J2ME applet - run Java in a mobile's web browser - java

I'm looking to embed a J2ME application as an applet in a web page to be accessed via a mobile phone web browser. Every major web browser supports the embedding of Java applets - does an analog exist for cell phone web browsers?
If not, does there exist a cross-platform way of launching a J2ME application from a mobile web browser?

J2ME doesn't support applets, and you install it onto the device in an application-specific way. You can't launch it from a web browser.

You're most likely out of luck. The best that you'll be able to do is provide a link to the .jar file.
You could, of course, run J2ME applets with normal browsers using http://www.microemu.org/ microemulator, but that won't work on the mobile device's browser.


how to embed android emulator in HTML page

i am working on a project that enables a user to have a demo of an application that he is about to download..
something similar to https://www.manymo.com ; but i am struck on how to embed the emulator in the webpage.
Any help regarding this is highly appreciated.
This is just a way on how to approach
Create android emulator and install VNC server
then use a web based vnc client and embeded it in your server .(most solutions need activex/java enabled browsers).
webased VNC clients to look out for
embedding instructions
One approach can be
Create a minimal android emulator image and install the app
Start a server that
starts the android emulator
has Chrome remote desktop
the size of the desktop is exactly the size of the emulator
In the browser, offer a Chrome remote view that connects to the server

build HTML5 offline web applications with Java

I want to build HTML5 Offline Web Applications but want to code in pure Java. I have seen Sencha GXT 3 but I am unsure as it supports for offline cache HTML5 or not.
If you have any experience with HTML5 Offline Web Applications then please let me know which one is better.
More Detail:
I want to host this HTML5 app to a webserver. User browse this app and it downloads itself into user's mobile. With this app user can fill reports, report GPS coordinates, take snaps and save them in each separate folder in mobile device and when mobile connects to Internet it uploads all the data.
Since this is an HTML5 and deployed on some webserver, User with any mobile phone having a browser should use it. Is this possible ???
GWT Mobile PhoneGap Showcase Android Market
Take a look at mgwt it has an offline linker that works with any GWT project, see: http://code.google.com/p/mgwt/wiki/HTML5Manifest

Java based mobile app+IIS server

I want to develop a mobile application which can work in GPS/GPRS based phones. I heard like Java is the most suitable platform to develop that. But I want to connect this mobile application to the IIS server. Is it possible?
I have one more query.
Is it possible to deploy applications developed using .net mobile in basic gps phones?
Yes. It is possible.
In order to communicate with your IIS server ,
you can create webservice and deploy it over IIS and consume it from j2me app/
you can use URLConnection to make GET POST request to your IIS Server from J2ME Application.
First one is more preferable.
Introduction to J2ME Web Services

Controlling a USB device from a web application

I would like to be able to control a USB device from a web application.
I was hoping to use Adobe Flex but I don't think that Flex can support access to USB devices.
Is this possible using Java applets, or a similar approach using .NET?
I don't think any web client platform will allow this. On purpose.
If you find one that does, I will uninstall from all my machines.
With .NET, you could
Create a WinForm control and host it in IE with an object tag. This requires security settings to be set using CASPOL or ActiveDirectory, but you would have full-trust to the machine after this
If there is already a COM object on the machine that does what you need, you can access it via Silverlight with elevated permissions.
With Applets, you could do it with a trusted applet.
Using a lot of different technologies, you could create ActiveX objects, plugins or browser extensions to do it.
We successfully connected POS devices with a Flex UI... for this we created a bridge application with Merapi which connects Flex (either Air or Web) with Java, and left the connection with the devices to Java... this was for a controlled environment where we where sure that the client had the bridge configured...
Other option is to try Air 2.0 which allows to execute Native code (e.g. Java) to connect to the devices, and you could release your app in Air or develop a bridge this time in Air instead of Java to connect with the browser app
Your question is a little unclear because you did not say what computers the web application is running on, what computer the USB device is on, and what computer is yours.
Depending on the details, one possible solution would be to write a Chrome Packaged App and use Chrome USB API. The app would need to be installed on the computer that has the USB device and then it could present a UI to the user or just connect to a remote server and allow the device to be controlled remotely.

Java applet and web browsers

i am doing a master project on how java applet works with web browsers.Can anyone give me details or any link that can be useful.How the web browser interacts with the java applet.
Download the source of Mozilla (Firefox, e.g.)
Read the code that integrates the JRE for applets.
Ask more questions when specific issues arise.
Maybe a simple answer will be enough and it won't require reverse-engineering Mozilla.
Until recently, applets did not interact much with the browser. The browser sent only 'start', 'stop' and 'resize' events to the applet and the applet could order the browser to open new web pages. With the Java 6 update 10, there is a possibility to call Applet functions from JavaScript and to call JavaScript from an Applet, as long as they are on the same page.
The browser creates a 'sandbox' to run the applet. The sandbox limits the access rights of the applet (e.g. applet can connect to TCP ports only on the web server, cannot access files directly on the client file system, etc.). Besides these limitations, an applet is like an autonomous application running on the client box.
You can find info on applets at 'http://java.sun.com/applets/' and 'http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/deployment/applet/index.html'
