getSnapshot not supported on Blackberry - java

I'm having problem when taking a picture using VideoControl.getSnapshot() method. It always throw the exception: getSnapshot not Supported. I'm using JRE 5.0.0 with Eclipse and BlackBerry® Java® SDK 5.0 Plugin.
What I do first is to list the encoding supported by Blackberry SmartPhone selected (bold 9700) with the command System.getProperty("video.snapshot.encodings") and select one encoding from the list and pass it as the getSnapshot argument.
I've tested on several Blackberry and the same exception is thrown.
Part of the code:
mPlayer = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video?encoding=video/3gpp");
mPlayer = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video?encoding=video/3gpp");
videoControl = (VideoControl)mPlayer.getControl("VideoControl");
Field cameraView = (Field) videoControl.initDisplayMode(VideoControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, "net.rim.device.api.ui.Field");
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TempScreen(cameraView));
byte[] snapShot = videoControl.getSnapshot("encoding=jpeg&width=480&height=360&quality=superfine");
Bitmap image = Bitmap.createBitmapFromBytes(snapShot, 0, snapShot.length, 1);
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TempScreen(image));
}catch (MediaException e){
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TempScreen("Exception: " + e.getMessage())); }
catch (IOException e){
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TempScreen("IO Exception: " + e.getMessage()));
catch (InterruptedException e){UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TempScreen("Interrupted Exception: "+ e.getMessage()));}

Not sure is my answer is actual after more than a half of year, but may be it will be useful.
You may try to use Thread.sleep(1000); before getSnapshot() call.
The problem may be related with that fact: "viewfinder must actually be visible on the screen prior to calling getSnapShot()."
So if you call getSnapshot immediately after UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new TempScreen(cameraView));
the camera isn't prepared for the next shot.
Also are you really sure that getSnapshot() API is supported exactly on your device? Some manufacturers may not support it, despite the API defines this method. Did you run System.getProperty("video.snapshot.encodings") exactly on the same device where you test getSnapshot()?

Player _p;
VideoControl _vc ;
RecordControl _rc ;
String PATH;
FileConnection fileconn;
Object canvas= new Object();
public static boolean SdcardAvailabulity() {
String root = null;
Enumeration e = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
root = (String) e.nextElement();
if( root.equalsIgnoreCase("sdcard/") ) {
return true;
}else if( root.equalsIgnoreCase("store/") ) {
return false;
class MySDListener implements FileSystemListener {
public void rootChanged(int state, String rootName) {
if( state == ROOT_ADDED ) {
if( rootName.equalsIgnoreCase("sdcard/") ) {
} else if( state == ROOT_REMOVED ) {
return true;
protected boolean invokeAction(int action){
boolean handled = super.invokeAction(action);
PATH = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.memorycard.videos")+"Video_"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".3gpp";//here "str" having the current Date and Time;
} else {
PATH = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.videos")+"Video_"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".3gpp";
if(action == ACTION_INVOKE){
}catch(Exception e){
return handled;
public MyScreen(){
setTitle("Video recording demo");
ButtonField AddPhoto = new ButtonField("push",ButtonField.FOCUSABLE | ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER | ButtonField.FIELD_VCENTER | DrawStyle.HCENTER | ButtonField.NEVER_DIRTY | Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
FieldChangeListener PhotoListener = new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
ButtonField Button = (ButtonField) field;
if (Button.getLabel().equals("push")){


NullPointerException in creating ProvisioningJob for headless update of eclipse rcp application

I am implementing headless force update of the eclipse application. I have used the P2Util class from but my code is returning null pointer exception at ProvisioningJob job = operation.getProvisioningJob(null); the job object is coming null. Does anyone know the possible reason for this null object.
public class P2Util {
// XXX Check for updates to this application and return a status.
static IStatus checkForUpdates(IProvisioningAgent agent, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws OperationCanceledException {
ProvisioningSession session = new ProvisioningSession(agent);
// the default update operation looks for updates to the currently
// running profile, using the default profile root marker. To change
// which installable units are being updated, use the more detailed
// constructors.
UpdateOperation operation = new UpdateOperation(session);
SubMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor,
"Checking for application updates...", 200);
IStatus status = operation.resolveModal(sub.newChild(100));
if (status.getCode() == UpdateOperation.STATUS_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE) {
return status;
if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.CANCEL)
throw new OperationCanceledException();
if (status.getSeverity() != IStatus.ERROR) {
// More complex status handling might include showing the user what updates
// are available if there are multiples, differentiating patches vs. updates, etc.
// In this example, we simply update as suggested by the operation.
ProvisioningJob job = operation.getProvisioningJob(null);
status = job.runModal(sub.newChild(100));//null pointer here
if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.CANCEL)
throw new OperationCanceledException();
return status;
I am calling this method as follows.
private Integer checkUpdate(final String updateServerURL, final IProvisioningAgent provisioningAgent, ProgressMonitorSplash monitor) {
returnValue = IApplication.EXIT_OK;
final IRunnableWithProgress runnable = new IRunnableWithProgress() {
public void run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
P2Util.addRepository(provisioningAgent, updateServerURL);
final IStatus updateStatus = P2Util.checkForUpdates(provisioningAgent, monitor);
if (updateStatus.getCode() == UpdateOperation.STATUS_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE) {
logger.debug("No Updates");
} else if (updateStatus.getSeverity() != IStatus.ERROR) {
logger.debug("Updates applied, attempting restart");
returnValue = IApplication.EXIT_RESTART;
} else {
try {, runnable);
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("interrupted: " + e.getMessage());
return returnValue;
where I am creating ProvisingAgent using EclipseContext
final IEclipseContext localContext = EclipseContextFactory.getServiceContext(Activator.getContext());
final IProvisioningAgent provisioningAgent = getService(localContext, IProvisioningAgent.class);
String env = System.getProperty("env").toLowerCase();
String repo = System.getProperty("validUrl." + env);
if ( repo == null ){
repo = System.getProperty("validUrl");
if ( repo != null ){
ret = checkUpdate(repo, provisioningAgent, sp);
if ( ret == IApplication.EXIT_RESTART ){"Update successful, restarting...");
return ret;
The javadoc on the UpdateOperation#getProvisioningJob(IProgressMonitor) says:
* #return a job that can be used to perform the provisioning operation. This may be <code>null</code>
* if the operation has not been resolved, or if a plan could not be obtained when attempting to
* resolve. If the job is null and the operation has been resolved, then the resolution result
* will explain the problem.

JSP - Running a program with main method and nested static class

I'm a novice when it comes to JSPs and JAVA.
How do I get the output from the below code to display on a jsp, considering that it runs everything from the main and contains non-public methods, a nested static class etc?
I know that we are not supposed to use java code on jsp but my first step in this proof on concept exercise is to get the code running and returning data from a backend then I can set about using EL etc.
I can run the program, with the correct config settings, from within Eclipse and all works fine with the output appearing on the console but I'm really not sure how to access it from within a jsp.
How do I access the static class and static methods from a jsp if they aren't public?
All help greatly appreciated.
public class CustomDestinationDataProvider
static class MyDestinationDataProvider implements DestinationDataProvider
private DestinationDataEventListener eL;
private HashMap<String, Properties> secureDBStorage = new HashMap<String, Properties>();
public Properties getDestinationProperties(String destinationName)
//read the destination from DB
Properties p = secureDBStorage.get(destinationName);
//check if all is correct, for example
throw new DataProviderException(DataProviderException.Reason.INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "destination configuration is incorrect", null);
return p;
return null;
catch(RuntimeException re)
throw new DataProviderException(DataProviderException.Reason.INTERNAL_ERROR, re);
public void setDestinationDataEventListener(DestinationDataEventListener eventListener)
this.eL = eventListener;
public boolean supportsEvents()
return true;
//implementation that saves the properties in a very secure way
void changeProperties(String destName, Properties properties)
secureDBStorage.put(destName, properties);
eL.updated(destName); // create or updated
} // end of MyDestinationDataProvider
//business logic
void executeCalls(String destName)
JCoDestination dest;
dest = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(destName);;
System.out.println("Destination " + destName + " works");
catch(JCoException e)
System.out.println("Execution on destination " + destName+ " failed");
static Properties getDestinationPropertiesFromUI()
//adapt parameters in order to configure a valid destination
Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
// Add code here to set config settings
return connectProperties;
public static void main(String[] args)
MyDestinationDataProvider myProvider = new MyDestinationDataProvider();
//register the provider with the JCo environment;
//catch IllegalStateException if an instance is already registered
catch(IllegalStateException providerAlreadyRegisteredException)
//somebody else registered its implementation,
//stop the execution
throw new Error(providerAlreadyRegisteredException);
String destName = "????";
CustomDestinationDataProvider test = new CustomDestinationDataProvider();
//set properties for the destination and ...
myProvider.changeProperties(destName, getDestinationPropertiesFromUI());
//... work with it
public static void step4WorkWithTable(JCoDestination dest) throws JCoException
JCoFunction function = dest.getRepository().getFunction("BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST");
if(function == null)
throw new RuntimeException("BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST not found in SAP.");
catch(AbapException e)
JCoStructure returnStructure = function.getExportParameterList().getStructure("RETURN");
if (! (returnStructure.getString("TYPE").equals("")||returnStructure.getString("TYPE").equals("S")) )
throw new RuntimeException(returnStructure.getString("MESSAGE"));
JCoTable codes = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("COMPANYCODE_LIST");
for (int i = 0; i < codes.getNumRows(); i++)
System.out.println(codes.getString("COMP_CODE") + '\t' + codes.getString("COMP_NAME"));
//move the table cursor to first row
for (int i = 0; i < codes.getNumRows(); i++, codes.nextRow())
function = dest.getRepository().getFunction("BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETDETAIL");
if (function == null)
throw new RuntimeException("BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETDETAIL not found in SAP.");
function.getImportParameterList().setValue("COMPANYCODEID", codes.getString("COMP_CODE"));
//We do not need the addresses, so set the corresponding parameter to inactive.
//Inactive parameters will be either not generated or at least converted.
catch (AbapException e)
returnStructure = function.getExportParameterList().getStructure("RETURN");
if (! (returnStructure.getString("TYPE").equals("") ||
returnStructure.getString("TYPE").equals("S") ||
returnStructure.getString("TYPE").equals("W")) )
throw new RuntimeException(returnStructure.getString("MESSAGE"));
JCoStructure detail = function.getExportParameterList().getStructure("COMPANYCODE_DETAIL");
System.out.println(detail.getString("COMP_CODE") + '\t' +
detail.getString("COUNTRY") + '\t' +

Error in creating new workspace in Eclipse RCP application

Problem in creating a new workspace in an Eclipse RCP application.
When the RCP application is launched, a dialog is prompted to ask the workspace location.
When the location is given, then there is error saying "Could not launch the product because the specified workspace cannot be created.
The specified workspace directory is either invalid or read-only".
I have followed the code from from eclipse, but still I am facing same issue.
Application code:
public class MyRcpApplication implements IApplication
private static final String METADATA_PROJECTS_PATH = "/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects";
private static final String METADATA_ROOT = ".metadata";
private static final String COMMAND_ARG = "--container";
private static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_EXIT_CODE = "eclipse.exitcode";
private static final String WORKSPACE_VERSION_KEY = "org.eclipse.core.runtime";
private static final String VERSION_FILENAME = "version.ini";
private static final String WORKSPACE_VERSION_VALUE = "1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String METADATA_FOLDER = ".metadata"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private Shell shell;
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see
public Object start(final IApplicationContext context)
Display display = PlatformUI.createDisplay();
Shell shell = display.getActiveShell();
// for backward compatibility we need to clear the workspace before start also
boolean instanceLocationCheck = checkInstanceLocation(shell, context.getArguments());
if (!instanceLocationCheck)
MessageDialog.openError(shell, IDEWorkbenchMessages.IDEApplication_workspaceInUseTitle,
"Could not launch the product because the associated workspace is currently in use by another My Application.");
return IApplication.EXIT_OK;
int returnCode = PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(display, new MyApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor());
if (returnCode == PlatformUI.RETURN_RESTART)
// eclipse.exitcode system property may be set to re-launch
if (IApplication.EXIT_RELAUNCH.equals(Integer.getInteger(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_EXIT_CODE)))
return IApplication.EXIT_RELAUNCH;
return IApplication.EXIT_RESTART;
// if application return code is exit clean up the workspace
// cleanUpTheWorkSpace();
return IApplication.EXIT_OK;
if (display != null)
Location instanceLoc = Platform.getInstanceLocation();
if (instanceLoc != null)
private boolean checkInstanceLocation(final Shell shell, final Map arguments)
Location instanceLoc = Platform.getInstanceLocation();
if (instanceLoc == null)
MessageDialog.openError(shell, "Workspace is Mandatory", "IDEs need a valid workspace.");
return false;
// -data "/valid/path", workspace already set
if (instanceLoc.isSet())
// make sure the meta data version is compatible (or the user has
// chosen to overwrite it).
// Used to check whether are we launching My application from development environment or not
if (isDevLaunchMode(arguments))
return true;
// Used to check instance location is locked or not
if (instanceLoc.isLocked())
return false;
// we failed to create the directory.
// Two possibilities:
// 1. directory is already in use
// 2. directory could not be created
File workspaceDirectory = new File(instanceLoc.getURL().getFile());
if (workspaceDirectory.exists())
if (isDevLaunchMode(arguments))
return true;
"Workspace Cannot Be Locked",
"Could not launch the product because the associated workspace at '" + workspaceDirectory.getAbsolutePath()
+ "' is currently in use by another Eclipse application");
"Workspace Cannot Be Created",
"Could not launch the product because the specified workspace cannot be created. The specified workspace directory is either invalid or read-only.");
catch (IOException e)
MessageDialog.openError(shell, "Internal Error", e.getMessage());
// -data #noDefault or -data not specified, prompt and set
ChooseWorkspaceData launchData = new ChooseWorkspaceData(instanceLoc.getDefault());
boolean force = false;
while (true)
URL workspaceUrl = promptForWorkspace(shell, launchData, force);
if (workspaceUrl == null)
return false;
// if there is an error with the first selection, then force the
// dialog to open to give the user a chance to correct
force = true;
// the operation will fail if the url is not a valid
// instance data area, so other checking is unneeded
if (instanceLoc.set(workspaceUrl, false))
return true;
catch (IllegalStateException e)
return false;
// by this point it has been determined that the workspace is
// already in use -- force the user to choose again
MessageDialog.openError(shell, IDEWorkbenchMessages
catch (IllegalStateException | IOException e)
return true;
private static void writeWorkspaceVersion(final URL defaultValue)
Location instanceLoc = Platform.getInstanceLocation();
if (instanceLoc.isReadOnly())
// MessageDialog.openError(shell,"Read-Only Dialog", "Location was read-only");
System.out.println("Instance Got Locked......");
if ((instanceLoc == null) || instanceLoc.isReadOnly())
File versionFile = getVersionFile(instanceLoc.getURL(), true);
if (versionFile == null)
OutputStream output = null;
output = new FileOutputStream(versionFile);
output.write(versionLine.getBytes("UTF-8")); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (IOException e)
IDEWorkbenchPlugin.log("Could not write version file", //$NON-NLS-1$
StatusUtil.newStatus(IStatus.ERROR, e.getMessage(), e));
if (output != null)
catch (IOException e)
// do nothing
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see
public void stop()
if (!PlatformUI.isWorkbenchRunning())
final IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
final Display display = workbench.getDisplay();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
if (!display.isDisposed())
private URL promptForWorkspace(final Shell shell, final ChooseWorkspaceData launchData, boolean force)
URL url = null;
new ChooseWorkspaceDialog(shell, launchData, false, force).prompt(force);
String instancePath = launchData.getSelection();
if (instancePath == null)
return null;
// the dialog is not forced on the first iteration, but is on every
// subsequent one -- if there was an error then the user needs to be
// allowed to
force = true;
// create the workspace if it does not already exist
File workspace = new File(instancePath);
if (!workspace.exists())
// Don't use File.toURL() since it adds a leading slash that Platform does not
// handle properly. See bug 54081 for more details.
String path = workspace.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
url = new URL("file", null, path); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (MalformedURLException e)
while (!checkValidWorkspace(shell, url));
return url;
private boolean checkValidWorkspace(final Shell shell, final URL url)
String version = readWorkspaceVersion(url);
// if the version could not be read, then there is not any existing
// workspace data to trample, e.g., perhaps its a new directory that
// is just starting to be used as a workspace
if (version == null)
return true;
final int ide_version = Integer.parseInt(WORKSPACE_VERSION_VALUE);
int workspace_version = Integer.parseInt(version);
// equality test is required since any version difference (newer
// or older) may result in data being trampled
if (workspace_version == ide_version)
return true;
// At this point workspace has been detected to be from a version
// other than the current ide version -- find out if the user wants
// to use it anyhow.
String title = "My App Titile"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String message = "My App Message";
MessageBox mbox = new MessageBox(shell, SWT.OK | SWT.CANCEL
return == SWT.OK;
private static String readWorkspaceVersion(final URL workspace)
File versionFile = getVersionFile(workspace, false);
if ((versionFile == null) || !versionFile.exists())
return null;
// Although the version file is not spec'ed to be a Java properties
// file, it happens to follow the same format currently, so using
// Properties to read it is convenient.
Properties props = new Properties();
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(versionFile);
return props.getProperty(WORKSPACE_VERSION_KEY);
catch (IOException e)
IDEWorkbenchPlugin.log("Could not read version file", new Status( //$NON-NLS-1$
IStatus.ERROR, IDEWorkbenchPlugin.IDE_WORKBENCH,
e.getMessage() == null ? "" : e.getMessage(), //$NON-NLS-1$,
return null;
private static File getVersionFile(final URL workspaceUrl, final boolean create)
if (workspaceUrl == null)
return null;
// make sure the directory exists
File metaDir = new File(workspaceUrl.getPath(), METADATA_FOLDER);
if (!metaDir.exists() && (!create || !metaDir.mkdir()))
return null;
// make sure the file exists
File versionFile = new File(metaDir, VERSION_FILENAME);
if (!versionFile.exists()
&& (!create || !versionFile.createNewFile()))
return null;
return versionFile;
catch (IOException e)
// cannot log because instance area has not been set
return null;
private static boolean isDevLaunchMode(final Map args)
// see org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.PluginPathFinder.isDevLaunchMode()
if (Boolean.getBoolean("eclipse.pde.launch"))
return true;
return args.containsKey("-pdelaunch"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Deletes all the available projects in the workspace
private void cleanUpTheWorkSpace()
// this will be the
String[] commands = Platform.getCommandLineArgs();
if (commands != null)
List<String> args = Arrays.asList(commands);
if (args.contains(COMMAND_ARG))
// if project is in the root delete it.. it will delete associated metadata
IProject[] projects = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
if (projects != null)
for (IProject project : projects)
project.delete(true, new NullProgressMonitor());
catch (CoreException e)
//, "Unable to clear the workspace");
// if project is not in the root but if its in the workspace delete the metadata too
File[] workSpaceFiles = Platform.getLocation().toFile().listFiles();
for (File file : workSpaceFiles)
if (METADATA_ROOT.equals(file.getName()))
File projectMeta = new File(file.getPath() + METADATA_PROJECTS_PATH);
if ((projectMeta != null) && projectMeta.exists())
File[] children = projectMeta.listFiles();
for (File child : children)
* else { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(file); }
Try run Eclipse as administrator.
Your code is just calling
if (instanceLoc.isLocked())
return false;
to check if the workspace is locked, but is doing nothing to make the workspace locked so this will always fall through to the error code.
IDEApplication does this:
if (instanceLoc.lock()) {
return null;
you need to do something similar.

Browser Java Plugin Detection

What is the preferred method to determine if the Sun Java Plugin is installed in the browser?
java deployment toolkit
script src=""
if (deployJava.versionCheck('1.6'))
alert("1.6 installed")
You may also consider PluginDetect script.
This isn't an answer for your exact question but is offered as a solution for determining the browser itself. Don't be too harsh, this is really old code that I wrote some time ago.
import java.applet.*;
public class BrowserDetector extends Applet {
public void init() {
if (isNetscape()) {
System.out.println("This browser is a Netscape Browser.");
if (isMicrosoft()) {
System.out.println("This browser is a Microsoft Browser.");
System.out.println("VM Type: " + getVMType());
public static boolean isNetscape() {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("This browser is not a Netscape Browser.");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isMicrosoft() {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("This browser is not a Microsoft Browser.");
return false;
return true;
public String getVMType() {
String theBrowser = "No VM";
String appletContext = getAppletContext().toString();
if (appletContext.startsWith("sun.applet.AppletViewer"))
theBrowser = "APPLETVIEWER";
else if (appletContext.startsWith("netscape.applet."))
theBrowser = "NETSCAPE";
else if (appletContext.startsWith(""))
theBrowser = "MICROSOFT";
else if (appletContext.startsWith("sunw.hotjava.tags.TagAppletPanel"))
theBrowser = "HOTJAVA";
else if (appletContext.startsWith( "sun.plugin.navig.win32.AppletPlugin"))
theBrowser = "NETSCAPEPLUGIN";
else if (appletContext.startsWith( "sun.plugin.ocx.ActiveXApplet"))
else if (appletContext.startsWith( "sun.plugin.viewer.context.IExplorerAppletContext"))
return theBrowser;

How can I populate a JFace ContentProposalAdapter from the internet?

So, I'm working on a plugin at work and I've run into a situation where I could use a ContentProposalAdapter to my benefit. Basically, a person will start typing in someone's name and then a list of names matching the current query will be returned in a type-ahead manner (a la Google). So, I created a class IContentProposalProvider which, upon calling it's getProposals() method fires off a thread which handles getting the proposals in the background. The problem I am having is that I run into a race condition, where the processing for getting the proposals via HTTP happens and I try to get the proposals before they have actually been retrieved.
Now, I'm trying not to run into an issue of Thread hell, and that isn't getting me very far anyway. So, here is what I've done so far. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do?
public class ProfilesProposalProvider implements IContentProposalProvider, PropertyChangeListener {
private IContentProposal[] props;
public IContentProposal[] getProposals(String arg0, int arg1) {
Display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell().getDisplay();
RunProfilesJobThread t1 = new RunProfilesJobThread(arg0, display);;
return props;
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent arg0) {
if (arg0.getSource() instanceof RunProfilesJobThread){
RunProfilesJobThread thread = (RunProfilesJobThread)arg0.getSource();
props = thread.getProps();
public class RunProfilesJobThread extends Thread {
private ProfileProposal[] props;
private Display display;
private String query;
public RunProfilesJobThread(String query, Display display){
this.query = query;
public void run() {
if (!(query.equals(""))){
GetProfilesJob job = new GetProfilesJob("profiles", query);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
GetProfilesJobInfoThread thread = new GetProfilesJobInfoThread(job.getResults());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
props = thread.getProps();
public ProfileProposal[] getProps(){
return props;
public class GetProfilesJobInfoThread extends Thread {
private ArrayList<String> names;
private ProfileProposal[] props;
public GetProfilesJobInfoThread(ArrayList<String> names){
this.names = names;
public void run() {
if (names != null){
props = new ProfileProposal[names.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < props.length - 1; i++){
ProfileProposal temp = new ProfileProposal(names.get(i), names.get(i));
props[i] = temp;
public ProfileProposal[] getProps(){
return props;
Ok, i'll try it...
I haven't tried to run it, but it should work more or less. At least it's a good start. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
public class ProfilesProposalProvider implements IContentProposalProvider {
private List<IContentProposal> proposals;
private String proposalQuery;
private Thread retrievalThread;
public void setProposals( List<IContentProposal> proposals, String query ) {
synchronized( this ) {
this.proposals = proposals;
this.proposalQuery = query;
public IContentProposal[] getProposals( String contents, int position ) {
// Synchronize incoming thread and retrieval thread, so that the proposal list
// is not replaced while we're processing it.
synchronized( this ) {
* Get proposals if query is longer than one char, or if the current list of proposals does with a different
* prefix than the new query, and only if the current retrieval thread is finished.
if ( retrievalThread == null && contents.length() > 1 && ( proposals == null || !contents.startsWith( proposalQuery ) ) ) {
getProposals( contents );
* Select valid proposals from retrieved list.
if ( proposals != null ) {
List<IContentProposal> validProposals = new ArrayList<IContentProposal>();
for ( IContentProposal prop : proposals ) {
if(prop == null) {
String propVal = prop.getContent();
if ( isProposalValid( propVal, contents )) {
validProposals.add( prop );
return validProposals.toArray( new IContentProposal[ validProposals.size() ] );
return new IContentProposal[0];
protected void getProposals( final String query ) {
retrievalThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
GetProfilesJob job = new GetProfilesJob("profiles", query);
try {
ArrayList<String> names = job.getResults();
if (names != null){
List<IContentProposal> props = new ArrayList<IContentProposal>();
for ( String name : names ) {
props.add( new ProfileProposal( name, name ) );
setProposals( props, query );
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
retrievalThread = null;
protected boolean isProposalValid( String proposalValue, String contents ) {
return ( proposalValue.length() >= contents.length() && proposalValue.substring(0, contents.length()).equalsIgnoreCase(contents));
