How to manually organize files and folders in NetBeans? - java

I'd like to be able to manually adjust placement of objects in a project browser tree in netbeans. Reorder, introduce virtual folders, etc. Is it possible? Is there a plugin providing this functionality? Or should I try another IDE?

I do not think that NB has that functionality.... yet.
Before you invest in learning a different IDE, please file an issue that describes the functionality that you were looking for:
(That is how open source improves)


File structure in netbeans

I'm trying to understand the file structure in Netbeans.
For example: I want to create a new class. I do so by right clicking the navigation bar, and get prompted to name my new class. A warning appears with the words "It is highly recommended that you do not place Java classes in the default package"
What does go in the "default package"?
What goes in the Test Packages and Test Libraries folders?
If I have some text files or some such thing for my program to read, where should they go?
I'm taking some online courses on Java, but these sort of nuances aren't covered in the classes. I want to start doing it right, right now, so I don't have to untangle all of my files later on down the road.
You should refresh your understanding by reading the tutorial.
The default package is a package that gets created for your project. It's OK to organize your files under the default package, but if your work is somewhat serious, you're going to want to place them under a named (and therefore non-default) package, like com.myorganization.myproject as per the tutorial. NetBeans will also allow you to refactor (rename) an existing package. Left click, hit F2 and supply a new name.
Test packages and libraries used to test your project go in the Test Packages and Test Libraries directories. It sounds like you're a ways off from testing with frameworks like JUnit, however, so you needn't concern yourself with those things just yet.
If you have arbitrary data files, you can really put them wherever you can find them later. If you're working with Android, for example, you'd have a /res directory just under your project root with resources like images, icons, data files, etc. You can create your own resources directory, or you can be lazy and dump them directly in the project root. Wherever you put them, you have to make sure you call them correctly using absolute or relative paths.
If you're using online courses, especially if you're paying for them, use the resources they provide, like live tutors or their forums. This kind of fundamental/tutorial help is a bit below the threshold for Stack Overflow.

Create Project Java Web without maven and Ide

I am trying to create an application for creating java web projects in a personalized, automated way, without maven, without IDE, but so far I have not seen anything on the internet that would suit me. Could someone guide me or tell me how I can do it?
I consider your question differently that you want to create an application which when run can automatically create web projects !! If that is correct you need to write set of programs which would make files necessary for your web project like generate java files, Jsp files, XML, properties etc depending on complexity of your web projects, also if customized with parameters it can make different kinds of projects. Then you will need to make war file which is going to be the final deploy-able component with these files. This is all that you would do manually through IDE and maven would be the jar files you would need if any. Let me know if you need any more help.
Please accept and like if you appreciate my gesture to help with my ideas n experience.

Import Neo4J API in Netbeans

For a project I am building a Java GUI from which queries can be sent to Neo4j, to make it easier to do particular analyses. To get this all working, I have downloaded a .jar folder containing all relevant classes (neo4j-javadocs-2.1.7-javadoc.jar). I have loaded the library through the project->properties->libraries->Add JAR, but I can't seem to import the classes I want to use in my GUI (neither automatically nor manually).
I am dabbling in Java, so it is probably a basic oversight that I am making, but with the help from tutorials online and trying different commands (like entering the path of the .jar file) I can't get it working. One of these tutorials is specific on the Neo4j library, so I am very confused. That tutorial is written for Eclipse, instead of NetBeans which I am working with, but as far as my knowledge goes that shouldn't matter for the commands
I don't have enough reputation to post direct images, but this link contains a screenshot. If more information is required, let me know.
Additionally, when I normally add a class that is not imported, there is an automatic function to import the class. This option is missing for my specific class, so maybe I added the library in an incorrect way?
Edit: Issue resolved thanks to a colleague that came in. Apparently I loaded the Javadoc where I should have loaded to individual classes from the lib directory.
It really should work.
Try to save all changes. NetBeans reparses the classes when you save them.
Try to build your project manually from command line using Ant build script
Use Maven, Ivy or Gradle for Dependency Management then you can depend on the Neo4j artifacts.
For sending queries to the server you actually don't need Neo4j artifacts.
You can also use the JDBC driver, see

Is there an equivalent of "vim: set ft=cpp:" or "-*- c++ -*-" for Eclipse?

There are occasions when there is some code in a file that does not have any extension. Such files will have code written in a single language, but each such file may be written using a different language (like C, C++, assembly language, wiki markup, and HTML for example). Similarly, the problem also happens when there is a common extension in the file name, but different files use different programming languages.
The problem I want to solve is to avoid making each individual developer that has checked out a workspace from having to figure out what kind of file a source file is (there is either no extension, or the extension does not imply the source language used). To do so, the author of the file has the responsibility of putting the right magic in the file to let the file be opened properly. Since Eclipse has the ability to disable the formatter based on some embedded text in the file, I thought it should be possible to specify the file type as well. The Open With feature allows an individual developer to change how a file is interpreted, but must be done again each time a new workspace is checked out.
In Emacs or Vim, I can place magic strings at the top of the file to indicate how I want the file to be rendered within the editor. For example:
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* vim: set ft=cpp: */
Is there some equivalent magic for Eclipse? My attempts at finding a solution constantly pointed out how to disable the formatter. Clearly, my inexperience with Eclipse is capping my Google-Fu.
If there is no file extension, then things are a little harder. Instead of double-clicking to open the file, right-click -> Open with... -> other -> C++ editor. This will remember your choice for that file only.
ref:Quick way to set custom syntax highlighting in Eclipse
Of all the free plugins providing Vim functionality within Eclipse that are available as of 8 November 2013, namely
...none seem to support modelines. Nevertheless, a Vrapper user asked more than a year ago if such support existed.
Note that Eclim is a special case. It might solve your problem since it allows you to use Vim as an embedded Eclipse editor. However, from within the Vim instance, Eclipse's key bindings will not work. I guess it's a trade-off between access to features and convenience. From Eclim's website:
Please be aware that the embedded vim does not behave like a standard
eclipse editor. It's a separate program (vim) embedded into eclipse,
so eclipse features are provided by eclim's vim plugins and not the
usual eclipse key bindings, context menus, etc. For those that just
want vim like key bindings in their eclipse editors, vrapper is an
excellent alternative which provides exactly that.
There used to be a commercial plugin called Viable but development seems to have stalled since 2011. Also, some users report that it breaks under Juno.
Finally, although your question is about Eclipse, it turns out NetBeans does have a plugin that supports modelines. It's called jVi. Another plugin for Netbeans is VIEX, in case you're interested.
Hope that helps!
What vim plugins are available for Eclipse?
What are some good plugins for developing Java in VIM?
I'm not aware of any Eclipse plugin able to deal with vim-style modelines. However, AnyEdit gives you a pretty precise control over tab size and related prefs. And you can always search the marketplace.

Backing up Java?

I'm currently using Java and I'm looking for a program that saves a new version of what I'm doing each time I compile. I don't mind if it doesn't run, I can go in and edit the class name to make it match the .java name afterwards. As I'm a beginner, I keep getting caught by overextending myself and then breaking the project I'm working on irreparably. I'm just looking for a way to go back to a safe state.
I'm sure their are programs for this, but because I don't know the collective noun for them, finding one is next to impossible.
All help is much appreciated.
What you're looking for is revision control. This works independent of the language you're dealing with, since all the VCS is concerned with is the state of the software at a particular snapshot in time.
Some recommendations:
IntelliJ IDEA also comes with a built-in local revision system, which allows you to visit a particular file's history. It'd still be preferable to use either Git or Subversion.
There are also sites that you can host your project on to better preserve your project, such as Github or Google Code. Github uses...Git, but Google Code will allow you to use a few others, such as Subversion and Mercurial.
Use a Dropbox folder. If you use Eclipse, just put the entire folder in the Dropbox folder, and you are set to go with a backup-ed IDE.
Added bonus: access your project from anywhere.
You could also use GitHub, but then your source code will be open to the community unless you pay for one of their "plans".
Also, consider using Bitbucket, which isn't known as well, but is free. (Thanks to A--C for that alternative to GitHub)
