Counting a certain character in a String (Java) - java

String a="(Yeahhhh) I have finally made it to the (top)";
Given above String, there are 4 of '(' and ')' altogether.
My idea of counting that is by utilizing String.charAt method. However, this method is rather slow as I have to perform this counting for each string for at least 10000 times due to the nature of my project.
Anyone has any better idea or suggestion than using .chartAt method?????
Sorry for not explaining clearly earlier on, what I meant for the 10000 times is for the 10000 sentences to be analyzed which is the above String a as only one sentence.

StringUtils.countMatches(wholeString, searchedString) (from commons-lang)
searchedString may be one-char - "("
It (as noted in the comments) is calling charAt(..) multiple times. However, what is the complexity? Well, its O(n) - charAt(..) has complexity O(1), so I don't understand why do you find it slow.

Sounds like homework, so I'll try to keep it at the "nudge in the right direction".
What if you removed all characters NOT the character you are looking for, and look at the length of that string?
There is a String method that will help you with this.

You can use toCharArray() once and iterate over that. It might be faster.
Why do you need to do this 10000 times per String? Why don't you simply remember the result of the first time? This would save a lot more than speeding up a single counting.

You can achieve this by following method.
This method would return a map with key as the character and value as its occurence in input string.
Map countMap = new HashMap();
public void updateCountMap(String inStr, Map<Character, Integer> countMap)
char[] chars = inStr.toCharArray();
for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
countMap.put(chars[i], 1);
countMap.put(chars[i] ,countMap.get(chars[i])+1);
return countMap;
What we can do is read the file line by line and calling the above method for every line. Each time the map would keep adding the values(number of occurences) for characters. Thus, the Character array size would never be too long and we achieve what we need.
Single iteration over the input string's characters.
Character array size never grows to high limits.
Result map contains occurences for each character.

You could do that with Regular Expressions:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\\(\\)]"); //Pattern says either '(' or ')'
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("(Yeahhhh) I have finally made it to the (top)");
int count = 0;
while (matcher.find()) { //call find until nothing is found anymore
System.out.println("count "+count);
The Pro is, that the Patterns are very flexible. You could also search for embraced words: "\\(\\w+\\)" (A '(' followed by one or more word characters, followed by ')')
The Con is, that it may be like breaking a fly on the wheel for very simple cases
See the Javadoc of Pattern for more details on Regular Expressions

I tested the following methods for 10M strings to count "," symbol.
// split a string by ","
public static int nof1(String s)
int n = 0;
if (s.indexOf(',') > -1)
n = s.split(",").length - 1;
return n;
} // end method nof1
// count "," using char[]
public static int nof2(String s)
char[] C = s.toCharArray();
int n = 0;
for (char c : C)
if (c == ',')
} // end for c
return n;
} // end method nof2
// replace "," and calculate difference in length
public static int nof3(String s)
String s2 = s.replaceAll(",", "");
return s.length() - s2.length();
} // end method nof3
// count "," using charAt
public static int nof4(String s)
int n = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (',' == s.charAt(i) )
} // end for i
return n;
} // end method nof4
// count "," using Pattern
public static int nof5(String s)
// Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(","); // compiled outside the method
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
int n = 0;
while (matcher.find() )
return n;
} // end method nof5
The results:
nof1: 4538 ms
nof2: 474 ms
nof3: 4357 ms
nof4: 357 ms
nof5: 1780 ms
So, charAt is the fastest one. BTW, grep -o ',' | wc -l took 7402 ms.


Java efficiently replace unless matches complex regular expression

I have over a gigabyte of text that I need to go through and surround punctuation with spaces (tokenizing). I have a long regular expression (1818 characters, though that's mostly lists) that defines when punctuation should not be separated. Being long and complicated makes it hard to use groups with it, though I wouldn't leave that out as an option since I could make most groups non-capturing (?:).
Question: How can I efficiently replace certain characters that don't match a particular regular expression?
I've looked into using lookaheads or similar, and I haven't quite figured it out, but it seems to be terribly inefficient anyway. It would likely be better than using placeholders though.
I can't seem to find a good "replace with a bunch of different regular expressions for both finding and replacing in one pass" function.
Should I do this line by line instead of operating on the whole text?
String completeRegex = "[^\\w](("+protectedPrefixes+")|(("+protectedNumericOnly+")\\s*\\p{N}))|"+protectedRegex;
Matcher protectedM = Pattern.compile(completeRegex).matcher(s);
ArrayList<String> protectedStrs = new ArrayList<String>();
//Take note of the protected matches.
while (protectedM.find()) {
//Replace protected matches.
String replaceStr = "<PROTECTED>";
s = protectedM.replaceAll(replaceStr);
//Now that it's safe, separate punctuation.
s = s.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Mn}_\\-<>'])"," $1 ");
// These are for apostrophes. Can these be combined with either the protecting regular expression or the one above?
s = s.replaceAll("([\\p{N}\\p{L}])'(\\p{L})", "$1 '$2");
s = s.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}])'([^\\p{L}])", "$1 ' $2");
Note the two additional replacements for apostrophes. Using placeholders protects against those replacements as well, but I'm not really concerned with apostrophes or single quotes in my protecting regex anyway, so it's not a real concern.
I'm rewriting what I considered very inefficient Perl code with my own in Java, keeping track of speed, and things were going fine until I started replacing the placeholders with the original strings. With that addition it's too slow to be reasonable (I've never seen it get even close to finishing).
//Replace placeholders with original text.
String resultStr = "";
String currentStr = "";
int currentPos = 0;
int[] protectedArray = replaceStr.codePoints().toArray();
int protectedLen = protectedArray.length;
int[] strArray = s.codePoints().toArray();
int protectedCount = 0;
for (int i=0; i<strArray.length; i++) {
int pt = strArray[i];
// System.out.println("pt: "+pt+" symbol: "+String.valueOf(Character.toChars(pt)));
if (protectedArray[currentPos]==pt) {
if (currentPos == protectedLen - 1) {
resultStr += protectedStrs.get(protectedCount);
currentPos = 0;
} else {
} else {
if (currentPos > 0) {
resultStr += replaceStr.substring(0, currentPos);
currentPos = 0;
currentStr = "";
resultStr += ParseUtils.getSymbol(pt);
s = resultStr;
This code may not be the most efficient way to return the protected matches. What is a better way? Or better yet, how can I replace punctuation without having to use placeholders?
I don't know exactly how big your in-between strings are, but I suspect that you can do somewhat better than using Matcher.replaceAll, speed-wise.
You're doing 3 passes across the string, each time creating a new Matcher instance, and then creating a new String; and because you're using + to concatenate the strings, you're creating a new string which is the concatenation of the in-between string and the protected group, and then another string when you concatenate this to the current result. You don't really need all of these extra instances.
Firstly, you should accumulate the resultStr in a StringBuilder, rather than via direct string concatenation. Then you can proceed something like:
StringBuilder resultStr = new StringBuilder();
int currIndex = 0;
while (protectedM.find()) {
appendInBetween(resultStr, str, current, protectedM.str());
currIndex = protectedM.end();
resultStr.append(str, currIndex, str.length());
where appendInBetween is a method implementing the equivalent to the replacements, just in a single pass:
void appendInBetween(StringBuilder resultStr, String s, int start, int end) {
// Pass the whole input string and the bounds, rather than taking a substring.
// Allocate roughly enough space up-front.
resultStr.ensureCapacity(resultStr.length() + end - start);
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
// Check if c matches "([^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Mn}_\\-<>'])".
if (!(Character.isLetter(c)
|| Character.isDigit(c)
|| Character.getType(c) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK
|| "_\\-<>'".indexOf(c) != -1)) {
resultStr.append(' ');
resultStr.append(' ');
} else if (c == '\'' && i > 0 && i + 1 < s.length()) {
// We have a quote that's not at the beginning or end.
// Call these 3 characters bcd, where c is the quote.
char b = s.charAt(i - 1);
char d = s.charAt(i + 1);
if ((Character.isDigit(b) || Character.isLetter(b)) && Character.isLetter(d)) {
// If the 3 chars match "([\\p{N}\\p{L}])'(\\p{L})"
resultStr.append(' ');
} else if (!Character.isLetter(b) && !Character.isLetter(d)) {
// If the 3 chars match "([^\\p{L}])'([^\\p{L}])"
resultStr.append(' ');
resultStr.append(' ');
} else {
} else {
// Everything else, just append.
Ideone demo
Obviously, there is a maintenance cost associated with this code - it is undeniably more verbose. But the advantage of doing it explicitly like this (aside from the fact it is just a single pass) is that you can debug the code like any other - rather than it just being the black box that regexes are.
I'd be interested to know if this works any faster for you!
At first I thought that appendReplacement wasn't what I was looking for, but indeed it was. Since it's replacing the placeholders at the end that slowed things down, all I really needed was a way to dynamically replace matches:
StringBuffer replacedBuff = new StringBuffer();
Matcher replaceM = Pattern.compile(replaceStr).matcher(s);
int index = 0;
while (replaceM.find()) {
replaceM.appendReplacement(replacedBuff, "");
s = replacedBuff.toString();
Reference: Second answer at this question.
Another option to consider:
During the first pass through the String, to find the protected Strings, take the start and end indices of each match, replace the punctuation for everything outside of the match, add the matched String, and then keep going. This takes away the need to write a String with placeholders, and requires only one pass through the entire String. It does, however, require many separate small replacement operations. (By the way, be sure to compile the patterns before the loop, as opposed to using String.replaceAll()). A similar alternative is to add the unprotected substrings together, and then replace them all at the same time. However, the protected strings would then have to be added to the replaced string at the end, so I doubt this would save time.
int currIndex = 0;
while (protectedM.find()) {
String substr = s.substring(currIndex,protectedM.start());
substr = p1.matcher(substr).replaceAll(" $1 ");
substr = p2.matcher(substr).replaceAll("$1 '$2");
substr = p3.matcher(substr).replaceAll("$1 ' $2");
resultStr +=;
currIndex = protectedM.end();
Speed comparison for 100,000 lines of text:
Original Perl script: 272.960579875 seconds
My first attempt: Too long to finish.
With appendReplacement(): 14.245160866 seconds
Replacing while finding protected: 68.691842962 seconds
Thank you, Java, for not letting me down.

Java - Delete each 4th occurrence of a character in a row

I'm searching for a way to delete each 4th occurrence of a character (a-zA-Z) in a row.
For example, if I have the following string:
helloooo I am veeeeeeeeery busy right nowww because I am working veeeeeery hard
I want delete all 4th, 5th, 6th, ... characters in a row. But, in the word hard, a 4th r occurs, which I do NOT want to delete, because it is not the 4th r in a row / it is surrounded with other characters. The result should be:
hellooo I am veeery busy right nowww because I am working veeery hard
I have already searched for a way to do this, and I could have found a way to replace/delete the 4th occurrence of a character, but I could not find a way to replace/delete the 4th occurrence of a character in a row.
Thanks in advance.
The function may be written like this:
public static String transform(String input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return input;
} else {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char lastChar = '\0';
int duplicates = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
final char curChar = input.charAt(i);
if (curChar == lastChar) {
if (duplicates < 3) {
} else {
lastChar = curChar;
duplicates = 0;
return sb.toString();
I think it's faster than regex.
In Java you can use this replacement based on back-references:
str = str.replaceAll("(([a-zA-Z])\\2\\2)\\2+", "$1");
Code Demo
RegEx Demo
The regex you want is ((.)\2{2})\2*. Not quite sure what that is in Java-ese, but what it does is match any single character and then 2 additional instances of that character, followed by any number of additional instances. Then replace it with the contents of the first capture group (\1) and you're good to go.

Java characters count in an array

Another problem I try to solve (NOTE this is not a homework but what popped into my head), I'm trying to improve my problem-solving skills in Java. I want to display this:
Students ID #
Carol McKane 920 11
James Eriol 154 10
Elainee Black 462 12
What I want to do is on the 3rd column, display the number of characters without counting the spaces. Give me some tips to do this. Or point me to Java's robust APIs, cause I'm not yet that familiar with Java's string APIs. Thanks.
It sounds like you just want something like:
public static int countNonSpaces(String text) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if (text.charAt(i) != ' ') {
return count;
You may want to modify this to use Character.isWhitespace instead of only checking for ' '. Also note that this will count pairs outside the Basic Multilingual Plane as two characters. Whether that will be a problem for you or not depends on your use case...
Think of solving a problem and presenting the answer as two very different steps. I won't help you with the presentation in a table, but to count the number of characters in a String (without spaces) you can use this:
String name = "Carol McKane";
int numberOfCharacters = name.replaceAll("\\s", "").length();
The regular expression \\s matches all whitespace characters in the name string, and replaces them with "", or nothing.
Probably the shortest and easiest way:
String[][] students = { { "Carol McKane", "James Eriol", "Elainee Black" }, { "920", "154", "462" } };
for (int i = 0 ; i < students[0].length; i++) {
System.out.println(students[0][i] + "\t" + students[1][i] + "\t" + students[0][i].replace( " ", "" ).length() );
replace(), replaces each substring (" ") of your string and removes it from the result returned, from this temporal string, without spaces, you can get the length by calling length() on it...
The String name will remain unchanged.
To learn more about it you should watch the API documentation for String and Character
Here some examples how to do:
// variation 1
int count1 = 0;
for (char character : text.toCharArray()) {
if (Character.isLetter(character)) {
This uses a special short from of "for" instruction. Here's the long form for better understanding:
// variation 2
int count2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
char character = text.charAt(i);
if (Character.isLetter(character)) {
BTW, removing whitespaces via replace method is not a good coding style to me and not quite helpful for understanding how string class works.

Sudden slow-down and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError during Java string search

I am writing a program for pattern discovery in RNA sequences that mostly works. In order to find 'patterns' in the sequences, I am generating some possible patterns and scanning through the input file of all sequences for them (there's more to the algorithm, but this is the bit that is breaking). Possible patterns generated are of a specified length given by the user.
This works well for all sequence lengths up to 8 characters long. Then at 9, the program runs for an very long time, then gives a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. After some debugging, I found that the weak point is the pattern generation method:
/* Get elementary pattern (ep) substrings, to later combine into full patterns */
public static void init_ep_subs(int length) {
ep_subs = new ArrayList<Substring>(); // clear static ep_subs data field
/* ep subs are of the form C1...C2...C3 where C1, C2, C3 are characters in the
alphabet and the whole length of the string is equal to the input parameter
'length'. The number of dots varies for different lengths.
The middle character C2 can occur instead of any dot, or not at all.*/
for (int i = 1; i < length-1; i++) { // for each potential position of C2
// for each alphabet character to be C1
for (int first = 0; first < alphabet.length; first++) {
// for each alphabet character to be C3
for (int last = 0; last < alphabet.length; last++) {
// make blank pattern, i.e. no C2
Substring s_blank = new Substring(-1, alphabet[first],
'0', alphabet[last]);
// get its frequency in the input string
s_blank.occurrences = search_sequences(s_blank.toString());
// if blank ep is found frequently enough in the input string, store it
if (s_blank.frequency()>=nP) ep_subs.add(s_blank);
// when C2 is present, for each character it could be
for (int mid = 0; mid < alphabet.length; mid++) {
// make pattern C1,C2,C3
Substring s = new Substring(i, alphabet[first],
// search input string for pattern s
s.occurrences = search_sequences(s.toString());
// if s is frequent enough, store it
if (s.frequency()>=nP) ep_subs.add(s);
Here's what happens: When I time the calls to search_sequences, they start out at around 40-100ms each and carry on that way for the first patterns. Then after a couple hundred patterns (around 'C.....G.C') those calls suddenly start to take about ten times as long, 1000-2000ms. After that, the times steadily increase until at about 12000ms ('C......TA') it gives this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(
at java.lang.String.<init>(
at java.nio.HeapCharBuffer.toString(
at java.nio.CharBuffer.toString(
at java.util.regex.Matcher.toMatchResult(
at java.util.Scanner.match(
at java.util.Scanner.hasNextLine(
at PatternFinder4.search_sequences(
at PatternFinder4.init_ep_subs(
at PatternFinder4.main(
This is the search_sequences method:
/* Searches the input string 'sequences' for occurrences of the parameter string 'sub' */
public static ArrayList<int[]> search_sequences(String sub) {
/* arraylist returned holding int arrays with coordinates of the places where 'sub'
was found, i.e. {l,i} l = lines number, i = index within line */
ArrayList<int[]> occurrences = new ArrayList<int[]>();
s = new Scanner(sequences);
int line_index = 0;
String line = "";
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
line = s.nextLine();
pattern = Pattern.compile(sub);
matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
pattern = null; // all the =nulls were intended to help memory management, had no effect
int index = 0;
// for each occurrence of 'sub' in the line being scanned
while (matcher.find(index)) {
int start = matcher.start(); // get the index of the next occurrence
int[] occurrence = {line_index, start}; // make up the coordinate array
occurrences.add(occurrence); // store that occurrence
index = start+1; // start looking from after the last occurence found
return occurrences;
I've tried the program on a couple of different computers of differing speeds, and while the actual times time complete search_sequence are smaller on faster computers, the relative times are the same; at around the same number of iterations, search_sequence starts taking ten times as long to complete.
I've tried googling about memory efficiency and speed of different input streams such as BufferedReader etc, but the general consensus seems to be that they are all roughly equivalent to Scanner. Do any of you have any advice about what this bug is or how I could try to figure it out myself?
If anyone wants to see any more of the code, just ask.
1 - The input file 'sequences' is 1000 protein sequences (each on one line) of varying lengths around a couple hundred characters. I should also mention this program will /only ever need to work/ up to patterns of length nine.
2 - Here are the Substring class methods used in the above code
static class Substring {
int residue; // position of the middle character C2
char front, mid, end; // alphabet characters for C1, C2 and C3
ArrayList<int[]> occurrences; // list of positions the substring occurs in 'sequences'
String string; // string representation of the substring
public Substring(int inresidue, char infront, char inmid, char inend) {
occurrences = new ArrayList<int[]>();
residue = inresidue;
front = infront;
mid = inmid;
end = inend;
setString(); // makes the string representation using characters and their positions
/* gets the frequency of the substring given the places it occurs in 'sequences'.
This only counts the substring /once per line ist occurs in/. */
public int frequency() {
return PatternFinder.frequency(occurrences);
public String toString() {
return string;
/* makes the string representation using the substring's characters and their positions */
private void setString() {
if (residue>-1) {
String left_mid = "";
for (int j = 0; j < residue-1; j++) left_mid += ".";
String right_mid = "";
for (int j = residue+1; j < length-1; j++) right_mid += ".";
string = front + left_mid + mid + right_mid + end;
} else {
String mid = "";
for (int i = 0; i < length-2; i++) mid += ".";
string = front + mid + end;
... and the PatternFinder.frequency method (called in Substring.frequency()) :
public static int frequency(ArrayList<int[]> occurrences) {
HashSet<String> lines_present = new HashSet<String>();
for (int[] occurrence : occurrences) {
lines_present.add(new String(occurrence[0]+""));
return lines_present.size();
What is alphabet? What kind of regexs are you giving it? Have you checked the number of occurrences you're storing? It's possible that simply storing the occurrences is enough to make it run out of memory, since you're doing an exponential number of searches.
It sounds like your algorithm has a hidden exponential resource usage. You need to rethink what you are trying to do.
Also, setting a local variable to null won't help since the JVM already does data flow and liveness analysis.
Edit: Here's a page that explains how even short regexes can take an exponential amount of time to run.
I can't spot an obvious memory leak, but your program does have a number of inefficiencies. Here are some recommendations:
Indent your code properly. It will make reading it, both for you and for others, much easier. In its current form it's very hard to read.
If you're referring to a member variable, prefix it with this., otherwise readers of code snippets won't know for sure what you're referring to.
Avoid static members and methods unless they're absolutely necessary. When referring to them, use the Classname.membername form, for the same reasons.
How is the code of frequency() different from just return occurrences.size()?
In search_sequences(), the regex string sub is a constant. You need to compile it only once, but you're recompiling it for every line.
Split the input string (sequences) into lines once and store them in an array or ArrayList. Don't re-split inside search_sequences(), pass the split collection in.
There are probably more things to fix, but this is the list that jumps out.
Fix all these and if you still have problems, you may need to use a profiler to find out what's happening.

Generate all words using Java

I want to know how to generate all words using java from specified characters and length
String first[]={"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
String second[]={"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
String ch ="";
String total[];
for(int i = 0;i<26;i++) {
for(int j = 0;j<26;j++) {
I get only 576 words only by this program, but the 26! words is 4.03291461 × 10^26
How to write the program in java?
public class Words {
static char[] alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();
static void generate(StringBuilder sb, int n) {
if (n == sb.length()) {
for (char letter : alphabet) {
sb.setCharAt(n, letter);
generate(sb, n + 1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int length = 2; length <= 5; length++) {
generate(sb, 0);
This generates all 2-letters, 3-letters, 4-letters, and 5-letters "words". It uses a standard recursive algorithm.
See also
Given an array of integers [x0 x1 x2], how do you calculate all possible permutations from [0 0 0] to [x0 x1 x2]?
On a more mathematical note, people often confuse what the term "permutation" means. Yes, there are 26! permutations of the 26 letters a-z -- that's A LOT of strings, but this does not include aa, ab, etc. It includes all strings where the 26 letters each appear exactly once.
Consider what you're doing:
you're looping through the first array once, and looping through the second once for each iteration through that loop.
That's going to yield you a total of 26^2 results, or 676 (not 576).
And the way you're constructing the output is very specific, check what you get and you'll notice a highly explicit pattern in there.
The second array of course is never used at all, so completely superfluous.
The solution is to write out on paper how you'd go about it were you to attempt it by hand, then attempt to translate that into code.
For one you're not going to want to have only words of a specific length (which you get) or specific patterns of letters (which you also get).
but the 26! words is 4.03291461 × 1026
how to write the program in java
You don't write that program in Java or any other language. It would be pointless because it would literally take billions of years to finish.
But the number is also completely wrong for your intended result in the comments. 26! is the number of permutations, i.e. the different ways to order 26 elements without repetition. The number of words would be 26^n, where n is the length.
Here's my solution. It's kind of quick, so don't be too hard on the optimization.
public static void printWords(int length) {
if (length < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
printWordsRec("", length);
private static void printWordsRec(String base, int length) {
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
if (length == 1) {
System.out.println(base + c);
else {
printWordsRec(base + c, length - 1);
