ORM supporting immutable classes - java

Which ORM supports a domain model of immutable types?
I would like to write classes like the following (or the Scala equivalent):
class A {
private final C c; //not mutable
A(B b) {
//init c
A doSomething(B b) {
// build a new A
The ORM has to initialized the object with the constructor. So it is possible to check invariants in the constructor. Default constructor and field/setter access to intialize is not sufficient and complicates the class' implementation.
Working with collections should be supported. If a collection is changed it should create a copy from the user perspective. (Rendering the old collection state stale. But user code can still work on (or at least read) it.) Much like the persistent data structures work.
Some words about the motivation. Suppose you have a FP-style domain object model. Now you want to persist this to a database. Who do you do that? You want to do as much as you can in a pure functional style until the evil sides effect come in. If your domain object model is not immutable you can for example not share the objects between threads. You have to copy, cache or use locks. So unless your ORM supports immutable types your constrainted in your choice of solution.

UPDATE: I created a project focused on solving this problem called JIRM:
I just found this question after implementing my own using Spring JDBC and Jackson Object Mapper. Basically I just needed some bare minimum SQL <-> immutable object mapping.
In short I just use Springs RowMapper and Jackson's ObjectMapper to map Objects back and forth from the database. I use JPA annotations just for metadata (like column name etc...). If people are interested I will clean it up and put it on github (right now its only in my startup's private repo).
Here is a rough idea how it works here is an example bean (notice how all the fields are final):
//skip imports for brevity
public class TestBean {
private final String stringProp;
private final long longProp;
private final Calendar timeTS;
public TestBean(
#JsonProperty("stringProp") String stringProp,
#JsonProperty("longProp") long longProp,
#JsonProperty("timeTS") Calendar timeTS ) {
this.stringProp = stringProp;
this.longProp = longProp;
this.timeTS = timeTS;
public String getStringProp() {
return stringProp;
public long getLongProp() {
return longProp;
public Calendar getTimeTS() {
return timeTS;
Here what the RowMapper looks like (notice it mainly delegats to Springs ColumnMapRowMapper and then uses Jackson's objectmapper):
public class SqlObjectRowMapper<T> implements RowMapper<T> {
private final SqlObjectDefinition<T> definition;
private final ColumnMapRowMapper mapRowMapper;
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public SqlObjectRowMapper(SqlObjectDefinition<T> definition, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
this.definition = definition;
this.mapRowMapper = new SqlObjectMapRowMapper(definition);
this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
public SqlObjectRowMapper(Class<T> k) {
this(SqlObjectDefinition.fromClass(k), new ObjectMapper());
public T mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
Map<String, Object> m = mapRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rowNum);
return objectMapper.convertValue(m, definition.getObjectType());
Now I just took Spring JDBCTemplate and gave it a fluent wrapper. Here are some examples:
public void setUp() throws Exception {
dao = new SqlObjectDao<TestBean>(new JdbcTemplate(ds), TestBean.class);
public void testAll() throws Exception {
TestBean t = new TestBean(IdUtils.generateRandomUUIDString(), 2L, Calendar.getInstance());
List<TestBean> list = dao.queryForListByFilter("stringProp", "hello");
List<TestBean> otherList = dao.select().where("stringProp", "hello").forList();
assertEquals(list, otherList);
long count = dao.select().forCount();
assertTrue(count > 0);
TestBean newT = new TestBean(t.getStringProp(), 50, Calendar.getInstance());
TestBean reloaded = dao.reload(newT);
assertTrue(reloaded != newT);
public void testAdding() throws Exception {
//This will do a UPDATE test_bean SET longProp = longProp + 100
int i = dao.update().add("longProp", 100).update();
assertTrue(i > 0);
public void testRowMapper() throws Exception {
List<Crap> craps = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean limit ?", Crap.class, 2);
craps = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean limit ?")
Crap c = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean limit ?")
Optional<Crap> absent
= dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean where string_prop = ? limit ?")
assertTrue(! absent.isPresent());
public static class Crap {
private final String name;
public Crap(#JsonProperty ("name") String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
Notice in the above how easy it is to map any query into immutable POJO's. That is you don't need it 1-to-1 of entity to table. Also notice the use of Guava's optionals (last query.. scroll down). I really hate how ORM's either throw exceptions or return null.
Let me know if you like it and I'll spend the time putting it on github (only teste with postgresql). Otherwise with the info above you can easily implement your own using Spring JDBC. I'm starting to really dig it because immutable objects are easier to understand and think about.

Hibernate has the #Immutable annotation.
And here is a guide.

Though not a real ORM, MyBatis may able to do this. I didn't try it though.

AFAIK, there are no ORMs for .NET supporting this feature exactly as you wish. But you can take a look at BLTookit and LINQ to SQL - both provide update-by-comparison semantics and always return new objects on materialization. That's nearly what you need, but I'm not sure about collections there.
Btw, why you need this feature? I'm aware about pure functional languages & benefits of purely imutable objects (e.g. complete thread safety). But in case with ORM all the things you do with such objects are finally transformed to a sequence of SQL commands anyway. So I admit the benefits of using such objects are vaporous here.

You can do this with Ebean and OpenJPA (and I think you can do this with Hibernate but not sure). The ORM (Ebean/OpenJPA) will generate a default constructor (assuming the bean doesn't have one) and actually set the values of the 'final' fields. This sounds a bit odd but final fields are not always strictly final per say.

SORM is a new Scala ORM which does exactly what you want. The code below will explain it better than any words:
// Declare a model:
case class Artist ( name : String, genres : Set[Genre] )
case class Genre ( name : String )
// Initialize SORM, automatically generating schema:
import sorm._
object Db extends Instance (
entities = Set() + Entity[Artist]() + Entity[Genre](),
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test"
// Store values in the db:
val metal = Db.save( Genre("Metal") )
val rock = Db.save( Genre("Rock") )
Db.save( Artist("Metallica", Set() + metal + rock) )
Db.save( Artist("Dire Straits", Set() + rock) )
// Retrieve values from the db:
val metallica = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("name", "Metallica").fetchOne() // Option[Artist]
val rockArtists = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("genres.name", "Rock").fetch() // Stream[Artist]


What is the name of the design pattern where you have a single-value, strongly typed property container?

Looking for the name of the design pattern by which you have a POJO with public final "properties" where the property acts as a holder/wrapper for a certain type of value and contains the getter/setter for that value as well as potentially some additional logic.
This differs from the "Property Container" design pattern where you have a single properties container which contains many types, as this only holds a single value and can thus enjoy the benefits of remaining strongly typed.
An example use:
public class User extends Entity<User> {
private static final Structure<User> STRUCTURE = Structure.of(User.class, User::new)
.addPrimaryKey("user_id", UUID).property((e) -> e.userID).setDefault(() -> UUID()).build()
.addIndex("username", VCHARS_50).property((e) -> e.username).build()
.addIndex("email", VCHARS_255).property((e) -> e.email).build()
.add("password", VCHARS_255).property((e) -> e.passwordHash).build()
.add("privacy_policy_accepted", EPOCH).property((e) -> e.ppAccepted).setDefault(() -> now()).build()
.add("tos_accepted", EPOCH).property((e) -> e.tosAccepted).setDefault(() -> now()).build()
.add("registration_date", EPOCH).property((e) -> e.registrationDate).setDefault(() -> now()).build()
public final Property<UUID> userID = new Property<>();
public final Property<String> username = new Property<>();
public final Property<String> email = new Property<>();
public final Property<String> passwordHash = new Property<>();
public final Property<Long> ppAccepted = new Property<>();
public final Property<Long> tosAccepted = new Property<>();
public final Property<Long> registrationDate = new Property<>();
public User() {
public void hashAndSetPassword(String password) {
this.passwordHash.set(Argon2Factory.create(Argon2Types.ARGON2id).hash(3, 102800, 1, password.toCharArray()));
public boolean verifyPassword(String attempt) {
return Argon2Factory.create(Argon2Types.ARGON2id).verify(passwordHash.get(), attempt.toCharArray());
With each entity property using the following:
public class Property<T> {
private T currentValue;
public void set(T newValue) {
this.currentValue = newValue;
public T get() {
return this.currentValue;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return Objects.equals(currentValue, o);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(currentValue);
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(currentValue);
We can extend or modify this Properties class and make it do more useful stuff for us, like have it record an original value, provided on creation (pulled from a database) and allow it to self-report on whether the current value of the property differs from what it was originally. Useful for determining which columns need to be updated in a database.
Most notably, this eliminates the need to create getters and setters for every new property because the Property has that functionality already. Moreover, the getters/setters are able to be overridden per-property if additional logic is needed.
I naturally ended up using this design while aiming for a more broad goal of eliminating the use of reflection/annotation processors and other black magic from my web framework. However, I’m having difficulty finding it on the internet so that I might be able to research its potential deficiencies.
This kind of wrapper "variable" is used for Observable properties like StringProperty and such. Its primary use is to hold state and have change listeners, binding in general.
It is fruitfully used, like in JavaFX. And as you mentioned, in entity frameworks. But it definitely is stateful, non-functional, mutable.
A pattern name I cannot find, and I think the gang of 4 would haunt one, if calling this a pattern, other than State.
Credit to #Michael and #Kayaman for answering in the comments: This is not a known design pattern, contrary to my expectations.
In other words, there is not a name by which people generally know to refer to what I’m calling a "Property" nor the design I’m suggesting which assumes public getters and setters are desired and uses public final fields to expose a wrapper which provides them.
This is likely because, as Kayaman pointed out, it’s pretty heavy while being not terribly useful.

How to serialize ANY Object into a URI?

My basic question: is there anything built that already does this automatically (doesn't have to be part of a popular library/package)? The main things I'm working with are Spring (MVC) and Jackson2.
I understand there are a few manual ways to do this:
Create a method in each class that serializes its specific properties into property=value& form (kind of stinks because it's a bunch of logic duplication, I feel).
Create a function that accepts an object, and uses reflection to dynamically read all the properties (I guess the getters), and build the string by getting each. I'm assuming this is how Jackson works for serialization/deserialization in general, but I really don't know.
Use some feature of Jackson to customly serialize the object. I've researched custom serializers, but it seems they are specific to a class (so I'd have to create one for each Class I'm trying to serialize), while I was hoping for a generic way. I'm just having trouble understanding how to apply one universally to objects. A few of the links:
Use ObjectMapper.convertValue(object, HashMap.class);, iterate over the HashMap's key/value pairs, and build the string (which is what I'm using now, but I feel the conversions are excessive?).
I'm guessing there's others I'm not thinking of.
The main post I've looked into is Java: Getting the properties of a class to construct a string representation
My point is that I have several classes that I want to be able to serialize without having to specify something specific for each. That's why I'm thinking a function using reflection (#2 above) is the only way to handle this (if I have to do it manually).
If it helps, an example of what I mean is with, say, these two classes:
public class C1 {
private String C1prop1;
private String C1prop2;
private String C1prop3;
// Getters and setters for the 3 properties
public class C2 {
private String C2prop1;
private String C2prop2;
private String C2prop3;
// Getters and setters for the 3 properties
(no, the properties names and conventions are not what my actual app is using, it's just an example)
The results of serializing would be C1prop1=value&C1prop2=value&C1prop3=value and C2prop1=value&C2prop2=value&C2prop3=value, but there's only one place that defines how the serialization happens (already defined somewhere, or created manually by me).
So my idea is that I will have to end up using a form of the following (taken from the post I linked above):
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try {
Class c = Class.forName(this.getClass().getName());
Method m[] = c.getDeclaredMethods();
Object oo;
for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
if (m[i].getName().startsWith("get")) {
oo = m[i].invoke(this, null);
sb.append(m[i].getName().substring(3) + ":"
+ String.valueOf(oo) + "\n");
} catch (Throwable e) {
return sb.toString();
And modify it to accept an object, and change the format of the items appended to the StringBuilder. That works for me, I don't need help modifying this now.
So again, my main question is if there's something that already handles this (potentially simple) serialization instead of me having to (quickly) modify the function above, even if I have to specify how to deal with each property and value and how to combine each?
If it helps, the background of this is that I'm using a RestTemplate (Spring) to make a GET request to a different server, and I want to pass a specific object's properties/values in the URL. I understand I can use something like:
restTemplate.getForObject("URL?C1prop1={C1Prop1}&...", String.class, C1Object);
I believe the properties will be automatically mapped. But like I said, I don't want to have to make a different URL template and method for each object type. I'm hoping to have something like the following:
public String getRequest(String url, Object obj) {
String serializedUri = SERIALIZE_URI(obj);
String response = restTemplate.getForObject("URL?" + serializedUri, String.class);
return response;
where SERIALIZE_URI is where I'd handle it. And I could call it like getRequest("whatever", C1Object); and getRequest("whateverElse", C2Object);.
I think, solution number 4 is OK. It is simple to understand and clear.
I propose similar solution in which we can use #JsonAnySetter annotation. Please, see below example:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public class JacksonProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
C1 c1 = new C1();
User user = new User();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
System.out.println(mapper.convertValue(c1, UriFormat.class));
System.out.println(mapper.convertValue(user, UriFormat.class));
class UriFormat {
private StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
public void addToUri(String name, Object property) {
if (builder.length() > 0) {
public String toString() {
return builder.toString();
Above program prints:
And your getRequest method could look like this:
public String getRequest(String url, Object obj) {
String serializedUri = mapper.convertValue(obj, UriFormat.class).toString();
String response = restTemplate.getForObject(url + "?" + serializedUri, String.class);
return response;
Lets we have c1.
Converts c1 into URI
.queryParams(new ObjectMapper().convertValue(c1, LinkedMultiValueMap.class))
After we will have

JPA - FindByExample

Does anyone have a good example for how to do a findByExample in JPA that will work within a generic DAO via reflection for any entity type? I know I can do it via my provider (Hibernate), but I don't want to break with neutrality...
Seems like the criteria API might be the way to go....but I am not sure how to handle the reflection part of it.
Actually, Query By Example (QBE) has been considered for inclusion in the JPA 2.0 specification but is not included, even if major vendors support it. Quoting Mike Keith:
I'm sorry to say that we didn't actually get to do QBE in JPA 2.0. Criteria API does not have any special operators for it so entity equality is just like in JP QL, based on PK value. Sorry, but hopefully we'll be more successful on that front in the next go-round. For now it is one of those vendor features that every vendor supports, but is not in the spec yet.
Just in case, I've added (non generic) sample code for the major vendors below for documentation purposes.
Here is a sample of using QBE in the EclipseLink JPA 2.0 reference implementation:
// Create a native EclipseLink query using QBE policy
QueryByExamplePolicy policy = new QueryByExamplePolicy();
ReadObjectQuery q = new ReadObjectQuery(sampleEmployee, policy);
// Wrap the native query in a standard JPA Query and execute it
Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(q, em);
return query.getSingleResult();
OpenJPA supports this style of query through its extended OpenJPAQueryBuilder interface:
CriteriaQuery<Employee> q = cb.createQuery(Employee.class);
Employee example = new Employee();
q.where(cb.qbe(q.from(Employee.class), example);
And with Hibernate's Criteria API:
// get the native hibernate session
Session session = (Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate();
// create an example from our customer, exclude all zero valued numeric properties
Example customerExample = Example.create(customer).excludeZeroes();
// create criteria based on the customer example
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Customer.class).add(customerExample);
// perform the query
Now, while it should be possible to implement something approaching in a vendor neutral way with JPA 2.0 Criteria API and reflection, I really wonder if it's worth the effort. I mean, if you make any of the above snippets generic and put the code in a DAO method, it would be quite easy to switch from one vendor to another if the need should arise. I agree it's not ideal, but still.
What about findByExample in JPA book?
Dynamic, typesafe queries in JPA 2.0
This is quite crude and i'm not convinced it's a good idea in the first place. But anyway, let's try to implement QBE with the JPA-2.0 criteria API.
Start with defining an interface Persistable:
public interface Persistable {
public <T extends Persistable> Class<T> getPersistableClass();
The getPersistableClass() method is in there because the DAO will need the class, and i couldn't find a better way to say T.getClass() later on. Your model classes will implement Persistable:
public class Foo implements Persistable {
private String name;
private Integer payload;
public <T extends Persistable> Class<T> getPersistableClass() {
return (Class<T>) getClass();
Then your DAO can have a findByExample(Persistable example) method (EDITED):
public class CustomDao {
private EntityManager em;
public <T extends Persistable> List<T> findByExample(T example) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
Class<T> clazz = example.getPersistableClass();
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<T> cq = cb.createQuery(clazz);
Root<T> r = cq.from(clazz);
Predicate p = cb.conjunction();
Metamodel mm = em.getMetamodel();
EntityType<T> et = mm.entity(clazz);
Set<Attribute<? super T, ?>> attrs = et.getAttributes();
for (Attribute<? super T, ?> a: attrs) {
String name = a.getName();
String javaName = a.getJavaMember().getName();
String getter = "get" + javaName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + javaName.substring(1);
Method m = cl.getMethod(getter, (Class<?>[]) null);
if (m.invoke(example, (Object[]) null) != null)
p = cb.and(p, cb.equal(r.get(name), m.invoke(example, (Object[]) null)));
TypedQuery<T> query = em.createQuery(cq);
return query.getResultList();
This is quite ugly. It assumes getter methods can be derived from field names (this is probably safe, as example should be a Java Bean), does string manipulation in the loop, and might throw a bunch of exceptions. Most of the clunkiness in this method revolves around the fact that we're reinventing the wheel. Maybe there's a better way to reinvent the wheel, but maybe that's where we should concede defeat and resort to one of the methods listed by Pascal above. For Hibernate, this would simplify the Interface to:
public interface Persistable {}
and the DAO method loses almost all of its weight and clunkiness:
public <T extends Persistable> List<T> findByExample(T example) {
Session session = (Session) em.getDelegate();
Example ex = Example.create(example);
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(example.getClass()).add(ex);
return c.list();
EDIT: Then the following test should succeed:
public void testFindFoo() {
em.persist(new Foo("one",1));
em.persist(new Foo("two",2));
Foo foo = new Foo();
List<Foo> l = dao.findByExample(foo);
Assert.assertEquals(1, l.size());
Foo bar = l.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), bar.getPayload());
You should check the solution proposed by Springfuse using Spring Data & JPA 2.
Some sample source code here (under repository sub package):
Found this project: https://github.com/jaxio/jpa-query-by-example
I'think query by example with single table like mybatis is easy to use
base on jpa we can also support Join/GroupBy like this:
select * from
or id=2
group by
order by
id asc,
name asc
limit ?
public List<User> findAll(){
Example<User> example = ExampleBuilder.create();
.andEqual("id", 1)
.orEqual("id", 2);
return userReponsitory.findAll(example, new PageRequest(0, 1));
Features now:
Support and/or logic operation
Support is(Empty/Boolean/Null)
Support Equal/NotEqual/In/NotIn/Like/NotLike
Support gt/ge/lt/le/between
Support join query
Support group by
Support custom specification.
Support pagination
more features coming soon……
Criteria API is your best bet. You'll need a JPA-2.0 provider for that, though. So if you have an entity like this:
public class Foo {
#Size(max = 20)
private String name;
The following unit test should succeed (i tested it with EclipseLink, but it should work with any of the JPA-2.0 providers):
private EntityManager em;
public void testFoo(){
Foo foo = new Foo();
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Foo> c = cb.createQuery(Foo.class);
Root<Foo> f = c.from(Foo.class);
c.select(f).where(cb.equal(f.get("name"), "one"));
TypedQuery<Foo> query = em.createQuery(c);
Foo bar = query.getSingleResult();
Assert.assertEquals("one", bar.getName());
Also, you might want to follow the link to the tutorial referenced here.
you can use this https://github.com/xiaod0510/jpa-findbyexample
if your entity is Contact:
public class Contact {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Date birthday;
//Getter and Setter
public interface ContactRepository
JpaSpecificationExecutor<Contact> {
just create your own Example like this:
public class ContactExample extends BaseExample<ContactExample, Contact> {
public final Attr<Long> id = new Attr<Long>("id");
public final Attr<String> name = new Attr<String>("name");
public final Attr<Date> birthday = new Attr<Date>("birthday");
//default builder
public static ContactExample where() {
ContactExample example = new ContactExample();
example.operatorType = OperatorType.and;
return example;
and now you can query by example :
.where()//default is and
the example implements the interface "Specification",more information on that github
Maybe the answer is too late. But check this. It might be of help.
First, include the jar into the classpath. You will have a class called com.afifi.simpleJPAQuery.entities.utility.JPAUtil.
This class uses reflection to deduct the query from the bean.
Suppose you have an entity bean as follows:
public class Person {
private Integer personNo;
private String personName;
public Integer getPersonNo() {
return personNo;
public void setPersonNo(Integer personNo) {
this.personNo = personNo;
public String getPersonName() {
return personName;
public void setPersonName(String personName) {
this.personName = personName;
Then if you want to query by person name for instance, you need to do as follows:
//initiate entity manager (em)
Person p=new Person();
String sortString="";
List<Person> result= JPAUtil.findByExample(em,p,sortString);
The result will get all the records where the person name contained the word "John".
if you want to limit the results, you can do something like:
List<Person> result= JPAUtil.findByExample(em, p, sortString, start, size);
This library has other methods like:
getResultCount: to get the count of the result
createSqlStatement: to get the sql statement that is being used
getSqlWhereString: to get just the where string used
It has the native forms of these functions:
findByExampleNative, getResultCountNative, createSqlStatementNative and getSqlWhereStringNative
The library also has QueryAnnotations class that contains annotations that can be added to the Entity bean properties to give more control on how you want to query using the bean.

Persistent data structures in Java

Does anyone know a library or some at least some research on creating and using persistent data structures in Java? I don't refer to persistence as long term storage but persistence in terms of immutability (see Wikipedia entry).
I'm currently exploring different ways to model an api for persistent structures. Using builders seems to be a interesting solution:
// create persistent instance
Person p = Builder.create(Person.class)
// change persistent instance, i.e. create a new one
Person p2 = Builder.update(p).withName("Jack");
Person p3 = Builder.update(p)
But this still feels somewhat boilerplated. Any ideas?
Builders will make your code too verbose to be usable. In practice, almost all immutable data structures I've seen pass in state through the constructor. For what its worth, here are a nice series of posts describing immutable data structures in C# (which should convert readily into Java):
Part 1: Kinds of Immutability
Part 2: Simple Immutable Stack
Part 3: Covariant Immutable Stack
Part 4: Immutable Queue
Part 5: Lolz! (included for completeness)
Part 6: Simple Binary Tree
Part 7: More on Binary Trees
Part 8: Even More on Binary Trees
Part 9: AVL Tree Implementation
Part 10: Double-ended Queue
Part 11: Working Double-ended Queue Implementation
C# and Java are extremely verbose, so the code in these articles is quite scary. I recommend learning OCaml, F#, or Scala and familiarizing yourself with immutability with those languages. Once you master the technique, you'll be able to apply the same coding style to Java much more easily.
I guess the obvious choices are:
o Switch to a transient data structure (builder) for the update. This is quite normal. StringBuilder for String manipulation for example. As your example.
Person p3 =
o Always use persistent structures. Although there appears to be lots of copying, you should actually be sharing almost all state, so it is nowhere near as bad as it looks.
final Person p3 = p
o Explode the data structure into lots of variables and recombine with one huge and confusing constructor.
final Person p3 = Person.of(
p.house(), p.street(), "Berlin", p.country()
o Use call back interfaces to provide the new data. Even more boilerplate.
final Person p3 = Person.of(new PersonInfo(
public String name () { return p.name(); )
public Address address() { return Address.of(new AddressInfo() {
private final Address a = p.address();
public String house () { return a.house() ; }
public String street () { return a.street() ; }
public String city () { return "Berlin" ; }
public String country() { return a.country(); }
public Xxx x() { return p.x(); }
public Yyy y() { return p.y(); }
public Zzz z() { return p.z(); }
o Use nasty hacks to make fields transiently available to code.
final Person p3 = new PersonExploder(p) {{
a = new AddressExploder(a) {{
city = "Berlin";
(Funnily enough I was just put down a copy of Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki.)
Have a look at Functional Java. Currently provided persistent datastructures include:
Singly-linked list (fj.data.List)
Lazy singly-linked list (fj.data.Stream)
Nonempty list (fj.data.NonEmptyList)
Optional value (a container of length 0 or 1) (fj.data.Option)
Set (fj.data.Set)
Multi-way tree (a.k.a. rose tree) (fj.data.Tree)
Immutable map (fj.data.TreeMap)
Products (tuples) of arity 1-8 (fj.P1..P8)
Vectors of arity 2-8 (fj.data.vector.V2..V8)
Pointed list (fj.data.Zipper)
Pointed tree (fj.data.TreeZipper)
Type-safe, generic heterogeneous list (fj.data.hlist.HList)
Immutable arrays (fj.data.Array)
Disjoint union datatype (fj.data.Either)
A number of usage examples are provided with the binary distribution. The source is available under a BSD license from Google Code.
I implemented a few persistent data structures in Java. All open source (GPL) on Google code for anyone who is interested:
The main ones I have so far are:
Persistent mutable test object
Persistent hash maps
Persistent vectors/lists
Persistent sets (including a specialised persistent set of ints)
Follow a very simple tentative with dynamic proxy:
class ImmutableBuilder {
static <T> T of(Immutable immutable) {
Class<?> targetClass = immutable.getTargetClass();
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(targetClass.getClassLoader(),
new Class<?>[]{targetClass},
public static <T> T of(Class<T> aClass) {
return of(new Immutable(aClass, new HashMap<String, Object>()));
class Immutable implements InvocationHandler {
private final Class<?> targetClass;
private final Map<String, Object> fields;
public Immutable(Class<?> aTargetClass, Map<String, Object> immutableFields) {
targetClass = aTargetClass;
fields = immutableFields;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (method.getName().equals("toString")) {
// XXX: toString() result can be cached
return fields.toString();
if (method.getName().equals("hashCode")) {
// XXX: hashCode() result can be cached
return fields.hashCode();
// XXX: naming policy here
String fieldName = method.getName();
if (method.getReturnType().equals(targetClass)) {
Map<String, Object> newFields = new HashMap<String, Object>(fields);
newFields.put(fieldName, args[0]);
return ImmutableBuilder.of(new Immutable(targetClass, newFields));
} else {
return fields.get(fieldName);
public Class<?> getTargetClass() {
return targetClass;
interface Person {
String name();
Person name(String name);
int age();
Person age(int age);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person mark = ImmutableBuilder.of(Person.class).name("mark").age(32);
Person john = mark.name("john").age(24);
grow directions:
naming policy (getName, withName, name)
caching toString(), hashCode()
equals() implementations should be straightforward (although not implemented)
hope it helps :)
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to make things immutable that ain't designed so.
If you can design from ground up:
use only final fields
do not reference non immutable objects
Do you want immutability :
so external code cannot change the data?
so once set a value cannot be changed?
In both cases there are easier ways to accomplish the desired result.
Stopping external code from changing the data is easy with interfaces:
public interface Person {
String getName();
Address getAddress();
public interface PersonImplementor extends Person {
void setName(String name);
void setAddress(Address address);
public interface Address {
String getCity();
public interface AddressImplementor {
void setCity(String city);
Then to stop changes to a value once set is also "easy" using java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference (although hibernate or some other persistence layer usage may need to be modified):
class PersonImpl implements PersonImplementor {
private AtomicReference<String> name;
private AtomicReference<Address> address;
public void setName(String name) {
if ( !this.name.compareAndSet(name, name)
&& !this.name.compareAndSet(null, name)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("name already set to "+this.name.get()+" cannot set to "+name);
// .. similar code follows....
But why do you need anything more than just interfaces to accomplish the task?
Google Guava now hosts a variety of immutable/persistent data structures.

When would you use the Builder Pattern? [closed]

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What are some common, real world examples of using the Builder Pattern? What does it buy you? Why not just use a Factory Pattern?
Below are some reasons arguing for the use of the pattern and example code in Java, but it is an implementation of the Builder Pattern covered by the Gang of Four in Design Patterns. The reasons you would use it in Java are also applicable to other programming languages as well.
As Joshua Bloch states in Effective Java, 2nd Edition:
The builder pattern is a good choice when designing classes whose constructors or static factories would have more than a handful of parameters.
We've all at some point encountered a class with a list of constructors where each addition adds a new option parameter:
Pizza(int size) { ... }
Pizza(int size, boolean cheese) { ... }
Pizza(int size, boolean cheese, boolean pepperoni) { ... }
Pizza(int size, boolean cheese, boolean pepperoni, boolean bacon) { ... }
This is called the Telescoping Constructor Pattern. The problem with this pattern is that once constructors are 4 or 5 parameters long it becomes difficult to remember the required order of the parameters as well as what particular constructor you might want in a given situation.
One alternative you have to the Telescoping Constructor Pattern is the JavaBean Pattern where you call a constructor with the mandatory parameters and then call any optional setters after:
Pizza pizza = new Pizza(12);
The problem here is that because the object is created over several calls it may be in an inconsistent state partway through its construction. This also requires a lot of extra effort to ensure thread safety.
The better alternative is to use the Builder Pattern.
public class Pizza {
private int size;
private boolean cheese;
private boolean pepperoni;
private boolean bacon;
public static class Builder {
private final int size;
private boolean cheese = false;
private boolean pepperoni = false;
private boolean bacon = false;
public Builder(int size) {
this.size = size;
public Builder cheese(boolean value) {
cheese = value;
return this;
public Builder pepperoni(boolean value) {
pepperoni = value;
return this;
public Builder bacon(boolean value) {
bacon = value;
return this;
public Pizza build() {
return new Pizza(this);
private Pizza(Builder builder) {
size = builder.size;
cheese = builder.cheese;
pepperoni = builder.pepperoni;
bacon = builder.bacon;
Note that Pizza is immutable and that parameter values are all in a single location. Because the Builder's setter methods return the Builder object they are able to be chained.
Pizza pizza = new Pizza.Builder(12)
This results in code that is easy to write and very easy to read and understand. In this example, the build method could be modified to check parameters after they have been copied from the builder to the Pizza object and throw an IllegalStateException if an invalid parameter value has been supplied. This pattern is flexible and it is easy to add more parameters to it in the future. It is really only useful if you are going to have more than 4 or 5 parameters for a constructor. That said, it might be worthwhile in the first place if you suspect you may be adding more parameters in the future.
I have borrowed heavily on this topic from the book Effective Java, 2nd Edition by Joshua Bloch. To learn more about this pattern and other effective Java practices I highly recommend it.
Consider a restaurant. The creation of "today's meal" is a factory pattern, because you tell the kitchen "get me today's meal" and the kitchen (factory) decides what object to generate, based on hidden criteria.
The builder appears if you order a custom pizza. In this case, the waiter tells the chef (builder) "I need a pizza; add cheese, onions and bacon to it!" Thus, the builder exposes the attributes the generated object should have, but hides how to set them.
The key difference between a builder and factory IMHO, is that a builder is useful when you need to do lots of things to build an object. For example imagine a DOM. You have to create plenty of nodes and attributes to get your final object. A factory is used when the factory can easily create the entire object within one method call.
One example of using a builder is a building an XML document, I've used this model when building HTML fragments for example I might have a Builder for building a specific type of table and it might have the following methods (parameters are not shown):
This builder would then spit out the HTML for me. This is much easier to read than walking through a large procedural method.
Check out Builder Pattern on Wikipedia.
.NET StringBuilder class is a great example of builder pattern. It is mostly used to create a string in a series of steps. The final result you get on doing ToString() is always a string but the creation of that string varies according to what functions in the StringBuilder class were used. To sum up, the basic idea is to build complex objects and hide the implementation details of how it is being built.
I always disliked the Builder pattern as something unwieldy, obtrusive and very often abused by less experienced programmers. Its a pattern which only makes sense if you need to assemble the object from some data which requires a post-initialisation step (i.e. once all the data is collected - do something with it). Instead, in 99% of the time builders are simply used to initialise the class members.
In such cases it is far better to simply declare withXyz(...) type setters inside the class and make them return a reference to itself.
Consider this:
public class Complex {
private String first;
private String second;
private String third;
public String getFirst(){
return first;
public void setFirst(String first){
public Complex withFirst(String first){
return this;
public Complex withSecond(String second){
return this;
public Complex withThird(String third){
return this;
Complex complex = new Complex()
.withFirst("first value")
.withSecond("second value")
.withThird("third value");
Now we have a neat single class that manages its own initialization and does pretty much the same job as the builder, except that its far more elegant.
For a multi-threaded problem, we needed a complex object to be built up for each thread. The object represented the data being processed, and could change depending on the user input.
Could we use a factory instead? Yes
Why didn't we? Builder makes more sense I guess.
Factories are used for creating different types of objects that are the same basic type (implement the same interface or base class).
Builders build the same type of object over and over, but the construction is dynamic so it can be changed at runtime.
You use it when you have lots of options to deal with. Think about things like jmock:
.with(eq(1), eq(2))
It feels a lot more natural and is...possible.
There's also xml building, string building and many other things. Imagine if java.util.Map had put as a builder. You could do stuff like this:
Map<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<String, Integer>()
.put("a", 1)
.put("b", 2)
.put("c", 3);
While going through Microsoft MVC framework, I got a thought about builder pattern. I came across the pattern in the ControllerBuilder class. This class is to return the controller factory class, which is then used to build concrete controller.
Advantage I see in using builder pattern is that, you can create a factory of your own and plug it into the framework.
#Tetha, there can be a restaurant (Framework) run by Italian guy, that serves Pizza. In order to prepare pizza Italian guy (Object Builder) uses Owen (Factory) with a pizza base (base class).
Now Indian guy takes over the restaurant from Italian guy. Indian restaurant (Framework) servers dosa instead of pizza. In order to prepare dosa Indian guy (object builder) uses Frying Pan (Factory) with a Maida (base class)
If you look at scenario, food is different,way food is prepared is different, but in the same restaurant (under same framework). Restaurant should be build in such a way that it can support Chinese, Mexican or any cuisine. Object builder inside framework facilitates to plugin kind of cuisine you want. for example
class RestaurantObjectBuilder
IFactory _factory = new DefaultFoodFactory();
//This can be used when you want to plugin the
public void SetFoodFactory(IFactory customFactory)
_factory = customFactory;
public IFactory GetFoodFactory()
return _factory;
Building on the previous answers (pun intended), an excellent real-world example is Groovy's built in support for Builders.
Creating XML using Groovy's MarkupBuilder
Creating XML using Groovy's StreamingMarkupBuilder
Swing Builder
See Builders in the Groovy Documentation
Another advantage of the builder is that if you have a Factory, there is still some coupling in you code, because for the Factory to work, it has to know all the objects it can possibly create. If you add another object that could be created, you will have to modify the factory class to include him. This happens in the Abstract Factory as well.
With the builder, on the other hand, you just have to create a new concrete builder for this new class. The director class will stay the same, because it receives the builder in the constructor.
Also, there are many flavors of builder. Kamikaze Mercenary`s gives another one.
/// <summary>
/// Builder
/// </summary>
public interface IWebRequestBuilder
IWebRequestBuilder BuildHost(string host);
IWebRequestBuilder BuildPort(int port);
IWebRequestBuilder BuildPath(string path);
IWebRequestBuilder BuildQuery(string query);
IWebRequestBuilder BuildScheme(string scheme);
IWebRequestBuilder BuildTimeout(int timeout);
WebRequest Build();
/// <summary>
/// ConcreteBuilder #1
/// </summary>
public class HttpWebRequestBuilder : IWebRequestBuilder
private string _host;
private string _path = string.Empty;
private string _query = string.Empty;
private string _scheme = "http";
private int _port = 80;
private int _timeout = -1;
public IWebRequestBuilder BuildHost(string host)
_host = host;
return this;
public IWebRequestBuilder BuildPort(int port)
_port = port;
return this;
public IWebRequestBuilder BuildPath(string path)
_path = path;
return this;
public IWebRequestBuilder BuildQuery(string query)
_query = query;
return this;
public IWebRequestBuilder BuildScheme(string scheme)
_scheme = scheme;
return this;
public IWebRequestBuilder BuildTimeout(int timeout)
_timeout = timeout;
return this;
protected virtual void BeforeBuild(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest) {
public WebRequest Build()
var uri = _scheme + "://" + _host + ":" + _port + "/" + _path + "?" + _query;
var httpWebRequest = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);
httpWebRequest.Timeout = _timeout;
return httpWebRequest;
/// <summary>
/// ConcreteBuilder #2
/// </summary>
public class ProxyHttpWebRequestBuilder : HttpWebRequestBuilder
private string _proxy = null;
public ProxyHttpWebRequestBuilder(string proxy)
_proxy = proxy;
protected override void BeforeBuild(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest)
httpWebRequest.Proxy = new WebProxy(_proxy);
/// <summary>
/// Director
/// </summary>
public class SearchRequest
private IWebRequestBuilder _requestBuilder;
public SearchRequest(IWebRequestBuilder requestBuilder)
_requestBuilder = requestBuilder;
public WebRequest Construct(string searchQuery)
return _requestBuilder
.BuildQuery("v=1.0&q=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchQuery))
public string GetResults(string searchQuery) {
var request = Construct(searchQuery);
var resp = request.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
return stream.ReadToEnd();
class Program
/// <summary>
/// Inside both requests the same SearchRequest.Construct(string) method is used.
/// But finally different HttpWebRequest objects are built.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
var request1 = new SearchRequest(new HttpWebRequestBuilder());
var results1 = request1.GetResults("IBM");
var request2 = new SearchRequest(new ProxyHttpWebRequestBuilder("localhost:80"));
var results2 = request2.GetResults("IBM");
I used builder in home-grown messaging library. The library core was receiving data from the wire, collecting it with Builder instance, then, once Builder decided it've got everything it needed to create a Message instance, Builder.GetMessage() was constructing a message instance using the data collected from the wire.
When I wanted to use the standard XMLGregorianCalendar for my XML to object marshalling of DateTime in Java, I heard a lot of comments on how heavy weight and cumbersome it was to use it. I was trying to comtrol the XML fields in the xs:datetime structs to manage timezone, milliseconds, etc.
So I designed a utility to build an XMLGregorian calendar from a GregorianCalendar or java.util.Date.
Because of where I work I'm not allowed to share it online without legal, but here's an example of how a client uses it. It abstracts the details and filters some of the implementation of XMLGregorianCalendar that are less used for xs:datetime.
XMLGregorianCalendarBuilder builder = XMLGregorianCalendarBuilder.newInstance(jdkDate);
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlCalendar = builder.excludeMillis().excludeOffset().build();
Granted this pattern is more of a filter as it sets fields in the xmlCalendar as undefined so they are excluded, it still "builds" it. I've easily added other options to the builder to create an xs:date, and xs:time struct and also to manipulate timezone offsets when needed.
If you've ever seen code that creates and uses XMLGregorianCalendar, you would see how this made it much easier to manipulate.
