I am having a java application and spawns lot of threads..and due to out of memory error..it dies if it runs for too much time.. Is there a jvm configuration parameter, that I can set so that it will wait for memory when no memory is available, instead of throwing out of memory error.
Back up a little. If your app is creating so many threads that the JVM runs out of memory, you really need to refactor to use some sort of thread-pooling mechanism. You could catch the out-of-memory exception and see if any threads have freed up resources and then return without handling it but that's a bad code smell to me.
I do not really think that would be feasible to set as a jvm parameter. You should have -Xmx and -Xms set to the appropriate values for the JVM. After that in your code you can check current free memory on the heap using Runtime.freeMemory. If the free memory is too low you can probably make your thread sleep till you got enough memory to process.
I'm programming in Java using eclipse and after running JVM for a couple of hours, my program tends to slow to a trickle. What's normally printed (or executed) in a few fraction's of a second, is taking a couple of minutes or hours.
I'm aware this is usually caused by a memory leak in program. However, I'm under the impression that a memory leak slows PC bec it uses the majority of CPU power for garbage collection. When I take a look at task manager I only see 22-25% of CPU being used at the moment (it has remained steady for the last couple of hours) and approx. 35% of memory free on my machine.
Could the slowing down of my program be caused by something other than a memory leak or is it for sure a memory leak (which means I now need to take a hard look to track down source of leak..) And if yes, why would CPU usage be relatively low?
Sometimes this happens when you have loop relationships over your objects or entities. JVM tries to read the data or bind the data looping through same set of objects, this drastically effect the performance of the JVM; most of the time crash the application even. As on previous answer, you can use jconsole to check which time this happens and take an action. Hope you get the idea; may be this is not the case, this is what came to my mind when I read your question.
Well, at first, Memory Leak/any other malfunction doesn't affect your PC or any other part of your computer unless you are referencing some external resource which is choking. To answer your question, Generically speaking, while there is a possibility that slowing down your program could be caused by CPU, in your case however since your program/process is going slow gradually, most likely there is a memory Leak in your code.
You could use any profiler / jVIsualVM to monitor the mermoy usage/ object's state to nail down the issue.
You may be aware that a modern computer system has more than one CPU core. A single threaded program will use only a single core, which is consistent with task manager reporting an overall cpu usage of 25% (1 core fully loaded, 3 cores idle = 25% total cpu capacity used).
Garbage collection can cause slowdowns, but usually only does so if the JVM is memory constrained. To verify whether it is garbage collection, you can use jconsole or jvisualvm (which are part of the JDK) to see how much CPU time was spent doing garbage collection.
To investigate why your program is slow, using a profiler is usually the most efficient approach.
I think We can not say anything straight forward for this issue. You need to check the behaviour of you program using jconsole or jvisualvm which is part of you JDK.
I have such problem that jvm is not able to perform gc in time and application freezes. "Solution" for that is to connect to application using jconsole and suggest jvm to make garbage collections. I do not have to say that it is very poor behavior of application. Are there some option for jvm to suggest to it to perform gc sooner/more often? Maybe there are some other real solution to this problem?
The problem appears not to be not enough of memory but that gc is not able to do collection in time before new data is send to application. It is so because gc appears to start to collect data to late. If is is suggested early enough by System.gc() button of jconsole then problem does not occur.
Young generation is collected by 'PS Scavenge' which is parallel collector.
Old generation is collected by 'PS MarkSweep' which is parallel mark and sweep collector.
You should check for memory leaks.
I'm pretty sure you won't get OutOfMemoryException unless there's no memory to be released and no more available memory.
There is System.gc() that does exactly what you described: It suggests to the JVM that a garbage collection should take place. (There are also command-line arguments for the JVM that can serve as directives for the memory manager.)
However, if you're running out of memory during an allocation, it typically means that the JVM did attempt a garbage collection first and it failed to release the necessary memory. In that case, you probably have memory leaks (in the sense of keeping unnecessary references) and you should get a memory profiler to check that. This is important because if you have memory leaks, then more frequent garbage collections will not solve your problem - except that maybe they will postpone its manifestation, giving you a false sense of security.
From the Java specification:
OutOfMemoryError: The Java Virtual Machine implementation has run out
of either virtual or physical memory, and the automatic storage
manager was unable to reclaim enough memory to satisfy an object
creation request.
You can deploy java melody on your server and add your application on it, it will give you detailed report of your memory leaks and memory usage. With this you will be able to optimize your system and code correctly.
I guess, either your application requires more memory to run efficiently, try tuning your JVM by setting parameters like -Xms512M -Xmx1024M.
There is memory leak which is exhausting the memory.
You should check the memory consumption pattern of your application. e.g. what memory it is occupying when it is processing more vs remain idle.
If you observe a constant surge in memory peaks, it could suggest towards a possible memory leak.
One of the best thread on memory leak issue is How to find a Java Memory Leak
Another good one is http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-leaks/
you may receive an OOME if you're loading a lot of classes (let's say, all classes present in your rt.jar). Since loaded classes reside in PermGen rather than heap memory, you may also want to increase your PermGen size using -XX:MaxPermSize switch.
And, of course, you're free to choose a garbage collector – ParallelGC, ConcMarkSweepGC (CMS) or G1GC (G1).
Please be aware that there're APIs in Java that may cause memory leaks by themselves (w/o any programmer's error) -- e. g. java.lang.String#substring() (see here)
If your application freezes, but gets unfrozen by a forced GC, then your problem is very probably not the memory, but some other resource leak, which is alleviated by running finalizers on dead objects. Properly written code must never rely on finalizers to do the cleanup, so try to find any unclosed resources in your application.
You can start the jvm with more memory
java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M
will start the jvm with 512Mb of memory, allowing it to grow to a gigabyte.
You can use System.gc() to suggest to the VM to run the garbage collector. There is no guarantee that it will run immediately.
I doubt if that will help, but it might work. Another thing you could look at is increasing the maximum memory size of the JVM. You can do this by giving the command line argument -Xmx512m. This would give 512 megabytes of heap size instead of the default 128.
You can use JConsole to view the memory usage of your application. This can help to see how the memory usage develops which is useful in detecting memory leaks.
I have a Grails/Spring application which runs in a servlet container on a web server like Tomcat. Sometime my app crashes because the JVM reaches its maximal allowed memory (Xmx).
The error which follows is a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" because Java heap space is full.
To prevent this error I want to check from within my app how much memory is in use and how much memory the current JVM has remaining.
How can I access these parameters from within my application?
Try to understand when OOM is thrown instead of trying to manipulate it through the application. And also, even if you are able to capture those values from within your application - how would you prevent the error? By calling GC explicitly. Know that,
Java machine specifications says that
OutOfMemoryError: The Java virtual machine implementation has run out of either virtual or physical memory, and the automatic storage manager was unable to reclaim enough memory to satisfy an object creation request.
Therefore, GC is guaranteed to run before a OOM is thrown. Your application is throwing an OOME after it has just run a full garbage collect, and discovered that it still doesn't have enough free heap to proceed.
This would be a memory leak or in general your application could have high memory requirement. Mostly if the OOM is thrown with in short span of starting the application - it is usually that application needs more memory, if your server runs fine for some time and then throw OOM then it is most likely a memory leak.
To discover the memory leak, use the tools mentioned by people above. I use new-relic to monitor my application and check the frequency of GC runs.
PS Scavenge aka minor-GC aka the parallel object collector runs for young generation only, and PS MarkAndSweep aka major GC aka parallel mark and sweep collector is for old generation. When both are run – its considered a full GC. Minor gc runs are pretty frequent – a Full GC is comparatively less frequent. Note the consumption of different heap spaces to analyze your application.
You can also try the following option -
If you get OOM too often, then start java with correct options, get a heap dump and analyze it with jhat or with memory analyzer from eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org/mat/)
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=path to dump file
You can try the Grails Melody Plugin that display's the info in the url /monitoring relative to your context.
To prevent this error I want to check from within my app how much
memory is in use and how much memory the current JVM has remaining.
I think that it is not the best idea to proceed this way. Much better is to investigate what actually breaks your app and eliminate error or make some limitation there. There could be many different scenarios and your app can become unpredictable. So to sum up - capturing memory level for monitoring purpose is OK (but there are many dedicated tools for that) but in my opinion depending on these values in application logic is not recommended and bad practice
To do this you would use a profiler to profile your application and JVM, rather than having code to monitor such metrics inside your application.
Profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis that measures, for example, the space (memory) or time complexity of a program, the usage of particular instructions, or frequency and duration of function calls
Here are some good java profilers:
http://visualvm.java.net/ (Free)
http://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html (Paid)
I'm developing a Java application which sometimes do some heavy work.
When this is the case, it use more ram than usually, so the allocated memory space of the app is increased.
My question is why the allocated space is not reduced once the work is finished ?
Using a profiler, I can see that for example 70mb is assigned, but only 5mb are used !
It looks like the allocated space can only grow, and not shrink.
Usually the JVM is very restrictive when it comes to freeing memory it has allocated. You can configure it to free more agressively though. Try sending these settings to the JVM when you start your program:
The JVM decides when to release the memory back to the operating system. In my experience with Windows XP, this almost never happens. Occasionally I've seem memory released back when the Command Prompt (or Swing window) is minimized. I believe that the JVM on Linux is better at returning memory.
Generally there can be 2 reasons.
Probably your program has memory management problem. If for example you store some objects in collection and never remove these objects from collection they will never be garbage collected. If this is a case you have a bug that should be found and fixed.
But probably your code is OK but GC still does not remove objects that are not used more. The reason for this is that GC lives its own live and decides its own decisions. If for example it thinks that it has enough memory it does not remove used objects until the memory usage arrives to some threshold.
To recognize which case you are having here try to call System.gc() either programmatically or using profiler (usually profilers have button that run GC). If used objects are removed after forcing GC to run your code is OK. Otherwise try to locate the bug. Profiler that you are already using should help you.
How to wait for garbage collector instead throwing OutOfMemoryError by JVM? Is there is some setting for JVM or othrer options (like code practices)?
I don't want to incement JVM memory settings or tuning GC - only wait for GC with no OutOfMemoryError cause I know there is no memory leaks, just garbage preventing new allocation.
I'm afraid, your question doesn't make a lot of sense.
An OutOfMemoryException is normally thrown after the GC has run and has been unsuccessful in reclaiming enough memory for you to proceed. Waiting for the GC to run (again) is unlikely to help. And if it doesn't help, the result is that your application will just freeze.
Besides, there isn't a way to do it.
You can probably tune the threshold for when the JVM will give up and throw OOM, but this is what the JVM does by design when it detects that garbage collection is not accomplishing anything. Note that the JVM will not throw an OOM because of bad timing or just because you've created a lot of objects. It will detect that it has repeatedly run GC and GC hasn't freed up any significant amount of memory.
Some possibilities:
You are using a lot of memory on a permanent basis. This isn't necessarily a memory leak, maybe you just load some huge data and don't realize how big it is in memory.
You have a memory leak or maybe you prefer "memory used in unexpected ways". Java offers lots of easy places to lose memory. I've been killed by ThreadLocal caches in a JSON library and failure to call new String(string) when appropriate.
Temporary data is drifting into PermGen because it doesn't act all that temporary.
You don't have any big problems, but you're pushing the envelope for the amount of memory you have allocated and you haven't tuned properly. Turn on concurrent mark sweep garbage collector, turn on GC logging, and see if behavior matches with your expectations of what the app is doing.
Lastly, run a profiler to see what you're using memory on. The first iteration of any program almost always has huge low hanging fruit to clean up.