It's quite possible i've misunderstood the purpose of the File dir argument in Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir):
"The working directory of the new subprocess is specified by dir. If dir is null, the subprocess inherits the current working directory of the current process."
If I run Runtime.exec("C:/mydir/myfile.bat"); the script is executed (albeit with the wrong working dir)
however if I run Runtime.exec("myfile.bat", null, new File("C:/mydir")); i get the following error: Cannot run program "myfile.bat" (in directory "C:\mydir"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
I would assume that the dir argument sets the working directory for the new process as well as the command being executed, however maybe it just does the former. if that is the case the exception message is quite misleading.
How about
Runtime.exec("C:\mydir\myfile.bat", null, new File("C:\mydir"));
// It's much easier for us to create a high-quality error
// message than the low-level C code which found the problem.
Thats why you get a non specific exception - otherwise the JDK would need to implement exception handling similar to Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy handling OS specific error codes.
Edit: you may want to look at commons-exec
I do not know if it has something to do with it, but the \ is used to escape characters.
I always use forward slashes in Java and they are properly converted.
Otherwise I would recommend to always use \ i.e. double slashes to avoid mishaps like "C:\newfile" which would be C:-newline-ewfile.
I'm trying to install Logstash in my system and when I'm trying to run logstash.bat,
I'm getting the below error:
Error: Could not find or load main class 7.1.0\logstash-7.2.0\logstash-7.2.0\log stash-core\lib\jars\animal-sniffer-annotations-1.14.jar;D:\ELK
Whats the reason?
I have added the below code on the logstash.bat file as well.
set JAVA_HOME=path\to\custom_jdk_folder\jdk_8u161set
But the error still exists.
The reason is that ... somehow ... the batch file has gotten the Java command line wrong. It looks like it has misinterpreted something as the class name.
The current version of the logstash.bat file is here. As you can see, it is assembling the Java command line from a variety of things including:
parameters on the command line,
the logstash "jvm.options" file, and
the list of logstash's JAR files from "logstash-core\lib\jars"
It is unclear what has actually gone wrong, but this kind of problem often happens if there is an unexpected (unquoted) space in the Java command line.
My recommendation would be to debug what the BAT file is actually doing, starting by finding out what the command line actually looks like.
Also, take a look at the explanation of what the command line should look like in:
What does "Could not find or load main class" mean?
The following method :
private void startServer() { // snippet that starts the server on the local machine
try {
RemoteMethodImpl impl = new RemoteMethodImpl();
Naming.rebind( "Illusive-Server" , impl );
}catch(Exception exc) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Problem starting the server", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
throws this exception :java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Interfaces.RemoteMethodIntf
When i start my project, i am greeted with the message in JOptionPane saying problem starting the server and then the above exception. What could be the reason for this ?
I don't understand why does the last statement of exception says class not found exc when i have imported the right packages
There are four cases of this exception.
When exporting: you didn't run 'rmic' and you didn't take the steps described in the preamble to the Javadoc for UnicastRemoteObject to make it unnecessary.
When binding: the Registry doesn't have the stub or the remote interface or something they depend on on its classpath.
when looking up: the client does't have these things on its classpath.
When calling a remote method: you either sent something to the server of a class not present on its CLASSPATH, or received something from the server (including an exception) of a class not on your CLASSPATH: in both cases possibly a derived class or interface implementation of a class or interface mentioned in the remote interface's method signature.
This is case 2. The Registry can't find the named class.
There are several solutions:
Start the Registry with a CLASSPATH that includes the relevant JARs or directories.
Start the Registry in your server JVM, via LocateRegistry.createRegistry().
Use dynamic stubs, as described in the preamble to the Javadoc of UnicastRemoteObject. However you may then still run into the same problem with the remote interface itself or a class that it depends on, in which case 1-3 above still apply to that class/those classes.
Ensure that case (4) above doesn't occur.
Use the codebase feature. This is really a deployment option and IMO something to be avoided at the initial development stage.
Remote Server Error:RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mathInterface
The error very simple to solve to be perform following steps:
For example your java file consider D drive
Start rmiregistry D drive( example D:\start rmiregistry)then don't start rmiregistry on the other drives, it will yield the above error
(Wherever your file is, start rmiregistry)
I will try to explain it as better as possible what I did:
1st. I declared the classpath variable like follow:
set classpath=%classpath%
set classpath=C:\compiler
set classpath=C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
set classpath=C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
set classpath=C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
(All in one lineset:
set classpath=%classpath%;C:\compiler;C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\;C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\;C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
(I'm not sure if the .java files were nesesary, but I also wrote them for doubts).
2nd. I compilered with the line javac -d C:\compiler Where C:\compiler is the root directory like src on Eclipse IDE.
3rd. I ran the start rmiregistry line. (and don´t matter where you run it, it's the same).
4th. I ran:
start java -classpath C:\compiler -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:C:\compiler/ libro.cap07.rmi.hello.Server
You already know C:\compiler, but you need define packages address on the last to that the command can find the .class files. Open any .java file and copy the package address without packages sentense. You will see when you open the src directory (in my case C:\compiler), you find all directory sequence created. When this command line is created correctly, no matter where you will run it, C:, D:, src, anywhere it wil run.
5th. And finally, I ran the Client class with:
java -classpath C:\compiler libro.cap07.rmi.hello.Client
In conclusion, if the classpath variable won't created or it's to created wrong or the sentence of 4th point is not addressed well the JVM throws the same or similar error. Search there!
(Sorry my english).
You can launch rmiregistry from anywhere but you have to make sure that the compiled classes are already in your classpath. For example:-
E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes>set classpath=%classpath%;E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes <ENTER>
E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes>c: <ENTER>
And the above should work fine.
In general, if you launch rmiregistry from the root location of the compiled classes (above example it is E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes), that will work because . (dot - current directory) is already set in your classpath.
But as soon as you remove . (dot - current directory) from your classpath, the above working condition will also fail.
Hope I have explained in details.
I got this same issue, and a different solution worked for me. I was running two different IntelliJ projects, with a copy of the interface in each project. One of them was in a package, and the other one wasn't, and that was what was causing this error.
Make sure the interface copies aren't in a package.
Make sure the interface copies have the exact same package name.
I have been trying to use a home grown test tool and after doing an update to Centos 6.4, I am no longer able to run the tcl based tool. I am getting the following error and I have no internet access on this server. Kindly advise how do I solve this problem?
"XpUtils::iload -d /usr/local/testtool/repo/package/linux-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/tcljava1.4.1 tclblend" failed:
couldn't load file "/usr/local/testtool/repo/package/linux-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/tcljava1.4.1/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
while executing
"error "\"XpUtils::iload -d $dir tclblend\" failed:\n $errMsg""
(procedure "loadtclblend" line 168)
invoked from within
"loadtclblend /usr/local/testtool/repo/package/linux-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/tcljava1.4.1"
("package ifneeded java 1.4.1" script)
invoked from within
"package require java"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval package require $pkg"
("foreach" body line 2)
invoked from within
"foreach pkg $pkgList {
set ::${pkg}Version [eval package require $pkg]
(file "/usr/local/testtool/testtool" line 165)
If you read the error message trace, you'll see that it says that this is all caused by: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The first steps would then be to ensure that you've got a version of Java actually installed, to check that it includes the file, and that the file has been indexed by the system shared library catalog.
It might also be worth checking that all its dependencies are also present and that you've got the architecture for the Tcl library and the Java library matched (e.g., both 32-bit) as those can cause odd failures when they go wrong.
The following method :
private void startServer() { // snippet that starts the server on the local machine
try {
RemoteMethodImpl impl = new RemoteMethodImpl();
Naming.rebind( "Illusive-Server" , impl );
}catch(Exception exc) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Problem starting the server", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
throws this exception :java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Interfaces.RemoteMethodIntf
When i start my project, i am greeted with the message in JOptionPane saying problem starting the server and then the above exception. What could be the reason for this ?
I don't understand why does the last statement of exception says class not found exc when i have imported the right packages
There are four cases of this exception.
When exporting: you didn't run 'rmic' and you didn't take the steps described in the preamble to the Javadoc for UnicastRemoteObject to make it unnecessary.
When binding: the Registry doesn't have the stub or the remote interface or something they depend on on its classpath.
when looking up: the client does't have these things on its classpath.
When calling a remote method: you either sent something to the server of a class not present on its CLASSPATH, or received something from the server (including an exception) of a class not on your CLASSPATH: in both cases possibly a derived class or interface implementation of a class or interface mentioned in the remote interface's method signature.
This is case 2. The Registry can't find the named class.
There are several solutions:
Start the Registry with a CLASSPATH that includes the relevant JARs or directories.
Start the Registry in your server JVM, via LocateRegistry.createRegistry().
Use dynamic stubs, as described in the preamble to the Javadoc of UnicastRemoteObject. However you may then still run into the same problem with the remote interface itself or a class that it depends on, in which case 1-3 above still apply to that class/those classes.
Ensure that case (4) above doesn't occur.
Use the codebase feature. This is really a deployment option and IMO something to be avoided at the initial development stage.
Remote Server Error:RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mathInterface
The error very simple to solve to be perform following steps:
For example your java file consider D drive
Start rmiregistry D drive( example D:\start rmiregistry)then don't start rmiregistry on the other drives, it will yield the above error
(Wherever your file is, start rmiregistry)
I will try to explain it as better as possible what I did:
1st. I declared the classpath variable like follow:
set classpath=%classpath%
set classpath=C:\compiler
set classpath=C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
set classpath=C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
set classpath=C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
(All in one lineset:
set classpath=%classpath%;C:\compiler;C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\;C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\;C:\compiler\libro\cap07\rmi\hello\
(I'm not sure if the .java files were nesesary, but I also wrote them for doubts).
2nd. I compilered with the line javac -d C:\compiler Where C:\compiler is the root directory like src on Eclipse IDE.
3rd. I ran the start rmiregistry line. (and don´t matter where you run it, it's the same).
4th. I ran:
start java -classpath C:\compiler -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:C:\compiler/ libro.cap07.rmi.hello.Server
You already know C:\compiler, but you need define packages address on the last to that the command can find the .class files. Open any .java file and copy the package address without packages sentense. You will see when you open the src directory (in my case C:\compiler), you find all directory sequence created. When this command line is created correctly, no matter where you will run it, C:, D:, src, anywhere it wil run.
5th. And finally, I ran the Client class with:
java -classpath C:\compiler libro.cap07.rmi.hello.Client
In conclusion, if the classpath variable won't created or it's to created wrong or the sentence of 4th point is not addressed well the JVM throws the same or similar error. Search there!
(Sorry my english).
You can launch rmiregistry from anywhere but you have to make sure that the compiled classes are already in your classpath. For example:-
E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes>set classpath=%classpath%;E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes <ENTER>
E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes>c: <ENTER>
And the above should work fine.
In general, if you launch rmiregistry from the root location of the compiled classes (above example it is E:\ARMSRemoteUpdater\WebContent\WEB-INF\classes), that will work because . (dot - current directory) is already set in your classpath.
But as soon as you remove . (dot - current directory) from your classpath, the above working condition will also fail.
Hope I have explained in details.
I got this same issue, and a different solution worked for me. I was running two different IntelliJ projects, with a copy of the interface in each project. One of them was in a package, and the other one wasn't, and that was what was causing this error.
Make sure the interface copies aren't in a package.
Make sure the interface copies have the exact same package name.
I'm having some problems at runtime with some of my generated protocol buffer classes.
My project layout is as follows:
The Service.proto file depends on Shared.proto and some of the Message*.proto files. From the protobuf-api directory, I run the following command to compile:
find . -name *.proto -exec protoc --java_out=java -I=proto {} \;
When I attempt to run my Service, I get the following exception:
at com.linkedin.history.api.protobuf.HistoryServiceProtos$HistoryServiceQuery.(
at com.linkedin.history.api.serializer.HistoryServiceSerializer.serialize(
at test.history.serializer.TestSerializer.testHistoryServiceQuery(
at test.fwk.lispring.BaseTestSuite.callAppropriateRun(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid embedded descriptor for "com/linkedin/history/api/protobuf/HistoryService.proto".
at com.linkedin.history.api.protobuf.HistoryServiceProtos.(
Caused by:$DescriptorValidationException: com/linkedin/history/api/protobuf/HistoryService.proto: Dependencies passed to FileDescriptor.buildFrom() don't match those listed in the FileDescriptorProto.
I've read the post here but I think I'm doing everything correctly. Any suggestions on why I'm having the initializer errors? I'm compiling everything with the same -I flag.
I suspect that the problem is that when you're finding the proto file, you've given it the full path, e.g. proto/com/foo/api/Service.proto but when it refers to it via the include directory, it's using com/foo/api/Service.proto
Simple fix - run this from the proto directory:
find . -name *.proto -exec protoc --java_out=../java -I=. {} \;
I must admit I can't remember a lot of the details of protoc (which I really should) but I suspect that will work.
Another alternative which may work:
protoc --java_out=java `find . -name '*.proto'`
i.e. pass all the proto files into a single call to protoc.
I had the same error type in C# and here was my problem: I called the protoc in a pre-build step in my project. There I used Visual Studio built-in macros like $(SolutionDir) and $(ProjectDir) to retrieve necessary paths. Since I referenced *.proto files from other projects, I used two --proto_path options: one for the root path (to resolve import paths) and one for the file itself. My solution file was inside a subdirectory of the root directory, so I used the relative path .. to get to the root. Proto files are always in subdirectory gen of the particular project. All in all, the command was like this:
protoc.exe --proto_path=$(SolutionDir).. --proto_path=$(ProjectDir)gen $(ProjectDir)gen\DemoFile.proto
It compiled fine, but I got the System.TypeInitializationException at runtime on calling CreateBuilder() method. The problem was that both paths $(SolutionDir).. and $(ProjectDir) (though effectively pointing to the same directory) had different textual representation due to the relative path component ... I solved the problem by consistently using the same path like this:
protoc.exe --proto_path=$(SolutionDir).. $(SolutionDir)..\My\Demo\Project\Directory\gen\DemoFile.proto
It cost me almost 3 days to narrow down and recognize the problem, so I share my solution here in hope that it will save some time for someone.