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Closed 7 years ago.
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Since GAE has severe restrictions like - "A Java application cannot use any classes used to write to the filesystem"...
Is there a good Java PDF library that can write the PDF to memory for streaming to the cloud?
You can use iText without limitations now. There is no need for a patch since version 5.2.0 anymore.
Have a look at the following post for an example: Generate PDF using GAE and iText
According to this thread on google groups (requires authentication), PDFjet can be used on GAE (it has been slightly modified to replace files by streams at a few places). As they say in the thread:
It's a quite low-level library but should be ok for simple tasks.
As of now, both iText and JasperReports are listed as incompatible on the "Will it play in App Engine" page due to the dependence on several classes that are not in the JRE class whitelist.
Update (2010/09/26): As mentioned by Guido in a comment (and I thank him for that), some people claim they have an iText patch to make it compatible with GAE. Worth the try if you want to play with iText.
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Closed 5 months ago.
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I'm trying to understand how car audio media works. I have read emmc, and found here .ifs file. By using IFSTool I have extracted all files from .ifs and found Intel .jxe file. OK I have decompiled .jxe file to Oracle .jar by using this tool: I have made editions, but is there a way to convert it back to Intel JXE? What tool/software should I use?
According to the documentation for jxe2jar, the reverse conversion can be performed using jar2jxe.
As far as I can tell, that tool is only (legally1) available as a part of various IBM commercial products; e.g. WEME J9.
Unfortunately, the relevant IBM documentation doesn't seem to be publicly available either.
1 - If you google for (say) "jar2jxe download" you may find download links from (ahem) "3rd-party sites". But there are no guarantees that what you will get when you download will be 1) a legal copy, or 2) free from malware. If you need to work on a codebase that was built using IBM proprietary tools, you are strongly advised to get a legal copy of the tools for yourself.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have been working on my own project for the past few months and i have stumbled upon a problem. I need to attach some data from database(in pdf format) to emails i will be sending to clients. I know this could be done using Itext, but for commercial licence they charge around 1300$ for 2500 emails which is insane.
Do you guys know any other library i could use in my application i plan to offer commercially? Any other idea which will help me solve this problem will be greatly appreciated!
I used PDFBox in the distant past. Admittedly, I was using it for reading PDF files, but it did a good job and seemed well-designed.
First you can try
flying saucer
Basically it uses an old version of iText which was free (more here)
Flying Saucer will allow you to render PDF on server-side from an HTML template (CSS 2.1 is supported) - we're using this solution (with mustaches templates) in our project
Another option (valid for Google Chrome) - you can do PDF exporting on client, just calling window.print() and using Chrome "Print to PDF' functionality
You can use Apache's FOP library for generating PDF. It is released under Apache 2 licence.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a user guide for my application that I would like to provide both an HTML verson and a PDF version (and possible some other indexed version for a Java help). Are there any tools, preferably for maven that I could integrate into my build cycle that will convert from HTML to PDF? Currently I have a word doc format that I manually convert to PDF (and no HTML version available), which is prone to errors and really just a pain.
Well, after a short search, I went on and if you have your HTML, it does the trick.
However, I prefer using a wiki for documentation. It has all advantages, since it can be edited in parallel, in multiple languages, and a lot of them have both static HTML export and PDF export.
I should recommend you Dokuwiki (and you can find your plugins at because it's really easy to install and administrate, but you can also use any other one that have PDF and HTML export.
You might use a tool like DocBook and write the documentation in a scripting language (XML in their case). Then use the tool to transform the source to the target formats, e.g. HTML and PDF.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for an open source OCR library that runs on Linux. I need this to work for PNGs and PDFs. Mostly I would like to interface this library from java or ruby. Any idea if there is anything available?
Tesseract is a very good OCR engine:
The project has been launched by HP Labs and is now continued and sponsored by Google (for Google Books !). It is released under the Apache license, and it runs on Linux. It uses Tiff or PNGs files ; for PDFs, you will need to convert to one of these formats. I suppose that there is no binding so you should invoke this software as a subprogram...
Cuneiform is free and does a decent job. You could invoke it as a subprogram but there's no language binding that I know of. It won't read PDFs directly but you can easily take apart PDFs that are sequences of scanned images to feed them to Cuneiform. There are also scripts to reassemble the images and text back into a searchable PDF.
Try tesjeract, which uses JNI to call Tesseract OCR API.
For PDF, you'll need to convert them to image first, using GhostScript, for instance.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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The APIs that might be of interest to
developers of Java applications that
need to perform source code analysis
are the Java Compiler API (JSR 199),
the Pluggable Annotation Processing
API (JSR 269), and the Compiler Tree
Any similar api or library for .net?
Visual Studio 2008 comes with a tool that run source code analysis: it gives you the code inheritance depth, lines of code (compiled), mainteinability indexes for your solution/project/clases/methods.
Im not sure if there is a plugin for VS2003-2005 with this functionality.
For the comments of the methods/clases, VS 2008, doesn't have a native tool, however, for VS 2003-2005 there is an open project on sourceforge, that take the comments (''' comments) above the member (namespace, class, method, property) header(which is stored on the classes .xml files) and generetes documentation like JavaDoc. For VS 2008, I have developed a tool that does the same, that I can share if you need.
For code analysis, I've been using the free tool from Microsoft is called FxCop for years.