Open a project in Eclipse - java

I'm completely new to Eclipse/Java/Android programming, so this might sound like a dumb question, but I can't open the project I was working on last week... it's the "HelloWorld" project.
I'm very familiar with Visual Studio so I've been looking for something like a project file/solution or a way to open a directory in Eclipse, but I'm having no luck and am completely lost.
Any help is appreciated!

Can you try File->Import and then choose Existing Projects into Workspace and then select the directory with your HelloWorld project?

Looks like I had it checked not to show closed projects.

Eclipse will look into the .project file in your project directory and see the original project name, which may be the same as another project. This can happen if you build a new project using some old code.


Jar file from desktop libgdx project in netbeans

How can I get a jar file from a desktop libgdx project in netbeans?
I know it's a bit late and you've probably figured it out by now, but I'll still answer this for those who don't know.
Right click on your desktop project
Go to the "Tasks" menu
Click "dist"
This will create a standalone JAR file in <pathToYourProject>\desktop\build\libs called desktop-1.0.jar (or something like that).
I don't know if that's the proper way to do it, but it's the only one that worked for me.
I have no experience with this but you should be able to unpack/extract the jar file and then load then load the project into Netbeans.
If it's a gradle project.
If it's not search further since I do not know Netbeans.
Import it with Android Studio and work with my favorite IDE. Choose import none android studio project.

Installing and Running a project in Eclipse

Please bear with me as I am brand new to Java and Eclipse programming. I was looking around for some cool example projects to learn from, and I came across this:
It seemed very interesting, and I would love to see how it works on the inside. However, I am having a great deal of trouble compiling and running this project in my personal Eclipse workspace. So in short, how would I run this project in my own Eclipse workspace? Any help is appreciated for this issue. The words "thank you" do not get used nearly enough on this site, so I would like to thank you all for being a part of what makes this forum such a helpful place for beginners.
Go to File -> New -> Java Project. Give your project an arbitrary name. Keep the defaults suggested and press "Finish". Unzip your zip somewhere, then copy the "com" folder to the clip board and paste it into the "src" folder in your Eclipse project. It should start to compile automatically when you do that. Then in your package explorer view, expand the "src" folder and then "com.springworldgames.jcgmusic". Select "SongCreatorApplication" and press the green "Run SongCreatorApplication" button in the menu at the top. It should launch.
Your link does not seem to be a repository, it has a downloadable jar.
Use JD GUI. Open the application, drag and drop your JAR file into it.
After take the code and import it into Eclipse.

Program in eclipse will not open says .project file is missing

For Eclipse my work space is my usb drive that I've always used. I haven't used eclipse in a while so now that I'm trying to open up old projects it won't allow me to and says that my .project files are missing, but when I look at my folders on my usb there is a .project file for every project as there should be. I tried importing projects into a different work space and the projects did open up, but I'm wondering why they aren't working on my usb when that was always the workspace I've used and saved everything on. I'm a little confused and am fairly new to java programming and eclipse. Also any tips on importing/exporting projects in work spaces and using Eclipse would be great. Thanks.
What you can do here is to try and import the project, if that doesn't work open a new project and then drag all the packages into that project then exit Eclipse, it will make a new project folder for you that works.
There is nothing to worry about here, your source code is safe anyway.

Importing a checkout svn source code as java project in eclipse

I have a project whose source code is hosted in svn and I have checked out the source code already say in a folder "myfolder". The directory structure of my code is as follows:
myfolder/trunk/src/ is where my code resides. Now I create a Java project using eclipse using File -> new java project with the location to be myfolder/trunk/src/. When I do this, all the package structure gets changes and I have errors in my sources files.
It would be great if somebody can tell me what is the correct way to do this. I have found some articles on the internet, but the more I read the more I get confused.
You should have probably chosen to Import Existing Project into your workspace and you should try that instead. It works great as long as you have your .project file defined. To fix the errors you have now, Create a new src folder in your project and point it at trunk\src, so that it correctly recognizes all your Java files.
You probably should use myfolder\trunk as the root of your project, rather than myfolder\trunk\src. As Perception has mentioned, try to "Import Existing Project" first (rather than start a new project and point it at your source).
First, I assume you already have subversive/subclipse plugin installed in your Eclipse and you have used the right URL to import your source code.
Before checkout your source code, you may change your perspective to Java perspective.
Then you only need to use File-Import-SVN(choose SVN as your import source)-Checkout projects from SVN-Next-Give your project a Name-Finish.
If you have problem about installing SVN plugin, reference is

NetBeans open project problem

I created a NetBeans project. I took the project folders zipped to another machine and tried opening it in NetBeans. NetBeans didn't identify it as a NetBeans project. I have transfered projects in this way before but why is it not working now? Are any of my project files corrupted. Is there any way to retrieve my files from this?
Try using create new project from existing resources. This may solve the issue.
I just copied whole project into place in system where NetBeans stores projects (in windows it's user\username\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ by default), then started NetBeans and voila - worked great :)
You can try this:
Create a new project on the target machine
Find where the project you want to open is stored and open the src folder.
Copy all the files and stuff in the /src folder
Go on Netbeans, expand the tree view of the project you have just created, right click on source packages and click paste. It should paste the files in the /src folder as packages. You should also see the code these packages contain.
I discovered this solution and it worked for me:
The fix is to remove the GodMode shortcut that may have been created on your Desktop or on the root of the %systemdrive%.
