Thanks for reading this in advance.
I use Spring data JPA to query data from DB:
UserProfile userProfile = userProfileRepository.findByCustomerID(id);
After the data returned I want to change some value to some field:
userProfile.setRemark("some remark");
However, I notice that Spring will automatically update the database of this record which I don't want, as this field is just a temp value for some further processing.
May I know how can I let Spring data JPA to kinda "ignore" or "drop" this entity from the managed pool? I found someone said to use:
And tested it definitely will not update the database if this one is called. But I am not sure if this is the correct way to do so, does entityManager.clear(); will clear other managed entities as well?
Many thanks.
I'm working in a project right now, here is a piece of code:
public boolean getAll() {
TypedQuery<Tag> query = em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Tag c WHERE (c.tagName !=?1 AND c.tagName !=?2 AND c.tagName !=?3) ", Tag.class);
query.setParameter(1, "Complete");
query.setParameter(2, "GroupA");
query.setParameter(3, "GroupB");
List<Tag> Tag= query.getResultList();
But when I try to do something like this:
Tag.get(2).setTagName = "Hello";
It considers it to be an update instead of a create? How can I make JPA understand that it's not database related, to detach the chains with the Database and create new register only changing its name for example?
Thanks a lot for any help!
Best regards!
Using the em.detach just before changing it values and persisting each of the list worked just fine!
Thanks everyone!
You haven't showed us how you are obtaining your list, but there are two key points here:
everything read in from an EntityManager is managed - JPA checks
these managed objects for changes and will synchronize them with the
database when required (either by committing the transaction or
calling flush).
Calling persist on a managed entity is a no-op - the entity is
already managed, and will be synchronized with the database if it
isn't in there yet.
So the first Tag.get(2).setTagName = "Hello"; call is what causes your update, while the persist is a no-op.
What you need do to instead is create a new instance of your tag object and set the field. Create a clone method on your object that copies everything but the ID field, and then call persist on the result to get an insert for a new Entity.
The decision whether to update or create a new entity object is done based on the primary key. You're probably using an ID on every object. Change or remove it and persist then. This should create a new entry.
If that doesn't work, you might need to detach the object from the Entity Manager first:
and persist it afterwards:
You can also force an update instead of creation by using
There is no equivalent for forced creation AFAIK. persist will do both depending on PK.
I am using Spring with Hibernate. I am running jUnit test like this:
String number = invoiceNumberService.nextInvoiceNumber();
and invoiceNumberService method is:
InvoiceNumber invoiceNumber = invoiceNumberRepository.findOne(1L);
it is using simple spring data repository method, and it's working well. But when I override this method to use locking:
InvoiceNumber findOne(Long id);
I am getting "javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction"
I can't understand why its optimistic lock exception, while I am using pessimistic locking? And where is this part when another transaction is changing this entity?
I have already dig a lot similar questions and I am quite desperate about this. Thanks for any help
The problem was in my init function in test class:
public void init() {
InvoiceNumber invoiceNumber = new InvoiceNumber(1);
There was lack of
Which saves the data into database, so findOne() can now retreive it
Question: Have you given the #transcational annotation in dao or service layer?
it happens due to the reason that two transaction is simultaneously trying to change the data of same table..So if you remove all the annotation from the dao layer and put in the service layer it should solve the problem i this..because i faced similar kind of problem.
Hope it helps.
Just for the sake of it I'll post the following, if any one disagrees please correct me. In general in java you are advised to use Spring/hibernate and JPA. Hibernate implements JPA so you will need dependencies for Spring and Hibernate.
Next let Spring/hibernate manage your transactions and the committing part. It is bad practice to flush/commit your data yourself.
For instance let assume the following method:
public void changeName(long id, String newName) {
CustomEntity entity = dao.find(id);
Nothing will happen after this method (you could call merge and commit). But if you annotate it with #Transactional, your entity will be managed and at the end of the #Transactional method Spring/hibernate will commit your changes. So this is enough:
public void changeName(long id, String newName) {
CustomEntity entity = dao.find(id);
No need to call flush, Spring/Hibernate will handle all the mess for you. Just don't forget that your tests have to call #Transactional methods, or should be #Transactional themselves.
Is it possible to stop hibernate from auto updating a persistent object?
public ResultTO updateRecord(RequestTO requestTO) {
Entity entity = dao.getEntityById(requestTO.getId());
// now update the entity based on the data in the requestTO
ValidationResult validationResult = runValidation(entity);
if(validationResult.hasErrors()) {
// return ResultTO with validation errors
} else {
Here is what happens in the code, I retrieve the entity which would be considered by hibernate to be in persistent state, then I update some of the fields in the entity, then pass the entity to validation. if validation fails, then don't udpate, if validation succeeds then persist the entity.
Here is the main issue with this flow: because I updated the entity for it to be used in the validation, it does not matter whether I call persist() method (on the DAO) or not, the record will always be updated because hibernate detects that the entity has been changed and flags it for update.
Keep im mind I can change the way i do validation and work around the issue, so I'm not interested in workarounds. I'm interested in knowing how i would be able to disable the hibernate feature where it automatically updates persistent objects.
Please keep in mind I'm using hibernates' implementation of JPA. so Hibernate specific answers dealing with hibernate specific API will not work for me.
I tried to look for hibernate configuration and see if I can set any configuration to stop this behavior but no luck.
--EDIT ---
I couldn't find a solution to this, so I opted to rolling back the transaction without throwing any RuntimeException even though I'm in a declarative transaction using:
which works like a charm.
Configure FlushMode for your session.
You can use EntityManager.clear() method after getting object from database.
You can call the following code:
Throw an exception if validation fails and have the caller handle that.
What would be the easiest way to detach a specific JPA Entity Bean that was acquired through an EntityManager. Alternatively, could I have a query return detached objects in the first place so they would essentially act as 'read only'?
The reason why I want to do this is becuase I want to modify the data within the bean - with in my application only, but not ever have it persisted to the database. In my program, I eventually have to call flush() on the EntityManager, which would persist all changes from attached entities to the underyling database, but I want to exclude specific objects.
(may be too late to answer, but can be useful for others)
I'm developing my first system with JPA right now. Unfortunately I'm faced with this problem when this system is almost complete.
Simply put. Use Hibernate, or wait for JPA 2.0.
In Hibernate, you can use 'session.evict(object)' to remove one object from session. In JPA 2.0, in draft right now, there is the 'EntityManager.detach(object)' method to detach one object from persistence context.
No matter which JPA implementation you use, Just use entityManager.detach(object) it's now in JPA 2.0 and part of JEE6.
If you need to detach an object from the EntityManager and you are using Hibernate as your underlying ORM layer you can get access to the Hibernate Session object and use the Session.evict(Object) method that Mauricio Kanada mentioned above.
public void detach(Object entity) {
org.hibernate.Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
Of course this would break if you switched to another ORM provider but I think this is preferably to trying to make a deep copy.
Unfortunately, there's no way to disconnect one object from the entity manager in the current JPA implementation, AFAIR.
EntityManager.clear() will disconnect all the JPA objects, so that might not be an appropriate solution in all the cases, if you have other objects you do plan to keep connected.
So your best bet would be to clone the objects and pass the clones to the code that changes the objects. Since primitive and immutable object fields are taken care of by the default cloning mechanism in a proper way, you won't have to write a lot of plumbing code (apart from deep cloning any aggregated structures you might have).
As far as I know, the only direct ways to do it are:
Commit the txn - Probably not a reasonable option
Clear the Persistence Context - EntityManager.clear() - This is brutal, but would clear it out
Copy the object - Most of the time your JPA objects are serializable, so this should be easy (if not particularly efficient).
If using EclipseLink you also have the options,
Use the Query hint, eclipselink.maintain-cache"="false - all returned objects will be detached.
Use the EclipseLink JpaEntityManager copy() API to copy the object to the desired depth.
If there aren't too many properties in the bean, you might just create a new instance and set all of its properties manually from the persisted bean.
This could be implemented as a copy constructor, for example:
public Thing(Thing oldBean) {
// and so on
Thing newBean = new Thing(oldBean);
this is quick and dirty, but you can also serialize and deserialize the object.
Since I am using SEAM and JPA 1.0 and my system has a fuctinality that needs to log all fields changes, i have created an value object or data transfer object if same fields of the entity that needs to be logged. The constructor of the new pojo is:
public DocumentoAntigoDTO(Documento documentoAtual) {
Method[] metodosDocumento = Documento.class.getMethods();
for(Method metodo:metodosDocumento){
try {
Object resultadoInvoke = metodo.invoke(documentoAtual,null);
Method[] metodosDocumentoAntigo = DocumentoAntigoDTO.class.getMethods();
for(Method metodoAntigo : metodosDocumentoAntigo){
String metodSetName = "set" + metodo.getName().substring(3);
metodoAntigo.invoke(this, resultadoInvoke);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
In JPA 1.0 (tested using EclipseLink) you could retrieve the entity outside of a transaction. For example, with container managed transactions you could do:
public MyEntity myMethod(long id) {
final MyEntity myEntity = retrieve(id);
// myEntity is detached here
public MyEntity retrieve(long id) {
return entityManager.find(MyEntity.class, id);
Do deal with a similar case I have created a DTO object that extends the persistent entity object as follows:
class MyEntity
public static class MyEntityDO extends MyEntity {}
Finally, an scalar query will retrieve the desired non managed attributes:
(Hibernate) select, from MyEntity P
(JPA) select new MyEntity(, from myEntity P
If you get here because you actually want to pass an entity across a remote boundary then you just put some code in to fool the hibernazi.
for(RssItem i : result.getChannel().getItem()){
Cloneable wont work because it actually copies the PersistantBag across.
And forget about using serializable and bytearray streams and piped streams. creating threads to avoid deadlocks kills the entire concept.
I think there is a way to evict a single entity from EntityManager by calling this
EntityManagerFactory emf;
This will remove particular entity from cache.
Im using entityManager.detach(returnObject);
which worked for me.
I think you can also use method EntityManager.refresh(Object o) if primary key of the entity has not been changed. This method will restore original state of the entity.