I could actually see a use for the Google Annotations Gallery in real code:
Stumble across code that somehow works
beyond all reason? Life's short. Mark
it with #Magic and move on:
public static int negate(int n) {
return new Byte((byte) 0xFF).hashCode()
/ (int) (short) '\uFFFF' * ~0
* Character.digit ('0', 0) * n
* (Integer.MAX_VALUE * 2 + 1)
/ (Byte.MIN_VALUE >> 7) * (~1 | 1);
This is a serious question. Could this be used in an actual code review?
Quite. Well, not all of them, but many could be substitutes for longer comments.
That holds true for not too many of these annotations, but some (as in your example) could be handy.
It may be said that these annotations present the most common comments in a shorter and perhaps more readable way.
You can later process them, and add tresholds for, say, the number of #Magic annotations. If a project becomes too "magic", measures should be taken.
It would be easier to use comments with a key such as "MAGIC", then work with those. Hudson and Eclipse and other tools can count or mark those occurrences.
I can definitely see how the #CarbonFootprint would fit into several client's CSR policies, and the #WTF("comment") annotation would be really handy when you're working on a new project where you're not sure whether a certain piece of code actually is needed to work around some crazy bug/corner-condition or if it's just random, left-over crap that no one knew how to write better at the time.
FYI, Sonar seems to now include a better revision plugin.
Anyway, were you not to guess, i think the short project name is clear enough about this project's intentions : gag the annotations for what they can become when left free : an equivalent to the oh-so-y2k XML hell.
I guess some people may have missed the acronym and the date of the that Google Annotation Gallery (GAG) on April 1st... or maybe in some countries it's not a national day for jokes, or gags...
I'm writing a library for procedural image generation (Clisk) which allows users to define their own mathematical functions to generate images.
It's clearly possible for them to define a function which could result in a divide by zero for some pixels, e.g. (pseudocode)
red = 1.0 / (xposition - 0.5)
This would result in a divide by zero whenever xposition = 0.5 (the middle of the image)
Ideally I don't want image generation to crash... but at the same time I don't want to create a clunky hack to ignore divide by zeros that will cause problems later.
What would be a good, robust, systematic approach to handling these cases?
Ideally I don't want image generation to crash... but at the same time I don't want to create a clunky hack to ignore divide by zeros that will cause problems later.
(I'm assuming you mean the snippet to be an example of some user-supplied code ...)
Clearly, if the user-supplied code could throw exceptions, then you can't stop that happening. (And the advice to check before division is obviously irrelevant ... to you.)
So what could you do apart from "crash"? Generate an empty image? Ignore the user's function? You'd be producing garbage ... and that's not what the user needs.
You certainly can't reach in and fix his / her java code. (And if that snippet is meant to be code written in some custom language, then you can't reach in and correct that either. You / your library doesn't know what the user-supplied code should be doing ...)
No. I reckon that the best answer is to wrap any unexpected (unchecked) exceptions coming out of the user-supplied code in an exception of your own that tells the user clearly that the error occurred in his code. It is then up to the application code calling your library code whether to deal with the exception or "crash".
If you are asking for a "good, robust, systematic approach" for users to write their functions, I think you are barking up the wrong tree. And it is not really your concern ...
I'm not a graphics programmer really, but you could do
private static final double MIN_X = 0.0000001
red = 1.0 / Math.max(xpos - 0.5, MIN_X);
Obviously, you will probably have to drop an absolute value in there if you allow negatives
You could always just supply a parameter asking them what to do on divide-by-zero. It's their code, after all - they should know what's best for their case.
Then the question becomes, what's a reasonable default for that parameter? I'd say "return 0.0" or "throw an exception" are both reasonable for this application. Just make sure you document it.
I'm using the following code to discard unsupported physical interfaces / subinterfaces from routers that connects to a big ISP network (by big I mean tens of thousands of routers):
private final static Pattern INTERFACES_TO_FILTER =
Pattern.compile("unrouted VLAN|GigabitEthernet.+-mpls layer|FastEthernet.+-802\\.1Q vLAN subif");
// Simplification
List<String> interfaces;
// lots of irrelevant code to query the routers
for (String intf : interfaces) {
if (INTERFACES_TO_FILTER.matcher(intf).find()) {
// code to prevent the interface from being used
The idea is discarding entries such as:
unrouted VLAN 2000 for GigabitEthernet2/11.2000
GigabitEthernet1/2-mpls layer
FastEthernet6/0/3.2000-802.1Q vLAN subif
This code is hit often enough (several times per minute) over huge sets of interfaces (some routers have 50k+ subintefaces), cache doesn't really help much either because new subinterfaces are being configured / discarded very often. The plan is to optimize the regex so that the procedure completes a tad faster (every nanosecond counts). Can you guys enlighten me?
Note: mpls layer and 802.1Q are supported for other kinds of interfaces, unrouted VLANs isn't.
There are some string search algorithms that allow you to try to search in a string of length n for k strings at once cheaper than the obvious O(n*k) cost.
They usually compare a rolling hash against a list of existing hashes of your words. A prime example of this would be the Rabin-Karp algorithm. The wiki page even has a section about this. There are more advanced versions of the principle out there as well, but it's easy to understand the principle.
No idea if there already are libraries in Java that do this (I'd think so), but that's what I'd try - although 5 strings is rather small here (and different size makes it more complex too). So better check whether a good KMP string search isn't faster - I'd think that'd be by far the best solution really (the default java api uses a naive string search, so use a lib)
About your regexes: backtracking regex implementation for performance critical search code? I doubt that's a good idea.
PS: If you'd post a testset and a test harness for your problem, chances are good people would see how much they could beat the favorite - has worked before.. human nature is so easy to trick :)
I'm answering my own question for further reference, although the credits goes to #piotrekkr since he was the one that pointed the way. Also my Kudos to #JB and #ratchet. I ended up using matches(), and the logic using indexOf and several contains was almost as fast (that's news to me, I always assumed that a single regex would be faster than several calls to contains).
Here's a solution that is several times faster (according to the profiler, about 7 times less time is spent at Matcher class methods):
^(?:unrouted VLAN.++|GigabitEthernet.+?-mpls layer|FastEthernet.+?-802\\.1Q vLAN subif)$
If your problem is that you have a number of long string constants you're searching for, i would recommend using a Java analog of the standard C tool "lex".
A quick googling took me to JFlex. I haven't used this particular tool and there may be others available, but that is an example of the kind of tool i would look for.
If you must use regex for this try changing to this one:
^(?:unrouted VLAN)|(?:GigabitEthernet.+?-mpls layer)|(?:FastEthernet.+?-802\.1Q vLAN subif)
^ make engine match from begining of string, not anywhere in string
.+? makes + ungreedy
(?:...) makes () non-capturing group
Are there any Java API(s) which will provide plural form of English words (e.g. cacti for cactus)?
Check Evo Inflector which implements English pluralization algorithm based on Damian Conway paper "An Algorithmic Approach to English Pluralization".
The library is tested against data from Wiktionary and reports 100% success rate for 1000 most used English words and 70% success rate for all the words listed in Wiktionary.
If you want even more accuracy you can take Wiktionary dump and parse it to create the database of singular to plural mappings. Take into account that due to the open nature of Wiktionary some data there might by incorrect.
Example Usage:
English.plural("Facility", 1)); // == "Facility"
English.plural("Facility", 2)); // == "Facilities"
jibx-tools provides a convenient pluralizer/depluralizer.
Groovy test:
NameConverter nameTools = new DefaultNameConverter();
assert nameTools.depluralize("apples") == "apple"
nameTools.pluralize("apple") == "apples"
I know there is simple pluralize() function in Ruby on Rails, maybe you could get that through JRuby. The problem really isn't easy, I saw pages of rules on how to pluralize and it wasn't even complete. Some rules are not algorithmic - they depend on stem origin etc. which isn't easily obtained. So you have to decide how perfect you want to be.
considering java, have a look at modeshapes Inflector-Class as member of the package org.modeshape.common.text. Or google for "inflector" and "randall hauch".
Its hard to find this kind of API. rather you need to find out some websservice which can serve your purpose. Check this. I am not sure if this can help you..
(I tried to put word cacti and got cactus somewhere in the response).
If you can harness javascript, I created a lightweight (7.19 KB) javascript for this. Or you could port my script over to Java. Very easy to use:
pluralizer.run('goose') --> 'geese'
pluralizer.run('deer') --> 'deer'
pluralizer.run('can') --> 'cans'
BTW: It looks like cacti to cactus is a super special conversion (most ppl are going to say '1 cactus' anyway). Easy to add that if you want to. The source code is easy to read / update.
Wolfram|Alpha return a list of inflection forms for a given word.
See this as an example:
And here is their API:
I was just wandering why is the prefix XXX ?
As far as I know its used for notes/reminders (or at least this is what I use it for and that is what the people on most of the links I googled use it for).
So does anyone know where the XXX prefix come from ?
From Sun/Oracle's Java code conventions, section 10.5.4:
Use XXX in a comment to flag something that is bogus but works. Use FIXME to flag something that is bogus and broken.
From the Hacker's Dictionary entry for "XXX":
A marker that attention is needed.
Commonly used in program comments to
indicate areas that are kluged up or
need to be. Some hackers liken `XXX'
to the notional heavy-porn movie
rating. Compare FIXME.
XXX, along with FIXME and TODO, is known in Eclipse as a task tag, and is indexed by the IDE to let you find the spots marked with those tags easily. You can edit such tags in the Eclipse Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Task Tags.
As to where it comes from: it probably emerged form the "tags" that programmers spontaneously wrote in their code to quickly mark a given line. While FIXME and TODO are explicit enough, the reason XXX was used could be a combination of these reasons:
The string "XXX" does not usually occur in regular source code and is easy to look for with tools such as grep or a simple text search in an editor;
Traditionally, "X marks the spot" which needs attention; triple X even more so;
The X key is very close to the Command/Alt/Windows keys and is easy to reach, being on the lower row of the keyboard.
I can't think of anything else...
Various reasons:
It's easy to search for.
No collision, as no sane person would use it as a variable.
It can used to mark code that needs e*X*tra special attention, dangerous code, not to be seen by underaged, etc.
I've worked with a team where XXX was used to point out a "bug or task that was not yet entered in Trac.". After it was entered in Trac the comment would be changed to TODO with the ID appended.
To Eclipse though, it's just a marker like TODO and FIXME. I imagine that it's originally used as a strong form of TODO. You usually see comments like this:
// TODO: Need to optimize this once n becomes greater than 1000.
But sometimes you'll have a comment like:
// TODO: Fix SQL injection bug before production release!
Unfortunately a quick grep wont make that SQL injection bug stand out among the 1000s of other TODOs. Using XXX here would help mark things that must be done before a milestone/release etc.
There's also a reference to it on Wikipedia:
XXX to warn other programmers of problematic or misguiding code.
It bugs me too, because XXX may also be used for masking input or format numbers,
Thus creating multi markers warning when you describe amount format:
* #param amount (XXX or XXX.XX)
public doSomething(String amount) {
Multiple markers at this line
-XXX or
As #Jean-PhilippePellet suggested, you can remove it from
Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Task Tags
Hello everybody :)
I am currently using preon for a spare time project, and I have encountered the following problem: I am trying to read a fixed length String with the following code:
#Bound int string_size;
#ByteAlign #BoundString(size = "string_size") my_string;
The file specification expects a variable padding, so that the next block's offset is a multiple of 4.
For example, if string_size = 5, then 3 null bytes will be added, and so on. I initially thought that the #ByteAlign annotation did exactly this, however, looking into the source code, I realized that it wasn't the case.
I tried to make this quick fix:
#If ("string_size % 4 == 2") #BoundList(size = "2", type = Byte.class) byte[] padding;
Sadly, Limbo doesn't seem to support the "%" operator. Is there a way around this?
(Also, where/how can I get the latest version?)
Thanks in advance.
Preon currently doesn't have a solution for your issue built-in. As you said, it's expression language doesn't have a modulo operator, and it looks like you could use one. You can however implement your own CodecDecorator, which is probably the thing you want to do. You could implement a CodecDecorator that inserts a Codec reading a couple of extrac bytes after it decoded the value.
The latest version of Preon is at Codehaus:
You could checkout the head, but there's also a separate branch called PREON-35 that has the bits for doing what is discussed over here.