How to initialize a dynamic array in java? - java

If I have a class that needs to return an array of strings of variable dimension (and that dimension could only be determined upon running some method of the class), how do I declare the dynamic array in my class' constructor?
If the question wasn't clear enough,
in php we could simply declare an array of strings as $my_string_array = array();
and add elements to it by $my_string_array[] = "New value";
What is the above code equivalent then in java?

You will want to look into the java.util package, specifically the ArrayList class. It has methods such as .add() .remove() .indexof() .contains() .toArray(), and more.

Plain java arrays (ie String[] strings) cannot be resized dynamically; when you're out of room but you still want to add elements to your array, you need to create a bigger one and copy the existing array into its first n positions.
Fortunately, there are java.util.List implementations that do this work for you. Both java.util.ArrayList and java.util.Vector are implemented using arrays.
But then, do you really care if the strings happen to be stored internally in an array, or do you just need a collection that will let you keep adding items without worrying about running out of room? If the latter, then you can pick any of the several general purpose List implementations out there. Most of the time the choices are:
ArrayList - basic array based implementation, not synchronized
Vector - synchronized, array based implementation
LinkedList - Doubly linked list implementation, faster for inserting items in the middle of a list
Do you expect your list to have duplicate items? If duplicate items should never exist for your use case, then you should prefer a java.util.Set. Sets are guaranteed to not contain duplicate items. A good general-purpose set implementation is java.util.HashSet.
Answer to follow-up question
To access strings using an index similar to $my_string_array["property"], you need to put them in a Map<String, String>, also in the java.util package. A good general-purpose map implementation is HashMap.
Once you've created your map,
Use map.put("key", "string") to add strings
Use map.get("key") to access a string by its key.
Note that java.util.Map cannot contain duplicate keys. If you call put consecutively with the same key, only the value set in the latest call will remain, the earlier ones will be lost. But I'd guess this is also the behavior for PHP associative arrays, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

Create a List instead.
List<String> l = new LinkedList<String>();

No dynamic array in java, length of array is fixed.
Similar structure is ArrayList, a real array is implemented underlying it.
See the name ArrayList :)


The right data structure for random acces and no duplicates

I need to store unique objects in some datastructure, but also I need access by index like in ArrayList or plain array. Maybe there is some elegant way to do this without using convertions from set to array, iteration through all elemnts, checking value while adding to ArrayList and others.
I would be grateful for any help and advices.
You should have a look at ListOrderedSet from Apache Commons Collections:
Decorates another Set to ensure that the order of addition is retained and used by the iterator.
If an object is added to the set for a second time, it will remain in the original position in the iteration. The order can be observed from the set via the iterator or toArray methods.
The ListOrderedSet also has various useful direct methods. These include many from List, such as get(int), remove(int) and indexOf(int). An unmodifiable List view of the set can be obtained via asList().
Make your own class containing a HashSet<T> and an ArrayList<T>. For the add/append operation, if the element is not already in the set, append it to the list and add it to the HashSet. You'll use about twice as much memory as a normal ArrayList, but you'll get O(1) random access and contains operations.

How do I know whether to use an array or an arraylist?

What determines whether one should be used over the other?
I used to think that the deciding factor is whether you know the size of the things you want to store but I think there might be more to it than that.
Some more differences:
First and Major difference between Array and ArrayList in Java is that Array is a fixed length data structure while ArrayList is a variable length Collection class. You can not change length of Array once created in Java but ArrayList re-size itself when gets full depending upon capacity and load factor. Since ArrayList is internally backed by Array in Java, any resize operation in ArrayList will slow down performance as it involves creating new Array and copying content from old array to new array.
Another difference between Array and ArrayList in Java is that you can not use Generics along with Array, as Array instance knows about what kind of type it can hold and throws ArrayStoreException, if you try to store type which is not convertible into type of Array. ArrayList allows you to use Generics to ensure type-safety.
One more major difference between ArrayList and Array is that, you can not store primitives in ArrayList, it can only contain Objects. While Array can contain both primitives and Objects in Java. Though Autoboxing of Java 5 may give you an impression of storing primitives in ArrayList, it actually automatically converts primitives to Object.
Java provides add() method to insert element into ArrayList and you can simply use assignment operator to store element into Array e.g. In order to store Object to specified position.
One more difference on Array vs ArrayList is that you can create instance of ArrayList without specifying size, Java will create Array List with default size but its mandatory to provide size of Array while creating either directly or indirectly by initializing Array while creating it. By the way you can also initialize ArrayList while creating it.
Use array when you know the exact size of the collection and you don't expect to add/remove elements.
Use List (ArrayList) when you don't know the exact size of the collection and you expect to alter it at some point.
If you're using Java8, there is the Stream API, which helps to significantly reduce the boilerplate code when working with collections. This is another plus for ArrayList (and all Collections and Maps).
More info:
Arrays vs ArrayList in performance
Unless speed is critical (really critical, like every microsecond counts), use ArrayList whenever possible. It's so much easier to use, and that's usually the most important thing to consider.
Generally, I use ArrayList, not arrays, because they offer a lot of several methods that are very usefull. I think you can use array if performance is very important, in very special cases.
Array is fixed, ArrayList is growable.If the number of elements is fixed, use an array
Also one of the great benefits of collection implementations is they give you a lot of flexibility. So depending on your need, you can have a List behave as an ArrayList or as a LinkedList and so on. Also if you look at the Collection API, you'd see you have methods for almost everything you'd ever need to do.

java-how to manage multiple lists of data- in a single variable- with easy access to each list

I have a scenario where I have to work with multiple lists of data in a java app...
Now each list can have any number of elements in it... Also, the number of such lists is also not known initially...
Which approach will suit my scenario best? I can think of arraylist of list, or list of list or list of arraylist etc(ie combinations of arraylist + list/ arraylist+arraylist/list+list)... what I would like to know is--
(1) Which of the above (or your own solution) will be easiest to manage- viz to store/fetch data
(2) Which of the above will use the least amount of memory?
I would declare my variable as:
List<List<DataType>> lists = new ArrayList<List<DataType>>();
There is a slight time penalty in accessing list methods through a variable of an interface type, but this, I think, is more than balanced by the flexibility you have of changing the type as you see fit. (For instance, if you decided to make lists immutable, you could do that through one of the methods in java.util.Collections, but not if you had declared it to be an ArrayList<List<DataType>>.)
Note that lists will have to hold instances of some concrete class that implements List<DataType>, since (as others have noted) List is an interface, not a class.
List is an interface. ArrayList is one implementation of List.
When you construct a List you must choose a specific concrete type (e.g. ArrayList). When you use the list it is better to program against the interface if possible. This prevents tight coupling between your code and the specific List implementation, allowing you to more easily change to another List implementation later if you wish.
If you know a way to identify which list you will be dealing with, use a map of lists.
Map<String,List<?>> = new HashMap<String,List<?>>();
This way you would avoid having to loop through the outer elements to reach the actual list. Hash map performs better than an iterator.

Java random insert collection

I am considering using a Java collection that would work best with random insertions. I will be inserting a lot and only read the collection once at the end.
My desired functionality is adding an element at a specified index, anywhere between <0, current_length>. Which collection would be the most efficient to use?
Useful link for your reference:
Not entirely sure how you will be reading the information post input (and how important it is to you). Hashmap or ArrayList would make sense depending on what you are looking to do. Also not sure if you are looking for something thread safe or not.
Hope it helps.
The inefficiency of using List is endemic to the problem. Every time you add something, every subsequent element will have to be re-indexed - as the javadoc states:
Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any
subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
From your question/comments, it would appear that you have a bunch of Objects, and you're sorting them as you go. I'd suggest a more efficient solution to this problem would be to write a Comparator (or make your object implement Comparable), and then use Collections.sort(list, comparator) (or Collections.sort(list)).
You might suggest that your Objects are being sorted on the basis of other variables. In which case, you could create an extension of the Object, with those other variables as fields and extending Comparable, and with a method like getOriginal(). You add these wrapped objects to your list, sort, and then iterate through the list, adding the original objects (from getOriginal()) to a new list.
For info on the sorting algorithm of collections - see this SO question

When is an ArrayList preferable to an array in Java?

When should I use an ArrayList in Java, and when should I use an array?
Some differences:
Arrays are immutable in their size, you cannot easly remove and element and remove the hole whereas using an ArrayList is straightforward
Arrays are fast (handled directly by the JVM as special objects) than an ArrayList and requires less memory
Arrays have a nice syntax for accessing elements (e.g. a[i] vs a.get(i))
Arrays don't play well with generics (e.g. you cannot create a generic array)
Arrays cannot be easly wrapped as ArrayList (e.g. Collections utils like checkedList, synchronizedList and unmodifiableList)
declaring the ArrayList as List you can easly swap implementation with a LinkedList when you need; this imho is the best advantage over plain arrays
Array's toString, equals and hashCode are weird and error-prone, you must use Arrays class utilities
Another couple of points:
You may want to consider using an array to represent more than one dimension (e.g. matrix).
Arrays can be used to store primitives and hence offer a more compact representation of your data than using an ArrayList.
ArrayLists are useful when you don't know in advance the number of elements you will need. Simple Example: you are reading a text file and builing a list of all the words you find. You can just keep adding to your array list, it will grow.
Arrays you need to pre-declare their size.
It's not only about the fact that arrays need to grow, a collection is easier to deal with.
Sometimes arrays are fine, when you just need to iterate over elements, read-only. However, most of the time you want to use methods like contains, etc.
You can't create generic arrays so it 'might' or might not bother you.
When in doubt, use Collections, it will make people that use your API love you :-). If you only provide them with arrays, the first lines of code that they'll write is :
The List interface, of which ArrayList is an implementation in the Java Collections Framework is much richer then what a plain Java array has to offer. Due to the relatively widespread support of the collection framework throughout Java and 3rd party libraries, using an ArrayList instead of an array makes sense in general. I'd only use arrays if there is really need for them:
They are required by some other interface I'm calling
Profiling shows a bottleneck in a situation where array access can yield a significant speedup over list access
Situations where an array feels more natural such as buffers of raw data as in
byte[] buffer = new byte[0x400]; // allocate 1k byte buffer
You can always get an array representation of your ArrayList if you need one:
Foo[] bar = fooList.toArray(new Foo[fooList.size()])
It is a common failure pattern that methods return a reference to a private array member (field) of a class. This breaks the class' encapsulation as outsiders gain mutable access to the class' private state. Consequently you would need to always clone the array and return a reference to the cloned array. With an ArrayList you can use...
return Collections.unmodifiableList(privateListMember);
... in order to return a wrapper that protects the actual list object. Of course you need to make sure that the objects in the list are immutable too, but that also holds for a (cloned) array of mutable objects.
As per Nick Holt's comment, you shouldn't expose the fact that a List is an ArrayList anywhere:
private List<Foo> fooList = new ArrayList<Foo>();
public List<Foo> getFooList() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(fooList);
An array has to be declared with a fixed size therefore you need to know the number of elements in advance.
An ArrayList is preferable when you don't know how many elements you will need in advance as it can grow as desired.
An ArrayList may also be preferable if you need to perform operations that are available in its API that would required manual implementation for an array. (e.g. indexOf)
When you want to change its size by adding or removing elements.
When you want to pass it to something that wants a Collection or Iterable (although you can use Arrays.asList(a) to make an array, a, look like a List).
I would say the default presumption should be to use an ArrayList unless you have a specific need, simply because it keeps your code more flexible and less error prone. No need to expand the declaration size when you add an extra element 500 lines of code away, etc. And reference the List interface, so you can replace the Array list with a LinkedList or a CopyOnWriteArrayList or any other list implementation that may help a situation without having to change a lot of code.
That being said, arrays have some properties that you just won't get out of a list. One is a defined size with null elements. This can be useful if you don't want to keep things in a sequential order. For example a tic-tac-toe game.
Arrays can be multi-dimensional. ArrayLists cannot.
Arrays can deal with primitives, something an ArrayList cannot (although there are third party collection classes that wrap primitives, they aren't part of the standard collections API).
A couple of points that people seem to have missed so far.
an array can only contain one type of object whereas an ArrayList is a container that can contain a mixture of object types, it's heterogeneous,
an array must declare the type of its contents when the array itself is declared. An ArrayList doesn't have to declare the type of its contents when the ArrayList is declared,
you must insert an item into a specific location in an array. Adding to an ArrayList is done by means of the add() method on the container, and
objects are stored in an array and retain their type because of the way the array can only store objects of a particular type. Objects are stored in an ArrayList by means of the superclass type Object.
Edit: Ooop. Regarding the last point on the list, I forgot the special case where you have an array of Objects then these arrays can also contain any type of object. Thanks for the comment, Yishai! (-:
