Java: Adding nodes to graph bug - java

Preface: I know that there are high quality graph APIs available. I'm interested in writing my own for self-improvement.
This is my function to add nodes:
public void addNode(Vertex v, Collection<Edge> neighbors) {
int originalSize = size();
if (head == null) {
head = v;
else {
Collection<Edge> inEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
traverseGraphToAdd(head, inEdges, v);
assert originalSize + 1 == size() :
String.format("adding operation failed. original size: %d, current size: %d", originalSize, size());
private void traverseGraphToAdd(Vertex start, Collection<Edge> inEdges, Vertex toAdd) {
Iterator<Edge> iter = inEdges.iterator();
Edge e;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
e =;
if (e.getSource().equals(start)) {
else if (! directionalEdges && e.getSink().equals(start)) {
if (inEdges.size() > 0) { //otherwise there's no point in continuing to search
for (Edge arc : start.getOutEdges()) {
traverseGraphToAdd(arc.getSink(), inEdges, toAdd);
Size and its dependencies:
public int size() {
int count = 0;
if (head == null) {
return 0;
else {
count = countNodes(head);
return count;
private int countNodes(Vertex start) {
int result = 1;
for (Edge e: start.getOutEdges()) {
if (! e.getSink().isVisited()) {
result += countNodes(e.getSink());
return result;
private void clearVisited() {
if (head != null) {
private void clearNode(Vertex start) {
for (Edge e: start.getOutEdges()) {
if (e.getSink().isVisited()) {
The Edge class:
public Edge(Vertex source, Vertex sink, int weight) {
this.source = source;
this.sink = sink;
this.weight = weight;
The following call works:
g.addNode(ftw, new HashSet<Edge>()); //first node - empty edges
g.addNode(odp, Arrays.asList(new Edge(ftw, odp, 3))); //link new node to one already in the graph
This does not:
g.addNode(tlt, Arrays.asList(new Edge(tlt, ftw, 2)));
In this one, the first argument of the Edge constructor is not the node already in the graph. I try to rectify this in addNode with the following (repeated from above):
if (e.getSource().equals(start)) { /*... */ }
else if (! directionalEdges && e.getSink().equals(start)) { /*... */ }
directionalEdges is a class field that determines whether or not this graph is directional or not.
However, this causes assertion errors:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: adding operation failed. original size: 1, current size: 1
What is going on here?

The graph you're trying to create in your example looks like this:
tlt -> ftw -> odp
After creating ftw -> odp, you should (and do, I believe) have head == ftw. After adding tlt, you should have head == tlt if you want your traversal algorithm to work properly. But in the code you've shown us, there is only one place where head is assigned to, and that happens only in the condition when head == null, in the fifth line of addNode(). Therefore, head doesn't change when you add tlt, and so traverseGraphToAdd() therefore starts form ftw instead of tlt as you intend for it to.
You have a more general problem here, however, namely that your code isn't able to handle directed graphs which aren't rooted (that is, they have more than one source node.) Consider what would happen if you wanted a graph like this one:
a -> b <- c
I think you'd have a problem with this, since you no longer have a single head.


Saving the edges traversed in breadth first search Java

Below is my bfs algorithm, the algorithm works and finds the node given the start and target. But I want to save edges for the used path in a linkedList to draw the path.
public DGPath breadthFirstSearch(String startId, String targetId) {
V start = this.getVertexById(startId);
V target = this.getVertexById(targetId);
if (start == null || target == null) return null;
DGPath path = new DGPath();
path.start = start;
// easy target
if (start == target) return path;
// TODO calculate the path from start to target by breadth-first-search
// register all visited vertices while going, for statistical purposes
// if you hit the target: complete the path and bail out !!!
Queue<V> fifoQueue = new LinkedList<>();
Map<V,V> visitedFrom = new HashMap<>();
visitedFrom.put(start, null);
while (!fifoQueue.isEmpty()) {
V current = fifoQueue.poll();
for (E e : current.getEdges()) {
V neighbour = e.getTo();
if (neighbour == target) {
while (current != null) {
current = visitedFrom.get(current);
return path;
} else if (!visitedFrom.containsKey(neighbour)) {
// no path found, graph was not connected ???
return null;
The DGPath is the class that creates the path as shown below:
public class DGPath {
private V start = null;
private LinkedList<E> edges = new LinkedList<>();
private double totalWeight = 0.0;
private Set<V> visited = new HashSet<>();
* representation invariants:
* 1. The edges are connected by vertices, i.e. FOR ALL i: 0 < i < edges.length: edges[i].from == edges[i-1].to
* 2. The path begins at vertex == start
* 3. if edges is empty, the path also ends at vertex == start
* otherwise edges[0].from == start and the path continues along edges[i].to for all 0 <= i < edges.length
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
String.format("Weight=%f Length=%d Visited=%d (",
this.totalWeight, 1 + this.edges.size(), this.visited.size()));
for (E e : edges) {
sb.append(", " + e.getTo().getId());
return sb.toString();
public V getStart() {
return start;
public LinkedList<E> getEdges() {
return edges;
public double getTotalWeight() {
return totalWeight;
public Set<V> getVisited() {
return visited;
I want to save the right edges in de linkedlist edges from the BGPath class (called path in my BFS algo method). So I already saved the used vertices in a map to go back to the root. But when I add the edge to the path it just saves the last edge used multiple times.. The problem is the vertex can have multiple edges, so I need to add the edge from the previous that was pointing to the last "current" until I'm back to the root. But I cant wrap my head around the right way to do this.
The line where I now add the edge to the list of edges is: path.getEdges().add(e)
I think, your problem is the same line, where your are adding the edges, that line is adding the same edge in inner while loop again and again, so you are only traversing back but not adding those nodes to your edges list.
I think, it should be like this
while (!fifoQueue.isEmpty()) {
V current = fifoQueue.poll();
for (E e : current.getEdges()) {
V neighbour = e.getTo();
if (neighbour == target) {
while (current != null) {
path.getEdges().addFirst(current) ;
current = visitedFrom.get(current);
return path;
} else if (!visitedFrom.containsKey(neighbour)) {
// no path found, graph was not connected ???
return null;

Printing values in a tree structure in Java?

I am trying to write this code to print the given user inputs in a tree structure that follows
x x
x x
but it does not output that way.
I am getting the output as
This is the function I have written that gets and prints:
private void inOrder(Node n)
if(n == null) // recursion ends when node is null
public void printInorder()
This approach runs into trouble because any calls to println() preclude printing further nodes on a line. Using a level order traversal/BFS will enable you to call println() to move to the next line only when all nodes on a given tree level have already been printed.
The bigger difficulty lies in keeping track of the horizontal placement of each node in a level. Doing this properly involves considering the depth, length of the node data and any empty children. If you can, consider printing your tree with depth increasing from left to right, similar to the unix command tree, rather than top-down, which simplifies the algorithm.
Here's a proof-of-concept for a top-down print. Spacing formulas are from this excellent post on this very topic. The strategy I used is to run a BFS using a queue, storing nodes (and null placeholders) in a list per level. Once the end of a level is reached, spacing is determined based on the number of nodes on a level, which is 2n-1, and printed. A simplifying assumption is that node data width is 1.
import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.out;
public class Main {
static void printLevelOrder(Node root) {
LinkedList<QItem> queue = new LinkedList<>();
ArrayList<Node> level = new ArrayList<>();
int depth = height(root);
queue.add(new QItem(root, depth));
for (;;) {
QItem curr = queue.poll();
if (curr.depth < depth) {
depth = curr.depth;
for (int i = (int)Math.pow(2, depth) - 1; i > 0; i--) {
out.print(" ");
for (Node n : level) {
out.print(n == null ? " " : n.val);
for (int i = (int)Math.pow(2, depth + 1); i > 1; i--) {
out.print(" ");
if (curr.depth <= 0) {
if (curr.node == null) {
queue.add(new QItem(null, depth - 1));
queue.add(new QItem(null, depth - 1));
else {
queue.add(new QItem(curr.node.left, depth - 1));
queue.add(new QItem(curr.node.right, depth - 1));
static int height(Node root) {
return root == null ? 0 : 1 + Math.max(
height(root.left), height(root.right)
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Node<Integer>(
new Node<Integer>(
new Node<Integer>(
new Node<Integer>(7, null, null),
new Node<Integer>(8, null, null)
new Node<Integer>(
new Node<Integer>(
new Node<Integer>(9, null, null),
new Node<Integer>(
new Node<Character>('a', null, null)
class Node<T> {
Node left;
Node right;
T val;
public Node(T val, Node left, Node right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.val = val;
class QItem {
Node node;
int depth;
public QItem(Node node, int depth) {
this.node = node;
this.depth = depth;
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 a
Try it!
You have a problem to print the way you want.
An In order will print left, current and right. These are in different levels in the tree. As soon you print a down level you can't print the current one above because it was already printed.
Also don't forget the println will print that string and give a new line after.
To have a fancy design, you probably need to do some fancy engineering to align them perfectly, something like this:
You need a Queue for the nodes to visit.
printNode(Node root, queueWithNodesAndStartAndEnd, start, end)
print me at the middle of start and end
put my left child in the queue with start = myStart and end = middle of my start and my end
put my right child in the queue with start = middle of my start and my end and end = my end
pop (get and remove) first element from queue
if not empty print popped node with start and end provided
I know this is pseudo-code but you should be able to implement it.
This is the nicest solution I've seen:
Here is my code snippet leveraging it. This class will run as is.
class Node {
final int value;
Node left;
Node right;
Node(int value) {
this.value = value;
right = null;
left = null;
public void print() {
print("", this, false);
private void print(String prefix, Node n, boolean isLeft) {
if (n != null) {
System.out.println(prefix + (isLeft ? "|-- " : "\\-- ") + n.value);
print(prefix + (isLeft ? "| " : " "), n.left, true);
print(prefix + (isLeft ? "| " : " "), n.right, false);
class BinaryTree {
Node root;
private Node addRecursive(Node current, int value) {
if (current == null) {
return new Node(value);
if (value < current.value) {
current.left = addRecursive(current.left, value);
} else if (value > current.value) {
current.right = addRecursive(current.right, value);
} else {
// value already exists
return current;
return current;
public void add(int value) {
root = addRecursive(root, value);
public void traverseInOrder(Node node) {
if (node != null) {
System.out.print(" " + node.value);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree();
System.out.println("Print in order->");
System.out.println("\n\nPrint Tree Structure");
Output example

Setting parents in tree

I have a huffman binary tree that starts with an empty node a.
A points to a left node and a right node, which also point to left and right nodes. Is it possible to set the parent nodes for each node recursively after having this tree?
This is the code I am thinking:
public Node setParents(Node n)
if(n.getZero() == null && n.getOne() == null)
return n;
Node a = setParents(n.getZero()); // Zero being left
Node b = setParents(n.getOne()); // One being right.
Here is how I am currently creating the tree by using a priority queue with values sorted least to greatest.
public Node createTree(PriorityQueue<Node> pq)
while(pq.size() > 1)
Node n = new Node();
Node a = pq.poll();
if(pq.size() > 0)
Node b = pq.poll();
n = new Node(a.getFrequency() + b.getFrequency());
n = new Node(a.getFrequency());
Node n = pq.poll();
return n;
I just need to make sure each node has a parent, which I don't know where to start from here.. Any help?
Some comments to your code that may help
1 . Do not use getters and setters in your study samples for simple assignments and reads, they are hard to understand.
2 . If you prepare some object do not mix this preparation with others
3 . From what I understand there is a chance to get NPE
if(pq.size() > 0) {
Node b = pq.poll();
Node n = pq.poll();
n.setParent(null); <- n can be null
4 . Java has nice feature called Enums for this
Here is how to set parents starting from the root
public void fixParents(Node parentNode)
if ( != null) { = parentNode;
if ( != null) { = parentNode;
One more thought. You set parents in your tree building function. So you should just check that parents are correct but not re-setting them.
public void checkParents(Node parentNode) throws Exception
if ( != null) {
if ( != parentNode) {
throw new Exception( here include info about the );
if ( != null) {
if ( != parentNode) {
throw new Exception( here include info about the );

LinkedList - loop not working - Java

I am required to write a method that returns a number - the amount of times an element is found in a linked list. So far I have;
package Question4;
import net.datastructures.Node;
public class SLinkedListExtended<E> extends SLinkedList<E> {
// returns the number of occurrences of the given element in the list
public int count(E elem) {
Node<E> cursor = tail;
int counter = 0;
if ((cursor != null) && (!(cursor.getElement().equals(elem)))) { //tail isnt null and element is not equal to elem
cursor = cursor.getNext(); //go to next node
} else if ((cursor != null) && (cursor.getElement().equals(elem))){ //cursor isn't null and element equals elem
counter++; //increment counter
else {
return counter; //return counter
return counter;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SLinkedListExtended<String> x = new SLinkedListExtended<String>();
System.out.println(x.count("def")); // should print "2"
System.out.println(x.count("def")); // should print "3"
System.out.println(x.count(null)); // should print "2"
I have extended to a class which compiles correctly, so I know the problem is in my method. I can't figure out what to do, my code returns 0, which is probably the counter integer remaining at 0 and not going through the loop statement. Any ideas are appreciated.
Edit. SLinkedList code:
import net.datastructures.Node;
public class SLinkedList<E> {
protected Node<E> head; // head node of the list
protected Node<E> tail; // tail node of the list (if needed)
protected long size; // number of nodes in the list (if needed)
// default constructor that creates an empty list
public SLinkedList() {
head = null;
tail = null;
size = 0;
// update and search methods
public void insertAtHead(E element) {
head = new Node<E>(element, head);
if (size == 1) {
tail = head;
public void insertAtTail(E element) {
Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(element, null);
if (head != null) {
} else {
head = newNode;
tail = newNode;
public static void main(String[] args) { // test
SLinkedList<String> list = new SLinkedList<String>();
Maybe you should use a while loop instead of an if clause
**while** ((cursor != null) && (!(cursor.getElement().equals(elem)))) {
The code in count is not in a loop, so it'll just return after the first element.
Try this:
public int count(E elem) {
Node<E> cursor = tail;
int counter = 0;
while (true)
if ((cursor != null) && (!(cursor.getElement().equals(elem)))) { //tail isnt null and element is not equal to elem
cursor = cursor.getNext(); //go to next node
} else if ((cursor != null) && (cursor.getElement().equals(elem))){ //cursor isn't null and element equals elem
counter++; //increment counter
else {
return counter; //return counter
Also, note that cursor.getElement().equals(elem) will return a NullPointerException when cursor.getElement() is null. The easiest way to deal with this is probably to write a separate equals method:
boolean equals(E e1, E e2)
if (e1 == null)
return e2 == null;
if (e2 == null)
return false;
return e1.equals(e2);
Also, presumably Node<E> cursor = tail; makes it point to the end of the list and presumably you want Node<E> cursor = head; instead.
One of the fundamental things that you were missing was a loop. Since you are essentially searching for something, you want to loop through the entire list. Once you run into an element that matches the one that you are searching for, you want to increment the count by 1. Once you have finished looping through the entire list, you want to return that count. So this is my solution. I keep it simple so you could understand:
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Duplicates<E> extends LinkedList<E> {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Duplicates<String> duplicates = new Duplicates<String>();
public int duplicateCount(E element) {
int count = 0;
for (E e : this) {
if (e == element) {
return count;
I suggest you combine Martin's answer (which tells you how to count the elements) with this, which tell you how to be able to use foreach - you just have to make your SLinkedListExtended implement Iterable, whioch should be something liek the follwoing (you could do this on SLinkedList, but I'm assuming you were told not to alter the code for that one):
public class SLinkedListExtended<E> extends SLinkedList<E> implements Iterable<E> () {
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
final Node<E> itHead = head;
return new Iterator<E>() {
Node<E> current = itHead;
long position = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return current != null && position < size;
public E next() {
current = current.getNext();
return current.getElement();
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
I can't vouch for all the details, but this should cover most of it. You may also consider using equals instead of ==, but don't forget to check the elements for nullity.
next should only be called if hasNext is true, so it's not a problem if it throws an exception (but it should be a NoSuchElementException to keep in line with the contract).
Implementing Iterable makes your class compatible with the Collections library, hence the support for foreach, but you can use it to do raw iteration by calling iterator, hasNext and next yourself.

How do I traverse a link list looking two nodes ahead?

I have a link list, and I want to be able to look two nodes ahead. I need to check if the first two nodes have integers, and if they do, and the third node says ADD, then I need to condense that information into one node and free the other two nodes.
I'm confused about what should go in my while loop. I check if the third node points to null, but somehow that's not giving me the right output. I don't know if I'm handling my correctly either. Some of this is pseudocode now.
while( != NULL){
if(( && ({
if('add')){ = +;
} else {
garbage_ptr1 = node2;
garbage_ptr2 = node3; =;
free(garbage_ptr2); =; =;
} else { =; =; =;
An approach that I find easier is to maintain a small array that acts as a window onto the list, and to look for matches on the array. The code also becomes a lot cleaner and simpler if you move your null checks into utility methods. By doing these things, the loop over the list only needs to check the last element of the window to terminate.
A sketch of this in Java:
/* small utility methods to avoid null checks everywhere */
public static Node getNext(Node n) { return n != null ? : null; }
public static boolean isInteger(Node n) {
return (n != null) && ( != null) && ( instanceof Integer);
public static boolean isAdd(Node n) {
return (n != null) && ( != null) &&"add");
/* checks for a match in the 3-node window */
public boolean isMatch(Node[] w) {
return isInteger(w[0]) && isInteger(w[1]) && isAdd(w[2]);
/* Loads the 3-node window with 'n' and the next two nodes on the list */
public void loadWindow(Node[] w, Node n) {
w[0] = n; w[1] = getNext(w[0]); w[2] = getNext(w[1]);
/* shifts the window down by one node */
public void shiftWindow(Node[] w) { loadWindow(w, w[1]); }
Node[] window = new Node[3];
loadWindow( window, node1 );
while (window[2] != null) {
if (isMatch(window)) {
window[0].data = stack[0].data + stack[1].data;
window[0].next = window[2].next;
loadWindow(window, window[0]); // reload the stack after eliminating two nodes
} else {
shiftWindow( window );
