hibernate workflow - java

I'm trying to write a program with Hibernate. My domain is now complete and I'm writing the database.
I got confused about what to do. Should I
make my sql tables in classes and let the Hibernate make them
Or create tables in the
database and reverse engineer it and
let the hibernate make my classes?
I heard the first option one from someone and read the second option on the Netbeans site.
Does any one know which approach is correct?

It depends on how you best conceptualize the program you are writing. When I am designing my system I usually think in terms of entities and their relationships to eachother, so for me, I start with my business objects, then write my hibernate mappings and let hibernate create the database.
Other people are able to think better in terms of database tables, in whcih case that approach is best for them. So you gotta decide which one works for you based on your experience.

I believe you can do either, so it's down to preference.
Personally, I write the lot by hand. While Hibernate does a reasonable job of creating a database for you it doesn't do it as well as I can do myself. I'd assume the same goes for the Java classes it produces although I've never used that feature.
With regards to the generated classes (if you went the class generation route) I'm betting every field has a getter/setter whether fields should be read only or not (did somebody say thread safety and mutability) and that you can't add behavior because it gets overridden if you regenerate the classes.

Definitely write the java objects and then add the persistence and let hibernate generate the tables.
If you go the other way you lose the benefit of OOD and all that good stuff.

I'm in favor of writing Java first. It can be a personal preference though.
If you analyse your domain, you will probably find that they are some duplication.
For example, the audit columns (user creator and editor, time created and edited) are often common to most tables.
The id is often a common field.
Look at your domain to see your duplication.
The duplication is an opportunity to reuse.
You could use inheritance, or composition.
Advantages :
less time : You will have much less things to write,
logical : the same logical field would be written once (that would be other be many similar fields)
reuse : in the client code for your entities, you could write reusable code. For example, if all your entities have the same id field called ident because of their superclass, a client code could make the generic call object.getIdent() without having to find out the exact class of the object, so it will be more reusable.


Always 'Entity first' approach, when designing java apps from scratch?

I'm just reading the book here: http://www.amazon.com/Java-Architects-Handbook-Second-Edition/dp/0972954880/ trying to find a strategy about how to efficiently design a (generic) medium to large application (200 tables or more) - for instance a classic, multi-layered, corporate intranet. I'm trying to adapt my past experience (as a database designer, but also OOAD) in order to architect such a java application. From what I've read, if you define your entities first, there is no recommended way to infer your database directly (automatically).
The book says that you would build the entity/object model first (OOAD) and THEN there is the db admin/dev.(?) job to build/infer the database (schema, normalization etc.) based on the entity model already built. If this is the case, I'm afraid the architect/developer could lose control over important aspects - normalization, entity-attribute-value modeling etc.
Perhaps like many older developers (back-end developers, architects etc) I feel more comfortable defining the database schema first - and spending a good amount of time on aspects like normalization etc. While this would be certainly possible nowadays, I'm asking myself if this would become (pretty soon, if not already) the 'old fashioned way' and not the norm - as a classic/recommended approach when designing applications from scratch.
I know Entity Framework (.NET) already have these approaches explicitly defined - 'entities first', 'database first', 'code first' and and these could be mixed, if necessary. I surely know that they recommend 'entity first' for newly designed apps, and 'database first' if you have already defined database schema (which is the case for many older applications, when migrating etc. I'm just asking if there is something similar for the java world.
So, the questions are: (although I know there is no silver bullet etc.)
'Entities first' for newly built apps - this is the norm nowadays?
What tools do you use (if any) in order to assist inferring db schema process? - your experience, pros & cons with concrete UML
tools etc.
What if you have parts/older/sub-domain database schema (which you'd want to preserve, mainly)? In such case, you would infer entities model from
database and then refactor the model using your preferred UML tool?
From labor force perspective (let's say for db of 200-500 tables): what is the best approach: for instance, to have 2 different people
involved in designing OOAD/entities and database respectively,
working together with an architect?
As you expect - my answer is it depends.
The problem is that there are so many possible flavours and dimensions to a good design you really need to take the widest view possible first.
Ask yourself some of the big questions:
Where is the core of the system? Is the database really the core or is it actually just a persistence layer for the code. It could also perhaps be that the database is the core and the code is really just a snazzy UI on the data. There can also be a mix - where some of the tables are core along with some of the entities.
What do you see in the future? Remember that there are developments going on as we speak that are moving database technology rapidly forward. There are some databases that are all in-ram. Some are designed for a distributed architecture. Some are primarily cloud. If you build your schema first you risk locking yourself in to a certain technology.
What scale do you want to achieve? By insisting on a specific database you may be closing doors to perhaps hand-held presence.
I generally find entity first as the best initial approach because you can always derive a schema from the entities and some meta-data. It is certainly possible to go schema first and grow the entities out of the schema but that way you generally find the database influences the design too much.
1) I've done database first in the past but now I usually do Entity first but that's mainly because of the tools I'm using in creating the applications. Entity first has a few good advantages over trying to match your entities to your defined schema later. You're also not locking yourself to tightly to your schema. What your application is for matters alot as well, if it's just a basic CRUD application, write once read many or does it actually 'do' something that will inform your choice over how to architect your application.
2) I use hibernate a lot which encourages creating your model first, designing all your entities etc and then generating the schema from that, hibernate can generate your whole schema from the models you've created (though you may need to tweak them to make sure they're not crazy). If you have 200 entities in your model then you probably want to do a significant amount of UML modelling ahead of time to ensure your model is consistent.
3) If you're working with partially legacy database then it can sometimes be good to fall into line with the schema design for that so your entities and schema are consistent. It can be a bit of a pain but then so it trying to explain why part of your app is just different to other parts. So yes I would probably infer my entities from the schema in that case. But again if it was totally crazy then it may be to do some very specific DAO code to hide that part of the schema from that app and pretend it's not there.
4) I can't really give you a good answer on this as I'm not sure what you're driving at really. Once you have the design standards for your schema it's turning the handle to crank it out.
So after all that my answer is 'It depends'
While the answers already posted cover a lot of points - and ultimately, all answers probably have to all sum up to "it depends" - I'd like to expand on a point that's been touched on already.
My focus is on data - I'm a business intelligence and data warehousing developer, and I deal with issues like data quality, data governance, having a set of master data, etc. To this end, I have to pull data from other systems - data which is in varying conditions.
When considering whether the core of your system is really the database or the front end (as suggested by OldCurmudgeon), I strongly suggest thinking outside of your own area. I have seen and heard about many systems where it's clear that the database has been treated as an afterthought (sometimes created via an entity-first model, but also sometimes hand-built), despite the fact that most of the business value is in the data. More and more companies are of course realising that their data is valuable and are adopting tools to make use of it - but it's difficult to do if poor transactional databases mean that data has been lost, was never saved in the first place, has been overwritten when a history is needed, or is inconsistent.
While I don't want to do myself and others with similar roles out of a job: If the data that a system you're working on is or might be valuable, if there's any reason it might be accessed by anything other than the front end you're creating, then it is worth the time and effort to create a sound data model to hold it. If the system is for an organisation or is going to be sold to organisations, there's a decent chance they'll want to report out of it, will want to run output from it into a data warehouse or other data stores, and will want to carry out analysis on the data it creates and holds.
I don't know enough about tools like Hibernate to know if it's possible to both use them to work in an entity-first manner and still create a good quality database, but I know that I have come across some problematic databases created in this manner. At the very least, as has been suggested, if you are going to work that way, make sure it is producing something sane and perhaps adjust it where necessary to maintain data integrity. If data integrity is a key requirement and you cannot get such a tool to create a suitable database that will ensure data integrity, then perhaps consider going back to doing things the "old fashioned" way.
I would also suggest that there's real value in developers working alongside any data specialists, analysts, architects, etc. they may have as colleagues to do some up-front modelling, even if the system they then produce uses entity-first and even if it veers away from the more conceptual models produced early on for technical reasons. I have seen many baked-in problems in systems which have been caused by a lack of understanding of the wider business entities and relationships, and which could have been avoided if time had been spent understanding the overall structure in this way. I've been personally responsible for building those problems when I was an application developer myself, so this shouldn't be read as criticism of front-end developers - just a vote in favour of cross-functional and collaborative analysis and modelling before development approaches and designs are decided.

Should my DAOs (Database Entities) Directly match my UI Objects?

I am trying to figure out best practice for N-Tier application design. When designing the objects my UI needs and those that will be persisted in the DB some of my colleagues are suggesting that the objects be one in the same. This doesn't not feel right to me and I am ultimately looking for some best practice documentation to help me in this decision.
Let me clarify this by saying that the tables (Entity Classes) that are in the DB are identical to the objects used in the UI
I honestly do not understand why I would want to design this way given that other applications may want to interact with my Data Access Layer....or it is just ignorance or lack of understanding on my part.
Any documentation, information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Just want to better understand these concepts and I am having a hard time finding some good information on the best practice for implementing these patterns (Or it is right in front of me on what I found and I didn't understand what was being outlined).
First of all, DAOs and database entities are two very different things.
Now to the question. You're right. The database entities are mapped to a database schema, and this database schema should follow the database design best practices, and be normalized. The UI sometimes dislays exactly the information from a given entity, but often show data that comes from multiple entities, in an aggregate format. Or, to the contrary, they only show a small part of a given entity.
For example, it would make sense for a UI to show a product name, description and price along with the name of its category, along with the number of remaining items in stock, along with the manufacturer of the product. It would make no sense to have a persistent entity containing all those fields.
In general and according to most "best practices" comments, yes, those two layers should be decoupled and there should be separate objects.
BUT: if your mapping would only be a one-to-one-mapping without any further functionality in the non-database-object, why introduce an additional object? So, it depends. (as usual ;-) ).
Don't use additional objects if the introduced overhead is bigger than the gain. And don't couple the two layers if re-usability is a first-class-goal. That may not be the case with some legacy applications, e.g.

string decoupling and field names

I have a number of domain/business objects, which when used in a hibernate criteria are referenced by the field name as a string, for example :
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(User.class);
Order myOrdering = Order.desc("firstname");
Where firstname is a field/property of User.class.
I could manually create an Enum and store all the strings in there; is there any other way that I am missing and requires less work(I'll probably forget to maintain the Enum).
I'm afraid there is no a good way to do that.
Even if you decide to use reflections, you'll discover the problem only when the query will run.
But there is a little bit better solution how to discover the problem early: if you use the Named Queries (javax.persistence.NamedQueries) you'll get all your queries compiled as soon as your entities are processed by Hibernate, so basically it will happen during the server's start-up. So if some object was changed breaking the query, you'll know about it the next time you start the server and not when the query is actually run.
Hope it helps.
This is one of the things that irritates me about Hibernate.
In any case, I've solved this in the past using one of two mechanisms, either customizing the templates used to generate base classes from Hibernate config files, or interrogating my Hibernate classes for annotations/properties and generating appropriate enums, classes, constants, etc. from that. It's pretty straight-forward.
It adds a step to the build process, but IMO it was exactly what I needed when I did it. (The last few projects I haven't done it, but for large, multi-dev things I really like it.)

Dynamic Typed Table/Model in Java EE?

Usually with Java EE when we create Model, we define the fields and types of fields through XML or annotation before compilation time. Is there a way to change those in runtime? Or better, is it possible to create a new Model based on the user's input during the runtime? Such that the number of columns and types of fields are dynamic (determined at runtime)?
Help is much appreciated. Thank you.
I felt the need to clarify myself.
Yes, I meant database modeling, when talking about Model.
As for the use cases, I want to provide a means for users to define and create their own tables. Infinite flexibility is not required. However some degree of freedom has to be there: e.g. the users can define what fields are needed to describe their product.
You sound like you want to be able to change both objects and schema according to user input at runtime. This sounds like a chaotic recipe for disaster to me. I've never seen it done.
I have seen general schemas that incorporate foreign key relationships to generic tables of name/value pairs, but these tend to become infinitely flexible abstractions that can neither be easily understood nor get out of their own way when it comes to performance.
I'm betting that your users really don't want infinite flexibility. I'd caution you against taking this direction. Better to get your real use cases straight.
Anything is possible, of course. My direct experience tells me that it's a bad idea that your users will hate if you can pull it off. Best of luck.
I worked on a system where we had such facilities. To stay efficient, we would generate/alter the table dynamically for the customer schema. We also needed to embed a meta-model (the model of the model) to process information in the entities dynamically.
Option 1: With custom tables, you have full flexibility, but it also increases the complexity significantly, notably the update/migration of existing data. Here is a list of things you will need to consider:
What if the type of a column change?
What if a column is added? Is there a default value?
What if a column is removed? Can I discard the existing information?
How to manage renaming of a column?
How to make things portable across databases?
How to make it efficient at database-level (e.g. indexes) ?
How to manage a human error (e.g. user removes a column then changes its mind)?
How to manage migration (script, deployment, etc.) when new version of the system is installed at customer site?
How to have this while using an ORM?
Option 2: A lightweight alternative is to add a few "spare" columns in the business tables of different types (e.g.: "USER_DATE_1", "USER_DATE_2", etc.) I've seen that a few times. It will makes your DBA scream and is not really considered a good practice, but at least can facilitates a few things, e.g. (migration scripts, ORM integration).
Option 3: Another option is to store everything in a table with a structure property/data. But then it's really a disaster for database performance. Anything that is not completely trivial will require many joins. And the DBA will scream even more.
Option 4: It is a mix of options 2 and 3. Core tables are fixed, but a table with property/data can be used to somehow extend them.
In summary: think twice before you go this way. It can be done, but has a significant impact on the design and maintenance of the application.
This is somehow possible using meta-modeling techniques:
tables for table / column / types at the database level
key/value structures at the Java level
But this has obvious limitations (lack of strong typed objects) and can IMHO get quickly very complicated (not even sure how to deal with relations). I wouldn't use this approach to define domain objects entirely, but only to extend existing ones (products, articles, etc).
If I remember well, this is what some e-commerce solutions (e.g. BroadVision) were doing.
I think I have found a good answer myself. Those new no-sql (hbase, cassandra) database seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Thanks everyone for your answeres.

Where do you put your dictionary data?

Let's say I have a set of Countries in my application. I expect this data to change but not very often. In other words, I do not look at this set as an operational data (I would not provide CRUD operations for Country, for example).
That said I have to store this data somewhere. I see two ways to do that:
Database driven. Create and populate a Country table. Provide some sort of DAO to access it (findById() ?). This way client code will have to know Id of a country (which also can be a name or ISO code). On the application side I will have a class Country.
Application driven. Create an Enum where I can list all the Countries known to my system. It will be stored in DB as well, but the difference would be that now client code does not have to have lookup method (findById, findByName, etc) and hardcode Id, names or ISO codes. It will reference particular country directly.
I lean towards second solution for several reasons. How do you do this?
Is this correct to call this 'dictionary data'?
Addendum: One of the main problems here is that if I have a lookup method like findByName("Czechoslovakia") then after 1992 this will return nothing. I do not know how the client code will react on it (after all it sorta expects always get the Country back, because, well, it is a dictionary data). It gets even worse if I have something like findById(ID_CZ). It will be really hard to find all these dependencies.
If I will remove Country.Czechoslovakia from my enum, I will force myself to take care of any dependency on Czechoslovakia.
In some applications I've worked on there has been a single 'Enum' table in the database that contained all of this type of data. It simply consisted of two columns: EnumName and Value, and would be populated like this:
"Country", "Germany"
"Country", "United Kingdom"
"Country", "United States"
"Fruit", "Apple"
"Fruit", "Banana"
"Fruit", "Orange"
This was then read in and cached at the beginning of the application execution. The advantages being that we weren't using dozens of database tables for each distinct enumeration type; and we didn't have to recompile anything if we needed to alter the data.
This could easily be extended to include extra columns, e.g. to specify a default sort order or alternative IDs.
This won't help you, but it depends...
-What are you going to do with those countries ?
Will you store them in other tables in the DB / what will happen with existing data if you add new countries / will other applications access to those datas ?
-Are you going to translate the contry names in several languages ?
-Will the business logic of your application depend on the choosen country ?
-Do you need a Country class ?
Without more informations I would start with an Enum with a few countries and refactor depending on my needs...
If it's not going to change very often and you can afford to bring the application down to apply updates, I'd place it in a Java enumeration and write my own methods for findById(), findByName() and so on.
Fast - no DB access for invariant data (or caching requirement);
Plays nice with refactoring tools.
Need to bring down the application to update.
If you place the data in its own jarfile, updating is as simple as updating the jar and restarting the application.
The hardcoding concern can be made to go away either by consumers storing a value of the enumeration itself, or by referencing the ISO code which is unlikely to change for countries...
If you're worried about keeping this enumeration "in synch" with the database, write an integration test that checks exactly that and run it regularly (eg: on your CI machine).
Personally, I've always gone for the database approach, mostly because I'm already storing other information in the database so writing another DAO is easy.
But another approach might be to store it in a properties file in the jar? I've never done it that way in Java, but it seems to be common in iPhone development (something I'm currently learning).
I'd probably have a text file embedded into my jar. I'd load it into memory on start-up (or on first use.) At that point:
It's easy to change (even by someone with no programming knowledge)
It's easy to update even without full redeployment - put just the text file somewhere on the class path
No database access required
EDIT: Okay, if you need to refer to the particular country data from code, then either:
Use the enum approach, which will always mean redeployment
Use the above approach, but keep an enum of country IDs and then have a unit test to make sure that each ID is mapped in the text file. That means you could change the rest of the data without redeployment, and a non-technical person can still update the data without seeing scary code everywhere.
Ultimately it's a case of balancing pros and cons - if the advantages above aren't relevant for you (e.g. there'll always be a coder on hand, and deployment isn't an issue) then an enum makes sense.
One of the advantages of using a database table is you can put foreign key constraints in. That way your referential integrity will always be intact. No need to run integration tests as DanVinton suggested for enums, it will never get out of sync.
I also wouldn't try making a general enum table as saw-lau suggested, mainly because you lose clean foreign key constraints, which is the main advantage of having them in the DB in the first place (might was well stick them in a text file). Databases are good at handling lots of tables. Prefix the table names with "ENUM_" if you want to distinguish them in some fashion.
The app can always load them into a Map as start-up time or when triggered by a reload event.
EDIT: From comments, "Of course I will use foreign key constraints in my DB. But it can be done with or without using enums on app side"
Ah, I missed that bit while reading the second bullet point in your question. However I still say it is better to load them into a Map, mainly based on DRY. Otherwise, when whoever has to maintain it comes to add a new country, they're surely going to update in one place but not the other, and be scratching their heads until they figure out that they needed to update it in two different places. A case of premature optimisation. The performance benefit would be minimal, at the cost of less maintainable code, IMHO.
I'd start off doing the easiest thing possible - an enum. When it comes to the point that countries change almost as frequently as my code, then I'd make the table external so that it can be updated without a rebuild. But note when you make it external you add a whole can of UI, testing and documentation worms.
