I cannot test build Android application on my HTC Evo at all. I searched online for answers, but nothing helped, including updating all the software.
The Eclipse launched Emulator doesn't recognize it as an external device either.
Any ideas? I have a presentation at my job tomorrow, and it has to be on the phone.
As said above you need to download Drivers separately. You can download HTC Hero drivers from here
Just unzip and refer this path so that eclipse could recognize your device
i just made a simple android app with 6 buttons. Each button on click opens a new activity. I installed the app on my device via USB cable from Android studio and it runs fine on my device.
But here rises the problem, when I installed the app on my friends device after sharing via SHAREit the app installed on his device but did not run.
What could be the reason for this? And how can I solve this?
Please help. Thank you
You dont need to create a signed APK if you only want to test it on your friends device and not to run it in a production progress. Android Studio creates an apk automatically which is signed for 365 days. Just open your project in your explorer and go to [ProjectName]\app\build\outputs\apk and select the app-debug.apk.
Make sure instance run in android studio is disabled.
Because if Instance run is enabled when you debug the app on real device through usb debugging it will work properly . but if u share the apk from your device to other device it will not work. It might show an error . App Name Unfortunately Stoped.
If Instance run is enable. you must disable the instance run first. If you don't know how to disable it just google it. After disable the instance run, you must clean project and Build new apk. It will work on all the other devices without generating signed apk.
Hope it may help you.
While building the app what MinSDK version you defined? Do both devices satisfy that criteria?
If you suspect that installing through sharing app is a problem then try attaching your friend device to your laptop and try running the app.
Send the apk through email and let your friend download the apk and install the apk through apkInstaller app.
I have a solution for you:
Install Bluestacks Android Emulator.
Go to Tools, Android and click on Enable Adb Integration to disable it.
In android studios one Android Device for Bluestacks will appear while installation.
Share the installed app through shareit.
It will work on other device.
Hope it helps
Here is the link, where you will find your solution. https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/ check the point 'publish your app', In left column.
Simply follow these steps:
Double click on shift and search for build apk and click on it.
Locate that apk file.
Copy to your physical device or your friend's device... whatever, it will work.
I have been trying for the last 2 hours now to get the map to work in the emulator on Mac. I have followed several suggestions on Stack such as this and this I have tried over and over again, are these out of date?
I have done several new projects, fresh virtual devices, cleaned all the time and it's just not working. Any suggestions?
I had the same problem as you ask after installing apk files I have successfully run the google map version 2 on Android version 4.2.2 level 17 emulator. I have spend 2 days to find what is the problem.
make sure you have updated version of google api with latest updated version.
and google play service in extra folder of Android Sdk Manager.
Link To follow all step to start map v2 on emulator: https://blog-emildesign.rhcloud.com/?p=527
1) delete your current AVD or Genymotion emulator
2) create new AVD or Genumotion emulator
- Device: select Device any
- Target: choose target as you want but make sure it should be 4.0 or greater
- CPU: Intel or ARM
- RAM, Heap, Internal storage, sd card: it should be lower according to your pc specification means if you have good RAM and process then go for the higher as you can.
you need to install
three apk files on emulator
1) com.android.vending.apk
2) com.google.android.gms.apk ( above both are given in the link)
Note: Google play service apk (gms) version should be same as your
google play service library mention in your code. Check google play
service library version name and download the same version of apk file
3) com.google.android.maps
if you have successfully install all these on your emulator without failure then you will definitely open google map on emulator.
one more thing I would like to suggest you that version of google play service library that you refer in you project should be same as you install google play service apk file. It is not mandatory but some time you may face the same problem google play service version miss match error.
I have found some link hope it will help you. Apk file download link:
gms: http://uploaded.net/file/bnzl1si4
vending: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=9390135922294521859
Hope it will help you.
I was using my phone earlier today for testing apps. I plugged it in later today to test another and eclipse wouldn't recognize it. I looked everywhere. I'm not sure why it wont work. Im using a Samsung Galaxy S3 device. All of the drives properly installed and updated. And debuggin is on.
This is not a problem with eclipse, devices get detected by adb(Android Debug Bridge that comes with the SDK) and the underlying driver(Install Samsung Kies to get the correct driver for S3), Ensure you have the correct drivers installed. Then it will detect successfully. Ensure USB debugging connected in Settings -> Developer Options
I have only used my phone to test for one day. And all day i had my phone connected cause i was teathering. I turned my teather back on and viola, problem solved.
Install google usb driver throu android sdk manager
I recently bought a Galaxy Nexus and flashed 4.0.4 onto it (I don't know if this affected the problem). My application used to, but no longer, is displayed in the Android Market on the device when searching for it or even when navigating to My Apps.
It does display in my launcher correctly once installed and runs perfectly, however it will not show up in the Android Market. I am very confused as to why this is (comes up on my Nexus One, Droid X, Galaxy S etc.) and my min SDK version is 7.
In my Manifest
uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Turn off the copy write protection and it will show up in a few hours..It's better to implement you're own authentication system.
Does this happen only on your device or on other GNs as well? You can use the developer console to find out what devices the app won't show up on. Find the 'Supported devices' section, then click 'Show devices' and do a search for 'Samsung'. If it is filtered, it might be due to the permissions/features you are using in the manifest. Check those and and requried=false as necessary (if possible).
I coded an Android application under eclipse
I run this application
The emulators starts and show the Android desktop
But my application is not shown/added on it.
Neither the main activity is started.
What to do ?
Go to Settings>>Applications>>Manage Applications then click on the All tab and here you can find the list of the applications installed on your device or emulator. So just ensure it wheather your application is installed or not.
I am a beginner too and so far I only manage to test the samples that are packaged with the platform. I had the same problem but when I change the emulator platform and API level everything is working.
Maybe you try to make few different emulators and test run your app on different emulator