How to refresh a page after download - java

I have a commandButton that will invoke a function to download a file (standard stuffs like InputStream, BufferedOutputStream ...) After download success, at the end of the function, I change some values of the current object and persist it into database. All of these work correctly. Now when file is done downloading, the content of the page is not updated. I have to hit refresh for me to see updated content. Please help. Below are the basic structure of my code
document: Managed Bean
getDrawings(): method return a list of Drawing (entity class)
CheckedOutBy: attribute of Entity Drawing
<p:dataTable id="drawing_table" value="#{document.drawings}" var="item" >
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="CheckedOutBy"/>
<h:outputText value="#{item.checkedOutBy}"/>
<p:commandButton ajax="false" action="#{document.Download}" value="Download" />
Inside my Managed Bean
public void Download(){
Drawing drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
//Download drawing
drawing.setCheckedOutBy("Some Text");
sBean.merge(drawing); //Update "Some Text" into CheckedOutBy field

You'd basically like to let the client fire two requests. One to retrieve the download and other to refresh the new page. They cannot be done in a single HTTP request. Since the download needs to be taken place synchronously and there's no way to hook on complete of the download from the client side on, there are no clean JSF/JS/Ajax ways to update a component on complete of the download.
Your best JSF-bet with help of PrimeFaces is <p:poll>
<h:outputText id="checkedOutBy" value="#{item.checkedOutBy}"/>
<p:poll id="poll" interval="5" update="checkedOutBy" />
or <p:push>
<p:push onpublish="javaScriptFunctionWhichUpdatesCheckedOutBy" />
Polling is easy, but I can imagine that it adds unnecessary overhead. You cannot start it using standard JSF/PrimeFaces components when the synchronous download starts. But you can stop it to let it do a self-check on the rendered attribute. Pushing is technically the best solution, but tougher to get started with. PrimeFaces explains its use however nicely in chapter 6 of the User Guide.

Well, I decided to go with BalusC's answer/recommendation above, and decided to share my code here for people that may stop by here, 'later'. FYI, my environment details are below:
TomEE 1.6.0 SNAPSHOT (Tomcat 7.0.39), PrimeFaces 3.5 (PrimeFaces Push), Atmosphere 1.0.13 snapshot (1.0.12 is latest stable version)
First of all, i am using p:fileDownload with p:commandLink.
<p:commandLink value="Download" ajax="false"
<p:fileDownload value="#{driverWorksheet.file}"/>
Since I have the xhtml above, and since p:fileDownload does not allow oncomplete="someJavaScript()" to be executed, I decided to use PrimeFaces Push to push message to client, to trigger the javascript necessary to unblock the UI, because UI was being blocked whenever I click the commandLink to download file, and for many months, I didn't know how to solve this.
Since I already am using PrimeFaces Push, I had to tweak the following on the client side:
.js file; contains method that handles messages pushed from server to client
function handlePushedMessage(msg) {
/* refer to primefaces.js, growl widget,
* search for: show, renderMessage, e.detail
* sample msg below:
* {"data":{"summary":"","detail":"displayLoadingImage(false)","severity":"Info","rendered":false}}
if (msg.detail.indexOf("displayLoadingImage(false)") != -1) {
else {
msg.severity = 'info';[msg]);
index.xhtml; contains p:socket component (PrimeFaces Push); i recommend all of the following, if you're are implementing FacesMessage example of PrimeFaces Push
<h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="push/push.js" target="head" />
<p:growl id="pushedNotifications" for="socketForNotifications"
widgetVar="growl" globalOnly="false"
life="30000" showDetail="true" showSummary="true" escape="false"/>
<p:socket id="socketForNotifications" onMessage="handlePushedMessage"
channel="/#{pf_usersController.userPushChannelId}" />
Months (or maybe a year-or-so) ago, i found it necessary to add the following to the commandLink that wraps p:fileDownload, which will refresh the file/stream on server, so you can click the file as many times as you need and download the file again and again without refreshing the page via F5/refresh key on keyboard (or similar on mobile device)
That bean method is referenced whenever enduser clicks the commandLink, to download file, so this was perfect spot to 'push' a message from server to client, to trigger javascript on client, to unblock UI.
Below are the bean methods in my app that gets the job done. :)
public String refreshDriverWorksheetsToDownload() {
String returnValue = prepareDriverWorksheetPrompt("download", false);
return returnValue;
usersController.pushNotificationToUser(); i had to add this one, tonight.
public void pushNotificationToUser(String notification) {
applicationScopeBean.pushNotificationToUser(notification, user);
applicationScopeBean.pushNotificationToUser(); this already existed, no change to this method.
public void pushNotificationToUser(String msg, Users userPushingMessage) {
for (SessionInfo session : sessions) {
if (userPushingMessage != null &&
session.getUser().getUserName().equals(userPushingMessage.getUserName()) &&
session.getUser().getLastLoginDt().equals(userPushingMessage.getLastLoginDt())) {
PushContext pushContext = PushContextFactory.getDefault().getPushContext();
pushContext.push("/" + session.getPushChannelId(),
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "", msg));

You could use the update attribute of the p:commandButton component to re-render the area that you intend to refresh after download, in this case your "drawing_table".
<p:commandButton update="drawing_table" action="#{document.Download}" value="Download" />

As Balusc answered, we cannot get response twice from a single request.
To refresh a page after download, better use the following java script in download link(p:commandbutton) onclick tag.
<p:commandButton ajax="false" icon="ui-icon-arrowstop-1-s" onclick="setTimeout('location.reload();', 1000);" action="#{managedBean.downloadMethod}" />
this will automatically refresh the page after 1 second, at the same time i.e. before refresh, you will get the download file, based on your download response time, increase the seconds in that script. Seconds should not less than that download response time.


open new page (navigate to new site) when selecting a dataTable row

There a several related question on this topic on SO and elsewhere, but I couldn't find a definitive answer on this specific question.
I have a p:dataTable and I want the possibility to click on a row and open a detail page (a new page, not a dialogue or window).
I have solved it this way (which I have from the primefaces website, for some reason it is no longer there:
<p:dataTable var="order" value="#{orderBean.orders}" selection="#{orderBean.selectedOrder}" selectionMode="single" rowKey="#{order.number}">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{orderBean.orderSelect}"/>
<p:column ... />
The navigation is then executed in the bean:
public void orderSelect(SelectEvent event) {
ConfigurableNavigationHandler nh = (ConfigurableNavigationHandler)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
My Question: is there a way of doing this just inside JSF without the help of a backing bean?
I am also asking because they removed the code exmaple from the primefaces site, which might be an indication that this is not the right way of doing something like that.
Wrap the cell(s) of interest in a simple <h:link>.
<h:link outcome="orderDetail">
Use if necessary CSS display:block on the link to let it span the entire cell. You can if necessary pass request parameters using a nested <f:param>.
since it is an ajax request, typically the request/response is used to re-render some components in the web page. What you could do is
<p:ajax event="someventofintrest" onsuccess="javascript:myjsmethod();"></p:ajax>
<p:remotecommand name="myjsmethod" action="#{mybean.mybeanmethod}" />
and in the backing bean
public String mybeanmethod(){
return "mynewpage"; // Navigate away to mynewpage.xhtml
As I didn't find a really perfect solution, this is how I do it now.
I have now a "navigator" class like this
public class Navigator {
public void nav(String page) {
And I call this class from my ajax event:
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{navigator.nav('orderDetail')}"/>
As I said, not really perfect, but I like the fact that I don't have to write code in my backing bean. (Of course I have to write code for the Navigator, but that I can re-use.)

Reducing the JSF component tree/state by an alternate approach. Is it Okay?

Unfortunately, I made a mistake of choosing JSF for an internet facing, high traffic application, now I am wondering as to how to improve the scalability of this JSF webapp.
I have a JSF page that displays a large no of items each of which may be commented upon.
Inorder to reduce the state & improve performance I am trying to reduce the no of forms /commandButtons on the page.
1. Through what ways can I reduce the component tree/ statefulness of JSF ? Do the plain html elements(that are mixed in between the jsf tags) also form part of component tree ? I dont know how component state saving has been helpful to my app since I have been following plain request/response model while designing my app, (may be it is helpful for just JSF's internal requirements)!?
2. I was thinking of an approach where instead of creating a separate <h:form> (each with a separate commandButton) for every item like below,
(Usual Approach)
<h:form> <!-- for each item a separately -->
<h:outputText value="Add comment"/>
<h:inputTextarea value="#{itemController.comment}" required="true"/>
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{itemController.addUserComment(123)}" value="Add" />
(Alternate Approach)
I am trying to make the above better by just putting a single remoteCommand for all the items & pass the required parameters to this remoteCommand.
<input id="item1_comment"/>
<button onclick="addComment(123, 'item1_comment');"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function addComment(itemId, id) {
$('#comment_in').attr('value', $('#'+id).attr('value'));
$('#forItem_in').attr('value', itemId);
addComment_RC(); // call remoteCommand to show the content in dialog
<h:form prependId="false" > <!-- for all items, just single remoteCOmmand -->
<h:inputHidden id="comment_in" value="#{itemController.comment}"/>
<h:inputHidden id="forItem_in" value="#{itemController.forItem}"/>
<p:remoteCommand name="addComment_RC" process="#form" actionListener="#{itemController.addComment()}" />
Is it better to do it this way (or are there any issues with this approach)?
Performance issues in the situation you describe are often caused by the large number of EL expressions, That burdens the server.
One approach to tackle this issue is to compute the comments on the client side, and pass them all at once to the server. Thus reducing the number of comment EL expression to one or none, and use only one button.
Place all the elements in one form. The comments fields are not binded.
// first element
<h:outputText value=#{first element}
// first comment
<h:inputTextarea id="comment1"/> <-- notice there is no EL expression
But we use a unique id for each comment
// second element
<h:outputText value=#{second element}
// second comment
<h:inputTextarea id="comment2"/>
From here you could either
1. after each blur event in any of the comment fields, ajax the server and pass as parameters the comment and the id of the comment from which the ajax call was made. on the server update your model accordingly
Or You can also gather all the comments on the client side and send them to the server at one time.
2. When the user press the submit button call a js function to aggregate all the comments in a structure that you will be able to parse easily on the server side
(ie. "{c1,comment a};{c2,comment b};{c5=,comment e}...").
pass that string to the server, parse it and update your model accordingly.
3. after each blur event in any of the comment fields, call a js function that updates an hidden field.
<h:inputHidden value="{myClass.allComments}" />
when the user submits the form parse allComments and update your model accordingly.
To address the general performance issue I've added recommendations from an article that I found helpful speed up part 1 Speed up part 2.
Hope this helps
btw, I would recommend the first approach rather than the last two.

Is there a way to not sending a whole web form when click a button?

I will try to be as brief as possible, please stay with me here
"A.jsf" -> managed bean : bean
"#{bean.list}": will take us to B.jsf
<p:growl id="msgs" showDetail="true"/>
<h:form id="myform1" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p:panel header="Upload" style="font-size: 11px;">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
<h:outputLabel value="Drawing:" />
<p:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{bean.handleFileUpload}" update="msgs" allowTypes="*.*;"/>
<p:commandButton ajax="false" immediate="true" id="back" value="Back" action="#{bean.list}"/>
<p:commandButton ajax="false" id="persist" value="Persist" action="#{bean.handleRevision}" />
Then the handleFileUpload()
FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Error", "You do not have permission to upload.");
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
"B.jsf" -> managed bean: bean2
<p:growl id="msgs" showDetail="true"/>
When I click upload, it give me a growl error message "You do not have permission to upload.", which is good. But then when I click "Back", which will take me to B.jsf, I see the growl message "You do not have permission to upload." again. What seem to be happening is as I click the "Back", I send other form request to upload, which then generated the same error message, which then being displayed at B.jsf. Is there a way to fix this, beside putting the "Back" button into an empty form, because now I have two buttons standing on top of each others, instead of side by side. I try to do this:
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("tom", msg);
hoping that it would send to component with id="tom", so then the growl with id=msgs, would not get load, but no luck. I try to turn the upload flag on when I click the Back button, but the web form get requested before the method that handle the back navigation get called.
It is not as brief as I want it to be, therefore I want apologize for it :D
beside putting the "Back" button into an empty form, because now I have two buttons standing on top of each others
The HTML <form> is by default a block element. HTML block elements are by default been placed in a new line. You actually want to make it an inline element. You can do this using display: inline; in CSS.
Back to the actual problem, it however surprises me that the fileUploadListener method is called in spite of the immediate="true" in the p:commandButton. I tried to reproduce this and I can confirm this. But I wouldn't expect it to happen. Normally the immediate="true" on a button is the solution to skip submitting of the "whole" form (at least, skip the UIInput components without this attribute). Further investigation learnt me that the p:fileUpload isn't an UIInput component at all and that the listener is fired during apply request values phase instead of validations or update model values phase. So this behaviour is fully predictable, but imo still an oversight in the design.
Since the p:fileUpload requires ajax="false" on the p:commandButton component, you can on the other hand also just remove it from the back button so that it fires an ajaxical request and hereby skips the fileUploadListener being called.
Actually, putting the button in a different form sounds like an excellent solution. The reason the buttons don't align any more is that the new starting <form> element starts on its own line. You should be able to prevent this by adding form { display: inline; } to your CSS file.
That said, if you have some leftover error messages that you want to get rid of, you can do this in the initializing method of your backing bean (if you have one). The following works peachily:
public void clearErrorMessages() {
//it may get messy to debug why messages are swallowed
logger.debug("clearing messages, coming from " + new Exception().getStackTrace()[1]);
Iterator iter = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getMessages();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
FacesMessage msg = (FacesMessage);
logger.debug("clearing message: " + msg.getDetail());
The disadvantage here is that any errors that occur between submitting the form and initializing the backing bean of the target page are also swallowed.

JSF 2.0: Delay rendering (composite) component's contents until AJAX-call re-renders it

My goal is to dynamically load the contents of a component in JSF 2.0. The use case is this: user clicks some button, which opens a modal panel with some heavy-contents via AJAX. Due to its' heaviness, I want to delay loading it until/if user actually needs it. If the user closes this panel, it is not actually removed from DOM, just faded out. If the user clicks the initialization button again, the previously loaded panel is shown.
I know that I can prevent rendering of contents using rendered="#{cc.attrs.visibilityState == 'hidden'}" and that I can re-render the component via JSF AJAX call. However, how can I adjust the attributes of a composite component on-the-fly so that the second time around the component would actually render?
1) I know that I could do:
<f:ajax event="click" render="theComponentIWantToUpdate" listener="#{someBean.someMethod()}" />
And then programmatically adjust theComponentIWantToUpdate attributes (to change value of #{cc.attrs.visibilityState}) so that it would actually render with full contents. But how to actually do that?
2) Also, the problem is that I don't want to update (re-render) theComponentIWantToUpdate each time the button is pressed, only the first time (see the business case). How can I set an evaluation for <f:ajax /> call for this? It has the disabled attribute, but it only orders whether or not to actually render the AJAX-handler (not evaluated each time the link is pressed).
3) Furthermore, I probably want to do some custom javascript first when the link is clicked and only execute AJAX request via javascript using jsf.ajax.request(). However, that function doesn't support providing listener attribute so I don't how to execute a backing bean method with raw javascript jsf.ajax.request() call? There is actually a similar question without suitable answers (see JSF 2.0 AJAX: jsf.ajax.request to call method not only rerender an area of page).
A partial solution:
Here is my link that sends an AJAX-request (inside a composite component):
<h:outputLink styleClass="modlet-icon">
<f:ajax event="click" render=":#{cc.clientId}:modalWindow:root" listener="#{modalWindowBean.enableContentRendering(cc.clientId, 'modalWindow')}" />
The listener calls this method:
public class ModalWindowBean {
public void enableContentRendering(String clientId, String windowId) {
UIComponent component = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent(clientId + ":" + windowId);
component.getAttributes().put("contentRenderingEnabled", true);
Here is my target to be rendered:
<modalWindow:modalWindow id="modalWindow">
<quickMenu:quickMenuOverlay id="quickMenuOverlay" />
ModalWindow simply wraps the target into a nice looking window panel. Within ModalWindow:
<h:outputScript library="component/modalWindow" name="modalWindow.js" target="head" />
<h:outputStylesheet library="component/modalWindow" name="ModalWindow.css" />
<h:panelGroup id="root" layout="block" styleClass="modalWindow hide">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{cc.attrs.contentRenderingEnabled}">
...all the wrapping elements with <composite:insertChildren /> within it
<script type="text/javascript">
// Fade it in
var win = ModalWindow.getInstance('#{cc.clientId}'); // this gets the instance, available everywhere
win.position(#{cc.attrs.left}, #{});
win.resize(#{cc.attrs.width}, #{cc.attrs.height});
<ui:fragment rendered="#{!cc.attrs.contentRenderingEnabled}">
<script type="text/javascript">
// Initialize modalWindow when it is rendered for the first time
var win = new ModalWindow('#{cc.clientId}'); // will be publicly available through ModalWindow static methods
The problem? AJAX-request is sent each time user clicks the button (so the window is reloaded and faded in each time). I need to be able to control when/if the AJAX-request is actually sent.
All this stuff makes me miss Apache Wicket, although I'm not sure how I would do this with it anyway :)

Call rich:modalPanel for every ajax request with out using a4j:status?

I am developing web application using JSF richfaces.I have one rich:modalpanel in main templete. This modalPanel have 'Your request is processing....." message.
I want to show this message(modalPanel) every action(ajax request). But without using a4j:status element.
Is there possible to acheive this(using listener or any otherway)?
How to show the wait modalPanel for all action using listener?
Help me about this.
Thanks in advance.
Update :
If i use my main templete,
<a4j:status id="waittingMessage"
And i call the above a4j:status for the following places :
The following each and every component i use more than 100 place in my application
<a4j:commandButton status="waittingMessage"/>
<a4j:commandLink status="waittingMessage"/>
<h:selectOneMenu><a4j:support status="waittingMessage"/> </h:selectOneMenu>
<h:selectOneRadio><a4j:support status="waittingmessage"/></h:selectOneRadio>
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox><a4j:support status="waittingmessage"/></h:selectBooleanCheckbox>
In future,
i don't need to show the progressWaitModalPanel, that time i will delete a4j:status
in main templete.
But what about this status="waittingMessage"? Because this status="waittingmessage" i added more than 1000 places in my whole application.
<a4j:status> is the proper way to do this. I don't know of any other way. Perhaps you can hook to some low-level javascript, but that would be the wrong thing to do.
If the status is in the current form, there is no need to explicitly indicate which is the status - it is used by default.
<a4j:status id="waittingMessage"
<f:facet name="start">
<f:facet name="stop">
<ui:include src="/modalPanel.xhtml" />
modalPanel.xhtml can contain display related content.
you can put the content above in a separate file say status.xhtml and then include it in your other pages
as below:
<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<ui:include src="status.xhtml" />
so any page that has ajax request will display above message window
You need not add any status msg for each a4j:button ,etc.
