Here is a fun one: I need to generate random x/y pairs that are correlated at a given value of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, or Pearson r. You can imagine this as two arrays, array X and array Y, where the values of array X and array Y must be re-generated, re-ordered or transformed until they are correlated with each other at a given level of Pearson r. Here is the kicker: Array X and Array Y must be uniform distributions.
I can do this with a normal distribution, but transforming the values without skewing the distribution has me stumped. I tried re-ordering the values in the arrays to increase the correlation, but I will never get arrays correlated at 1.00 or -1.00 just by sorting.
Any ideas?
here is the AS3 code for random correlated gaussians, to get the wheels turning:
public static function nextCorrelatedGaussians(r:Number):Array{
var d1:Number;
var d2:Number;
var n1:Number;
var n2:Number;
var lambda:Number;
var r:Number;
var arr:Array = new Array();
var isNeg:Boolean;
if (r<0){
r *= -1;
lambda= ( (r*r) - Math.sqrt( (r*r) - (r*r*r*r) ) ) / (( 2*r*r ) - 1 );
n1 = nextGaussian();
n2 = nextGaussian();
d1 = n1;
d2 = ((lambda*n1) + ((1-lambda)*n2)) / Math.sqrt( (lambda*lambda) + (1-lambda)*(1-lambda));
if (isNeg) {d2*= -1}
return arr;
I ended up writing a short paper on this
It doesn't include your sorting method (although in practice I think it's similar to my first method, in a roundabout way), but does describe two ways that don't require iteration.
Here is an implementation of of twolfe18's algorithm written in Actionscript 3:
for (var j:int=0; j < size; j++) {
var varX:Number = Util.variance(xValues);
var varianceE:Number = 1/(r*varX) - varX;
for (var i:int=0; i < size; i++) {
yValues[i] = xValues[i] + boxMuller(0, Math.sqrt(varianceE));
boxMuller is just a method that generates a random Gaussian with the arguments (mean, stdDev).
size is the size of the distribution.
Sample output
Target p: 0.8
Generated p: 0.04846346291280387
variance of x distribution: 0.0707786253165176
varianceE: 17.589920412141158
As you can see I'm still a ways off. Any suggestions?
This apparently simple question has been messing up with my mind since yesterday evening! I looked for the topic of simulating distributions with a dependency, and the best I found is this: simulate dependent random variables. The gist of it is, you can easily simulate 2 normals with given correlation, and they outline a method to transform these non-independent normals, but this won't preserve correlation. The correlation of the transform will be correlated, so to speak, but not identical. See the paragraph "Rank correlation coefficents".
Edit: from what I gather from the second part of the article, the copula method would allow you to simulate / generate random variables with rank correlation.
start with the model y = x + e where e is the error (a normal random variable). e should have a mean of 0 and variance k.
long story short, you can write a formula for the expected value of the Pearson in terms of k, and solve for k. note, you cannot randomly generate data with the Pearson exactly equal to a specific value, only with the expected Pearson of a specific value.
i'll try to come back and edit this post to include a closed form solution when i have access to some paper.
EDIT: ok, i have a hand-wavy solution that is probably correct (but will require testing to confirm). for now, assume desired Pearson = p > 0 (you can figure out the p < 0 case). like i mentioned earlier, set your model for Y = X + E (X is uniform, E is normal).
sample to get your x's
compute var(x)
the variance of E should be: (1/(rsd(x)))^2 - var(x)
generate your y's based on your x's and sample from your normal random variable E
for p < 0, set Y = -X + E. proceed accordingly.
basically, this follows from the definition of Pearson: cov(x,y)/var(x)*var(y). when you add noise to the x's (Y = X + E), the expected covariance cov(x,y) should not change from that with no noise. the var(x) does not change. the var(y) is the sum of var(x) and var(e), hence my solution.
SECOND EDIT: ok, i need to read definitions better. the definition of Pearson is cov(x, y)/(sd(x)sd(y)). from that, i think the true value of var(E) should be (1/(rsd(x)))^2 - var(x). see if that works.
To get a correlation of 1 both X and Y should be the same, so copy X to Y and you have a correlation of 1. To get a -1 correlation, make Y = 1 - X. (assuming X values are [0,1])
A strange problem demands a strange solution -- here is how I solved it.
-Generate array X
-Clone array X to Create array Y
-Sort array X (you can use whatever method you want to sort array X -- quicksort, heapsort anything stable.)
-Measure the starting level of pearson's R with array X sorted and array Y unsorted.
WHILE the correlation is outside of the range you are hoping for
IF the correlation is to low
run one iteration of CombSort11 on array Y then recheck correlation
ELSE IF the correlation is too high
randomly swap two values and recheck correlation
And thats it! Combsort is the real key, it has the effect of increasing the correlation slowly and steadily. Check out Jason Harrison's demo to see what I mean. To get a negative correlation you can invert the sort or invert one of the arrays after the whole process is complete.
Here is my implementation in AS3:
public static function nextReliableCorrelatedUniforms(r:Number, size:int, error:Number):Array {
var yValues:Array = new Array;
var xValues:Array = new Array;
var coVar:Number = 0;
for (var e:int=0; e < size; e++) { //create x values
yValues = xValues.concat();
if(r != 1.0){
var trueR:Number = Util.getPearson(xValues, yValues);
if (trueR < r-error){ // combsort11 for y
var gap:int = yValues.length;
var swapped:Boolean = true;
while (trueR <= r-error) {
if (gap > 1) {
gap = Math.round(gap / 1.3);
var i:int = 0;
swapped = false;
while (i + gap < yValues.length && trueR <= r-error) {
if (yValues[i] > yValues[i + gap]) {
var t:Number = yValues[i];
yValues[i] = yValues[i + gap];
yValues[i + gap] = t;
trueR = Util.getPearson(xValues, yValues)
swapped = true;
else { // decorrelate
while (trueR >= r+error) {
var a:int = Random.randomUniformIntegerBetween(0, size-1);
var b:int = Random.randomUniformIntegerBetween(0, size-1);
var temp:Number = yValues[a];
yValues[a] = yValues[b];
yValues[b] = temp;
trueR = Util.getPearson(xValues, yValues)
var correlates:Array = new Array;
for (var h:int=0; h < size; h++) {
var pair:Array = new Array(xValues[h], yValues[h]);
return correlates;
I am trying to generate an exponential distribution for arrival and service times of processes. In C++, the example I have works fine and generates pseudo-random numbers in the range [0, inf) and some are bigger as expected. In Java, it does not work. The numbers are orders of magnitude smaller than their C++ equivalents, and I NEVER get any values > 0.99 even though I am using the same formula. In C++ I get 1.xx, or 2.xx etc., but never in Java.
lambda is the average rate of arrival and gets varied from 1 to 30.
I know that rand.nextDouble() gives a value b/w 0 and 1 and from the formula given and answers here on this site, this seems to be a needed component.
I should mention that multiplying my distribution values by 10 gets me much closer to where they need to be and they behave as expected.
In Java:
Random rand = new Random();
// if I multiply x by 10, I get much closer to the distribution I need
// I just don't know why it's off by a factor of 10?!
x = (Math.log(1-rand.nextDouble())/(-lambda));
I have also tried:
x = 0;
while (x == 0)
x = (-1/lambda)*log(rand.nextDouble());
The C++ code I was given:
// returns a random number between 0 and 1
float urand()
return( (float) rand()/RAND_MAX );
// returns a random number that follows an exp distribution
float genexp(float lambda)
float u,x;
x = 0;
while (x == 0)
u = urand();
x = (-1/lambda)*log(u);
The following code produces a curve that should fit fit the points
1, 1
150, 250
10000, 500
100000, 750
100000, 1000
I built this code based off the documentation here, however, I am not entirely sure how to use the data correctly for further calcuations and whether PolynomialCurveFitter.create(3) will affect the answers in these future calcuations.
For example, how would I use the data outputted to calculate what is the x value if the y value is 200 and how would the value differ if I had PolynomialCurveFitter.create(2) instead of PolynomialCurveFitter.create(3)?
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.PolynomialCurveFitter;
import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.WeightedObservedPoints;
public class MyFuncFitter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> keyPoints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
WeightedObservedPoints obs = new WeightedObservedPoints();
if(keyPoints != null && keyPoints.size() != 1) {
int size = keyPoints.size();
int sectionSize = (int) (1000 / (size - 1));
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(i != 0)
obs.add(keyPoints.get(i), i * sectionSize);
obs.add(keyPoints.get(0), 1);
} else if(keyPoints.size() == 1 && keyPoints.get(0) >= 1) {
obs.add(1, 1);
obs.add(keyPoints.get(0), 1000);
PolynomialCurveFitter fitter = PolynomialCurveFitter.create(3);
fitter.withStartPoint(new double[] {keyPoints.get(0), 1});
double[] coeff =;
About what the consequences of changing d for your function
PolynomialCurveFitter.create takes the degree of the polynomial as a parameter.
Very (very) roughly speaking, the polynomial degree will describe the "complexity" of the curve you want to fit. A low-level degree will produce simple curves (just a parabola for d=2), whereas higher degrees will produce more intricate curves, with lots of peaks and valleys, of highly varying sizes, therefore more able to perfectly "fit" all your data points, at the expense of not necessarily being a good "prediction" of all other values.
Like the blue curve on this graphic:
You can see how the straight line would be a better "approximation", while not fitting the data point properly.
How to compute x for any y values in the computed function
You "simply" need to solve the polynomial ! Using the very same library. Add the inverted y value to your coefficents list, and find its root.
Let's say you chose a degree of 2.
Your coefficients array coeffs will contains 3 factors {a0, a1, a2} which describes the equation as such:
If you want to solve this for a particular value, like y= 600, you need to solve :
So, basically,
So, just substract 600 to a0:
coeffs[0] -= 600
and find the root of the polynomial using the dedicated function:
PolynomialFunction polynomial = new PolynomialFunction(coeffs);
LaguerreSolver laguerreSolver = new LaguerreSolver();
double x = laguerreSolver.solve(100, polynomial, 0, 1000000);
System.out.println("For y = 600, we found x = " + x);
I've created a program that allows me to create flexible Neural networks of any size/length, however I'm testing it using the simple structure of an XOR setup(Feed forward, Sigmoid activation, back propagation, no batching).
EDIT: The following is a completely new approach to my original question which didn't supply enough information
EDIT 2: I started my weight between -2.5 and 2.5, and fixed a problem in my code where I forgot some negatives. Now it either converges to 0 for all cases or 1 for all, instead of 0.5
Everything works exactly the way that I THINK it should, however it is converging toward 0.5, instead of oscillating between outputs of 0 and 1. I've completely gone through and hand calculated an entire setup of feeding forward/calculating delta errors/back prop./ etc. and it matched what I got from the program. I have also tried optimizing it by changing learning rate/ momentum, as well as increase complexity in the network(more neurons/layers).
Because of this, I assume that either one of my equations is wrong, or I have some other sort of misunderstanding in my Neural Network. The following is the logic with equations that I follow for each step:
I have an input layer with two inputs and a bias, a hidden with 2 neurons and a bias, and an output with 1 neuron.
Take the input from each of the two input neurons and the bias neuron, then multiply them by their respective weights, and then add them together as the input for each of the two neurons in the hidden layer.
Take the input of each hidden neuron, pass it through the Sigmoid activation function (Reference 1) and use that as the neuron's output.
Take the outputs of each neuron in hidden layer (1 for the bias), multiply them by their respective weights, and add those values to the output neuron's input.
Pass the output neuron's input through the Sigmoid activation function, and use that as the output for the whole network.
Calculate the Delta Error(Reference 2) for the output neuron
Calculate the Delta Error(Reference 3) for each of the 2 hidden neurons
Calculate the Gradient(Reference 4) for each weight (starting from the end and working back)
Calculate the Delta Weight(Reference 5) for each weight, and add that to its value.
Start the process over with by Changing the inputs and expected output(Reference 6)
Here are the specifics of those references to equations/processes (This is probably where my problem is!):
x is the input of the neuron: (1/(1 + Math.pow(Math.E, (-1 * x))))
-1*(actualOutput - expectedOutput)*(Sigmoid(x) * (1 - Sigmoid(x))//Same sigmoid used in reference 1
SigmoidDerivative(Neuron.input)*(The sum of(Neuron.Weights * the deltaError of the neuron they connect to))
ParentNeuron.output * NeuronItConnectsTo.deltaError
learningRate*(weight.gradient) + momentum*(Previous Delta Weight)
I have an arrayList with the values 0,1,1,0 in it in that order. It takes the first pair(0,1), and then expects a 1. For the second time through, it takes the second pair(1,1) and expects a 0. It just keeps iterating through the list for each new set. Perhaps training it in this systematic way causes the problem?
Like I said before, they reason I don't think it's a code problem is because it matched exactly what I had calculated with paper and pencil (which wouldn't have happened if there was a coding error).
Also when I initialize my weights the first time, I give them a random double value between 0 and 1. This article suggests that that may lead to a problem: Neural Network with backpropogation not converging
Could that be it? I used the n^(-1/2) rule but that did not fix it.
If I can be more specific or you want other code let me know, thanks!
This is wrong
SigmoidDerivative(Neuron.input)*(The sum of(Neuron.Weights * the deltaError of the neuron they connect to))
First is sigmoid activation (g)
second is derivative of sigmoid activation
private double g(double z) {
return 1 / (1 + Math.pow(2.71828, -z));
private double gD(double gZ) {
return gZ * (1 - gZ);
Unrelated note: Your notation of (-1*x) is really strange just use -x
Your implementation from how you phrase the steps of your ANN seems poor. Try to focus on implementing Forward/BackPropogation and then an UpdateWeights method.
Creating a matrix class
This is my Java implementation, its very simple and somewhat rough. I use a Matrix class to make the math behind it appear very simple in code.
If you can code in C++ you can overload operaters which will enable for even easier writing of comprehensible code.
Here are the algorithms (C++)
All of these codes can be found on my github (the Neural nets are simple and funcitonal)
Each layer includes the bias nodes, which is why there are offsets
void NeuralNet::forwardPropagation(std::vector<double> data) {
setBiasPropogation(); //sets all the bias nodes activation to 1
a(0).set(1, Matrix(data)); //1 to offset for bias unit (A = X)
for (int i = 1; i < layers; ++i) {
// (set(1 -- offsets the bias unit
z(i).set(1, w(i - 1) * a(i - 1));
a(i) = g(z(i)); // g(z ) if the sigmoid function
void NeuralNet::setBiasPropogation() {
for (int i = 0; i < activation.size(); ++i) {
a(i).set(0, 0, 1);
outLayer D = A - Y (y is the output data)
hiddenLayers d^l = (w^l(T) * d^l+1) *: gD(a^l)
d = derivative vector
W = weights matrix (Length = connections, width = features)
a = activation matrix
gD = derivative function
^l = IS NOT POWER OF (this just means at layer l)
= dotproduct
*: = multiply (multiply each element "through")
cpy(n) returns a copy of the matrix offset by n (ignores n rows)
void NeuralNet::backwardPropagation(std::vector<double> output) {
d(layers - 1) = a(layers - 1) - Matrix(output);
for (int i = layers - 2; i > -1; --i) {
d(i) = (w(i).T() * d(i + 1).cpy(1)).x(gD(a(i)));
Explaining this code maybe confusing without images so I'm sending this link which I think is a good source, it also contains an explanation of BackPropagation which may be better then my own explanation.
void NeuralNet::updateWeights() {
// the operator () (int l, int w) returns a double reference at that position in the matrix
// thet operator [] (int n) returns the nth double (reference) in the matrix (useful for vectors)
for (int l = 0; l < layers - 1; ++l) {
for (int i = 1; i < d(l + 1).length(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a(l).length(); ++j) {
w(l)(i - 1, j) -= (d(l + 1)[i] * a(l)[j]) * learningRate + m(l)(i - 1, j);
m(l)(i - 1, j) = (d(l + 1)[i] * a(l)[j]) * learningRate * momentumRate;
I have an array of operations and a target number.
The operations could be
+ 3
- 3
* 4
/ 2
I want to find out how close I can get to the target number by using those operations.
I start from 0 and I need to iterate through the operations in that order, and I can choose to either use the operation or not use it.
So if the target number is 13, I can use + 3 and * 4 to get 12 which is the closest I can get to the target number 13.
I guess I need to compute all possible combinations (I guess the number of calculations is thus 2^n where n is the number of operations).
I have tried to do this in java with
import java.util.*;
public class Instruction {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create scanner
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// number of instructions
int N = sc.nextInt();
// target number
int K = sc.nextInt();
String[] instructions = new String[N];
// N instructions follow
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
instructions[i] = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println(search(instructions, 0, N, 0, K, 0, K));
public static int search(String[] instructions, int index, int length, int progressSoFar, int targetNumber, int bestTarget, int bestDistance) {
for (int i=index; i<length; i++) {
// get operator
char operator = instructions[i].charAt(0);
// get number
int number = Integer.parseInt(instructions[i].split("\\s+")[1]);
if (operator == '+') {
progressSoFar += number;
} else if (operator == '*') {
progressSoFar *= number;
} else if (operator == '-') {
progressSoFar -= number;
} else if (operator == '/') {
progressSoFar /= number;
int distance = Math.abs(targetNumber - progressSoFar);
// if the absolute distance between progress so far
// and the target number is less than what we have
// previously accomplished, we update best distance
if (distance < bestDistance) {
bestTarget = progressSoFar;
bestDistance = distance;
if (true) {
return bestTarget;
} else {
return search(instructions, index + 1, length, progressSoFar, targetNumber, bestTarget, bestDistance);
It doesn't work yet, but I guess I'm a little closer to solving my problem. I just don't know how to end my recursion.
But maybe I don't use recursion, but should instead just list all combinations. I just don't know how to do this.
If I, for instance, have 3 operations and I want to compute all combinations, I get the 2^3 combinations
where 1 indicates that the operation is used and 0 indicates that it is not used.
It should be rather simple to do this and then choose which combination gave the best result (the number closest to the target number), but I don't know how to do this in java.
In pseudocode, you could try brute-force back-tracking, as in:
// ops: list of ops that have not yet been tried out
// target: goal result
// currentOps: list of ops used so far
// best: reference to the best result achieved so far (can be altered; use
// an int[1], for example)
// opsForBest: list of ops used to achieve best result so far
test(ops, target, currentOps, best, opsForBest)
if ops is now empty,
current = evaluate(currentOps)
if current is closer to target than best,
best = current
opsForBest = a copy of currentOps
// try including next op
with the next operator in ops,
test(opsAfterNext, target,
currentOps concatenated with next, best, opsForBest)
// try *not* including next op
test(opsAfterNext, target, currentOps, best, opsForBest)
This is guaranteed to find the best answer. However, it will repeat many operations once and again. You can save some time by avoiding repeat calculations, which can be achieved using a cache of "how does this subexpression evaluate". When you include the cache, you enter the realm of "dynamic programming" (= reusing earlier results in later computation).
Edit: adding a more OO-ish variant
Variant returning the best result, and avoiding the use of that best[] array-of-one. Requires the use of an auxiliary class Answer with fields ops and result.
// ops: list of ops that have not yet been tried out
// target: goal result
// currentOps: list of ops used so far
Answer test(ops, target, currentOps, opsForBest)
if ops is now empty,
return new Answer(currentOps, evaluate(currentOps))
// try including next op
with the next operator in ops,
Answer withOp = test(opsAfterNext, target,
currentOps concatenated with next, best, opsForBest)
// try *not* including next op
Answer withoutOp = test(opsAfterNext, target,
currentOps, best, opsForBest)
if withOp.result closer to target than,
return withOp
return withoutOp
Dynamic programming
If the target value is t, and there are n operations in the list, and the largest absolute value you can create by combining some subsequence of them is k, and the absolute value of the product of all values that appear as an operand of a division operation is d, then there's a simple O(dkn)-time and -space dynamic programming algorithm that determines whether it's possible to compute the value i using some subset of the first j operations and stores this answer (a single bit) in dp[i][j]:
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j-1] || dp[invOp(i, j)][j-1]
where invOp(i, j) computes the inverse of the jth operation on the value i. Note that if the jth operation is a multiplication by, say, x, and i is not divisible by x, then the operation is considered to have no inverse, and the term dp[invOp(i, j)][j-1] is deemed to evaluate to false. All other operations have unique inverses.
To avoid loss-of-precision problems with floating point code, first multiply the original target value t, as well as all operands to addition and subtraction operations, by d. This ensures that any division operation / x we encounter will only ever be applied to a value that is known to be divisible by x. We will essentially be working throughout with integer multiples of 1/d.
Because some operations (namely subtractions and divisions) require solving subproblems for higher target values, we cannot in general calculate dp[i][j] in a bottom-up way. Instead we can use memoisation of the top-down recursion, starting at the (scaled) target value t*d and working outwards in steps of 1 in each direction.
C++ implementation
I've implemented this in C++ at The "interesting" part is canReach(i, j); the functions preceding this are just plumbing to handle the memoisation table. Specify the inputs on stdin with the target value first, then a space-separated list of operations in which operators immediately preceed their operand values, e.g.
10 +8 +11 /2
10 +4000 +5500 /1000
The second example, which should give the same answer (9.5) as the first, seems to be around the ideone (and my) memory limits, although this could be extended somewhat by using long long int instead of int and a 2-bit table for _m[][][] instead of wasting a full byte on each entry.
Exponential worst-case time and space complexity
Note that in general, dk or even just k by itself could be exponential in the size of the input: e.g. if there is an addition, followed by n-1 multiplication operations, each of which involves a number larger than 1. It's not too difficult to compute k exactly via a different DP that simply looks for the largest and smallest numbers reachable using the first i operations for all 1 <= i <= n, but all we really need is an upper bound, and it's easy enough to get a (somewhat loose) one: simply discard the signs of all multiplication operands, convert all - operations to + operations, and then perform all multiplication and addition operations (i.e., ignoring divisions).
There are other optimisations that could be applied, for example dividing through by any common factor.
Here's a Java 8 example, using memoization. I wonder if annealing can be applied...
public class Tester {
public static interface Operation {
public int doOperation(int cur);
static Operation ops[] = { // lambdas for the opertions
(x -> x + 3),
(x -> x - 3),
(x -> x * 4),
(x -> x / 2),
private static int getTarget(){
return 2;
public static void main (String args[]){
int map[];
int val = 0;
int MAX_BITMASK = (1 << ops.length) - 1;//means ops.length < 31 [int overflow]
map = new int[MAX_BITMASK];
map[0] = val;
final int target = getTarget();// To get rid of dead code warning
int closest = val, delta = target < 0? -target: target;
int bestSeq = 0;
if (0 == target) {
System.out.println("Winning sequence: Do nothing");
int lastBitMask = 0, opIndex = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i < MAX_BITMASK; i++){// brute force algo
val = map[i & lastBitMask]; // get prev memoized value
val = ops[opIndex].doOperation(val); // compute
map[i] = val; //add new memo
//the rest just logic to find the closest
// except the last part
int d = val - target;
d = d < 0? -d: d;
if (d < delta) {
bestSeq = i;
closest = val;
delta = d;
if (val == target){ // no point to continue
//advance memo mask 0b001 to 0b011 to 0b111, etc.
// as well as the computing operation.
if ((i & (i + 1)) == 0){ // check for 2^n -1
lastBitMask = (lastBitMask << 1) + 1;
System.out.println("Winning sequence: " + bestSeq);
System.out.println("Closest to \'" + target + "\' is: " + closest);
Worth noting, the "winning sequence" is the bit representation (displayed as decimal) of what was used and what wasn't, as the OP has done in the question.
For Those of you coming from Java 7, this is what I was referencing for lambdas: Lambda Expressionsin GUI Applications. So if you're constrained to 7, you can still make this work quite easily.
I need to measure the physical distance between two places whose names are provided as strings. Since sometimes the names are written slightly differently, I was looking for a library that could help me measure the difference and then combine it with a measure of the latitude and longitude to select the correct matches. Preferred languages: Java or PHP.
Any suggestions?
Have a look at the Levenshtein distance. This is a way of measuring how different two strings are from one another.
Hopefully I understood your question correctly; using "distance" in the same sentence as "latitude and longitude" could be confusing!
Although written in c (with python and tcl bindings), libdistance would be a tool for applying several distances metrics on strings/data.
Metrics included:
I took the liberty to translate a piece of C# code I've written to calculate the Levenshtein distance into Java code. It uses only two single-dimension arrays that alternate instead of a big jagged array:
public static int getDifference(String a, String b)
// Minimize the amount of storage needed:
if (a.length() > b.length())
// Swap:
String x = a;
a = b;
b = x;
// Store only two rows of the matrix, instead of a big one
int[] mat1 = new int[a.length() + 1];
int[] mat2 = new int[a.length() + 1];
int i;
int j;
for (i = 1; i <= a.length(); i++)
mat1[i] = i;
mat2[0] = 1;
for (j = 1; j <= b.length(); j++)
for (i = 1; i <= a.length(); i++)
int c = (a.charAt(i - 1) == b.charAt(j - 1) ? 0 : 1);
mat2[i] =
Math.min(mat1[i - 1] + c,
Math.min(mat1[i] + 1, mat2[i - 1] + 1));
// Swap:
int[] x = mat1;
mat1 = mat2;
mat2 = x;
mat2[0] = mat1[0] + 1;
// It's row #1 because we swap rows at the end of each outer loop,
// as we are to return the last number on the lowest row
return mat1[a.length()];
It is not rigorously tested, but it seems to be working okay. It was based on a Python implementation I made for a university exercise. Hope this helps!
You might get some decent results using a phonetic algorithm to find slightly misspelld names.
Also, if you use a more mechanical edit distance, you'll probably see better results using a weighted function that accounts for keyboard geometry (i.e. physically close keys are "cheaper" to replace than far off ones). That's a patented method btw, so be careful not to write something that becomes too popular ;)
I would recommend either Levenshtein Distance or the Jaccard Distance for comparing text.
I found SumMetrics in Java, but haven't used it.