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Closed 10 years ago.
this is just theoretical question.
I use JDBC with my Java applications for using database (select, insert, update, delete or whatever).
I make "manually" Java classes which will contain data from DB tables (attribute = db column). Then I make queries (ResultSet) and fill those classes with data. I am not sure, if this is the right way.
But I've read lot of about JDO and another persistence solutions.
Can someone please recommend the best used JDBC alternatives, based on their experience?
I would also like to know the advantages of JDO over JDBC (in simple words).
I've been able to google lot of this stuff, but opinions from the "first hand" are always best.
The story of database persistence in Java is already long and full of twists and turns:
JDBC is the low level API that everybody uses at the end to talk to a database. But without using a higher level API, you have to do all the grunt work yourself (writing SQL queries, mapping results to objects, etc).
EJB 1.0 CMP Entity Beans was a first try for a higher level API and has been successfully adopted by the big Java EE providers (BEA, IBM) but not by users. Entity Beans were too complex and had too much overhead (understand, poor performance). FAIL!
EJB 2.0 CMP tried to reduce some of the complexity of Entity Beans with the introduction of local interfaces, but the majority of the complexity remained. EJB 2.0 also lacked portability (because the object-relational mapping were not part of the spec and the deployment descriptor were thus proprietary). FAIL!
Then came JDO which is a datastore agnostic standard for object persistence (can be used with RDBMS, OODBMS, XML, Excel, LDAP). But, while there are several open-source implementations and while JDO has been adopted by small independent vendors (mostly OODBMS vendors hoping that JDO users would later switch from their RDBMS datastore to an OODBMS - but this obviously never happened), it failed at being adopted by big Java EE players and users (because of weaving which was a pain at development time and scaring some customers, of a weird query API, of being actually too abstract). So, while the standard itself is not dead, I consider it as a failure. FAIL!
And indeed, despite the existence of two standards, proprietary APIs like Toplink, an old player, or Hibernate have been preferred by users over EJB CMP and JDO for object to relational database persistence (competition between standards, unclear positioning of JDO, earlier failure of CMP and bad marketing have a part of responsibility in this I believe) and Hibernate actually became the de facto standard in this field (it's a great open source framework). SUCCESS!
Then Sun realized they had to simplify things (and more generally the whole Java EE) and they did it in Java EE 5 with JPA, the Java Persistence API, which is part of EJB 3.0 and is the new standard for object to relational database persistence. JPA unifies EJB 2 CMP, JDO, Hibernate, and TopLink APIs / products and seems to succeed where EJB CMP and JDO failed (ease of use and adoption). SUCCESS!
To summarize, Java's standard for database persistence is JPA and should be preferred over others proprietary APIs (using Hibernate's implementation of JPA is fine but use JPA API) unless an ORM is not what you need. It provides a higher level API than JDBC and is meant to save you a lot of manual work (this is simplified but that's the idea).
If you want to write SQL yourself, and don't want an ORM, you can still benefit from some frameworks which hides all the tedious connection handling (try-catch-finally). Eventually you will forget to close a connection...
One such framework that is quite easy to use is Spring JdbcTemplate.
I can recommend Hibernate. It is widely used (and for good reasons), and the fact that the Java Persistence API specification was lead by the main designer of Hibernate guarantees that it will be around for the foreseeable future :-) If portability and vendor neutrality is important to you, you may use it via JPA, so in the future you can easily switch to another JPA implementation.
Lacking personal experience with JDO, I can't really compare the two. However, the benefits of Hibernate (or ORM in general) at first sight seem to be pretty much the same as what is listed on the JDO page. To me the most important points are:
DB neutrality: Hibernate supports several SQL dialects in the background, switching between DBs is as easy as changing a single line in your configuration
performance: lazy fetching by default, and a lot more optimizations going on under the hood, which you woulds need to handle manually with JDBC
you can focus on your domain model and OO design instead of lower level DB issues (but you can of course fine-tune DML and DDL if you wish so)
One potential drawback (of ORM tools in general) is that it is not that suitable for batch processing. If you need to update 1 million rows in your table, ORM by default will never perform as well as a JDBC batch update or a stored procedure. Hibernate can incorporate stored procedures though, and it supports batch processing to some extent (I am not familiar with that yet, so I can't really say whether it is up to the task in this respect compared to JDBC - but judging from what I know so far, probably yes). So if your app requires some batch processing but mostly deals with individual entities, Hibernate can still work. If it is predominantly doing batch processing, maybe JDBC is a better choice.
Hibernate requires that you have an object model to map your schema to. If you're still thinking only in terms of relational schemas and SQL, perhaps Hibernate is not for you.
You have to be willing to accept the SQL that Hibernate will generate for you. If you think you can do better with hand-coded SQL, perhaps Hibernate is not for you.
Another alternative is iBatis. If JDBC is raw SQL, and Hibernate is ORM, iBatis can be thought of as something between the two. It gives you more control over the SQL that's executed.
JDO builds off JDBC technology. Similarly, Hibernate still requires JDBC as well. JDBC is Java's fundamental specification on database connectivity.
This means JDBC will give you greater control but it requires more plumbing code.
JDO provide higher abstractions and less plumbing code, because a lot of the complexity is hidden.
If you are asking this question, I am guessing you are not familiar with JDBC. I think a basic understanding of JDBC is required in order to use JDO effectively, or Hibernate, or any other higher abstraction tool. Otherwise, you may encounter scenario where ORM tools exhibit behavior you may not understand.
Sun's Java tutorial on their website provide a decent introductory material which walks you through JDBC.
Have a look at MyBatis. Often being overlooked, but great for read-only complex queries using proprietary features of your DBMS.
Here is how it goes with java persistence. You have just learnt java, now you want to persist some records, you get to learn JDBC. You are happy that you can now save your data to a database. Then you decide to write a bit bigger application. You realize that it has become tedious to try, catch , open connection, close connection , transfer data from resultset to your bean .... So you think there must be an easier way. In java there is always an alternative. So you do some googling and in a short while you discover ORM, and most likely, hibernate. You are so exited that you now dont have to think about connections. Your tables are being created automatically. You are able to move very fast. Then you decide to undertake a really big project, initially you move very fast and you have all the crud operations in place. The requirements keep comming, then one day you are cornered. You try to save but its not cascading to the objects children. Somethings done work as explained in the books that you have read. You dont know what to do because you didnt write the hibernate libraries. You wish you had written the SQL yourself. Its now time to rethink again... As you mature , you realize that the best way to interact with the Database is through SQL. You also realize that some tools get you started very fast but they cant keep you going for long. This is my story. I am now a very happy ibatis/User.
Ebean ORM is another alternative
Ebean uses JPA Annotations for Mapping but it is architected to be sessionless. This means that you don't have the attached/detached concepts and you don't persist/merge/flush - you just simply save() your beans.
I'd expect Ebean to be much simplier to use than Hibernate, JPA or JDO
So if you are looking for a powerful alternative approach to JDO or JPA you could have a look at Ebean.
JPA/Hibernate is a popular choice for ORM. It can provide you with just about every ORM feature that you need. The learning curve can be steep for those with basic ORM needs.
There are lots of alternatives to JPA that provide ORM with less complexity for developers with basic ORM requirements. Query sourceforge for example:
I am partial to my solution, Sormula: sourceforge or bitbucket. Sormula was designed to minimize complexity while providing basic ORM.
Hibernate, surely. It's popular, there is even a .NET version.
Also, hibernate can be easily integrated with Spring framework.
And, it will mostly fit any developer needs.
A new and exciting alternative is GORM, which is the ORM implementation from Grails. Can now be used stand alone.
Under the hood it uses Hibernate, but gives you a nice layer on top with cool dynamic finders etc.
All these different abstraction layers eventually use JDBC. The whole idea is to automate some of the tedious and error prone work much in the same way that compilers automate a lot of the tedious work in writing programs (resizing a data structure - no problem, just recompile).
Note, however, that in order for these to work there are assumptions that you will need to adhere to. These are usually reasonable and quite easy to work with, especially if you start with the Java side as opposed to have to work with existing database tables.
JDO is the convergence of the various projects in a single Sun standard and the one I would suggest you learn. For implementation, choose the one your favorite IDE suggests in its various wizards.
There is also torque ( which I personally prefer because it's simpler, and does exactly what I need.
With torque I can define a database with mysql(Well I use Postgresql, but Mysql is supported too) and Torque can then query the database and then generate java classes for each table in the database. With Torque you can then query the database and get back Java objects of the correct type.
It supports where clauses (Either with a Criteria object or you can write the sql yourself) and joins.
It also support foreign keys, so if you got a User table and a House table, where a user can own 0 or more houses, there will be a getHouses() method on the user object which will give you the list of House objects the user own.
To get a first look at the kind of code you can write, take a look at which contains examples which show how to load/save/query data with torque. (All the classes used in this example are auto-generated based on the database definition).
I recommend to use the Hibernate, its really fantastic way of connecting to the database, earlier there were few issues, but later it is more stable.
It uses the ORM based mapping, it reduces your time on writing the queries to an extent and it allows to change the databases at a minimum effort.
If you require any video based tutorials please let me know I can uplaod in my server and send you the link.
Use hibernate as a stand alone JAR file then distribute it to your different web apps. This far is the best solution out there. You have to design your Classes, Interfaces, Enums to do an abstract DAO pattern. As long as you have correct entities and mappings. You will only need to work with Objects(Entities) and not HSQL.
I wanted to ask you, if you have any experience that Hibernate OGM works as much fine with mongodb, that it could be used in an enterprise solution without any worries. With other words - does this combination work as fine as for example Hibernate ORM with MySQL and is is also that easy to set up? Is it worth to use it - meant the level of afford needed to set it up compared to the level of improvement of the work with the database? Would you prefer another OGM framework or even don't use any? I read about it some time ago, but it was in the early stages of this project and didn't work too well yet. Thanks for advices and experiences.
(Disclaimer: I'm one of the Hibernate OGM authors)
With other words - does this combination work as fine as for example Hibernate ORM with MySQL?
The 4.1 release is the first final we consider to be ready to use in production. The general user experience should be not much different from using the classic Hibernate ORM (which still is what you use under the hood when using Hibernate OGM). Also the MongoDB dialect probably is the one we put most effort in, so it is in good shape.
But as Hibernate OGM is a fairly young project, of course there may be bugs and glitches which need to be ironed out. Feature-wise, there are some things not supported yet (e.g. secondary tables, criteria API, more complex JPA queries), but you either shouldn't really need those in most kinds of applications or there are work-arounds (e.g. native queries).
and is is also that easy to set up?
Yes, absolutely. The set-up is not different from using Hibernate ORM / JPA with an RDBMS. You only use another JPA provider class (HibernateOgmPersistence) and need to set some OGM-specific options (which NoSQL store to use, host name etc.). Check out this blog post which walks you through the set-up. For store-specific settings (e.g. how to store associations in document stores) there is an easy-to-use option system based on annotations and/or a fluent API.
[Is it worth the effort] to set it up compared to the level of improvement of the work with the database?
I don't think there is a general answer to that. In many cases object mappers like Hibernate ORM/OGM are great, in others cases working with plain SQL or NoSQL APIs might be a better option. It depends on your use case and its specific requirements. In general, OxMs work well if there is a defined domain model which you want to persist, navigate its associations etc.
Would you prefer another OGM framework
I'm obviously biased, but let me say that using Hibernate OGM allows you to
benefit from the eco-system existing around JPA/Hibernate, be it integration with other libraries such as Hibernate Validator or Hibernate Search (or your in-house developed Hibernate-based API) or tooling such as modelling tools which emit JPA entities.
work with different NoSQL backends using the same API. So if chances are you need to integrate another NoSQL store (e.g. Neo4j to run graph queries) or an RDMBS, then Hibernate OGM will allow you to do so easily.
I read about it some time ago, but it was in the early stages of this project
Much work has been put into Hibernate OGM over the last year, so my recommendation definitely is to try it out and see in a prototype or spike how it works for your requirements.
If you have any feature requests or questions, please let us know and we'll see what we can do for you.
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Java Programming - Where should SQL statements be stored? [closed]
(15 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
As part of my Java program, I need to do a run a lot of queries against (Oracle) database.
Currently, we create a mix SQL and Java, which (i know) is a bad bad thing.
What is a right way to handle something like this? If possible, include examples.
Thank you.
A bit more information about the application. It is a web application that derives content mainly from the database (it takes user input and paints content to be seen next based on what database believes to be true).
The biggest concern I have with how it's done today is that mixing Java code and a SQL queries look "out-of-place" when coupled as tightly as it is (Queries hardcoded as part of source code)
I am looking for a cleaner way to handle this situation, which would improve maintainability and clarity of the project at hand
For what you've described, incorporating an object relational mapper (ORM) or rewriting as stored procedures is probably more work than you want to embrace. Both have non-trivial learning curves.
Instead a good practice is consolidating SQL in a class per table or purpose. Take a look at the table data gateway object and the data access object design patterns to see how this is done in practice.
The upshot of this approach is myriad. You are better positioned for reuse because queries are in one spot. Client code becomes more readable as you replace several lines of JDBC and SQL with a method call (e.g. userTableDataGateway.getContentToShow(pageId)). Finally, this will help you see the problem more clearly an ORM helps solve.
Well, one thing you could consider is an Object Relational Mapper (for example, Hibernate). This would allow you to map your database schema to Java objects, which would generally clean up your Java code.
However, if performance and speed is of the essence, you might be better off using a plain JDBC driver.
This would of course also be dependent upon the task your application is trying to accomplish. If, for example, you need to do batch updates based on a CSV file, I migh go with a pure JDBC solution. If you're designing a web application, I would definitely go with an ORM solution.
Also, note that a pure JDBC solution would involve having SQL in your Java code. Actually, for that matter, you would have to have some form of SQL, be it HQL, JPQL, or plain SQL, in any ORM solution as well. Point being, there's nothing wrong with some SQL in your Java application.
Edit in response the OP's edits
If I were writing a web application from scratch, I would use an ORM. However, since you already have a working application, making the transition from a pure JDBC solution to an ORM would be pretty painful. It would clean up your code, but there is a significant learning curve involved and it takes quite a bit of set-up. Some of the pain from setting-up would be alleviated if you are working with some sort of bean-management system, like Spring, but it would still be pretty significant.
It would also depend on where you want to go with your application. If you plan on maintaining and adding to this code for a significant period, a refactor may be in order. I would not, however, recommend a re-write of your system just because you don't like having SQL hard-coded in your application.
Based on your updates, I concur with Tim Pote's edits re: the learning curve to integrate ORM. However, instead of integrating ORM, you could do things like using prepared statements, which you in turn store in a properties file. Or even store your queries in the DB so that you can make subtle updates to them that can then be read in immediately without restarting your app server. Both of these strategies would declutter your Java code of hard-coded SQL.
Ultimately though, I don't think there's a clear answer to your question, because there's nothing inherently wrong with what you're doing. It's just a bit inflexible, but perhaps acceptably so for your circumstances.
That said, I'm posting this as an answer!
I'm not sure of the state of the project but you may also be able to find an 'alternate' object relational mapper called MyBatis. It has a lower learning curve than the popular hibernate or eclipselink and let's you actually write the queries so you know what the code is doing. That is if ORM is your thing.
I'm working with JPA right now (mainly because it is the current trend and it needs to be learned). JPA is the Java standard for ORM. If you are going to learn what is currently a typical ORM way of doing things, JPA is probably the best way to go. Frameworks like Hibernate and Eclipselink drive it. Depending on what framework you choose to underpin your JPA app, you can use proprietary features but that will tie you to that framework pretty much for good. JPA is not hard to start using, but can be very cryptic when it doesn't work since it obfuscates the interaction with the database quite a bit (mind you, it does allow the option using native SQL queries, but that kind of negates the reason why people say JPA style DB access is good).
And yes, there are still people using JDBC with prepared statements. And normally there are practices/patterns that you will use when programming with plain old JDBC that act like a very, very minimalist ORM... or really, closer to MyBatis. Again, if you go this route, use prepared statements. They negate a number of dangers.
This is a religious kind of question, so you will hear a lot of proselytizing the way you wrote the question. In fact someone might shoot down your question for this. I think the only thing you could ask that might be worse is whether emacs or vi is better to a crowd of unix geeks.
Your question seems too generic, however if you have a mix of Direct SQL on Oracle and Java SQL, it would be better to invest some time in an ORM like Hibernate or Apache Cayenne. The ORM is a separate design approach to segregate Database operations from the Java side. All the db interactions and DB design is implemented on the ORM and all the access and business logic will reside in Java, this is a suggestion. Still unclear about your actual problem though.
The biggest concern I have with how it's done today is that mixing
Java code and a SQL queries look "out-of-place" when coupled as
tightly as it is (Queries hardcoded as part of source code)
This assumption of yours is not really "correct" in a way that there is going to be a true / false answer to your question. This question here explains that there are several ways of dealing with mixing Java and SQL:
Java Programming - Where should SQL statements be stored?
It essentially distinguishes between SQL being:
Hardcoded in business objects
Embedded in SQLJ clauses
Encapsulated in separate classes e.g. Data Access Objects
Metadata driven (decouple the object schema from the data schema - describe the mappings between them in metadata)
Put into external files (e.g. Properties or Resource files)
Put into stored procedures
I'll add to that:
Embedded in CriteriaQuery statements
Embedded in jOOQ statements.
Apache Cayenne, is one of the easiest ORM to use. It comes with a Cayenne Modeller to Model data objects and does mappings. I would recommend Cayenne for a beginner in ORM. It can create mapping classes and DB sync through the modeller.
I am trying to execute a query using EclipseLink following the crappy documentation at, but every time you need to execute an Expression it uses a variable called "session", but no where does it explain where this "session" variable comes from. I already have a persistence.xml file and I can run a javax.persistence.Query on my database, so I know the connection works, but I can't figure out where "session" comes from. A little help please?
A side question: I have been having a terrible time trying to get EclipseLink to work, even though everyone says how great it is compared to Hibernate. Is EclipseLink worth my time and frustration, or should I just scrap it and try something like Hibernate instead?
EclipseLink is born from the donation of Oracle Toplink to the Eclipse Foundation which, like Hibernate, is a proprietary persistence API and predates JPA. So, like Hibernate, it relies on a proprietary engine and proprietary concepts or abstractions. EclipseLink's session is one of them (and is different from Hibernate's session, which is more comparable to EclipseLink UnitOfWork).
That's where JPA comes in. JPA provides a unified and standardized API that products like EclipseLink or Hibernate implement. This doesn't mean they removed proprietary features and, if you don't mind not being portable, you can use them. The posted link about Expressions is an example.
Now, if you want to use and learn JPA, you should stick to JPA (and this would be my advice). If you want to use proprietary features, you'll have to learn things about the underlying persistence engine.
Regarding EclipseLink's documentation, I can't say I like it it even if I succeed in finding my way, maybe because I already have some experience with JPA. But this is subjective I guess and other people may have a different opinion (I disagree, but as I said, this is subjective).
However, Hibernate is undoubtedly more popular and has a wider community, more tutorials, etc and I find their documentation very good. I don't know on what you based your choice but, from a community support point of view, Hibernate definitely wins. Just keep in mind that this doesn't mean you won't face frustration with Hibernate too :)
I suggest reading this.
In EclipseLink, there're differents kinds of sessions. Without going into the details,
you can say that a session is something like a transaction. In a EclipseLink, a session is often a Unit Of Work, which knows what entities have changed/added/deleted or whatever.
You can retrieve such a session in EclipseLink, when invoking the following proprietary API on your JPA EntityManager:
//EntityManagerImpl has to be imported as org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl
Session session = ((EntityManagerImpl) entityManager).getActiveSession();
Before calling this, you should be sure that you're within a transaction.
Much of the original documentation on the EclipseLink wiki pre-dates our JPA implementation. We are in the process of updating it to a much more usable JPA focused set of wiki pages. Most operations users need can be done with JPA and with our JPA 2.0 implementation even fewer needs arise to use the native sessions.
Can you let us know what you are trying to do and we can provide direct assistance or point you into the docs at the most appropriate content.
Although I am enjoying the stackoverflow interface the EclipseLink Forum offers the most active support from the project's committers.
Is EclipseLink worth my time and frustration, or should I just scrap it and try something like Hibernate instead?
It is entirely up to you to judge whether it is "worth it" for you.
But I'd like to point out that wasted time and frustration when learning new technologies is just part of the job specification for a Software Engineer. If you cannot take it, you should seriously consider a less demanding career.
I have taken over some code that has been using the Firestorm DAO code generator from CodeFutures. I believe that the license for this is going to be up soon, and was wondering if anyone could recommend any alternatives, open source or not, so that I can get an idea of what's out there to better make a decision.
This is probably a bit late for your concrete decision in April, but if you are used to Firestorm DAO, using generated code for every database entity, you might find it easy to switch over to jOOQ. jOOQ omits the "DAO layer" entirely, generating classes that directly represent your relational model. This is generally referred to as the Active Record pattern. Instead of writing DAOs, you can directly query your database from Java using jOOQ's built-in DSL, similar to that of Microsoft's Linq
I agree with JavadocMD, that JPA (or Hibernate) is what is currently considered "best practice". But maybe you don't want to add object-relational mapping to your application for well-known reasons...
I would strongly suggest not switching off of firestorm. Firestorm makes writing DAO's a thing of the past for about 90% of the use cases. For all the other cases, just subclass the dao that firestorm makes and add functionality to it that you want, using the inherited helper methods. You don't need a license for this, you can use the free license.
No, I'm not from Firestorm, but Firestorm helped me get my project off of the ground with about a 40% time savings. Once I get into more complex queries, it will start saving me about 20% of the dev time, but hey, it's still 20% savings over other solutions. Also, it transforms into raw JDBC. When something goes wrong, it's much easier to debug if you're familiar with ODBC/JDBC.
One option would be to completely change directions and go with a persistence framework like JPA. You create your Java object model, add the appropriate annotations, and JPA handles everything else for you without any messy generated code.
Granted, depending on the specifics of your architecture and business situation this kind of change might not be feasible for you. However if you can manage it, JPA seems to be much more in line with current best-practices for Java persistence.
I've used OpenJPA in a production environment:
And we considered TopLink (Oracle's implementation) but ran into a few issues that I can't recall.
I'm working on a medium-sized project in Java (GWT to be precise), and I'm still in the process of deciding what ORM to use.
I just refuse to write SQL queries unless utterly and completely necessary (not the case :D)
I want to use ONLY annotations, no XML configuring [except database location, username, etc], and I DON'T want to create any tables or define them. I want this to be done by the framework completely.
Call me lazy, but I like Java/GWT programming, not creating tables and coping with that sort of things, and it's a plus in my assignment if I actually use an ORM :D
I've considered so far:
Hibernate with annotations: I've found little documentation to get started from ground using this. I've found little examples and alike. It's as if they didn't actually want you to use 100% annotations.
JDO: It seems interesting, I'd never heard of DataNucleus up to until this week, but it seems extremely mature, and I actually discovered it because Google uses it in GWT, so that's a good sign. I also like the fact that they mentioned I don't need to define any tables or columns, though I think hibernate can achieve this as well. I actually enjoyed reading though their documentation (though I haven't finished yet), something quite opposite to hibernate.
JPA I'm not totally sure if DataNucleus/JPA can work with annotation-only configuration, though I might need to take a deeper look into the documentation.
As you might guess, I'm quite inclined to JDO... but it'd be nice to hear what people who've used it have to say vs the other alternatives, and if i'm missing some very important point here.
Edit 1: I know I'll need to XML the database location/usr/pwd, I meant I don't want to use an XML to configure the mapping or database schema.
JPA (1 and 2) is pretty much XML free, depending on how it's packaged. You most certainly don't need it for the schema. It also supports annotations for details when the tables are generated.
The only issue with these is that while they can create a database, they're a DB MAPPING tool, not a DB DEFINITION tool. Specifically, most won't allow you to create the arbitrary indexes that you may well need to get the DB tuned properly to your queries.
But other than that, JPA should fill your needs, and it has a lot of implementations (Hibernate is just one implementation).
This is a self publicizing but I'm been working for a while on a simple Java ORM package called ORMLite. I wanted something much less complicated than hibernate but without writing SQL directly. It's completely annotation based and currently supports MySQL, Postgres, Derby, and H2. Adding other database would be simple if I have access to a server. It is completely annotation based and can create (and destroy) tables.
It has pretty flexible QueryBuilder and table paging. Joining is, however, not supported.