey and finds out that the key is not present, and has the time to insert its value v2.
Thread A resumes and inserts v1, "peacefully" overwriting (since put is threadsafe) the value inserted by thread B.
Now thread B "thinks" it has successfully inserted its very own value v2, but the map contains v1. This is really a disaster because thread B may call v2.updateSomething() and will "think" that the consumers of the map (e.g. other threads) have access to that object and will see that maybe important update ("like: this visitor IP address is trying to perform a DOS, refuse all the requests from now on"). Instead, the object will be soon garbage collected and lost.
It is thread-safe. However, the way it is being thread-safe may not be what you expect. There are some "hints" you can see from:
This class is fully interoperable with Hashtable in programs that
rely on its thread safety but not on its synchronization details
To know the whole story in a more complete picture, you need to be aware of the ConcurrentMap interface.
The original Map provides some very basic read/update methods. Even I was able to make a thread-safe implementation of Map; there are lots of cases that people cannot use my Map without considering my synchronization mechanism. This is a typical example:
if (!threadSafeMap.containsKey(key)) {
threadSafeMap.put(key, value);
This piece of code is not thread-safe, even though the map itself is. Two threads calling containsKey() at the same time could think there is no such key they both therefore insert into the Map.
In order to fix the problem, we need to do extra synchronization explicitly. Assume the thread-safety of my Map is achieved by synchronized keywords, you will need to do:
synchronized(threadSafeMap) {
if (!threadSafeMap.containsKey(key)) {
threadSafeMap.put(key, value);
Such extra code needs you to know about the "synchronization details" of the map. In the above example, we need to know that the synchronization is achieved by "synchronized".
ConcurrentMap interface take this one step further. It defines some common "complex" actions that involves multiple access to map. For example, the above example is exposed as putIfAbsent(). With these "complex" actions, users of ConcurrentMap (in most case) don't need to synchronise actions with multiple access to the map. Hence, the implementation of Map can perform more complicated synchronization mechanism for better performance. ConcurrentHashhMap is a good example. Thread-safety is in fact maintained by keeping separate locks for different partitions of the map. It is thread-safe because concurrent access to the map will not corrupt the internal data structure, or cause any update lost unexpected, etc.
With all the above in mind, the meaning of Javadoc will be clearer:
"Retrieval operations (including get) generally do not block" because ConcurrentHashMap is not using "synchronized" for its thread-safety. The logic of get itself takes care of the thread-safeness; and If you look further in the Javadoc:
The table is internally partitioned to try to permit the indicated number
of concurrent updates without contention
Not only is retrieval non-blocking, even updates can happen concurrently. However, non-blocking/concurrent-updates does not means that it is thread-UNsafe. It simply means that it is using some ways other than simple "synchronized" for thread-safety.
However, as the internal synchronization mechanism is not exposed, if you want to do some complicated actions other than those provided by ConcurrentMap, you may need to consider changing your logic, or consider not using ConcurrentHashMap. For example:
// only remove if both key1 and key2 exists
if (map.containsKey(key1) && map.containsKey(key2)) {
ConcurrentHashmap.get() is thread-safe, in the sense that
It will not throw any exception, including ConcurrentModificationException
It will return a result that was true at some (recent) time in past. This means that two back-to-back calls to get can return different results. Of course, this true of any other Map as well.
HashMap is divided into "buckets" based on hashCode. ConcurrentHashMap uses this fact. Its synchronization mechanism is based on blocking buckets rather than on entire Map. This way few threads can simultaneously write to few different buckets (one thread can write to one bucket at a time).
Reading from ConcurrentHashMap almost doesn't use synchronization. Synchronization is used when while fetching value for key, it sees null value. Since ConcurrentHashMap can't store null as values (yes, aside from keys, values also can't be nulls) it suggests that fetching null while reading happened in the middle of initializing map entry (key-value pair) by another thread: when key was assigned, but value not yet, and it still holds default null.
In such case reading thread will need to wait until entry will be written fully.
So results from read() will be based on current state of map. If you read value of key that was in the middle of updating you will likely get old value since writing process hasn't finished yet.
get() in ConcurrentHashMap is thread-safe because It reads the value
which is Volatile. And in cases when value is null of any key, then
get() method waits till it gets the lock and then it reads the updated
When put() method is updating CHM, then it sets the value of that key to null, and then it creates a new entry and updates the CHM. This null value is used by get() method as signal that another thread is updating the CHM with the same key.
It just means that when one thread is updating and one thread is reading there is no guarantee that the one that called the ConcurrentHashMap method first, in time, will have their operation occur first.
Think about an update on the item telling where Bob is. If one thread asks where Bob is at about the same time that another thread updates to say he came 'inside', you can't predict whether the reader thread will get Bob's status as 'inside' or 'outside'. Even if the update thread calls the method first, the reader thread might get the 'outside' status.
The threads will not cause each other problems. The code is ThreadSafe.
One thread won't go into an infinite loop or start generating wierd NullPointerExceptions or get "itside" with half of the old status and half of the new.
The JDK provides a set of thread-safe classes like ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentLinkedQueue and AtomicInteger.
Are these classes required to synchronize on this to implement their thread-safe behavior?
Provided that they do we can implement our own synchronized operations on these objects and mix them with the built-in ones?
In other words is it safe to do:
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Account> accounts
= new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Account>();
// Add an account atomically
synchronized(accounts) {
if (!accounts.containsKey(id)) {
Account account = new Account();
accounts.put(id, account);
And in another thread
// Access the object expecting it to synchronize(this){…} internally
Note that the simple synchronized block above could probably be replaced by putIfAbsent() but I can see other cases where synchronizing on the object could be useful.
Are these classes required to
synchronize on this to implement their
thread-safe behavior.
No and, not only that, the various code inspection tools will warn you if you do try to use the object lock.
In the case of the put method above, note the javadoc:
A hash table supporting full
concurrency of retrievals and
adjustable expected concurrency for
updates. This class obeys the same
functional specification as Hashtable,
and includes versions of methods
corresponding to each method of
Hashtable. However, even though all
operations are thread-safe, retrieval
operations do not entail locking, and
there is not any support for locking
the entire table in a way that
prevents all access. This class is
fully interoperable with Hashtable in
programs that rely on its thread
safety but not on its synchronization
This means that the options are thread safe and there isn't a way to do what you're trying to do above (lock the whole table). Furthermore, for the operations that you use (put and get), neither of them will require such locking.
I particularly like this quote from the javadoc from the values() method:
The view's iterator is a "weakly
consistent" iterator that will never
throw ConcurrentModificationException,
and guarantees to traverse elements as
they existed upon construction of the
iterator, and may (but is not
guaranteed to) reflect any
modifications subsequent to
So, if you use this method, you'll get a reasonable list: it will have the data as of the request time and might or might not have any later updates. The assurance that you won't have to worry about the ConcurrentModificationExceptions is a huge one: you can write simple code without the synchronized block that you show above and know that things will just work.