Assuming I have
final Iterable<String> unsorted = asList("FOO", "BAR", "PREFA", "ZOO", "PREFZ", "PREFOO");
What can I do to transform this unsorted list into this:
(a list which begin with known values that must appears first (here "PREFA" and "PREFZ") and the rest is alphabetically sorted)
I think there are some usefull classes in guava that can make the job (Ordering, Predicates...), but I have not yet found a solution...
I would keep separate lists.
One for known values and unknown values. And sort them separately, when you need them in a one list you can just concatenate them.
knownUnsorted.addAll(unsorted.size - 1, unknonwUnsorted);
I suggest filling List with your values and using Collections.sort(...).
Something like
Collections.sort(myList, new FunkyComparator());
using this:
class FunkyComparator implements Comparator {
private static Map<String,Integer> orderedExceptions =
new HashMap<String,Integer>(){{
put("PREFZ", Integer.valueOf(1));
put("PREFA", Integer.valueOf(2));
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
String s1 = (String) o1;
String s2 = (String) o2;
Integer i1 = orderedExceptions.get(s1);
Integer i2 = orderedExceptions.get(s2);
if (i1 != null && i2 != null) {
return i1 - i2;
if (i1 != null) {
return -1;
if (i2 != null) {
return +1;
return s1.compareTo(s2);
Note: This is not the most efficient solution. It is just a simple, straightforward solution that gets the job done.
I would first use Collections.sort(list) to sort the list.
Then, I would remove the known items, and add them to the front.
String special = "PREFA";
if (list.remove(special)
list.add(0, special);
Or, if you have a list of array of these values you need in the front you could do:
String[] knownValues = {};
for (String s: knownValues) {
if (list.remove(s))
list.add(0, s);
Since I'm a fan of the guava lib, I wanted to find a solution using it. I don't know if it's efficient, neither if you find it as simple as others solution, but it's here:
final Iterable<String> all = asList("FOO", "BAR", "PREFA", "ZOO", "PREFOO", "PREFZ");
final List<String> mustAppearFirst = asList("PREFZ", "PREFA");
final Iterable<String> sorted =
Ordering.explicit(mustAppearFirst).sortedCopy(filter(all, in(mustAppearFirst))),
Ordering.<String>natural().sortedCopy(filter(all, not(in(mustAppearFirst)))));
You specifically mentioned guava; along with Sylvain M's answer, here's another way (more as an academic exercise and demonstration of guava's flexibility than anything else)
// List is not efficient here; for large problems, something like SkipList
// is more suitable
private static final List<String> KNOWN_INDEXES = asList("PREFZ", "PREFA");
private static final Function<Object, Integer> POSITION_IN_KNOWN_INDEXES
= new Function<Object, Integer>() {
public Integer apply(Object in) {
int index = KNOWN_INDEXES.indexOf(in);
return index == -1 ? null : index;
List<String> values = asList("FOO", "BAR", "PREFA", "ZOO", "PREFZ", "PREFOO");
So, in other words, sort on natural order of the Integer returned by List.indexOf(), then break ties with natural order of the object itself.
Messy, perhaps, but fun.
I would also use Collections.sort(list) but I think I would use a Comparator and within the comparator you could define your own rules, e.g.
class MyComparator implements Comparator<String> {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
// Now you can define the behaviour for your sorting.
// For example your special cases should always come first,
// but if it is not a special case then just use the normal string comparison.
if (o1.equals(SPECIAL_CASE)) {
// Do something special
// etc.
return o1.compareTo(o2);
Then sort by doing:
Collections.sort(list, new MyComparator());
I have a collection of strings in an array like this:
ArrayList<String> collection = new ArrayList<>();
That stores:
collection: ["(,0,D=1", "(,1,D=2", "),2,D=2", "),3,D=1", "(,4,D=1", "(,5,D=2", "),6,D=2", "),7,D=1"]
I have a lot of d=1 and d=2, as you can see. How do I organize this from 1 first to 2? I tried to use a for loop but the list can contain an infinite number of d=x's. Can you help me organize?
Also, please help me so I don't change the ORDER of any numbers. Example:
collection: ["(,0,D=1", "),3,D=1", "(,4,D=1", "),7,D=1", "(,1,D=2", "),2,D=2", "(,5,D=2", "),6,D=2"]
So like, every parentheses will be aligned.
I should note that collection[0] = "(,0,D=1"
You should use a class for the items, not a string, e.g. Class Item {char c; int i; int depth;} and ArrayList. Then you can easily sort the list with a custom Comparator.
You can implement your own Comparator to do the sorting. A Comparator is a sorting algorithms that you define for your application which written in programming language. Give Collections.sort() a Comparator basically you teach Java how you want to sort the list. And it will sort the list for you.
This implementation is based on the following assumptions:
The comparison will only take effect on the first D=x pattern, subsequent will be ignored.
Element is sorted in ascending order base on x.
Elements do not have D=x will be placed at the back
class DeeEqualComparator implements Comparator<String> {
private static final String REGEX = "D=([0-9])+";
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
// find a D=x pattern from the element
Matcher s1Matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX).matcher(s1);
Matcher s2Matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX).matcher(s2);
boolean s1Match = s1Matcher.find();
boolean s2Match = s2Matcher.find();
if (s1Match && s2Match) {
// if match is found on s1 and s2, return their integer comparison result
Integer i1 = Integer.parseInt(;
Integer i2 = Integer.parseInt(;
return i1.compareTo(i2);
} else if (s1Match) {
// if only s1 found a match
return -1;
} else if (s2Match) {
// if only s2 found a match
return 1;
} else {
// if no match is found on both, return their string comparison result
return s1.compareTo(s2);
Test run
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] array = {
// provided example
"(,0,D=1", "(,1,D=2", "),2,D=2", "),3,D=1", "(,4,D=1", "(,5,D=2", "),6,D=2", "),7,D=1"
// extra test case
, "exception-5", "exception-0", "D=68" };
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(array);
Collections.sort(list, new DeeEqualComparator());
[(,0,D=1, ),3,D=1, (,4,D=1, ),7,D=1, (,1,D=2, ),2,D=2, (,5,D=2, ),6,D=2, D=68, exception-0, exception-5]
What I need is to order a list in a custom way, I'm looking into the correct way and found guava's Ordering api but the thing is that the list I'm ordering is not always going to be the same, and I just need 2 fields to be at the top of the list, for example I have this:
List<AccountType> accountTypes = new ArrayList<>();
AccountType accountType = new AccountType();
accountType.type = "tfsa";
AccountType accountType2 = new AccountType();
accountType2.type = "rrsp";
AccountType accountType3 = new AccountType();
accountType3.type = "personal";
//The order I might have is : ["personal", "rrsp", "tfsa"]
//The order I need is first "rrsp" then "tfsa" then anything else
I tried with a custom comparator and using Ordering in Guava library, something like this:
public static class SupportedAccountsComparator implements Comparator<AccountType> {
Ordering<String> ordering = Ordering.explicit(ImmutableList.of("rrsp", "tfsa"));
public int compare(AccountType o1, AccountType o2) {
return, o2.type);
but it throws an exception because explicit ordering doesnt support other items that are not in the list you provided, is there a way to do a partial explicit ordering? something like:
Ordering.explicit(ImmutableList.of("rrsp", "tfsa")).anythingElseWhatever();
You don't need Guava for this, everything you need is in the Collections API.
Assuming AccountType implements Comparable, you can just provide a Comparator that returns minimum values for "tfsa" and "rrsp", but leaves the rest of the sorting to AccountType's default comparator:
Comparator<AccountType> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
if(Objects.equals(o1.type, "rrsp")) return -1;
else if(Objects.equals(o2.type, "rrsp")) return 1;
else if(Objects.equals(o1.type, "tfsa")) return -1;
else if(Objects.equals(o2.type, "tfsa")) return 1;
else return o1.compareTo(o2);
If you don't want your other items sorted, just provide a default comparator that always returns 0.
Here's a Comparator solution that uses a List of strings to represent your sorting order. Change your sorting order by merely changing the order of the strings in your sortOrder list.
Comparator<AccountType> accountTypeComparator = (at1, at2) -> {
List<String> sortOrder = Arrays.asList(
int i1 = sortOrder.contains(at1.type) ? sortOrder.indexOf(at1.type) : sortOrder.size();
int i2 = sortOrder.contains(at2.type) ? sortOrder.indexOf(at2.type) : sortOrder.size();
return i1 - i2;
Is there a tool or library to find duplicate entries in a Collection according to specific criteria that can be implemented?
To make myself clear: I want to compare the entries to each other according to specific criteria. So I think a Predicate returning just true or false isn't enough.
I can't use equals.
It depends on the semantic of the criterion:
If your criterion is always the same for a given class, and is inherent to the underlying concept, you should just implement equals and hashCode and use a set.
If your criterion depend on the context,, org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate) might be the right solution for you.
If you want to find duplicates, rather than just removing them, one approach would be to throw the Collection into an array, sort the array via a Comparator that implements your criteria, then linearly walk through the array, looking for adjacent duplicates.
Here's a sketch (not tested):
MyComparator myComparator = new MyComparator();
MyType[] myArray = myList.toArray();
Arrays.sort( myArray, myComparator );
for ( int i = 1; i < myArray.length; ++i ) {
if ( 0 == myArray[i - 1], myArray[i] )) {
// Found a duplicate!
Edit: From your comment, you just want to know if there are duplicates. The approach above works for this too. But you could more simply just create a java.util.SortedSet with a custom Comparator. Here's a sketch:
MyComparator myComparator = new MyComparator();
TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet( myComparator );
treeSet.addAll( myCollection );
boolean containsDuplicates = (treeSet.size() != myCollection.size());
You can adapt a Java set to search for duplicates among objects of an arbitrary type: wrap your target class in a private wrapper that evaluates equality based on your criteria, and construct a set of wrappers.
Here is a somewhat lengthy example that illustrates the technique. It considers two people with the same first name to be equal, and so it detects three duplicates in the array of five objects.
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class Main {
static class Person {
private String first;
private String last;
public String getFirst() {return first;}
public String getLast() {return last;}
public Person(String f, String l) {
first = f;
last = l;
public String toString() {
return first+" "+last;
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();
people.add(new Person("John", "Smith"));
people.add(new Person("John", "Scott"));
people.add(new Person("Jack", "First"));
people.add(new Person("John", "Walker"));
people.add(new Person("Jack", "Black"));
Set<Object> seen = new HashSet<Object>();
for (Person p : people) {
final Person thisPerson = p;
class Wrap {
public int hashCode() { return thisPerson.getFirst().hashCode(); }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
Wrap other = (Wrap)o;
return other.wrapped().getFirst().equals(thisPerson.getFirst());
public Person wrapped() { return thisPerson; }
Wrap wrap = new Wrap();
if (seen.add(wrap)) {
System.out.println(p + " is new");
} else {
System.out.println(p + " is a duplicate");
You can play with this example on ideone [link].
You could use a map and while iterating over the collection put the elements into the map (the predicates would form the key) and if there's already an entry you've found a duplicate.
For more information see here: Finding duplicates in a collection
I've created a new interface akin to the IEqualityComparer<T> interface in .NET.
Such a EqualityComparator<T> I then pass to the following method which detects duplicates.
public static <T> boolean hasDuplicates(Collection<T> collection,
EqualsComparator<T> equalsComparator) {
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(collection);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
T object1 = list.get(i);
for (int j = (i + 1); j < list.size(); j++) {
T object2 = list.get(j);
if (object1 == object2
|| equalsComparator.equals(object1, object2)) {
return true;
return false;
This way I can customise the comparison to my needs.
Treeset allows you to do this easily:
Set uniqueItems = new TreeSet<>(yourComparator);
List<?> duplicates = -> !uniqueItems.add(o)).collect(Collectors.toList());
yourComarator is used when calling uniqueItems.add(o), which adds the item to the set and returns true if the item is unique. If the comparator considers the item a duplicate, add(o) will return false.
Note that the item's equals method must be consistent with yourComarator as per the TreeSet documentation for this to work.
Iterate the ArrayList which contains duplicates and add them to the HashSet. When the add method returns false in the HashSet just log the duplicate to the console.
I have an unsorted list but I want to sort in a custom way i.e.
Here is my predefined order : primary, secondary, last
Above unordered list once the ordering is applied should look like this :
I tried something with comparator but I end up something like this :
Does anyone have an idea how to get this sorted?
Here is some code I've used :
List<String> predefinedOrder;
public MyComparator(String[] predefinedOrder) {
this.predefinedOrder = Arrays.asList(predefinedOrder);
public int compare(String item1, String item2) {
return predefinedOrder.indexOf(item1) - predefinedOrder.indexOf(item2);
I didn't include the splits(first split by dot(.) second split by underscore(_) to get the item in pre-ordered list).
You have to use a Comparator that checks first the item number and only if they are equal, check your predefined order.
Try something like this:
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
String s1 = (String) o1;
String s2 = (String) o2;
String[] a1 = s1.split("_");
String[] a2 = s2.split("_");
/* If the primary elements of order are equal the result is
the order of the second elements of order */
if (a1[1].compareTo(a2[1]) == 0) {
return a1[2].compareTo(a2[2]);
/* If they are not equal, we just order by the primary elements */
} else {
return a1[1].compareTo(a2[1]);
This is just a basic example, some extra error checking would be nice.
A solution using the Google Guava API yields a simple and readable result:
// some values
List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList("item_one_primary", "item_one_secondary", "item_one_last");
// define an explicit ordering that uses the result of a function over the supplied list
Ordering o = Ordering.explicit("primary", "secondary", "last").onResultOf(new Function<String, String>() {
// the function splits a values by '_' and uses the last element (primary, secondary etc.)
public String apply(String input) {
return Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on("_").split(input)).getLast();
// the ordered result
System.out.println("o.sortedCopy(list); = " + o.sortedCopy(list));
I have an array of filenames and need to sort that array by the extensions of the filename. Is there an easy way to do this?
Arrays.sort(filenames, new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
// the +1 is to avoid including the '.' in the extension and to avoid exceptions
// EDIT:
// We first need to make sure that either both files or neither file
// has an extension (otherwise we'll end up comparing the extension of one
// to the start of the other, or else throwing an exception)
final int s1Dot = s1.lastIndexOf('.');
final int s2Dot = s2.lastIndexOf('.');
if ((s1Dot == -1) == (s2Dot == -1)) { // both or neither
s1 = s1.substring(s1Dot + 1);
s2 = s2.substring(s2Dot + 1);
return s1.compareTo(s2);
} else if (s1Dot == -1) { // only s2 has an extension, so s1 goes first
return -1;
} else { // only s1 has an extension, so s1 goes second
return 1;
For completeness: java.util.Arrays and java.util.Comparator.
If I remember correctly, the Arrays.sort(...) takes a Comparator<> that it will use to do the sorting. You can provide an implementation of it that looks at the extension part of the string.
You can implement a custom Comparator of Strings. Make it sort them by the substring after the last index of '.'. Then pass in the comparator and your array into
Arrays.sort(stringArray, yourComparator);
// An implementation of the compare method
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
return o1.substring(o1.lastIndexOf('.')).compareTo(o2.substring(o2.lastIndexOf('.'));
Comparators are often hard to get exactly right, and the comparison key has to be generated for every comparison which for most sorting algorithms mean O(n log n). Another approach is to create (key, value) pairs for each item you need to sort, put them in a TreeMap, and then ask for the values as these are sorted according to the key.
For instance
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class Bar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeMap<String, String> m2 = new TreeMap<String, String>();
for (String string : Arrays.asList(new String[] { "#3", "#2", "#1" })) {
String key = string.substring(string.length() - 1);
String value = string;
m2.put(key, value);
prints out
[#1, #2, #3]
You should easily be able to adapt the key calculation to your problem.
This only calculates the key once per entry, hence O(n) - (but the sort is still O(n log n)). If the key calculation is expensive or n is large this might be quite measurable.
Create a Comparator and compare the string extensions. Take a look at the following
Then pass in your List of strings to Arrays.sort(List, Comparator)
Create your own Comparator that treats the strings as filenames and compares them based on the extensions. Then use Arrays.sort with the Comparator argument.
String DELIMETER = File.separator + ".";
List<String> orginalList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(listOfFileNames));
Set<String> setOfuniqueExtension = new TreeSet<>();
for (String item : listOfFileNames) {
if (item.contains(".")) {
String[] split = item.split(DELIMETER);
String temp = "." + split[split.length - 1];
List<String> finalListOfAllFiles = new LinkedList<>(); -> {
for (int i = 0; i < orginalList.size(); i++) {
if (orginalList.get(i).contains(s1)) {
}); -> (!finalListOfAllFiles.contains(s1))).forEach((s1) -> {
return finalListOfAllFiles;
If you just want to group the files by their extension and do not care about the actual alphabetical order, you can use this:
I think the simplest thing you can do that also works when the filenname does not have a "." is to just reverse the names and compare them.
Arrays.sort(ary, new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
String r1 = new StringBuffer(o1).reverse().toString();
String r2 = new StringBuffer(o2).reverse().toString();
return r1.compareTo(r2);
Its a shame that java's string does not even have a reverse().