Java Charting libraries [closed] - java

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a good charting library for Java. It can be open source or not and I need it to work in a stand alone client application rather than web-based.
We do have some dynamic charts however which scroll across the screen as data are provided that were done in MS chart and will need to be redone so not sure if JChart will accomplish this in an acceptable manner.
Are there any java charting libraries right in the J2SE API? I've also run across Oracle Chart Builder, but can't seem to find any information on it other than this link: Has anyone ever heard of it before?

JFreeChart is an excellent open source charting library for java.
The samples demo (Java Web Start version or in the distribution) contains a section under Miscellaneous called Dynamic Charts (in addition to lots of others). The source code for the demos is available via the official documentation (the purchase of which supports the project). - I used it for small project. Rendering dynamic data was quite complex but possible.
It's open source but you probably will have to pay for doc if you would like to do something serious.


Create reports from bunch of strings in java [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my project I am using a lot of strings to create reports. Is there any library or API that can create stylish reports (in PDF) in Java? I tried with Jasper reports but it can only create reports from mySQL database.Regards.
iText (not free for commercial use) will let you do PDF programmatically (code your layout). JODReports (free) or Docmosis (free trials but not free) can do PDF and other formats and work from templates (DOC or ODT) mail-merge style. Please note I work for the company that created Docmosis.
Each of the technologies will let you create stylish reports, but working from templates is often faster than working in code if you are starting from scratch.
Hope that helps.
Apache has several
Or you can use
Try iText. I used it in some of my projects, and it works like a charm.

What is a good option for converting Office Documents to PDF or Image [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Basically, what i want to know is, is there any better open-source option other than JODConverter, Apache POI, docx4j to do a conversion of Office documents - docx,doc,xls,xlsx,odt.. in to a PDF format. I have tried all these options, its working fine for smaller and simpler files. If the documents contains fields, objects, tables etc. those are not properly converted. None of these tools forums are active too. If possible we need to do use Java only. Any one have any better suggestions?
We ship with both open-source and closed-source office document converters. Apache POI is the best open-source office document converter we've found. Apache POI is active too. We have had success in fixing bugs ourselves, getting attention from developers for well-documented test cases/failures, and on hiring committers to the project to fix/update things we needed quickly.
a commercial library to do this is
it's reasonably good - i have used an old version (haven't checked out their latest updated version).
I've recently used XDocReport. They support converters from docx to pdf (explained here)

GUI builder for web apps [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the best GUI builder for web apps (any language) that can hook into the backend code, in that it is compatible with dynamically generated web pages and can submit Ajax requests?
As a side note, is there such a GUI builder for java based web apps (i.e. Play Framework)
I'm kinda looking for something similar to Interface Builder for Iphone and Android, but for web apps.
For such a task I would recommend Vaadin, which has a beautiful and complete widgetset, with great documentation. Moreover, you can extend, restyle existing widgets or create custom ones.
If you use eclipse you can install a plugin that helps designing UIs - but in my opinion this won't be needed once you get used to the development style ;)
If you like desktop development style, you will love Vaadin. You will only have to code in Java, and the published product will be html+css+js (ajax)+java.
I've worked with this framework and found it very promising, and easy to use - of course it has its learning curve, but once you get used to it, and have a well structured project, you can implement new features easily.
Note that Vaadin is based on GWT, so if can't find an appropriate widget for your app among the many included in the framework, you might find GWT knowledge to come handy.

Recommended open source workflow engine in java for non-business kind scenarios [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My use case is not to model a business process workflow. I need a simple, easy to use and low learning curve workflow engine where I can model a simple workflow. I have a bunch of backend processes and each process needs to wait for the completion of previous process and also look at its status.
I see a whole bunch here but can't decide which one to use!
You can use WSO2 Carbon Studio to model the workflow using the BPEL editor, then deploy the artefact in WSO2 BPS or Apache ODE.
You can use Eclipse Helios with WSO2 Carbon Studio 1.0.14
You can find a tutorial here.
Also this article explains a similar workflow which you have mentioned in the question.
The three most visible/active, in alphabetical order:
I'd suggest going through the tutorial/quickstart of each of them to get acquainted.
Check out WSO2 Products
Imixs Workflow is an open source Java Enterprise workflow engine.
With the sub project Imixs Workflow Script you have an easy way to start with a workflow application based on JavaScript and jQuery.

Is there a dynamic word/tag cloud Java API somewhere? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are loads of great word and tag clouds available, the most prominent being But I am looking to display something akin to what some folks did for a twitter replay of the 2010 world cup, just not using flash. I'm not too familiar with R, but it seems to be the best tool for generating some statistical decay of font size over time. Is there a Java API (or combination of APIs) that might make this capability easier from the start?
I'm not aware of a good R package for that. There are some functions, like cloud in the snippets package, and maybe other functions, but nothing compared to,, or Many Eyes. Drew Conway has done some nice stuff with tm + ggplot2; I also played with it a while ago, but this was more of to play with 3D tag cloud (with rgl) than wordle.
In Python or Processing, there are some ongoing projects detailed on this related question. To my knowledge, Tagxedo looks great but it has no API and it relies on Silverlight.
Pierre Lindenbaum also has some Java code, see his blog post Playing with the Wordle algorithm: a tag cloud of Mesh Terms.
It's not great, but there is an open-source project (alas, in PHP) that does word clouds over time. The example uses presidential speeches.
Here is one that I created in Java as part of a larger project for deriving information from unstructured data : The "tagcloud" project has all the required classes for generating a tag cloud and writing it to multiple putput image formats.
