I have a Maven 2 project and I want to configure my Checkstyle report plugin so that only some of my classes are analysed. I have found the maven.checkstyle.excludes property, but despite passing this as a command line parameter (using -D=maven.checkstyle.excludes=...) I can't get it to work. I can't find anything on the Plugin documentation page. Ideally I want to be able to set this in the <configuration> section of my POM.
If, like me, you arrived here searching for a way to exclude generated sources from checkstyle, do this:
By default, the checkstyle:checkstyle goal of the checkstyle plugin uses ${project.compileSourceRoots}, which apparently includes generated source directories.
If you change it to ${project.build.sourceDirectory}, it will use only the source directory, not any generated source directories.
Note that while <sourceDirectory> is deprecated, the alternative, <sourceDirectories>, does not appear to work.
Edit: In comments, #Cyrusmith, #Ben, and #Olivier Callioux report that as of 2017, <sourceDirectories> works; I cannot confirm.
If this question is about Maven 2, then the property is excludes and takes a comma-separated list of Ant patterns. So either pass this on the command line:
Or set it up in the plugin configuration:
Another option would be to use a suppression filter.
For example you could use the SuppressionCommentFilter to suppress audit events between a comment containing CHECKSTYLE:OFF and a comment containing CHECKSTYLE:ON (then just add these comments to the classes or parts of the code you don't want to check).
Additionally, if you want to exclude multiple independent folders, you can add multiple independent paths comma separated like this
The answers above didn't work for me as I'm running code generation in maven which also adds the target/generated as a source dir.
The following solution works:
You have to use an explicit checkstyle-suppressions.xml config file and activate it from your configuration:
The suppressions file for excluding the target folder looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE suppressions PUBLIC
"-//Checkstyle//DTD SuppressionFilter Configuration 1.2//EN"
<suppress files="[/\\]target[/\\]" checks=".*" />
I'm using maven 3 and excludes does not seem to work. This plugin is a shame. They do not seem to check their own style, hence the bugs.
What worked was the sourceDirectories trick:
I have a Java (11.0.7) Maven (3.0.6) multi-module project that contains the following module declarations:
Each of these Maven modules contains a module-info that defines the necessary requirements and exports to restrict access and visibility.
As such, jdrum-datastore-simple has some test utility classes that I reuse in jdrum's tests. By configuring the surefire plugin in jdrum's config via the code snippet below I am able to package the whole project without any issues.
<!-- Allow the unnamed module access to the tests at test-time -->
--add-opens jdrum/at.rovo.drum.impl=ALL-UNNAMED
Within the parents POM I've also configured the generation of a report via the site argument, which also generates the Javadoc of the respective projects. The configuration for the JAR containing the javadoc as well as the configuration for the Javadoc generation as part of the report are both the same and look like this:
<!-- Generate Javadoc while reporting -->
The Javadoc generation as part of the package step, which generates the project-version-javadoc.jar as output, succeeds as both, the jdrum-datastore-simple dependencies as well as its tests, are only included at test time:
<!-- Test data store to use for testing -->
If I'd change the scope from test to compile or provided the Javadoc generation would also fail with an error such as
Exit code: 1 - javadoc: error - The code being documented uses packages in the unnamed module, but the packages defined in https://github.com/RovoMe/JDrum/jdrum-datastore-simple/apidocs/ are in named modules.
The issue here, as far as I understood the problem, is, that the jdrum-datastore-simple module is not added to the module path of Javadoc. The next logical step was therefore to add that module to the configuration as such:
This adds the jdrum-datastore-simple module to the Javadoc configuration string, which can be seen in the jdrum/target/site/apidocs/options file that now contains an
entry. On further analyzing the generated options file it is apparent that the module path is missing out a reference to the actual JAR file and hence the Javadoc generation and thus the Maven process fails due to Javadoc not being able to locate the defined module. If I update that options file and add the path to the missing JAR file and then only perform a mvn package site the whole process succeeds and all is fine (as the pure invocation of the javadoc.bat located in the target/site/apidocs folder would as well).
Now, in order to make the whole process more dynamic I wanted to add or update the module path. However, the maven-javadoc-plugin does not directly allow this. Therefore I came up with adding a further maven-javadoc-plugin option of --module-path and a further option entry that contains the whole path. By the whole path I mean the path to every single dependency, so not only the path to jdrum-datastore-simple. This also works but due to hardcoding the path to the respective JAR files, the project is now not usable by other users unless they have the same system and path structure I used. To fix this I quickly replaced the respective path structure with ${settings.localRepository} and ${project.parent.basedir} properties on the respective modules in the module path. Unfortunately Javadoc is rather nitpicking on the path structure it accepts and it turns out that on my Windows machine Maven does return a path structure starting with C:\Users\... which Javadoc can't handle. If the path structure looks like C:/Users/... however Javadoc is fine with the values.
On further research I stumbled upon this thread which suggests to use Maven's build-helper-maven-plugin to define new properties for i.e. the M2 repository and use the built-in reg-ex capability to replace \ characters with /. However, adding a configuration such as
and using the introduced tags instead does not work at all as Maven is complaining about an invalid value provided. If I use $\{settings.localRepository} Maven is fine about the provided value, however in the final options file not the value of the actual settings.localRepository is updated but the provided string itself and I end up with something like $/{settings.localRepository}/org/slf4j/... which Javadoc can't resolve and therefore still misses out on the correct location to the jdrum-datastore-simple dependency.
So, how can I add the path to the missing dependency to maven-javadoc-plugin's module path defined in the generated options file so that the Maven is actually able to generate the whole report?
It seems that with java11 Update 9 (maybe also with update 8; not tested) maven-javadoc-plugin is able to correctly generate the Javadoc for multi-module projects without the need to alter the module-path.
For those interested how the actual Maven POM looks like:
Parent POM
POM for a shared module
POM for a sharing and consuming module
POM for the consuming module
What is the point of using maven in intellij if it dose not work without setting the correct JDK under various intellij options?
What I mean is that now with intellij I have to set the JDK in 3 different places.
File->Project Structure->Project
File->Project Structure->Modules
While I aspect expect that when i compiler on the right side where are the maven options it works just by watching the pom file.
i think that depends on what type of project you want to make but personally i find maven nice to use because you can set up several actions in the pom file (for example when compiling Less files, excluding them from the build and just using the resulting css files).
another feature would be the easy way to add dependency's from the maven rep http://mvnrepository.com/
The above XML snippet is from a POM file in a Java project. In this snippet I've defined the jaxws-maven-plugin to use a wsdl file to generate the SEI code and place it in the src/main/java directory. This plugin is bound to the generate-sources phase, and works fine.
I want to make it so that if I issue the plugin directly, using:
mvn jaxws:wsimport
it should place the files in the above mentioned folder. From the plugins reference site (https://jax-ws-commons.java.net/jaxws-maven-plugin/wsimport-mojo.html), I can't figure out how to pass the parameter (sourceDestDir) as a command line argument. Is there someway I can do this?
You are trying to generate sources under the source folder src/main/java. Unless there is a very strong reason, don't do this. All generated content should always be placed under the build directory (target by default) and not be version-controlled. You can always add the generated sources as source folder using the build-helper-maven-plugin:add-source, if the plugin does not do it already itself.
To be able to set parameters directly on the command line, the plugin needs to define a user property. However, the org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons:jaxws-maven-plugin does not define a user property for the sourceDestDir parameter. This is noticeable because the documentation does not have a "User Property" set.
You can also find this in the source code:
#Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/wsimport")
private File sourceDestDir;
The #Parameter annotation, used to declare the parameter of the Maven plugin, does not have a corresponding property.
As such, you will need to have the following:
Define a Maven property jaxws.sourceDestDir with a value of ${project.basedir}/src/main/java with
Preferably, you would have ${project.build.directory}/some/path instead of src/main/java.
Configure the plugin to use this Maven property:
If you want to override it, you can now do so directly on the command line with -Djaxws.sourceDestDir=/my/new/value. This system property will take precedence over the value of the Maven property.
Im facing the following problem. I have set up my checkstyle with the following configuration:
This runs fine when I run mvn site. However, when I run checkstyle through mvn checkstyle:checkstyle in order to get the XML report much more efficiently, the checkstyle plugin fails back to use the default configuration. When I move the plugin to <build> the XML is generated properly, but now the checkstyle report is not included in the generated site anymore.
What is the (current) way of setting up report plugins as Checkstyle, while perserving the ability to run the plugin separately under the same configuration?
Is it really the preferred way to defined your plugins and configuration twice?
Okay, apparently you should add the plugin with configuration to both <build> and <reporting>.
Right now, I'm writing a small java application by my own, with few maven pom.xml files. I want to make all my maven packages to compile with jdk 1.6, and I can't find a good way to do it without manually setting it on every single POMs - I'm sick of copy-and-pasting
in every single pom.xml file I generate.
Is there a simpler way to resolve this issue?
Create a pom-only (<packaging>pom</packaging>) project that has the compiler settings (and any other default settings) you want. You give treat it like any other project (release it; deploy it to your Maven repo, etc.).
Put a parent declaration at the top of your pom files:
<groupId><!-- parent's group id --></groupId>
<artifactId><!-- parent's artifact id --></artifactId>
<version><!-- parent's version --></version>
It doesn't help much if all you want to set is compiler settings. But if you find yourself configuring lots of plugins, reports and dependencies in the same way across project, you can create one parent to rule them all.
BTW - be careful about declaring dependencies and plugins in your parent pom file. Usually you'll want to favor dependencyManagement and pluginManagement. See the documentation for more details.
You could specify this plugin and configuration in your ~/.m2/settings.xml, which will then apply it to all projects.
However this has the downside of making your projects no longer portable - attempting to build the same code with the same pom.xml will fail on other machines that don't have the same settings.xml values as you.
I'm sick of copy-and-pasting
Yes, and you should use POM inheritance to avoid this and configure the maven-compiler-plugin in the parent POM.
Another option would be to use the solution suggested by #matt (and he nailed down pros and cons of the use of settings.xml).
In both cases, this is typically a setting that I like to check using the maven-enforcer-plugin and its requireJavaVersion rule that you would configure like this:
But it can do more (like checking the maven version). Very useful.
I want to make all my maven packages to compile with jdk 1.6
If this is multi-module project just put these settings to top-level POM under pluginManagement.
If you have many independent project just copy-and-paste this configuration. Beware of "smart" solutions like setting this somewhere globally. Some day you will want to use different compiler settings for one or two of your projects and the nightmare will begin :-)
Keep things as simple as possible, but no simpler.