Reverse bits in number - java

For example, I have the binary number 1011 which is equal to decimal 11. I want the reverse bit's location such that it become 1101, which is decimal 13. Here is code:
import java.util.*;
public class bits {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("enter x:");
int x=scnr.nextInt();
int b=0;
while (x!=0){
b|=( x &1);
But when I enter x 11 then it prints 26. What is the mistake?

You are shifting b one time too many. Do the shift first (so that the first time, when b == 0, it has no effect):
while (x!=0){
b|=( x &1);

Slightly offtopic. There's also the option of the built-in bit reversing features of Java.
EDIT: This assumes you're using Java 1.5 or newer.

Use >>>= instead of >>=
If you want to change method signature to public static byte reverse(byte in) this will not work on negative values because there is implicit cast to int.

The program do not work for input like 1, 2
int reverseBits(int x)
int b = 0;
while (x != 0)
b <<= 1;
b |= ( x & 1);
x >>= 1
return b;
input 1 output 1, should be 8 right?
input 2 output 1, should be 4.

Note for beginners: I use hexadecimal (0-9 and A-F) because one hexadecimal digit maps to 4 binary bits perfectly. Instead of writing 1010, I use A (10 decimal). You can tell Java to use hexadecimal (literals) by starting with 0x as in 0x0A.
As stated before, 1 should output 8 (0001 to 1000).
So instead of while(x!=0), the code needs to shift the first bit as far as the length of the bits needed in this example it is 4.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // not while (x!=0){
b|=( x &1);
Hex convert 0-F: 0=0 1=8 2=4 3=C 4=2 5=A 6=6 7=E 8=1 9=9 A=5 B=D C=3 D=B E=7 F=F
Or full 8 bit example:
public static byte reverse(byte x) {
byte b = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
b|=( x &1);
return b;
public static void main(String args[]) {
byte[] nums = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
(byte) 0xAA, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xFF };
for (byte b : nums) {
System.out.printf("%02X=%02X ", b, reverse(b));
00=00 01=80 02=40 03=C0 04=20 05=A0 06=60 07=E0 08=10
09=90 0A=50 0B=D0 0C=30 0D=B0 0E=70 0F=F0 10=08 11=88 AA=55 FE=7F FF=FF

b is shifted left once too often. I expect input 1 to result in output 2. Move the Shift two lines up.

you shifted b once too many. try shifting b to the left before doing the |=:
while (x!=0){
b|=( x &1);

You're left shifting b one time more than required. Add b >>= 1 after your while loop.


The result is twice as much as expected so the last left shift operation (one left shift doubles the value) is too much.

It is safe to use the unsigned right shift operator (>>>) in the while loop to obviate the danger of running into an infinite loop for -ve numbers.
while (x!=0){
b|=( x &1);

My new java code reverse bits in an integer using java with powerful bit manipulation. It is working with positive, negative and zero values. Hope it helps.
public static int reverseDigits(int num) throws Exception {
if (num == 0) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE | Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int count = Integer.SIZE * 8 - 1;
int reversed = num;
boolean positive = true;
if (num < 0) {
positive = false;
if (positive) num >>= 1;
while(num != 0) {
reversed <<= 1;
reversed |= (num & 1);
num >>>= 1;
if (positive) reversed <<= count;
return reversed;
You can represent bits in integer with my other bit manipulation code in java what print zeroes on the left:
Because Integer.toBinaryString() will hide the zeroes on the left.
Metal |,,|

// i/p=3
// o/p=3221225472
// Clearly observe the 1L while doing the left shift, if ignored it will fail to return the expected output dur to mismatch in bit size.
public static long reverse(long n) {
long rev = 0;
for(int i = 31; i >=0; i--){
if((n & 1<<i) != 0){
rev = rev | 1L<<(31-i);
return rev;


Plus one leetcode

I am doing a question on leetcode, 66. Plus One.
You are given a large integer represented as integer array digits, where each digits[i] is the ith digit of the integer. The digits are ordered from most significant to least significant in left-to-right order. The large integer does not contain any leading 0's.
Increment the large integer by one and return the resulting array of digits.
Example 1
Input: digits = [1,2,3]
Output: [1,2,4]
Explanation: The array represents the integer 123.
Incrementing by one gives 123 + 1 = 124.
Thus, the result should be [1,2,4].
My solution is:
class Solution {
public int[] plusOne(int[] digits) {
int num = 0;
for (int a : digits) {
num = 10*num + a;
int n=num+1;
String str=String.valueOf(n);
int arr[]=new int[str.length()];
for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
return arr;
I am getting many test cases failed, one being:
Can anyone help me with it?
Think before you leap. And consider the edges.
Why would they do the seemingly idiotic move of storing an number, digit by digit, in an int array? Makes no sense, right?
Except... computers aren't magic. int can't represent any number. A computer's storage is not infinite. Specifically, an int covers 32 bits (4 bytes), and thus can only represent at most 2^32 different numbers. int 'uses' its alloted space of 2^32 by dividing it evenly amongst positive and negative numbers, but negative numbers get one more (because the '0' is in the positive space). In other words, all numbers from -2^31 to +2^31-1, inclusive.
9876543210 is larger than that.
You're trying to turn that array of digits into an int and that is a dead end. Once you do that, you get wrong answers and there is no fixing this. your algorithm is wrong. You can figure this stuff out, and you should always do that with leetcode-style problems, by first carefully reading the assignment. The assignment covers the limits. It says how large these arrays can be, and I'm sure it says that they can be quite large; large enough that the number inside it is larger than 2^31-1. Probably larger than 2^63-1 (which a long can reach).
Then you know the algorithm you need to write can't involve 'turn it into an int first'. That's usually the point (many problems are trivial if small, but become interesting once you make things large).
The algorithm they want you to write must not involve any conversion whatsoever. Increment the array in place. This isn't hard (just think about it: without converting anything, how do you turn [1, 2, 3] into [1, 2, 4]? That should be simple. Then think about how to deal with [1, 9, 9]. Finally, think about how to deal with [9, 9, 9]. Then you've covered all the cases and you have your answer.
In continuation to the detailed explanation of rzwitserloot, in case you are interested in code for the problem.
class Solution {
public int[] plusOne(int[] digits) {
int size = digits.length;
int i=0;
for(i = size-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--){
if (digits[i] != 9) {
digits[i] += 1;
} else {
digits[i] = 0;
if(i == -1) {
int[] newDigits = new int[size+1];
newDigits[0] = 1;
return newDigits;
return digits;
This is a pretty trivial task, but in some test cases the value is too high to represent even as long, so the best candidate is BigInteger.
public int[] plusOne(int[] digits) {
BigInteger val = BigInteger.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < digits.length; i++)
val = val.multiply(BigInteger.TEN).add(BigInteger.valueOf(digits[i]));
val = val.add(BigInteger.ONE);
String str = val.toString();
digits = str.length() == digits.length ? digits : new int[str.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < digits.length; i++)
digits[i] = str.charAt(i) - '0';
return digits;
P.S. Sure, you can do this without BigInteger.
public int[] plusOne(int[] digits) {
boolean carry = true;
for (int i = digits.length - 1; carry && i >= 0; i--) {
carry = digits[i] == 9;
digits[i] = carry ? 0 : digits[i] + 1;
if (carry) {
int[] tmp = new int[digits.length + 1];
tmp[0] = 1;
System.arraycopy(digits, 0, tmp, 1, digits.length);
digits = tmp;
return digits;
Think about a mileage counter in a car. How does it work?
Whenever a 9 turns around, it turns the number left to it too.
So for incrementing by one, you'd start from the right, increment by one and if you incremented it to a 10, set it to a 0 instead and continue with the next digit to the left. If you reached the leftmost digit and still didnt finish, add a 1 to the left and set everything else to 0.
9 <- incremented rightmost
10 <- 9 turned to a 10, leftmost digit reached, add a 1 to the left and set everything else to 0
19 <- incremented rightmost
20 <- 9 turned to a 10, set to 0 instead, increment the next one to the left (1 -> 2), finished
109 <- incremented rightmost
110 <- 9 turned to a 10, set to 0 instead, increment the next one to the left (1 -> 2), finished
999 <- incremented rightmost
1000 <- 9 turned to a 10, set to 0 instead, increment the next one to the left, turned to a 10 too, set to 0 instead, ...
class Scratch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] digits = new int[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
digits = plusOne(digits);
public static int[] plusOne(int[] digits) {
boolean finished = false;
for (int i = digits.length - 1; !finished && i >= 0; i--) {
if (++digits[i] % 10 == 0) {
digits[i] = 0;
} else {
finished = true;
if (!finished) {
// not finished after exiting the loop: every digit was turned from a 9 to a 10 -> we need one digit more
// initialize a new array with a length of 1 more digit, set the leftmost (index 0) to 1 (everything else is 0 by default)
digits = new int[digits.length + 1];
digits[0] = 1;
return digits;
plus one in leetcode solve on dart language
class Solution {
List<int> plusOne(List<int> digits) {
for(int i=digits.length - 1; i>=0; i--){
if(digits[i] < 9){
return digits;
List<int> ans = List.filled(digits.length+1, 0);
return ans;
Here is my solution:
Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Plus One.
Memory Usage: 40.8 MB, less than 92.31% of Java online submissions for Plus One. for Plus One.
public int[] plusOne(int[] digits) {
for(int i=digits.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
if(digits[i]<9) {
return digits;
}else {
if(i==0) {
digits= new int[digits.length+1];
return digits;
My solution:
Runtime: 0 ms, Memory Usage: 2.1 MB,
play.golang link:
// function to add one digit based on diff scenarios
func plusOne(digits []int) []int {
i := len(digits) - 1
// while the index is valid and the value at [i] ==
// 9 set it as 0 and move index to previous value
for i >= 0 && digits[i] == 9 {
digits[i] = 0
if i < 0 {
//leveraging golang's simplicity with append internal method for array
return append([]int{1}, digits...)
} else {
return digits

How to put numbers to array in while loop in java?

I am trying to add two binary numbers and then get their sum in binary system. I got their sum in decimal and now I am trying to turn it into binary. But there is problem that when I take their sum (in decimal) and divide by 2 and find remainders(in while loop), I need to put remainders into array in order print its reverse. However, there is an error in array part. Do you have any suggestions with my code? Thanks in advance.
Here is my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ex1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int n = scan.nextInt();
int m = scan.nextInt();
int k = dec1(n)+dec2(m);
int i=0,c;
int[] arr= {};
while(k>0) {
c = k % 2;
k = k / 2;
arr[i++]=c; //The problem is here. It shows some //error
while (i >= 0) {
public static int dec1(int n) {
int a,i=0;
int dec1 = 0;
while(n>0) {
dec1= dec1 + (int) (a * Math.pow(2, i));
return dec1;
public static int dec2(int m) {
int b,j=0;
int dec2 = 0;
while(m>0) {
dec2= dec2 + (int) (b * Math.pow(2, j));
return dec2;
int[] arr= {};
creates an empty array. Arrays don't grow dynamically in Java. So any attempt to access any index of arr will result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception. Because empty arrays have no "index in bounds" at all.
first ask the user for the count of numbers he wants to enter
then go like: int[] arr = new int[targetCountProvidedByUser];
The "more" real answer would be to use List<Integer> numbersFromUsers = new ArrayList<>(); as such Collection classes allow for dynamic adding/removing of elements. But for a Java newbie, you better learn how to deal with arrays first.
Why are you using two different methods to do the same conversion? All you need is one.
You could have done this in the main method.
int k = dec1(n)+dec1(m);
Instead of using Math.pow which returns a double and needs to be cast, another alternative is the following:
int dec = 0;
int mult = 1;
int bin = 10110110; // 128 + 48 + 6 = 182.
while (bin > 0) {
// get the right most bit
int bit = (bin % 10);
// validate
if (bit < 0 || bit > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a binary number");
// Sum up each product, multiplied by a running power of 2.
// this is required since bits are taken from the right.
dec = dec + mult * bit;
bin /= 10;
mult *= 2; // next power of 2
System.out.println(dec); // prints 182
An alternative to that is to use a String to represent the binary number and take the bits from the left (high order position).
String bin1 = "10110110";
int dec1 = 0;
// Iterate over the characters, left to right (high to low)
for (char b : bin1.toCharArray()) {
// convert to a integer by subtracting off character '0'.
int bit = b - '0';
// validate
if (bit < 0 || bit > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a binary number");
// going left to right, first multiply by 2 and then add the bit
// Each time thru, the sum will be multiplied by 2 which shifts everything left
// one bit.
dec1 = dec1 * 2 + bit;
System.out.println(dec1); // prints 182
One possible way to display the result in binary is to use a StringBuilder and simply insert the converted bits to characters.
public static String toBin(int dec) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (dec > 0) {
// by inserting at 0, the bits end up in
// correct order. Adding '0' to the low order
// bit of dec converts to a character.
sb.insert(0, (char) ((dec & 1) + '0'));
// shift right for next bit to convert.
dec >>= 1;
return sb.toString();

Dealing with padding when using `Integer.toBinaryString()` in Java

I want to implement Method2 for this problem but I have one issue. I dont know how have to divide the numbers from the array in two groups (ones that have '1' at specified position in their binary representation, and ones that dont have) I thought that I have to use Integer.toBinaryString() for each number in the array with the following method:
private static boolean hasOne(int number, int i) {
String s = Integer.toBinaryString(number);
if(s.charAt(i) == '1')
return true;
return false;
But the problem is that not every numbers have the same length in their binary representations and the method doesnt work correctly. How can I handle this? I.e. how can I deal with the padding?
It's actually very close to what you've got. Let's say you're checking for a binary value at position 6. That would be..
Easiest thing to do is, before you check if the value is 1 or 0, just check that the size of the binary string is larger than the index.
if(s.length() <= i) {
return false;
Since you're having trouble taking the extra step of explicitly converting to binary and finding the set bit there, just know that the provided code ports simply to java, since it's mainly bitwise operations:
public static void main (String[] args)
int arr[] = {2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 2, 3, 11};
int xor = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
xor ^= arr[i];
int set_bit_no = xor & ~(xor-1);
int x = 0, y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if ((arr[i] & set_bit_no) != 0) {
x ^= arr[i];
} else {
y ^= arr[i];
System.out.println(x); // prints 7
System.out.println(y); // prints 9
First off, you can pad your binary string with a combination of String.format and replace:
String s = String.format("%32s", Integer.toBinaryString(number)).replace(' ', '0');
You can also use bitwise operators in order to determine whether a given number's binary representation has a 1 in a certain spot.
For example, consider the decimal number x = 20, which is 10100 in binary. Further suppose that you want to determine whether the binary number has a 1 in the third spot from the right n = 3. You can use bit shifting >> to shift the binary sequence to the right two times n - 1, and then mask & it with 1.
The resulting expression will look like (20 >> 2) & 1, and will evaluate to one if there is indeed a 1 in the third spot from the right, or a zero if it doesn't. In this case, it evaluates to 1.
So you can further generalize this to:
private static boolean hasOne(int number, int i) {
return ((number >> (i - 1)) & 1) == 1;
You can learn more about bitwise and bitshift operators in the Java Tutorials.

how to get absolute value of a number in java using bit manipulation

I want to implement a function to get the absolute value of a number in java: do nothing if it is positive, if it is negative, convert to positive.
I want to do this only using bit manipulations and no number comparators.
Please help
Well a negation:
Is the same as the two's complement:
~n + 1
The problem is here you only want to negate if the value is < 0. You can find that out by using a logical shift to see if the MSB is set:
n >>> 31
A complement would be the same as an XOR with all 1's, something like (for a 4-bit integer):
~1010 == 1010 ^ 1111
And we can get a mask with the arithmetic right shift:
n >> 31
Absolute value says:
if n is < 0, negate it (take the complement and add 1 to it)
else, do nothing to it
So putting it together we can do the following:
static int abs(int n) {
return (n ^ (n >> 31)) + (n >>> 31);
Which computes:
if n is < 0, XOR it with all 1's and add 1 to it
else, XOR it with all 0's and add 0 to it
I'm not sure there's an easy way to do it without the addition. Addition involves any number of carries, even for a simple increment.
For example 2 + 1 has no carry:
10 + 1 == 11
But 47 + 1 has 4 carries:
101111 + 1 == 110000
Doing the add and carry with bitwise/bit shifts would basically just be a loop unroll and pointless.
Just to be silly, here is an increment and carry:
static int abs(int n) {
int s = n >>> 31;
n ^= n >> 31;
int c;
do {
c = (n & s) << 1;
n ^= s;
} while((s = c) != 0);
return n;
The way it works is it flips the first bit, then keeps flipping until it finds a 0. So then the job is just to unroll the loop. The loop body can be represented by a somewhat ridiculous compound one-liner.
static int abs(int n) {
int s = n >>> 31;
n ^= n >> 31;
int c = (n & s) << 1;
c = ((n ^= s) & (s = c)) << 1; // repeat this line 30 more times
n ^= s;
return n;
So there's an abs using only bitwise and bit shifts.
These aren't faster than Math.abs. Math.abs just returns n < 0 ? -n : n which is trivial. And actually the loop unroll totally sucks in comparison. Just a curiosity I guess. Here's my benchmark:
Math.abs: 4.627323150634766ns
shift/xor/add abs: 6.729459762573242ns
loop abs: 12.028789520263672ns
unrolled abs: 32.47122764587402ns
bit hacks abs: 6.380939483642578ns
(The bit hacks abs is the non-patented one shown here which is basically the same idea as mine except a little harder to understand.)
you can turn a two's-compliment number positive or negative by taking it's logical negation
i = ~i; // i equals not i
You can use the Math.max() function to always get the positive
public static int abs(int i) {
return Math.max(i,~i);
This depends on what type of number you are using. For an int, use
int sign = i >> 31;
This gets the sign bit, which is 0 for positive numbers, and 1 for negative numbers. For other primitive types, replace 31 with the number of bits used for the primitive minus 1.
You can then use that sign in your if statement.
if (sign == 1)
i = ~i + 1;
I think you'll find that this little ditty is what you're looking for:
int abs(int v) {
int mask = v >> Integer.SIZE - 1;
return v + mask ^ mask;
It's based on Bit Twiddling Hacks absolute value equation and uses no comparison operations. If you aren't allowed to use addition, then (v ^ mask) - mask is an alternative. The value of this function is fairly questionable; since it's nearly as clear as the implementation of Math.abs and it's only marginally faster (at least on a i7):
v + mask ^ mask: 2.0844380704220384 abs/ns
(v ^ mask) - mask: 2.0819764093030244 abs/ns
Math.abs: 2.2636355843860656 abs/ns
Here's a test that proves that it works over the entire range of integers (the test runs in less than 2 minutes on an i7 processor under Java 7 update 51):
package test;
import org.hamcrest.core.Is;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AbsTest {
public void test() {
long processedCount = 0L;
long numberOfIntegers = 1L << Integer.SIZE; //4294967296L
int value;
for (value = Integer.MIN_VALUE; processedCount < numberOfIntegers; value++) {
Assert.assertEquals((long) abs(value), (long) StrictMath.abs(value));
if (processedCount % 1_000_000L == 0L) {
Assert.assertThat(value - 1,;
private static int abs(int v) {
int mask = v >> Integer.SIZE - 1;
return v + mask ^ mask;
This problem can be broken down into 2 simple steps:
If >= 0 then just return the number.
If smaller than 0 (ie. negative), then flip the first bit that indicates that the number is negative. This can easily be done with an XOR operation with -1 and the number; Then simply add +1 to deal with the offset (signed integers start at -1 not 0).
public static int absolute(int a) {
if (a >= 0) {
return a;
} else {
return (a ^ -1) + 1;

Storing int value of bitmask - extract 1 valued bits

I am calculating the int equivalent of a given set of bits and storing that in memory. From there, I would like to determine all 1 value bits from the original bitmask. Example:
33 --> [1,6]
97 --> [1,6,7]
Ideas for an implementation in Java?
On BitSet
Use java.util.BitSet to store, well, a set of bits.
Here's how you can convert from an int to a BitSet, based on which bits in the int is set:
static BitSet fromInt(int num) {
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
for (int k = 0; k < Integer.SIZE; k++) {
if (((num >> k) & 1) == 1) {
return bs;
So now you can do the following:
System.out.println(fromInt(33)); // prints "{0, 5}"
System.out.println(fromInt(97)); // prints "{0, 5, 6}"
And just for completeness, here's the reverse transformation:
static int toInt(BitSet bs) {
int num = 0;
for (int k = -1; (k = bs.nextSetBit(k + 1)) != -1; ) {
num |= (1 << k);
return num;
So composing both together, we always get back the original number:
System.out.println(toInt(fromInt(33))); // prints "33"
System.out.println(toInt(fromInt(97))); // prints "97"
On 0-based indexing
Note that this uses 0-based indexing, which is the more commonly used indexing for bits (and most everything else in Java). This is also more correct. In the following, ^ denotes exponentiation:
33 = 2^0 + 2^5 = 1 + 32 97 = 2^0 + 2^5 + 2^6 = 1 + 32 + 64
33 -> {0, 5} 97 -> {0, 5, 6}
If you insist on using 1-based indexing, however, you can use bs.set(k+1); and (1 << (k-1)) in the above snippets. I would advise strongly against this recommendation, however.
Related questions
What does the ^ operator do in Java? -- it's actually not exponentiation
For bit fiddling, java.lang.Integer has some very helpful static methods. Try this code as a starting base for your problem:
public int[] extractBitNumbers(int value) {
// determine how many ones are in value
int bitCount = Integer.bitCount(value);
// allocate storage
int[] oneBits = new int[bitCount];
int putIndex = 0;
// loop until no more bits are set
while (value != 0) {
// find the number of the lowest set bit
int bitNo = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(value);
// store the bit number in array
oneBits[putIndex++] = bitNo+1;
// clear the bit we just processed from the value
value &= ~(1 << bitNo);
return oneBits;
I can show you C# implementation, Java should be very similar.
int value = 33;
int index = 1;
while (value > 0)
if ((value % 2) == 1)
value /= 2;
If you want to get an array like that you'll likely need to loop the number of bits you want to check & the integer with a bit shifted 1 for each step.
Something like (pseudo):
Init array
mask = 1
for (0 to BitCount):
if Integer & mask
array[] = pos
mask << 1
A bit-crunching variation would be something like:
int[] getBits(int value) {
int bitValue = 1;
int index = 1;
int[] bits = new int[33];
while (value >= bitValue)
bits[index++] = (value & bitValue);
bitValue << 1; // or: bitValue *= 2;
return bits;
Note that since the bits are indexed from 1 as you requested, bits[0] is left unused.
