CXF SSL secured Web Service client with multiple certificates - java

I have a Java CXF client that connects to a SSL secured Web Service with mutual authentication.
I have my keystore and my truststore properly configured on the client-side and it works fine.
I am concerned here by the fact that my keystore contains only one client certificate and on the CXF configuration it is not possible to say "ok for this SSL communication you'll use this certificate".
As I only have one certificate it's not difficult to choose the good one for CXF durign SSL handshake.
But this client will be deployed in a environment where it will be used with multiple possible client having their own certificate and each of them will be signed by the same certification authority. When the server will ask for a client certificate that is signed by a specific authority, there will be no way to distinguish one certificate from another.
How can I tell CXF (or Java) to use the proper certificate in this context?
Do I need to build as many SSL context as client certificates? (ie. having N keystore each of them containing only one certificate).
Or is there a way (in CXF conf or in Java) to say "use this certificate in this context"?
Thanks in advance for your help.

All the certificates must refer to the same client, otherwise the CAs are derelect in their duty. So they should all have for example the same subjectX500Principal. So why do you need a specific certificate? All of them identify the same client, so from an authentication point of view they are all equivalent.
It's starting to sound as though you want to use a particular certificate for authorization purposes, not just to establish identity via authentication. If so it is the wrong approach, a misuse of PKI. Authorization is an application-controlled step once you have an authenticated identity: get the identity of of the peer certificate and look up your authorization database to see if that identity is allowed to access this part of the application. Don't try to use a cacerts file as an authorization database, that's not what it's for.

I don't know if this is an option for you but I've done dynamic alias selection using WSIT before (i.e. one keystore, many private key entries). See this article for more detail. (Let me know if that article isn't enough - I can post more detail if you need)


How to include a SSL certificate in the rest call

Hi i am new to security domain. So please let me know if i am missing something very obvious.
I am trying to create an application that runs on https and requires a SSL certificate.
i followed the this blog to create a ssl certificate and add it to the java security cacerts.
Now i want to create a https post request to this application. The request fails every time. What i found till now is
The certificate is not verified, thats why it is not authorizing the rest call to proceed.
When i open the application in browser, it asks me to confirm the certificate, once i accept it, all rest calls start working.
Can any one tell me what can i do to avoid this(confirming the certificate.)
1. Can i bypass the ssl certificate check ?
2. Can i add certificate to every rest call.
3. Anything else that i should try.
4. I saw looking at this grails plugin, how do i create a .jks file ?
Ay help will be appriciated.
You can't bypass the certificate check on the clients' side. A very important point of having a certificate at all is for it to be signed by a trusted authority. If you have signed it yourself, you can still have an encrypted connection, but the clients can't know you're verified by a trusted third party.
You can configure the application or web server to use the keystore that your certificate is in in order to attach it to every https request. Look up tomcat ssl configuration.
I would advise that you read up a bit more on https and certificates, it's important to understand some details.
It's preferable that you delegate the ssl management to the application server instead of doing that in your rest calls yourself. See 2. Also, a .jks is just a keystore file. You already have one from the tutorial you've followed.

Can a signed certificate be used without importing explicitly?

I've read a lot of articles regarding the import of a cert, but I am still unclear on a couple things.
When connecting to an SSL site from a Java application [in this case, a JBOSS web app], does the client cert need to be explicitly installed on the application server prior?
I can install a client cert manually, but there is an expiration date. So I'll need to manage the expiration dates of all client installed certs on our application server, and take an outage to update each one.
It feels like there should be a better way.
Shouldn't the application automatically accept a valid signed cert? [In this case, it is signed by VeriSign]
We are getting an exception currently when trying to access an https url from the application without explicitly installing the cert.
The API proxy library is swallowing the internal exception, so I dont know the details.
If the cert should be accepted automatically, then there may be a different issue here...
Can a signed certificate be used without importing explicitly?
Yes, it does not need to be installed prior to use. In fact, if you know in advance of what to expect, then you can include that information into the application. That has an added benefit of improving the application's security posture.
To avoid importing the certificate, use a custom X509TrustManager and override checkServerTrusted. In checkServerTrusted, ensure the server's public key is expected (i.e., pin the server's certificate or public key); or verify the server's certificate is valid (i.e., is within validity and forms a chain to your trusted root).
When connecting to an SSL site from a Java application [in this case, a JBOSS web app], does the client cert need to be explicitly installed on the application server prior?
In the case of client certificates, the server advertises the issuer whom it relies upon to issue client certificates. So the server will need to know the trust point for issuing client certifcates for authenticating clients.
In this case, it is signed by VeriSign
This could be really bad. In this case, you will trust all of your clients signed under the Verisign PKI, and all of Verisign's other clients signed under the Verisign PKI.
In this case, it would probably be better to avoid public CAs and run your own PKI (i.e., be your own CA). In this case, pick up a copy of Network Security with OpenSSL. The book will show you how to accomplish the customary tasks using both the openssl command and programmatically.

JBoss/Java and SSL

Hi I'm a bit lost and hope you'll get me out of here. I'll try to be as clear as possible since I don't really understand/know how I should use certificates.
I've got an application that is supposed to communicate with another one using webservices and SSL. We both asked our main "Certificate Authority" to get certificates.
They sent us 4 files and a password for the .P12 file:
.csr, .cer, .key, .P12
Here is what I did :
* Configure JBoss to use SSL on 8443 and used the P12 file as the keystore
To test this I did a small Java class that call a webservices on this server, using :
props.setProperty("", "/.../.../certif.p12");
props.setProperty("", "XXXXXXXXX");
props.setProperty("", "PKCS12");
The connection works, but I think I'm missing something as I did not use the other files.
If I send my .P12 file and the password to the application that is supposed to call my Webservices will it be ok/enough ?
Edit :
I forgot to mention that I should call a Webservice on the other application too, so it should be the other way around, do I only need a .P12 and pass ?
I've read a lot of thing about public key, private key, keytool but it's a bit messy in my head right now.
Thanks for any information !
They sent us 4 files and a password for the .P12 file: .csr, .cer,
.key, .P12
Ideally, you should have generated the private key (in .key) and CSR (in .csr) yourself and the CA should have come back with the certificate (typically in .cer) based on the CSR, which you would have assembled together to build your PKCS#12 file (.p12).
At this stage, you can discard the CSR. The PKCS#12 file should now contain the private key, its associated certificate and possibly the certificate chain attached. You could extract the .key and .cer files from that .p12 file later again. I guess you were given all these files because of the way they have been generated (using intermediate files), or for convenience, not to have to convert them yourself.
The Java terminology isn't ideal, but keystore and truststore are two entities of type keystore, but with a different purpose. The difference between the KeyManager and TrustManager (and thus between and is as follows (quoted from the JSSE ref guide):
TrustManager: Determines whether the remote authentication credentials (and thus the connection) should be trusted.
KeyManager: Determines which authentication credentials to send to the remote host.
The* properties are one way of configuring the TrustManager. The* properties are one way of configuring the KeyManager.
Typically, there is no need for private key material in a trust store (unless you also use the same as a keystore). It's often better to use a separate truststore, which you'd be able to copy freely across machine, without worrying about leaking private key material.
What would make sense would be to build a new keystore (JKS) that you would use as a truststore, using the CA certificates (not sure if you've been provided with them).
You're not doing mutual authentication by setting the truststore only (there are no default values for the keystore, so they need to specify these parameters explicitly). If you want to use your client-certificate to connect to a remote party, you need to set it in the keystore (for example, using the* properties in the same way you've done it for the trust store).
You could point both the keystore and truststore to the same .p12 file. The side effect is that other connections made by your service to other places (e.g would not be trusted, since it wouldn't contain the CA for those. That's why it might be better to create a separate "truststore keystore" (JKS might be easier) for the CA certificates. You could make a copy of the default cacerts (in the JRE directory), import your CA's certificate into it and use that.
I've got an application that is supposed to communicate with another
one using webservices and SSL.
Ok, stop here. Communicate how? I mean is it only server authentication i.e. your client application will authenticate the web service or mutual authentication and the web service will also request your applications certificate?
This is important as the files you present by the names seem to suggest the latter i.e. that mutual authentication is expected while your code you show is only setting SSL library for server authentication.
Since you are not providing context here I would say that:
.key has your private key
.p12 has your private key along with your signed certificate or perhaps the CA's root certificate (?)
cer could have your signed certificate or perhaps the root's CA
signing certificate that is considered as trusted in the domain and
has probably also signed the web service you want to communicate with
certificate (well that is a possibility/guess here since you don't
say much)
csr is your certificate signing request
I did a small Java class that call a webservices on this server, using
What you do in the code is setting the p12 as the truststore.
If you say this works then there is no mutual authentication only server side authentication and you are authenticating the web service using whatever is in the p12.
In this case the rest are not needed for communication.It is for you to keep especially the key file since this could be your private key and if you lose/someone steals this then your private certificate is useless/compromised.
I am not sure what your requirements on security are here, but it seems to me that you should probably look into it more.
Even for this question I just tried to do an educated guess based on the file names.....
I hope this puts you in some track to read.

Securing webservice with SSL/PKI

My requirement is to secure the REST webservice. After some discussion decided to go with PKI over oauth. The implementation will be in Java.
Now I have the following questions in mind?
If I enable SSL in my web server that just implements PKI infrastructure?
If I implement whatever is mentioned in this guide, that will take care of all encryption and decryption?. How the original messaged passsed between the servers are encrypted/decrypted?. Or this guide just talks about authorizing the client and nothing to do with the message passed?
If my above assumptions are wrong, Can you hep me in understanding, all I need to know about implementing this infrastructure?
Nope, it does not. Public key infrastructure is about the handling of the certificates (holding the public keys) and the private keys. You need to take care of certificate exchange, certificate lifetime, certificate revocation etc. etc. Of course, most of these are taken over by the Certificate Authority like Verizon. Even then, you need to protect and backup the private key you are using, and make sure it fits your server name, and that you update your certificate when it's time runs out.
Yes, the SSL/TLS protocol takes responsability of securing all the messages passed, at "transport level". You may of course require additional security at application level (e.g. to store send messages securily on the server). In general, SSL/TLS would suffice, and the implementation takes care of it all. You should however decide which SSL cipher suites you want to enable.
Um, I would suggest you read articles and books about PKI, and possibly some howto's from CA's. That question (and actually the two other questions) are off topic for stackoverflow. It's impossible to answer that in a few sentences.
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) deals with certificate life cycle, certificate authority (internal or external), certificate policies and how these certificate can be used.
Enabling SSL / TLS on web server makes secure http connection (https) instead of plain http. By enabling HTTPS, you are securing the data transferred between client and server through encryption.
Note that to enable ssl/tls, you need server certificate and how you obtain the certificate that is take care by this infrastructure. We can configure MS PKI or use openssl tool to generate certificate for in-house purpose, or can buy it from CA's like Verisign, DigiCert etc.
Implementing SSL/TLS will ensure data safety in transit, whereas Authentication & Authorization still needed for end users.

Enabling https for Java Webstart

I have a swing application deployed in HTTP Server. Users use the browser to point an URL and install the client using java webstart. Now I need to enable https access to my application deployed on HTTP server. I am using JDK 1.5 as default jdk supported in the jnlp file. For time being I use a self signed certificate to the sign the jars (by default created using Sun's jarsigner, keytool, etc, utils).
Solution/steps would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
As far as I understand your question you don't need to change anything to your code of the client. If you only want to give access to the JNLP via HTTPS you would only need to reconfigure the application server distributing the JNLP or if you have a webserver in front of the application server (as we do here: user - https -> apache -> AJP -> tomcat) you need to reconfigure the webserver to allow the access to the JNLP via HTTPS.
You need to enable HTTPS on the web server. To get the certificate you need to provide credentials and the host name of the server to a certificate authority (CA) like VeriSign or Thawte. They can provide you with a server certificate signed by their root certificate or some intermediate certificate. This certificate must then be imported into the web server to enable HTTPS over SSL. The web clients, like a browser or webstart will then verify the certificate chain when accessing the server.
If you use a self signed jar, all your users will be presented with a warning message about potentially unsafe code. To avoid this you should get a code signing certificate from a CA, which would be somewhat similar to the web server certificate. This CA-provided certificate can be imported into the keystore and used in the same way you use the self signed certificate. The code signing certificate will be signed by the CA so that the certificate chain can be verified by webstart.
What is the feature of https that you are hoping to leverage?
The signing/server authentication is done by code signing, though you are undermining this using a self-signed certificate.
Does your application code contain secrets that must be hidden from eavesdroppers?
As you say you "need to enable" there must be an underlying reason.
I believe that before you "need https" you need a proper code signing certificate. You might want to rephrase your question so that your underlying problem can be solved instead of the very specific question.
